The Man behind the Mask (The...

By TembiJonat

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After the opera house burned down everybody thought that was the last of opera and the phantom who lived ther... More

Chapter 1
Chapter two
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter Six
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter 16
Chapter seventeen
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter twenty
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter five

477 13 8
By TembiJonat

"Whoa, it's huge." I said in an awed voice while gazing up to the opera house. We were having our interviews today and we just arrived at the opera house. Before we could go in we were gawking at the theatre and the marble steps that led up to it.

"That's what she said." Karissa said.

"Nice one." Rachelle said laughing at her joke.

"But in all seriousness we should go inside, we don't want to be late." Karissa said coming back to reality.

"Let's go in, so Rachelle will you take us to our interviews?" I asked

"No unfortunately I have to go to work but one of my colleagues will take you were you need to go." Rachelle said as we headed inside the building.

When we stepped inside we all gasped at the beauty of it. There was a marble staircase that was in the centre of the grand foyer that lead to the theatre. Then there was a bunch of hallways with paintings all over the roof and the walls. Then down the hallway we saw a girl probably in her mid twenties with long straight blond hair and a dancer's costume on.

"Hi I'm Meg I'm going to show you where your interviews are. " She said with a friendly smile.

"Oh so you must be who Rachelle was talking about, I'm Tamara and this is Jen, Georgie, and my sister Karissa. " I said introducing us all.

"Very nice to meet you all and I'm sure you will love the opera house." Meg said.

"It's nice to meet you as well." I said.

"Down these hallways is where your interviews will be. If you follow me I will show you where to go, then afterwards I will personally give you a tour of the opera house. This way." She said as we all followed Meg down the hallway.

After a while we finally reached the offices were we were going to have our interviews.

"Over here in this office is the person who is in charge of the singers. To the left here is my mother who is in charge of the dancers. Right next to that office is our music director and down the hallway that's were you would need to go if you are wanting to be in charge of props. Between girl to girl I envy the one of you who works with props. We just got a new builder and he is really attractive. " Meg said with a slight blush on her face.

"Lucky me then! Good luck with your interviews, I'm going to go flirt with a hot guy!" Georgie said practically skipping down the halls.

"Well this is it, I guess we should go to our interviews. " I said and we all headed off in different directions.

I stepped into the room and I saw this confident woman standing behind a desk.

"Hi, I'm here for a job of a singer. " I said meekly, sheepishly walking into the room.

"Ah yes you must be Temma, you can sit down. " She said in a thick Russian accent.

"So you are looking for a job yes? I am Helga, now tell me why should I hire you? I get a ton of girls and guys looking for a job, so why should it be you? She asked.

For a moment I just sat dumbstruck in my chair. I started to get nervous and think why should she hire me? Who am I? What do I have that I can offer the opera house?

"Tamara did you understand the question?" She asked in a voice that made me feel like I was stupid.

"No I understand, I just can't think of anything right now. " I said and I knew I shouldn't have said that. Now she probably thinks I don't want the job.

Great going Tamara you have just shot yourself in the foot! I'm so mad right now. Ok calm down Tamara, you can do this, this is just another interview.

"If you are not serious about this job I can hire anyone else who actually gives a darn. That's all. " She said as she dismissed me away.

"Ok I'll go now" I said trying to not cry. I have been asked this question before and I always lose the job because if it. I am not losing this job just because I didn't answer a question.

"I know I came in here not answering your question right away. Just because I didn't answer your question doesn't mean I'm not qualified for the job. I just graduated out of college and I have passed all my courses with flying colours. I'm a talented singer and if you don't hire me you will be sorry that you missed the chance to." I said with a confident look in my face.

"Well well well, it looks like you might have what it takes for this job after all. I admire your confidence and I like my singers to have a little backbone. Now all I have to do is hear you sing. " Helga said as she pointed towards the piano.

"No problem." I said walking towards her.


When the interview was finally finished I went outside the office to wait for my friends. When I was outside the office I just leaned back against the door and sighed in relief. I couldn't believe I got the job. After two minutes of just recollecting my thoughts, my friends all started to come back from their interviews.

"Guess what? I got the job!" Jen said while jumping down the halls.

"That's great!!! What about you Karissa?"I asked.

"Lets just say you are now looking at the opera house's newest violin player." Karissa said with a triumphant grin on her face.

"Where is Georgie? Has she come back from her interview yet?" I asked.

"No she's still down there, but what about you Temma? Did you get the job?" Jen asked me with concern in her voice.

"Yes I got the job!!! Although my interview was shaky at first I won Helga over with my great confidence skills. " I said smiling.

"Helga, what kind of a hideous name is that?" Jen asked with a disgusted look on her face.

"Haha yes it is quite an unfortunate name, but she gave me a job and that's all that matters."I answered.

"Look here comes Georgie!" Karissa said.

"Hey how did it go?" I asked.

"And more importantly, did you get a good look at the hot guy?" Jen asked.

"The interview was fine and I got the job! The hot guy is named Andrew and he's hot but I don't think he's my type." Georgie said with a hint of disappointment in her voice. "But he's really nice and he said he will take us where we need to go tomorrow."

"When will we get a tour of the opera house?" I asked.

"I thought Meg was going to show us around." Karissa said.

"What do you guys think of Meg? Do you think she's someone that could possibly be in our friend group?" Karissa asked.

"She's very nice and I think we could all be good friends but it will always be the famous five. " I said.

"True true." Karissa said nodding her head in agreement.

"Back to the topic of the tour of the opera house, Andrew said he would show us around tomorrow if we wanted him to." Georgie said.

"That's good, now the only thing we have to do is pack up our stuff and move here. " I said and we left the opera house. Little did we know that the opera house would hold some of our greatest adventures.

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