Loki's Daughter

Par UnderworldsGoddess

3.5M 123K 75.1K

"Her name is Hela," he replied, watching the infant lose interest in the shield and move onto something else... Plus

Loki's Daughter
Having Fun Shooting Guns.
Everything Looks Better In Green
You Can't Lock Someone Up When They Have Magic
The Encounter
Already Gone, Yet Still Here
Public School?
To Asgard!
Meeting the Family
We Meet Again
Learning The Truth
Was I Hit By A Truck?
Being Difficult
A Little Fun
Ehehe, whoops?
Gone Too Far
Understanding And Breakfast
A Little Hint
Am I Evil?
Don't Let Them Take Me...
Back at S.H.I.E.L.D.
Asgard Again
The Mischief Maker's Mind
The Dagger
Thor's Key
Frigga's Key
Odin's Key
Break Out
The Stone
The Cold Blade
The Death of A Guardian
The Trial

A Deadly New Power

120K 4.2K 3.4K
Par UnderworldsGoddess

"You're going to be late," Steve called as Hela ran down the hall. She rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath about how she wouldn't be late if her alarm clock would function correctly. Besides, she had plenty of time.

Hela ran into the jet, bag slung over her shoulder, and sat down with a huff. It was Friday, and after today she'd be free of school for the weekend.

The week had been interesting for her. She had become good friends with William, and the two tended to keep their distance from other students. Both of them seemed to rather be off to themselves, which was why they got along so well. Hela noticed just how energetic Will was very quickly. His dark brown eyes were always full of life and ready to do anything.

 Hela felt different today. She didn't know why, but she felt as though something bad was going to happen today. Maybe it was because of all the recent nightmares. She wasn't sure. She just knew that something very bad was going to happen.

The sky looked bleary today. There were clouds hiding the sun, and it looked like it may rain. Even the air felt cool and moist, signaling that autumn was on its way.

The jet landed in front of the school. It was a wonder that no one ever noticed the jet, but Hela didn't dwell on it for long. She climbed out and quickly noticed Will's red hair.

He was wearing a pair of neon green pants and a bright pink shirt. His shoes seemed to be every color of the rainbow. He wasn't wearing his fake glasses today, but he had a strange hat on that looked like a fedora.

"Interesting," Hela commented, laughing quietly. Will looked up from the comic book he was reading and grinned, braces gleaming. Hela glanced at the comic book and had to laugh a little. It had a picture of the Hulk on the front.

"Thanks," he replied, closing the comic and stuffing it in his bag. He stood and took his hat off, a slight smirk on his face as he put it on Hela's head. "There. Now you can look at least a little different." Hela laughed and pushed the fedora over her face.

"Yeah, yeah," she muttered, "Come on, let's just get inside. It's raining." The two looked up as the first few rain drops hit their faces. Will laughed and held his hands out.

"Aw, come on, Hel!" He spun around and then grabbed her hand, dragging her over to a puddle of mud. Hela smiled. Maybe her earlier doubts had been wrong, and today would be a normal Friday,

Hela couldn't concentrate on her drawing. The class was being given the opportunity to have free time, but she still couldn't concentrate. It was because of the boy just down the row from her. Daniel was his name. He was a quiet boy with light brown hair and a small frown on his face as he concentrated hard on the dog he was coloring. Hela had a bad feeling.

Every time she looked up, she'd find herself staring at him. She felt the need to go to him, quickly. Hela felt as though she needed to get over there.

"Hel?" Will asked, poking her arm. She blinked and looked over at him. "You okay?" he asked. She nodded silently.

"Yes, I'm fine," she murmured. In truth, she felt sick at her stomach. Something was wrong, something bad was going to happen. She needed to go to Daniel, now. It was overwhelming.

"Really, because you don't look fine." She looked at William. He looked concerned and had put down the purple crayon he'd been using. He was coloring the sun purple. When she asked why, he'd said, "Because, wouldn't the sun look much nicer if it were purple. In my world, the sun would be purple."

"I'm fine, William," she said, sighing. She definitely was not fine,but she wouldn't tell Will that. He got worried too easily anyway. Worried for his friends, that is.

Hela looked up and once again she found herself staring at David. He was standing up. A sudden panic washed over Hela and she stood too, following him as he walked over to the shelves.

"Hand me that box?" she asked, holding her hand out. He turned to her and nodded, silently taking the box and handing it to Hela. As she took it, she brushed her fingers against his. In that moment, Hela felt a shock wave. For a split second, the girl's eyes seemed to glow green, and Daniel's glowed as well before they became very dim.

Hela nodded and turned back, carrying the box of crayons back over to her table with Will. As she sat down, she turned once more to Daniel. He was standing on his toes, trying to almost climb up to shelf to reach a glue stick that was on the top shelf. She turned around again, staring at her picture blankly. A moment later, there was a loud crash and a scream.

Will had turned around and went pale at the sight, but Hela didn't turn. A few kids screamed and a few others began to cry. The teacher started screaming for help to other teachers. Hela slowly turned and felt sick at what she saw.

The shelf had tumbled over, and underneath was Daniel, in a puddle of blood. He was dead.

Hela looked up and saw something standing beside her. He looked transparent, but she knew who it was. Daniel. He looked down at her, a shocked look on his face, before he disappeared all together.

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