Airplanes ☼ lrh

By SerenityinSonder

43.2K 1K 531

In which a rockstar sends a nude to a fan over a drunk dare. I WROTE THIS WHEN I WAS VERY YOUNG. I PROMISE M... More

Thank You!!


3.8K 74 54
By SerenityinSonder

@lmaoluke: all i want is you

aria let out a small laugh at the cliché choice of words she had just typed and posted on to twitter.  her eyes became fixed on the blue lava lamp that she kept switched on each night, following the substance contained inside it.

the glistening stars slowly shifted over to make up for the loss of light after aria turned off her phone.

she took a glance at the numbers that crossed together and became blurry. somehow, aria managed to read 3:45 am. 

the roar of thunder and flashes of lighting echoed through the teenagers room, she couldn't help but waste her time thinking up random late night thoughts and worrying about the thunder.

she turned over and grabbed her phone once more before she sent a last dm to luke hemmings. 

luke robert hemmings: tall, broad, and  a hot blonde who has a lip ring in hopes to look more 'punk rock'.  aria's favorite person in her favorite band, and in her own imaginary world he knew about her existence.

luke on the other hand was having the time of his life in california, touring with his band mates.

he looked at the numbers on the clock next to the tv that crossed together and became blurry. he somehow managed to read 1:45 am, but not because he had bad vision like aria. just simply because he was a little tipsy.

"you have all your dms on mute, what happened to her?" michael asks while scrolling through the blonde boy's lock screen with one hand and reaching for a new beer bottle with the other.

"why are you always on my phone, you dick," luke slurred and took another sip of his drink, crushing the red solo cup once he finished.  luke then shrugged and retrieved his phone, "she's cute,"

"i dare you to dm her back,"

"what are we four?"

"shut up, luke, you're the youngest and you have the smallest dick," ashton tossed an empty beer bottle up in the air, catching it every time gravity let it just fall.

"i triple dog dare you!"

he sighed and began to swipe his fingers across the clean, dimmed screen.

luke5sos: hey :-) goodnight darling

lmaoluke: you're huke lemmings holy fuck

luke5sos: no this is patrick.

"you should send her nudes. you know if she's so cute," calum walked in from the patio after watching rain fall, something he enjoyed doing.

"once again," ashton sighed while slowly turning around to face calum.  he lifted a finger, then pointed it downward, "baby penis,"

luke rolled his eyes, "fuck you, ash-hole, you'll see,"

luke might've been drunk, but it wasn't to the point where he didn't think out what he was doing.  he didn't think it was. 

okay, he was.

two minutes later he found himself sitting on the cold toilet seat next to an open window. 

soon enough his large length was in his hand and his phone was being clutched in the other.

luke5sos: *picture sent*

lmaoluke: oh shit

luke chuckled through the nervousness.  as he walked back downstairs smirking, he slowly began to think about what he had just done, a knot formed in his stomach and he his mouth felt dry.  still, he needed to prove he wasn't a pussy and could do it.

with a smug smile fixed on his face, he showed ashton the dm while raising a middle finger.

"you fucking dumb bitch," ashton put his head in his hands.

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