Immortal Hearts 2

By Jack__Gilinsky

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"Some secrets can kill your closest friends/loved ones" More

Chapter 1: New Years and Christmas Rolled Into One
Chapter 2: Hickeys
Chapter 3: Sweet Kisses
Chapter 4: On the phone with a vampire
Chapter 5: Trip to the hairdresser
Chapter 6: Schedule Changes
Chapter 7: NightMares
Chapter 8: Unease
Chapter 9:A Promise in the Dark....Sealed with a Kiss
Chapter 10: Pretty close
Chapter 11: Blood
Chapter 12: Spending the night
Chapter 13: Best Day Ever
Chapter 14: Cupid's Chokehold
Chapter 15: Misery Loves Company
Chapter 16: Many Times You've Been Close To Breaking
Chapter 17: Catching Up
Chapter 19: Fighting Dirty
Chapter 20: Fighting it out
Chapter 21: Detention Buddies
Chapter 22: My girl
Chapter 23: Feeling
Chapter 24: Crushes?
Chapter 25: Clean Hands
Chapter 26: Fun in the Shower
Chapter 27: Ex-Girlfriend
Chapter 28: Torn
Chapter 30: Were You Weak, Was I Strong?
Chapter 31:Rumours and Therapy
Chapter 32: Happy Valentine's Day
Chapter 33: Love and Loss
Chapter 34; Final Chapter: Changes

Chapter 18: Spin the bottle

2.8K 73 13
By Jack__Gilinsky

-Carmen SIlvers POV-

"Who wants to play spin the bottle?!" Brett cried joyously.

It was Saturday, early afternoon and we were all sitting around in the living room. I'd already crossed off another day off my calendar; 27 days left until Valentine's Day.

"Ugh, do we have to?" Lance said, scrunching his face up.

Oh shit, I thought, panicked. As much fun as spin the bottle sounded, I had a boyfriend (again, still not too sure of this fact) and even if I didn't I couldn't kiss anyone unless I wanted to be in extreme pain.

"Yes, we have too!" Brett protested, hitting Lance over the head with a plastic Pepsi bottle.

"Fine," Lily sighed, rolling her eyes, "Everyone sit in a circle."

"Okay, rules are; if it's girl on girl or guy on guy, it's a kiss on the cheek, if its guy and a girl than it's on the lips." Brett explained quickly.

I raised my hand and he called on me, and I felt strangely like a student in class and also like a dork, but what ever, "Um...can it only be like...a quick peck for like a second?"

"Yeah, yeah, what ever," he shrugged, "As long as those lips touch someone else's."

I chewed my lip nervously while Aiden rolled his eyes at me.

"What's your problem? You've kissed guys before so what's the deal now?" he asked.

I've done way more than just kissing, I thought grimly, "Usually those guys I kissed were my boyfriends and not my friends."

"Well, I used to be your boyfriend so technically speaking you'd be fine kissing me?" he countered, throwing a pillow at me.

I caught it easily before I whipped it back, hitting him in the face, "Not at all. So don't be getting any ideas, Aiden. Keep those lips away from mine or I'll cut off what makes you a man."

He grumbled something under his breath while Brett set up the game. Obviously, he'd come prepared.

In this version of Spin the Bottle, when you spun the bottle you had to pick a card from the deck and do as it says to the person. Of course, that would be if you were kissing someone of the opposite sex. We were still keeping our girl-on-girl-or-guy-on-guy-kiss-cheek rule though.

We were about to start when the door bell rang. Thank God; saved by the bell...literally. I leapt to my feet and hurried to the door, whipping it open.

"Hello, Carmen," Alexsaid cheerily, shaking the hair out of his eyes, "I hope you don't mind but I...brought a friend."

I frowned, looking over his shoulder. I saw a car being parked in the driveway and just as I was about to ask who his 'friend was, I got my answer.

I froze in the doorway, my hand on the door handle tightened significantly as I watched the figure walk towards us, head bowed against the winter wind and snow.

"Um...hey guys," I said nervously, keeping my gaze away from Austin as I stepped aside, "Come in."

They both walked in without another word and I closed the door behind them, taking a deep breath to calm my nerves as they pulled off their coats and boots.

"Um...okay so, you're just in time for spin the bottle," I said, forcing a smile.

Surprise registered on Austin's face as he looked at me and I knew he was thinking about the soul mate thing where we couldn't kiss anyone. I winced and he shook his head as they followed me into the living room.

"Guys," I called to my friends, all sitting on the floor, "Um...this is Austin" I said awkwardly, seeing every single one of my pack mates heads whip up in shock. They all seem surprised but Matt seemed...angry.

Spin the bottle with a bunch of werewolves and vampires? Somehow, I didn't think this was going to turn out so well.

"Ah, so you're the infamous Austin," Catherine said, looking him up and down appreciatively with Keira.

I struggled to keep myself in check; having someone else checking out my soul mate was not something I enjoyed seeing.

Austin's eyebrows arched as he looked at me briefly, "They've talked about me?"

"In passing," I said breezily as I sat down on the floor again, Alex going to sit next to Catherine while Austin sat next to me. I crossed my legs Indian style while Austin folded one leg underneath him and bent his other leg, resting his weight on one hand behind him while he leaned his arm on his bent knee.

I made quick introductions before Brett interrupted.

"Can we play now?" he whined.

I rolled my eyes, "Yes, we can play now."

"Good, Carmen you're up first," he said, grinning broadly at me before he settled into his spot on the floor.

I inhaled sharply, "No, someone else could go first. Brett, why don't you go first? You're the one who wants to play so badly."

"Nuh-uh," he wagged his finger at me, "You're going first."

"Why?" I whined, trying to sound normal even though inside I was panicking.

"Because, you just are," Catherine said, rolling her eyes, "Now spin the damn bottle before I kiss you myself."

I growled before I leaned forward and spun the Pepsi bottle. My heart beat unsteadily in my chest with each second that passed until finally the bottle stopped spinning.

It pointed at me.

I stared at it for a long moment in silence before looking at Brett.

"Now what?" I asked, frowning.

He shrugged, "Make out with yourself or spin again."

"I pick the former, thank you very much," I said, turning around as I wrapped my arms around my waist and pretended to be making out with someone for a moment before I turned around again, "Happy?"

Aiden scowled at me, "No fair! Next time the bottle points at yourself you have to spin again or else it's no fun!"

I chuckled, slightly relieved, "Oh well. Next time then," I said, relaxing back into my Indian style sitting position.

"You're turn, Austin," Catherine said, looking excited. Obviously, she was hoping she'd be the one the bottle landed on. KNOW I WANT TO KILL HER

After hesitating for the briefest moment, Austin leaned forward and spun the bottle. Catherine and Keira watched it excitedly as it spun while I watched it with growing uneasy on each turn around until it finally stopped...and landed on Alex.

I burst out laughing while Catherine and Keira looked disappointed.

"You've got to be kidding me," Austin groaned, covering his face with his hands.

"Nope, now kiss him," Brett said, laughing.

Austin grunted, crawling across the floor before stopping in front of Alex

"Sorry, Alex," he said, giving Alex,the briefest kiss on the cheek he could manage before crawling back across the floor to sit by me.

Alex's jaw dropped, "Austin did you just kiss me?"

"Please, don't ever mention it," Austin groaned again.

Austin burst out laughing, "Trust me, that's not something I'll be broadcasting any time soon."

"Thank God," Austin sighed, making a face before Lance spun the bottle.

When it landed on me, my eyes flashed open in horror. I tried to hide it, but it took a moment. Lance swallowed hard as he reached forward to pluck a card off the deck and as soon as he read the card he exhaled in relief.

Beside me, Austin was completely tense and he watched me with his hard silver eyes.

Lance crawled around Austin and took my hand, chuckling as he kissed it and started to kiss all the way up and down my arm, reminding me almost of the Addam's family.

I burst out laughing while Austin relaxed slightly, but he still had a vaguely annoyed look on his face before Lance re-took his place again. Around we went, doing all sorts of stupid things to each other. Catherine had to give Lance a Spiderman kiss, meaning upside down, which was hysterical because she gave him a quick peck all the while they glared at each other. Matt had to give Austin an Eskimo kiss where they rub noses. Of course, when they did it they both burst out laughing and struggled to keep their composure for five minutes before they actually managed to do it.

Liam had to give Keira a kiss smack on the lips for thirty seconds, which after they were done, Keira looked like she was about to pass out.

Lily and Matt had to kiss on the lips as well, which made me grin broadly. They were so cute together and when they pulled away they were both blushing like crazy.

We went around a few times, all of us laughing and joking and doing the goofiest things. Some of the cards made us do silly things while others made us do very very dirty like things like hump the person or French kiss them or something. It was incredibly awkward sometimes.

Somehow, I managed to avoid any lip-on-lip contact though and only got the goofy ones like Lance kissing my arms and stuff like that.

Until I spun the bottle and it landed on Austin. This entire time that we had been playing, he had been joking around and relaxed just like he normally was but as soon as that bottle pointed at him, he stiffened, took a deep breath and pretended to act normal.

I swallowed hard and tried to keep my fingers from shaking as I reached forward and plucked a card from the deck.

I peeked at the card, "NO WAY!" I exclaimed, "I am so not doing that!"

"Doing what?" Liam asked, snatching the card from my hand while my cheeks burned like a fire.

He read the card and then burst out laughing, "Innocent Carmen is no more!" he laughed.

I hit him in the back of the head, snatching the card back.

"What do you have to do?" Austin asked, frowning.

"Lap dance," I muttered. Everyone heard me though.

"Oh my God, this is going to be awkward," Lena commented, shooting me a sympathetic look.

"Uh, no it's not." I protested.

"Why not?" Lucy asked curiously.

"Because I'm not doing it," I said firmly, folding my arms defiantly.

"You have too!" Brett whined.

I glared, "Even if I wanted to I've never given someone a lap dance before so I don't know how."

He glared back at me, "Fine, pick another one. But then you have to do that one even if it's worse than the lap dance."

"Thank God!" I breathed, putting the card back in the stack before I grabbed another one.

I instantly regretted my decision to pick a new card.

"What did you get?" Aiden asked excitedly.

I closed my eyes and held the card out, not believing for an instant that I'd actually have to do that in front of my pack and friends.

"Wow, you should have stuck with the lap dance," Keira commented.

"Why? What does she have to do to me?" Austin asked and I opened my eyes, swallowing hard.

"She has to straddle your waist and kiss you for a minute," Brett explained.

Shock, fear and something else that I couldn't place flashed across his face before he wiped it away.

"Do I have to?" I whined, trying to ignore the absolutely furious expression on Matt's face.

"Ouch," Austin said overdramatically, rubbing his chest where his heart beat, "Talk about a blow to my ego."

"You'll live," I retorted.

"Yes, you have to kiss him, you plucked the card now you do as it says," Brett said firmly.

I winced and hesitated for a moment before I scooted closer to Austin, "Sit properly," I instructed, chewing my lip nervously.

He shot me a pained look as he did what I said, stretching his long legs out in front of him.

I took a deep breath, squeezing my eyes shut before I tossed a leg over him so I was straddling his waist. As soon as I settled on top of him, my whole body reacted. Warmth seeped through my body and I relaxed immediately, my nerves quieting slightly as my heart skipped a beat. I put my hands on his chest, staring at my splayed fingers on his shirt before I slid my hands up to wrap around the back of his neck, my eyes lifting so they were locked on his gaze.

"As soon as I start, start counting Brett," I said quietly, not once looking away from Austin, "And if you miscount or make us kiss any longer than necessary I'm going to kill you."

"Alright, captain," he said sarcastically.

The room was tense and silent, but I ignored my audience and the tense atmosphere in favour of focusing on Austin instead. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes as I pressed my forehead against his.

"I'm sorry," I breathed, resting against him for a moment I pulled away slightly, leaning back forwards again. I hesitated a hair's breath away from his lips, and I felt his lips part and his cool breath across my own before I plucked up the courage and pressed my lips against his.

For the first few seconds, it was awkward. Neither of us really moved or did anything, probably because of the eleven pairs of eyes glued to us. But then I felt something; just the briefest spark of what we used to have. I moved my lips carefully against his; being wary in case Caleb came back.

At first, he was holding back, trying not to give in to me. But dammit, I missed him and if this was the only way I could kiss him, be with him, than I'd be damned if I wasn't going to take advantage of it.

So I bit his full lower lip, grinding my hips deeper against him as I tangled my fingers in his hair. As soon as I pressed against him, I felt it and he made a growling sound at the back of his throat, his lips suddenly moving roughly against mine.

I let go of his lip, only for him to take mine as he rested his hands on my hips. Every now and then I'd feel his hands start to move upwards, but then he'd retake my hips and hold them tightly in attempt to keep them there.

I could feel it all, the desperation, the hate, the fear, the anger, and the love and a whole bunch of things I couldn't name in his kiss as his whole body remained tense and trembled like an earthquake.

Something inside me felt like breaking, as if recognizing now that I could never ever have him completely, not even now. I started to pull away from him, thinking how stupid it was that I let myself get back into this, but one of his hands shot up and tangled in my hair, holding me against him.

A small whimper escaped me even though I tried my hardest not to show how badly this was affecting me. Almost immediately, he relaxed his grip and our kiss slowed down so it was sweet and loving and not so rough.

My heart felt like it was about to beat right out of my chest while my blood roared in my ears and tears pricked my eyes. He started rocking us back and forth carefully, obviously understanding that I wasn't at all okay, but kept his lips on mine.

I struggled to keep my tears at bay and make the best of what little time I had left with him now, clinging tightly to him as I pressed against him and he held me just as tightly so we were chest to chest, hips to hips, lip to lip and heart to heart, just like we always used to be.

"Done," Brett called.

For a moment, the word didn't register. All I could feel was Wyatt and he was the only thing on my mind at that moment. But then Brett's word pierced through the fogginess of my brain and I pulled so quickly away from Austin that I nearly fell over. But since he still had a hand tangled in my hair and resting tightly on my hip so he steadied me before he released me completely.

I scrambled backwards, both of us panting hard. I closed my eyes, trying to will the tears out of my eyes before I opened them again. The look on Austin's face made me want to cry and curl up in his arms again. The love and warmth on his face made butterflies erupt in my stomach.

There was no fear, or hate, or anger, or anything on his face now. He looked like himself again, healthy and happy just like I'd always known him to be.

I longed to go back to him, to push him down to the floor and kiss him harder than ever and spend the night with him like I used to, but I couldn't do that anymore. Especially not now with everyone watching.

So I settled for flushing a bright red and looking away, biting my swollen lip to keep from grinning at the sudden adrenaline pumping through my veins.

Who knew kissing your vampire boyfriend in front of your werewolf pack who hates him, and be completely justified in kissing him, would give a girl such a rush?

All was silent in the living room before Brett let out a low whistle, "Well, that was certainly interesting," he commented.

I snorted with laughter, the giddiness getting to my head as I clapped a hand over my mouth, trying to calm myself down.

"Austin, you're turn," Aiden said, teasing, "That is, if you're still feeling up to it after that kiss."

I flushed even deeper and looked up at Austin. He had a wide grin on his face while he spun the bottle, "Trust me, Aiden. I've got plenty of energy now," he chuckled, adjusting his position so he could hide his 'little friend' who had decided to pay him a visit while we kissed.

Okay, that was my fault considering I was grinding on him but I certainly didn't regret it.

I struggled to keep my laughter in as I looked up to see the reactions of my pack mates. They all just gaped at me, their mouths hanging open in pure shock and slight disgust.

Matt, on the other hand, looked like he wanted to lunge across the circle and rip Austin's throat out.

I let out a low growl, one that only werewolves and vampires would be able to hear, and Matt's gaze snapped to me.

I glowered at him, telling him with my eyes to cut it out and calm down. He glowered back at me, his upper lip curling back.

I leaned forward, growling slightly louder, only loud enough that Lucy on my right heard me.

Knock if off, I told him with my eyes, my upper lip curling back only slightly.

He glared at me for another short moment before his head bowed in submission. I could tell he was still angry but not as angry as before.

I leaned back again, watching Matt through narrowed eyes while out of my peripheral I saw Austin give me a weird look.

We continued playing and bantering, and to tell you the honest truth I was enjoying myself greatly. It's been over two weeks now that I haven't kissed, touched or done anything with Austin and I suppose that was another reason for my crabby mood but being with him again today made me feel better.

When it got to Alex's turn and the bottle spun, it landed on me. I didn't mind, I would probably get something goofy anyways like usual. But then he plucked a card from the deck and Brett read it out loud.

Alex had to kiss me for thirty seconds on the lips.

Panic welled up inside of me; just the thought of me kissing anyone else on the lips for that long of time made a quiet pain sensation start to throb beneath the surface.

I could see I wasn't the only one happy with this arrangement; Alex was tense, Austin looked panicked and angry, and I knew it was going to take everything in him to keep him from lunging at Alex while he kissed me, and Matt was starting to get ticked off again.

Alex hesitated a moment while everyone encouraged him to kiss me. He finally got up and made his way slowly across the circle before sitting down in front of me.

I was sitting so close to Austin that I could feel him trembling with anger and as much as I longed to calm him down before anything bad happened, I couldn't. I was trapped; forced to kiss Alex in front of my soul mate even though I am completely incapable of kissing anyone else besides Austin.

I am totally, royally screwed.

"I am so sorry," Alex said, sounding totally horrible as his hands came up and cradled my face.

"It's okay," I said quietly, shrinking back slightly away from him.

He faltered for a moment and I started to shake out of pure fear. What would happen when he kissed me? Would I scream? Would the pain be even worse than when Caleb kissed me? Austin and I have gotten much closer since then after all...



QUESTION. " What do you think Austin will end up doing ;)"




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