Why Me?

By Ultraanimefan105

253 0 0

I never wanted any of it! any of it! You know what I never wanted any of? It! After being thrown into a new w... More

Can I Go Home?
The Mighty Chicken Slayer
I'm Not a Witch!!!
But Why?
How Much?!?!?!
Ragor, City of Trouble!
The Mafia, Bagnanti Sangue

Welcome to Gap Valley Bar

36 0 0
By Ultraanimefan105

After my little pep talk with myself I was as pumped as ever but instead of finding myself fighting a dragon or a great lord I was somewhere completely different....

"Hey clean that table over them! And get those people seated now!" I voice yelled at me as I found myself in an apron and gloves.

"What....am I doing?"

I was quickly pushed to a table where I began cleaning and thinking about what was going on. My basic white shirt and grey sweats were now transformed into brown jean like pants and a heavy, itchy, blue wool top.

I tried to explain to the man bossing me around but he just wouldn't listen.

As time passed people seemed to be rushing in faster than people were rushing out. Not a single table was empty unless I was cleaning it.

The day went by slower and slower and by the end I felt like I ran a marathon full speed while having a boxing match in ten times earth gravity.

I fell down and felt like a great weight was lifted off my shoulders when the man announced, "Sorry we're closed."

"S-sir...please tell me what's happening...." I gasped for breath.

"What do you mean? You're the new bus boy of the Gap Valley Bar" A man in strange barbaric clothes minus the hat and weapon roared to me.


"The best bar in the world, people come from all around to eat our food and drink our beer, when "the man" told me about you I wasn't sure but after todays work I knew I made the right decision" he said laughing as the bar shook.

His laugh rattled me as I got up slowly, "So can I go now?"

He slapped my back and laughed, "Yeah, great work rookie your huts in the back, go take a shower before dinner is ready."

I practically dragged myself through the door to a small hut big enough to hold a bed and a place for my clothes. The hut was made of some old wood and twigs, it seemed a fly could land on it and it would collapse. It reeked of beer and sweat. 

"It's more like home then I thought" I joked, collapsing on hay bale known as my bed.  It was hard but I rose from my quick rest and rolled out of my hut to a small area where I took a rejuvenating bath before being called for dinner. 

"Great work everyone! Another successful day and now that we have our new rookie we'll get even more work done!!!" The man roared to me and a bunch of others who sat at a huge table with plates in front of us with lids. 

They all gave me a pat on the back that slammed me down on the table each time until I was bleeding from my forehead and nose. I had no energy left, the only thing keeping me going was the intense hunger I had in my stomach. 

"Now my brothers.....LET'S FEAST!!!!" He thundered as everyone opened their lids and cheered, making my ears pop. 

At that moment an aroma so strong, so powerful hit my noise and filled me with so much power I felt like a brand new person. I looked at the dish and my mouth began to water at the site of a giant steak with sauce and a side of potatoes and bread. 

I grabbed my fork and cut through the steak, nearly cutting myself because of how tender the meat was.

Everyone was already finishing as I saw my arm trembling as I took my first bite. Just like that I was now trapped in a prison of flavor that gripped me like nothing ever before. Its taste taking over my whole body as I threw away my fork and began tearing into it with growing pleasure. 

It was like I was being held up in a castle, a part of the butlers who is worked to the bone to only be thrown into a prison cell. Wait? Isn't that a slave? Regardless that's how I feel, trapped, stuck being worked to death each and everyday. Until! I hear someone call my name from the window of my prison.

"Kaldos...I have arrived."

Peering at that window, the one that keeps me going, that reminded me everything will be okay. It's him. Him and all his delectable smells.

"Come to me...my protein passion."

And just like that, I'm free from my shackles by his meaty goodness and restored to my true self, one bite at a time.

"Thank you...My carbed crusader."


"Up up up up upppppppp!" A voice screamed in my ear.

"The sun will be up in a few hours! We must get ready for the breakfast rush!" He yelled once more.

"Who the hell comes to a bar for breakfast?!?!"

Just like that, before I even had a chance to blink I was in my uniform, cleaning tables.

"Who even drinks this early?" I mumbled to myself, trying to get this "Mystery stain" off.

"Good job Kaldos! It looks spotless, here's some water" one of the men offered me.

"Keep up the good work!" He laughed as he patted me on the back.

I was slammed through the table along with my water, watching as the single drop touched my lips.

I laid on the ground for a second, looking to the water on the floor.

I must have hit my head, the water was vibrating.

Then it got harder and harder and harder until it was splashing all over my face.

Before I had a chance to think about what was happening our boss charged in, "THEY'RE COMING!!! TO YOUR BATTLE STATIONS!!!!"

Everyone frantically rushed around the bar as I panicked to know what was going on.

In a matter of seconds the bar was being attacked by a gigantic horde of people.

The atmosphere went from tranquil to obnoxious.

"Rookie hold them off, we haven't finished preparing the food!" One of the men ordered

"EHHHH?!?!?!" I gasped.

"Just five minutes! I believe in you!!!"

I heard the door cracking and ready to burst open. I looked to the man again and then the door.

"It's only been a day but I feel like this is my family.......and I'll be dammed if I let them down!!!!!" I yelled out loud as I closed the door shut and tried to hold the people off.

I gave the man a thumbs up as he continued prepping.

After one minute the people grew frantic and began attacking the door like a hoard of zombies.

"Please my fellow folks, how about an appetizer?" I offered as a sword stabbed through the door and the bread I was holding.

"I'm adopted anyway, I don't NEED to help right?"

Just like that the door rocked left and right and up and down.

"I CAN'T HOLD THEM MUCH LONGER!!!" I yelled, feeling my muscles about to tear.

"Just a little longer!!!"

As I felt there power increasing and the door opening I let out a scream of power and slammed it closed once again.

"We're not open yet!!!!" I yelled but it only seemed to anger them more.

Four minutes passed and I was at my limit, sweat covered my clothes as my body screamed for relief.

"This is it.......I'm out of power.......I can't handle it anymore" I wheezed to myself as I began to lose strength and the door began opening.

"I'm sorry....."

With a huge burst the door swung open and I began drowning in the sea of people.

All I could see was feet as I began to lose consciousness. As my eyes began to close I saw an angel offering her hand to me. I accepted, awaiting the warm embrace of the afterlife. Her pure white skin and dress cleansed me of all filth. Her golden eyes matched her flowing hair as our lips got closer and closer until they touched. 

It felt amazing for a moment.....Before I realized what was really going on. "Don't you die on us yet! You're too young!!!!!" The boss wept, giving my mouth to mouth. 

"No! Wait! I'm! Alive!"

He never gave me a chance to tap out, his chapped kissers just kept filling my lungs with air. Like some glorified balloon animal. 

"I said I'm fine!!!" I gasped, shoving the man off me. 

"You drink so much beer that if you continued your lips alone were going to give me alcohol poisoning!"

The bar was silent, aside from me still trying to catch my breath.

"HE'S ALIVE!!!!!" The boss bellowed as everyone yelled with a cheer and bear hugged me, crushing all my bones. 

"Alright boys these people aren't going to wait anymore let's give them what they want!!!!" The boss ordered with a mighty roar as everyone answered back. 

I laid in pain and confusion before the boss lifted me up and gave me one more hug, popping everything back in place, "go get em!"

I started by rushing back and forth between tables and counters, taking as many orders as possible and about ten minutes in I looked up at the clock and saw it was only 5:00 AM. 

"Who.......even drinks this early?" I teared up as I made my rounds. 

With another day out of the way, I felt closer to the men and slowly became adjusted to my life here at the Gap Valley Bar. 

Three weeks past in the blink of an eye and I was happy to work all day and eat the delicious food boss made. It was a peaceful life with my brothers, I had found my calling.... I had such a wonderful life here, no problems, no stress, just a wonderful time. 

That was until I remembered why I came here. 

"WHAT AM I DOING!!!!!!!!" I yelled in the middle of the night. 

"I'm supposed to be fighting demons and dragons! Not serving beer at a bar!!!!"

"But what about boss and the others..."

I tightened my fist, "No! This is for them! For everyone! I must go and save them from the evils of this world!!!!"

As I packed my things and headed out I was stopped by my all my brothers and boss.

"Look I don't want to leave but if I don't.....if I don't..."

The boss raised his hand and patted me on the head, "We understand, now go and live your dream....for us."

With that, I took my leave with plenty of food and money provided by the bar.

"I won't let them down...No matter what!"

 As I made my way up from the valley I could hear them all crying as they saw me off. Finally reaching the top of the valley I saw the sun rising and all the adventures in front of me. 


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