Book of Aria

By SkylarJapera

981K 29.9K 13K

It was never in my plans to marry a vampire. My dream was to become a doctor, marry my boy-friend, and have l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 9

46.4K 1.3K 683
By SkylarJapera

Chapter 9

Aria eyes the red head and rolls her eyes. As always she was here to ruin a good moment for her and Amelia. She crosses her arms over her chest not in the mood for drama and says, "I will be in my chambers."

Amelia looks at her with confusion and watches the human lean up and kisses her softly on the lips. "Goodnight." She then whispers. "Handle her."

Aria walks away and Amelia watches her leave. She runs her hands through her hair in frustration and this was a wrong move. Vanessa sneers at what she sees and before Amelia knew it the red head was in her face.

Vanessa moves Amelia hair out the way and eyes all the bite marks on the side of her neck. She pulls up the blonde shirt and gasps. There were love bites everywhere.

"She dare mark you!"

"Vanessa calm down." Amelia softly says.

"Calm down!" Vanessa seethes. "You had sex with her last night?"

"She's my wife." Was Amelia only answer. She was confused at this moment.

Vanessa laughs in disbelieve. "That seems to be your excuse all the time."

Amelia groans and steps forward to Vanessa. However, the red head steps back. She was passed angry. She was pissed off.

"First you go off and marry someone without even letting me know and now you're developing feelings for her." Vanessa shouts.

"It's not like you were around for me to tell you Vanessa. It was to help us." Amelia replies.

"You're not denying it?"


"You have feelings for the human." Vanessa seethes through clench teeth. She couldn't believe she was going through this right now. She and Amelia have been together for so long and now because of a human she is getting ripped from her.

"I don't have feelings for Aria Vanessa." Amelia tries to calm the vampire down. She hated arguing. Unless it was with Aria because getting the human frustrated turned her on and they had great make-up sex. The best actually.

"Why should I believe you!" Vanessa catches Amelia attention.

Amelia was silent. "I don't know what you want from me Vanessa." The blonde was clearly tired and just wanted to lie down.

"Don't take her to the Village tomorrow."

"What!" This got Amelia attention.

Vanessa crosses her arms over her chest and says, "Take me to my chambers tonight and stay with me all day tomorrow. Don't take her to The Village."

Amelia groans and proposes, "I will go to your chambers tonight but I'm taking Aria to The Village tomorrow morning."


"No! Vanessa." Amelia spats. "Aria and I are finally getting along. I'm not going to messed that up because of your jealously."

Vanessa pouts and this move is not as cute as Aria's. It seems petty and spoiled. Vanessa was acting like a spoil brat. Amelia rolls her eyes and heads upstairs. She really wanted to crash.


Amelia lies in Vanessa bed and sighs. She begins to drift off until she felt someone on the other side of the bed. She feels Vanessa curling against her, pulling her closer. "I'm sorry." She hears in her ear. "I know this is hard because I'm always leaving but you got to know that I can't help that."

Amelia turns around now facing the other vampire. "You know how I feel about you Vanessa but things are different now. Years have passed. I cannot wait for you to quit."

Vanessa laughs, "You told me that thirty years ago and here we are." The red head pecks Amelia on the lips and snuggles deep into her. "I know you care for me but I see you care for her too."


"- Don't waste your time trying to deny it Amelia. You know I hate when you lie to me." Vanessa kisses Amelia one last time and then slowly falls asleep.

Amelia lays there wide awake. Thoughts were flooding her mind. Vanessa was right. She and the other vampire go way back. After the incident, that happened to Amelia in her early years the blonde became very closed in. She had barriers no one could tear down and she only took lovers. She never wished to marry again and all the other crowned heads thought she was odd for this. Only Helen understood. When she met Vanessa in 1898 she thought it was going to be the same again. She believed Vanessa was just going to be her lover but things became more.

Vanessa always came back through the years and they created a secret bond. Vanessa was the only one to break down her walls. Vanessa showed her the meaning of love. She introduced her to cuddling. She never knew you could just lie in bed with your lover.

However, they never could become serious. Vanessa job prevented that. She was always there for a few weeks and then gone for a long time. Sometimes months and sometimes years, never longer than five, Vanessa promised she would never let her wait that long.

But now there was Aria, Now there was someone else, and this made Amelia question her feelings for Vanessa. Was it true? Did she have for feeling Aria? True feelings.


Heather bites her lip when she sees a very excited Aria walking into the kitchen. She had heard the rumors of Amelia going into Vanessa chambers last night. She knew Aria had finally come to like the vampire and this would hurt her if Amelia bails on her about their date.

"Good morning." Aria happily smiles. Her hair was very curly and she was wearing a blood red dress and gold jewelry. She looked really nice. Even Heather took several looks.

"Good morning." Heather replies. "Pancakes for you darling." She winks.

Aria glances at the clock and then begins to dig into her pancakes. "Have you seen Amelia? She was not in her chambers. I figured she was down here."

Heather begins to turn red. She hated lying but she really hated when her friends were sad. She didn't want to hurt Aria feelings. "I-

"She is with Vanessa isn't she?" Aria asks. She wasn't stupid. Maybe a little for leaving Amelia with Vanessa but she wanted to trust the vampire and that was her test. Aria stabs at the pancakes. Amelia failed the test.

"It's fine Heather." Aria sighs. God. She was so stupid. Trusting the vampire! What was she thinking?

Heather the good friend she is begins to talk about other things. "We should go out there sometime?"

"Yeah, I love roller coasters. It will give me that home feeling."

"Good morning."

Aria rolls her eyes and pushes her plate away. She storms out the kitchen leaving an awkward Heather and a confused Amelia.

The vampire quickly chases after the human. "Hey." She was now in front of an angry brunette. "Are you ready to go?"

"You slept with Vanessa last night?" Aria explodes. Amelia knew she was mad. She was doing the thing with her hands. Amelia takes two steps back. She couldn't handle another slap. She would probably lose her temper.

"We talked." Amelia replies.

"Then you fucked!"

"What...No." Amelia answers.

"I want her gone!" Aria screams. "No more sleeping around Amelia. We are equal. I don't sleep around and you don't either." Aria was tired of this shit. "I may can't ripped anyone throat out but I surely can walk away from this and all this will be for nothing."

"I didn't sleep with her last night." Amelia was shocked at Aria outburst. She couldn't believe she was defending herself either. She was the Queen. She should not be explaining anything but here she was doing it. "Vanessa and I go way back Aria. It's deeper than what you think."

"You have feelings for her?" Aria asks shocked. Amelia doesn't reply. "Oh." Aria chews on her bottom lip. "You do have feelings for her." She concludes.

"Aria." Amelia tries to explain but Aria cuts her off with the hand gesture again.

"I don't understand you. You take me away from Brandon when you had someone here for you. Why would go do that. To me? To Vanessa? She is probably in love with you Amelia and you're going back and forth." Aria shakes her head in disbelieve. "You're more fucked up than I thought."

Amelia wanted to scream in frustration. "You don't understand Aria. I care for Vanessa yes but we will never work because she is always leaving. We agreed to this years ago that's why we never made it official but when she comes I'm here."

"You need to end it." Aria voice is softer.

"Can we please just leave now?" Amelia asks. She was tired of arguing.


Aria was every bit of surprised. She thought the argument this morning was going to ruin the date but she was having so much fun. England was lovely. Even though some things were destroyed it still stood tall and beautiful. The Village looked like a normal city. There were restaurants, boutiques, and the mall was the best part.

Amelia took Aria shopping and purchased her anything she wanted. It was weird being in the mall alone. All the vampires were home away in the dark because it was daytime. Aria figured that Amelia called ahead of time because everything was open. She would get what she wanted and leave her beautiful signature on a pad.

Amelia was teasing Aria and now they were in a lingerie shop and Amelia was making the human try things on.

"I like all these." Amelia tosses Aria several pair of different laces and thongs. "Try them on and come model for me." The vampire winks.

"No." Aria blushes.

Amelia grins devilishly, "Come on. Let's take advantage of the empty mall."

Aria shortly gives in after Amelia persuasive begging. Before they knew it Aria was giving Amelia a personal lap dance in the lingerie shop. She told her she was going to introduce her to a new game called role playing. Aria had found a classic teachers outfit in the back. Why it was back there she had no idea but she put it on and surprised the vampire.

"You have been very naughty." Aria purrs sitting completely on the vampire lap. Amelia hand makes it way to Aria butt. She squeezes but Aria smacks her greedy fingers away. "Tsk tsk. Bad girl." Aria purrs in the blonde ear. "I said no touching." She hops up and slams the ruler in her hand. "I see we have to work on listening skills."

"Aria!" Amelia growls. She didn't like this game. It was turning her on and she couldn't touch. Who the hell made this up?

"Mrs. Chamberlain to you." Aria slams the ruler down on the vampire thigh. Amelia growls and her fangs pop out. Aria smirks and places herself back into the vampire lap. She licks the shell of the blonde ear and then slowly kisses her.

Amelia grabs a handful of Aria hair and pulls her closer. She deepens the kiss and before she knew it Aria was hopping off of her again.

"We should go."

"Aria." Amelia was really getting frustrated now.

"Later." Aria kisses the top of Amelia nose. She winks and then runs into the back room to change. Amelia just groans in frustration. She never had to wait for what she wanted. Never.


Aria was grinning from head to toe when they arrived back at the mansion. Amelia had taken her on the best date ever. After the mall they went to the fair and then ate dinner at the park and watch the sunset. It was beautiful. They talked about a lot of things and even played the question game again.

Also, Amelia had taught Aria to play cards that quickly became strip poker. Aria loss of course. But Amelia only kissed Aria pouting lips and licked her way down Aria naked body and gave her the best orgasm ever. After that Aria figure she like losing because the way Amelia laid her on her back and spread her legs wide in the middle of the park made her wet instantly and it didn't take long for her to come over and over again.

Now they were back home and Aria was tired and satisfied.

She was leaning her head on the vampire shoulder. "Can we go at night next time?" She pouts. Amelia chews on her bottom lip and replies, "I don't know Aria." They began to climb the stairs. "It's dangerous."  Aria rolls her eyes. "They won't dare touch me because of you. I know they are afraid of you Amelia."

Aria yawns into her hand. Amelia picks the human up bridal style and takes her to her chambers. She lays her down on the bed softly and then kisses her forehead. She glances at the clock and notice the time. It was eight o clock. Vanessa was up.

Amelia runs her hands through her hair and walks towards Vanessa chambers. "Vanessa."

"Amelia." Vanessa replies. She was sitting on the end of the bed in only a navy blue silk robe. Nothing underneath. "How was your date!" She spats.

Amelia un-tucks her blouse from her pants and begins to un-dress herself. She doesn't answer and kisses the vampire. Vanessa moans at the contact.

The younger vampire eyes begin to darken and she quickly strips Amelia out the rest of her clothes. They hurry into the bed and Amelia opens Vanessa robe and kisses down her tone stomach. She nips and sucks her way down towards her destination. Completely forgetting about Aria warning earlier today. She just wanted to take advantage of this time because it would be the last and Vanessa would leave tomorrow.


Aria yawns and wakes up from her nap. She grins because her mind was still stuck on her and Amelia date. She looks at the clock and notice it's almost midnight. She heads downstairs towards the kitchen and over hears a conversation.

"Come on Heather. We're going to be late for the party."

"I know I'm just cleaning." Heather hisses. "I need my job."

Aria walks around the corner and smiles, "Heather leave I will clean this mess up." She winks and Heather thinks about it but Aria waves her off. "Leave." She winks towards Heather again. "That's an order."

Heather grins and hugs Aria tightly and walks out the kitchen. Aria does what she promises and cleans the kitchen. She then heads upstairs looking for Amelia to ask about this party all the servants left to go to. Amelia chambers were empty and Aria almost jumped out her skin when one of the older servants whispers. "The Queen is busy."

Aria arches her eyebrow. The older lady continues down the hall. Aria frowns and heads to Vanessa chambers. She bites her lip. She slowly walks in to see Amelia and Vanessa in bed together naked. They were talking about something but Aria didn't care to hear. She left out the chambers and headed back to the kitchen in anger. She needed to breathe.

She notices the flyer on the kitchen counter that Heather left behind. It was about the party. Aria grins.

"So were breaking up?" Vanessa asks.

Amelia sighs and runs her fingers through the red head hair. "Yes. I cannot continue to sleep with you. It's unfair to Aria." Vanessa lifts up to get out of bed. She didn't need this. "You deserve better Vanessa." Amelia continues.

"Don't make it seem like it's about me Amelia." Vanessa hisses. "Stop being a coward and admit you care for the human that's why you breaking this off."

Amelia jumps. She has never seen Vanessa this upset before. She was pacing back and forth. "Just know you will be back." Vanessa spats. "She will leave or out age you and then you will be calling me back. We always come back to each other Amelia." It seemed as if Vanessa was trying to convince herself. That it wasn't over.

"Not this time." Amelia whispers.

Vanessa screams, "Don't say that!" She wasn't pissed anymore. She was heart-broken. "I love you Amelia and in fifty years or so you will be mine. Aria will be out the picture and by then I will be done with my job. Then we can be officially together. Forever."

She gets on her knees between Amelia legs. "Promise me."

"I can't." Amelia squeezes her eyes shut.

Vanessa laughs in disbelieve. "You think she will turn for you." She continues to laugh and it was pissing Amelia off. Vanessa grabs her things packing them. If she could cry tears would be dripping down her face.

Twenty miles away Aria was stepping out the limo with a tight white strapless dress on. She had on her famous fuck me heels and her hair was down her back in waves. She smiles at the driver who gulps in fear. She had to practically threat the driver to get him to take her to this club.

He continues to mention something about The Queen coming also. So she threatens him with her title for the first time. "Thank-you."

"What time I pick you up My Lady."

"I will call." Aria says and then walks towards the doors of the dark club. When she walks in the lights are flashing and bass is running through her veins. She grins. She hasn't been to a club in forever. Back in America the media would take it the wrong way. Like being at a club meant you were on drugs.

Everyone begins to eye her as she walks by. She keeps her head high though and walks with confidence towards the bar. She sits in the available seat and smiles, "Something strong."


She was shocked at this. "I.D." the vampire behind the bar begins to laughs. "Heck no." He slides something blue towards her and winks. "Enjoy."

Three drinks later she was feeling good. She walks towards the dance floor swaying her hips back and forth. Someone grabs her hips pulling her roughly against them. They inhale her scent.

She grinds her hips harder noticing right away it's a female behind her. "You smell delicious." The girl whispers in her ear. Aria doesn't reply she continues to sway to the bass. Before she knew it she was drag away by someone.

"Aria what the hell are you doing here?"

Aria grins throwing herself on the vampire. "Heather!"

At this point Heather knew the human was intoxicated. Aria leans forward and begins to kiss up her neck. Heather eyes begin to dilate. "Hmm I miss you. I came for you." Aria kisses her neck softly and then smiles.

Heather was so scared at this point. She wonders if Amelia knew she was away.

"We should get you back." Heather suggests.

"No." Aria protest standing. Heather tries to pull her back but someone grab the human wrist. A deep voice stops her. "She said she didn't want to go."

Heather looks up into the silver eyes and gulps. "Richard." She speaks.

Richard nods his head and pulls Aria to the dance floor. Aria grins and Richard whispers in her ear. "Want to have some fun."

Heather watches Richard take the human to the basement. She gulps and leaves. She had to warn The Queen.

"Vanessa." Amelia tries. "Don't hate me."

Vanessa runs her hands through her hair. Everything was packed. "I could never hate you." She weakly smiles. "I should go."

They both jump at the door being swing open. Heather bows quickly. "My Queen it's Aria."

"Where are we going?" Aria asks. She was slowly returning to her senses. "I want to go back." She tries to pull away but the guy had a nice grip on her. "Let me go!" She screams.

Richard throws her into the wall. "Shut-up." Aria begins to fight. "Let me go." She kicks and screams. Her eyes widens at the look of the long fangs. "Amelia!"

Please Comment. Oh No Aria!

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