Torn Apart - (Book 3) COMPLET...


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Jai and Ariana are not on good terms. And with Noah's condition it's not getting any better. Jai isn't sure i... Еще

(BOOK 3)
Chapter 2 - You were a mistake
Chapter 3 - Girls Day
Chapter 4 - The Truth
Chapter 5 - Breaking Down
Chapter 6 - Saying Goodbye
Chapter 7 - Where's Jai
Chapter 8 - Slowly Falling Into Place
Chapter 9 - 'How could you'
Chapter 10 - Partners
Chapter 11 - Practice
Chapter 12 - RDMAS
Chapter 13 - Temper
Chapter 14 - Appologies
Chapter 15. You did this
Chapter 16. Final Chapter
New story

Chapter 1 - Please Come Home

51 3 0


So yesterday when the boys went hunting for Jai, they said they found a scrunched up note on the ground, along with Jai's wallet. They showed it to me and I've been crying ever since. The note said:

Dear Ariana,

I'm sorry I called you a slut, I didn't mean it at all. I should have listened to you and let you explain everything to me. But I pushed you away and I'm so so so sorry. I still love you but I think we just need to be separated for a while. One of us always screws up and it's a shit marriage we have. So this is me saying goodbye... At least for now. I will be back one day but unt

And that's how it ended. I really wish he finished it. But why was his wallet on the ground. Maybe some thing happened to him. I hope he's okay I will never forgive myself if anything were to happen to him.


I had a pretty good sleep. I never even asked her what her name was. "Good morning" she said as I walked into the kitchen. "Good morning" I yawned. "Did you have a good sleep" she asked. "Yeah your beds are so comfortable" I replied. But nothing could ever compare to the comfort of Ariana wrapped in my arms. "I never actually caught your name last night" I said. "Oh sorry, it's Tiffany" she smiled and held her hand out for me to shake. "I'm Jai" I replied as I took her hand in mine. They were warm and soft just like Ariana's. "Nice to meet you" she said. "You too" I sat at one of the stools in front of the island bench. "Breakfast?" She asked. "Yes please" I replied and she stuck some toast in the toaster for me.

"So when were you thinking of going back to your wife" Tiffany asked. "I don't know, I might not even go back" I said softly. "But why" she questioned. "I thought you loved her" she said. "I do love her, more than anything in the world. But I can't go back to her knowing she has a child with someone that's not me" I spoke. "I'm really sorry about that Jai, but I'm sure she misses you like crazy" she replied. Maybe she was right, what if Ariana did miss me.


"No luck" I asked as the boys sat on the couch next to me. They went out looking for Jai again but there's still no sign of him. I can't believe he just left, I didn't get to tell him what happened. "Nope, but we will keep trying" Beau replied. "Mummy, where did Daddy go" Noah asked as he went to sit on Luke's lap. "Umm, he just had to go away for a while, he'll be back soon" I said. He looked upset and I felt bad about lying to him but I knew the truth would hurt him so much more.

A few hours later I received a message from Justin.

Please call me when you get the chance

I decided to call him and see what he wants. He probably wants to see Kai but I'm not sure that's a good idea just yet.

Justin - hey I'm surprised you called me

Me - yeah we'll I thought hard about it

Justin - so I know this might not be a good time, but I wanted to take Kai out somewhere tomorrow

Me - Justin I don't know if that's a good idea

Justin - please

Me - okay fine but I'm coming

Justin - okay yay

Me - but don't get any ideas okay

Justin - don't worry everything will be fine

Me - yeah it better be

Justin - it will. I'll see you in the morning

Me - wait what time

Justin - around 10:30. If that's okay with you

Me - yeah that's fine

Justin - alright cool. Bye

Me - bye

I hung up the phone quickly, then realised what I had just done. I don't want him seeing Kai. I hate his guts yet I'm willing to let him see my son. I guess it can't be that bad. "Can it" I whispered to myself.

I'm sorry this chapters a little short but they rarely will be. Updates might be a little slow guys, I haven't written much but I'm trying my hardest. Love you guys thanks for reading 💜💜💜

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