Levi x Reader One-Shots

By mysweetgirl32

301K 4.7K 7K

OK, so I am writing SO MANY STORIES D: It is becoming really hard to keep up with and to top it all off, I ha... More

Welcome to the One-Shots
Baby, it's Cold Outside.. (Levi x Cold!Reader)
(being rewritten)Calm Down (Insane!Levi x Reader)
(being rewritten)Some Thing's are Miracle's (Neko!Levi x Reader)
(being rewritten)Remember Me... (Brainwashed!Levi x Reader)
(rewritting!)Pay Attention (Teacher!Levi x Student!Reader ((Little Fluff!))
(rewritting)Just One Bite? (Vampire!Levi x Reader)
Just Place the Damn Portal! (Gamer!Levi x Gamer!Reader)
Don't Hurt Yourself (Levi x Depressed!Reader(Modern))
Run. (Jurassic World: Park Ranger!Levi x Guest!Reader)
I Think Of You... (Popular!Levi x Nerd!Reader (Modern))
I Would Talk... But I Can't (Human!Reader x Zombie!Levi)
I'm Going To Do Something Stupid (Drunk!Levi x Reader) ((FLUFF))
I Dare You To Love Me... (Levi x Reader) ((Truth or Dare))
Stop Hissing, It's Annoying... (Puppy!Levi x Neko!Reader)
The Sniffles Get to Anyone (Sick!Levi x Reader)
(being COMPLETELY rewritten)If They Really Knew (Depressed!Levi x Reader(Modern)
Who Am I Meeting With? (Levi x Reader (Blind Date))
Everything is Fun Until Choclate Gets Involved (Levi x Reader(Pocky Game))
I'm Sorry
Cramped At All? (Levi x Reader -7 Minutes in Heaven-)
Trust Issues (Levi x Neko!Reader)
Fangirls...? (Youtuber!Levi x Reader)
(BEING REWRITTEN ENTIRELY) I Despise You (Cheater!Levi x Reader)
Merry Birthday? (Levi x Reader)
Rivalry? (Ghoul!Levi x Ghoul!Reader)
Give Her Back (Ghoul!Levi x Ghoul!Reader Pt.2)... ya thought
Guess Who's Not Dead..!

(god plz REWRITTING) Get Back Here, Brat! (Levi x Reader (Stealing His Cravat))

11.5K 254 538
By mysweetgirl32

(Y/n) POV
I sighed a long and deep sigh, Jean was pulling me along to come play Truth or Dare and I knew that this would not be good. Every time Jean drags me along to do something, since we have been playing pranks since we joined the Survey Corps, it never ends well, and boy was the corporal not happy when I told horse face to walk around the mess hall in only his underwear. Of course, most of the girls hid their eyes from the sight while I laughed my ass off.

The corporal knew it was me because of how hard I laughed. Yep, cleaning duty for a month and of course, Jean just laughed at me. I whopped his ass later. The thing is though, he teases me almost to much because of the biggest crush on one of the higher ups. And who does it have to be but the man who always gives the punishment, Captain Levi. But I mean, who couldn't like the guy besides the cold attitude towards everyone and his hard steel eyes that could bore into the back of anyone's head and probably leave a pretty deep hole.

My glare was effective but not as effective as his. And right now, I was glaring at anyone who stared at me being dragged along by Jean. I groaned. It was weird how many people were out in the halls since it was pretty late at night. There weren't as many as in the daylight but enough to be surprising.

I kept glaring and grumbled to Jean,

"Why the hell do I have to participate in your dumbass game?"

"Come on, (Y/n)! You know it'll be fun."

I 'tch' ed, as learned from my captain, as he smirked while still dragging me to the end of the hallway.

He finally stopped in front of a door.

"Great, whose room is it in this time?"

"Ymir's, now come on!"

I grumbled as he pushed me through the doorway. I was met with a smiling Eren.

"Hey, (Y/n)!"

I gave a small smile, "Hi, Eren!"

"I didn't know you would want to participate in this. I thought you didn't like these kind of games?"

I rolled my eyes, "I don't, Jean dragged me into it."

Eren made an 'o' with his mouth before smirking, "What's he gonna do to you this time?"

I shrugged, "Who knows..."

Eren nodded, "Ok then. Lets go sit."

I smiled and nodded as well, this is actually kind of exciting. Yeah, I'm not into this kind of stuff but it is really fun to mess with the other players. And oh my god is it fun to embarrass the guys! I sit down next to Eren and Armin, he smiled and waved to me and I said a quite 'hi'.

Jean sat next to Reiner and Connie and he was staring me with a stupid smirk on his face, if only I could punch him in the face then my dreams would come true, he also deserves it and I know that I'm not the only one who wants to give it to Jean as well.

I rolled my eyes and looked away, he is so god damn annoying!! I feel like pouting but no way was I gonna do that. I'd seem like a child and that was another thing that Jean could tease me about for the rest of my days in the Survey Corps. Great...

"Ok everyone!" Eren yelled.

Sasha, or potato girl, grinned "Let the games begin!!"

I laughed before speaking up, "Ok Effie, don't get ahead of yourself."

The room burst into laughter as I grinned at the laughing people, I started to giggle a little too. Everything went quiet and Sasha smirked, "Ok! Who wants to go first?"

"Me." Eren said before turning to Reiner.

"Ok Reiner, truth or dare?"

"Dare." he smirked after crossing his arms.

I saw a glint of evil in Eren's eyes,
'Oh no, this will not end well...' I thought in amusement.

"Reiner, I dare you to make a scene in the mess hall tomorrow! And I mean a BIG scene!!"

I laughed with a few others as Reiner had a thinking look on his face.

"Ok, I got this." He laughed with us.

Finally, everyone died down their laughter, now it was Reiner's turn to smirk and he was looking at Jean.

"Hey Jean! Truth or dare?"

Jean looked terrified while I quietly snickered at his fearful look.

"Um.... Truth?"

"Great.." Reiner's smirk grew bigger and I think everyone knew what he was gonna ask because we all sweat-dropped.

"Jean, would you... have sex with Mikasa?!"

The room became silent as Reiner anticipated the answer, Jean was red with anger/embarrassment.


"You have to answer honestly, it's the rules."

Jean sighed, "Yep."

Laughter. Everything was laughter. Mikasa just looked stunned because she knew Jean had a crush on her but not that big of a crush. Jean just looked super piss-... a shit nevermind.

Instead of looking super pissed, like I hoped for, he looked evilly happy... staring at me! Oh god this is bad news for everyone.

"Ey (Y/n)! Truth or dare?"

Would I regret this? Probably.


Eren gave me worried eyes and everyone else gave me a 'You're screwed!' look. This cannot be good at all.

"(Y/n), I dare you to steal the captain's cravat."

My eyes widen in shock and my mouth shattered on the floor.

"You want me to what?!"

"Jean!" Eren spoke up this time, "That's like a death wish! You are literally asking (Y/n) to go and kill herself!!"

"It's a dare." Jean smirked "She has to do it."

I shot him a glare, "Oh, and that reminds me. When you achieve the cravat, you have to come and show it to me."

Instead of complaining even more, I stood up and started walking back towards the door.

"In the name of the father, son, and holy walls, wish me luck guys. Oh, and if I don't come back, I give Mikasa permission to beat his ass into the ground."

Mikasa cracked her knuckles, "With pleasure." she was dead serious making me smirk as Jean became absolutely terrified.

I turned the knob and walked out the door, god am I dead. I walked silently down the, thank the walls, empty hallway heading straight towards the corporals office. I sighed deeply as the door came into view and my stomach dropped a little in fear, who knows what will happen if he is in there..

I walk up to the door, wait! it still could be lo- oh nevermind it's open. Wait didn't Jean go in here to?- oh my god, he was planning this the whole time?! what!! he is way to stupid to ever think of that!! Whatever, no turning back now...

I walk in. Shower. The shower is running and my eyes widen, thats awkward... I walk into Levi's room and find his clothes laid out on his bed, I locate the cravat and grab it.

I hear the water turn off and gasp, I quickly run out of the room just as the bathroom door opens. I'm halfway down the hallway when...


Shit. I run, I run and run and run until I see the door where the rest of the group is probably waiting for me. I run in and slam the door behind me to face the rest of the group with terrified faces and Jean in the middle of them, smirking his ass off. I growl and hold up the piece of cloth.

Jean smirk grew wider, "Nice job, (Y/n). You did it." I nodded and sat back down, "Now anyways I-". The door slammed against the wall, I didn't even need to turn around.

"Who the hell took my cravat?!"

Everyone pointed to me. Wow thanks guys, love you too. I slowly turn around to face a very angry corporal.

"Hey captain!" I smile in fear, "Fancy seeing you here.."

"Cadet (L/n)! My office NOW!"

I sigh and stand up, I give a quick glare to Jean and signal Mikasa to do what we agreed on. I then slowly walk into the hallway... with a plan.

Levi starts before me, we are halfway down the hallway and... I make a break for it. Levi instantly hears my footsteps leading away, I feel his eyes boring into the back of my head.


"Sorry Captain! I'm not dying today!!" I run out of the building and do a quick turn to run into a corner, crap! I'm stuck.

I wait... fast footsteps... a loud stop.

"Can't run now, can you?"

I glare at Levi's icy cold eyes, "Hmmm... who knows.."

He comes closer to me... closer... come on any minute now...

THERE! I run under his arm, since he was holding them out for some weird reason, and in amazing speed back around the corner.

Of course Levi followed me, I was fast but not that fast. I ran harder... so did Levi.

Damn! I can't get this guy off my tail and it's driving me nuts, I keep running and start to really panic, 'Wait... does Jean have his cravat? Oh god wha- Oh wait no, its right here in my pocket...'

I snap back into reality as I find and upcoming corner, 'Bingo!... why did I say that?'

I run around the corner and hid in some bushes. I heard footsteps, so he did fall behind..

Closer... closer... rocks skid across the dirt.

"Dammit.. where did she go..?"

More footsteps leading away... I think I'm home free!

I quietly climb out of the bushes... *BAM*

Next thing I know, I'm on the dirt with someone pinning me down, I know who it is so I keep my eyes shut.



"Look at me."



I opened my eyes and met with steely grey ones right in front of me in my face. I shriek a little and shut my eyes as tight as possible.

"Nope. You're terrifying. Sorry."

I felt myself being lifted up, weird. I look down to find my butt off the ground, weirder.

"Oi, Cadet. Stop staring at the ground it makes you look stupid."

My eyes widen, this can't be happening. I slowly turn my head to see Levi... carrying me!!

"H-Hey! Put me down!"

"I'm afraid not, (L/n). This is just one of your punishments. You'll find out the rest later.."

He almost sounded seductive when he said that, but it was probably just my imagination... right? Oh great realized one more thing... I'm being held bridal style... Great! This day couldn't get any better..! I'm already in big enough trouble, we don't need to add onto that..!

I rest my head on Levi's chest because I'm super tired from running from
him. As I lay my head on his chest, he seems to tense up. I raise my eyebrow but not opening my eyes.

"Sir, are you ok?"

He grunted, "Yeah, brat, I'm fine..."

I nodded and said nothing more as he carried back to his office.

-Le Time-skip Because ima laaaazzy asss-

I'm placed in a chair, not dropped which probably should've happen. He then moves over to his own chair and sits down.

"So.." his eyes stare into mine, "You're the one that stole my cravat..."

I sigh and roll my eyes as I take the piece of cloth out of my pocket.

"Yeah sorry..."

My voice was laced with sarcasm, I think he noticed because a small growl escaped his lips.

"Cadet don't give me that shit. Now, why did you steal it?"

My face stays completely blank like Mikasa, but on the inside I'm thinking hard. Do I lie to the captain and probably get more punishment then I deserve? Or, do I rat Jean out?







Ugh... I'm gonna regret this...

"Because I wanted a cravat like yours so I needed to know what the cloth was." 

Levi rolled his eyes, "Lying won't get you anywhere. Also, if you wanted to buy a cravat I would have gotten one for you."

I looked at him in surprise, "Wait what?"

A small smirk played on his lips, "Yes Cadet. I could've gotten one for you. It just wouldn't have been mine.."

I nodded slightly, "Alrighty then."

"Now..." This time he really smirked,
"Time for your real punishment.."


I slightly sweat and nervously smile, "R-Right! Ok, so what is it?"

His smirk grew wider, "(L/n), come here for a second.."

I hesitantly nod and walk slowly over to him.


Im interrupted by a force pulling me forwards by my arms. Next thing I know, a pair of firm lips were pressed against mine. My eyes widen, as they are Levi's, and a bright blush illuminates my face as Levi's lips become hungrier. I try to push away but Levi brings me closer.

As oxygen becomes a needed thing, he parts and smirks "Remember (Y/n), this is your punishment. Now be a good girl and deal with it..."

I blush brighter as Levi picks me up leading me to his room. He throws me on the bed and gets on top of me, I whimper a little as his lips come in contact with my neck. I feel him smirk against my skin as he starts to bite and suck on it, determined to find my sweet spot. I can't help but to moan a little as he finds it and starts to abuse it.

When he pulls away, he looks at his work and smirks, proud of what he did. I blush and look away, there is some movement and then hot breath in my ear.

"Oh, (Y/n), don't be embarrassed. Besides, I'm just getting started..."

Levi nibbled my ear before pulling away...

"Sir please I-"

"Just call me Levi when we're alone..." he stared into my eyes, his were some-what filled with lust making me even more tense.

Levi noticed and his smirk faded a little. He got off of me and sat next to me, pulling my head into his chest. My breath hitched but soon enough steadied out. He lightly stroked my arm and kissed my forehead.

I was surprised by his actions and sat up as well. I stared at his features, the way his nose had that certain curve, how his lips were just a little dry, and how grey his eyes seemed to be. My heart melted a bit and I guess my features softened almost to much, I saw a small smile play against his lips and I laughed.

Levi pulled me into a hug and laid
down, making me lay on the bed as well. He then got up and walked into his small closet. I watched with curious eyes as he opened a drawer and shuffled through it. Next thing I knew, there was a piece of clothing in my face.

I pull it away and realize it was one of Levi's shirts. It was to big for me so I looked at him in confusion making him give a small smile.

"Put that on. You're sleeping here for now."

I blush and nod, "You won't try anything on me... right?"

He gave me a firm nod, "I promise."

I gave Levi a small smile before standing up to take off my uniform. I struggled a little with the 3DMG straps so Levi had to help me take them off. I was embarrassed as he took the strap under my breasts off.

When we finally got all of them off, I changed out of the shirt and pants before placing Levi's shirt over my head. It was a little big for me so it was comfortable to sleep in.

I crawled under the covers and rested my head on the pillow. I look over to Levi to see that he is wearing long pajama pants and no shirt. I try to hide my bright red face but fail miserably as Levi looks at me with a small smirk on his lips. I shut my eyes tightly so I don't need to see that stupid smirk anymore.

I hear some rustling and slowly, being the curious cat that I am, open my eyes to face the icy steel ones I now knew to well. Not being able to resist it, I let a small smile breach my lips.

Levi pulls me closer to his toned chest, I the cuddle into side because he's warm and it's freezing. I hear a small chuckle and look up into calm, steel eyes.



He leans down and kisses the top of my head.

"Good night..."

I close my eyes and almost drift off into sleep when I hear.

".... I love you, and I will make sure you're safe..."

A smile comes to my lips before I drift off into sleep...

~=Bonus Ending!!!=~

I groan as I walk down the hallway to the mess hall. Levi said he would be a few minutes and told me to walk ahead. People wave to me as I slouch, ruining my posture. The only person who really cared about it though was Levi, so it doesn't really matter otherwise.

I walk into the mess hall and I am instantly met with lots of people talking. Specifically one hot-head yelling at horse face. I roll my eyes and walk over to my usual seat. Krista looks at me and grins while Eren pats the seat between him and Jean. I groan before plopping and down, I then close my eyes and bang my head on the table.

"So, (Y/n)..."

I growl, knowing that Jean is trying to annoy me. If he says anything about last night, I swear...

"Where did you get off to when the captain was chasing you?"

I sat up and shot him one of my nastiest glares, he shrunk a little in fear. I felt proud of myself for scaring a guy. But before I could congratulate myself even more, that stupid smirk appears back on horse face and he starts to tease me once more.

"Come on answer me or I'll bug you for the rest of the day."

I groan in annoyance, "Fine, I ran outside, he caught me, dragged me back to his office, and now I have cleaning duty for a month.."

Wow, coming from me that was a pretty good lie. But Jean, surprisingly, saw through it...

"Oh yeah? Well the mark on your neck could say otherwise.."

I remembered my hickey and gasped before covering it up.

"T-That's just a rash from a bush I hid in..."

"I find that hard to belie-"

I snapped, I couldn't put up with his shit anymore. I pulled him down to my level by his collar and growl into his face,

"I suggest you shut the fuck up before I really get angry."

"Who gave it to yo-"


I punched him in the face, hard. Jean flew back out of his seat and stayed still on the floor, twitching as blood dripped down his face from his nose. I smirked at my work as others looked at Jean and snickered. I heard Eren really laugh behind me.

I start to laugh until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I slowly turn around to be facing a frowning Levi. I gulp and wave.

"Hi heichou..."

Levi flicked his gaze over to Jean before staring back at me.

"Cadet (L/n), what is the meaning lf this."

I smiled as sweetly as possible, "I-Uh.... I-I-I..."

"My office in 15 minutes.."

Levi then knelt down close to my ear before continuing in a small whisper.

"I just remembered we haven't finished your punishment yet.... Don't try to hide it from me..."

My face lights up a bright red and I bury my face into my hands. To many things were going on around me, my friends asking me questions about Levi, Jean still lying down on the floor, and Levi walking away. I didn't know what Levi was doing for certain, but my best guess was..

He was smirking his ass off.

...at least I made him smile.

I hear Reiner in the background practically screaming the lyrics to Wrecking Ball. Damnit, I'm missing the scene.



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