Wearing A Sign

By authorofolympus

29.3K 901 108

The day it all went wrong is when the gods took away the mist. Mortals could see monsters and demigod power n... More

Chapter 1: Percy POV
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 11

1.4K 46 5
By authorofolympus

Annabeth POV

I ran off the bus, if the hunters were really in that bus, that would seriously suck. When I finally got over to their bus the people were already off and lined up getting searched for weapons. Sure enough it was the hunters, all 58 of them. And at the end of the line being held up by army guys was Thalia, tied up in ropes. She was still thrashing around yelling in ancient Greek. Percy and the others appear behind me, Percy just laughs "Nice one Thals!". "Oh shut up Jackson!" Thalia yelled "I can stand by myself, you know" she spat at the two men holding her. The army guys looked at each other and shrugged, letting their grip of Thalia go. Bad idea. Thalia wiggled out of her bindings with amazing speeed, the ropes dropped to the ground and Thalia's hands flew up into the air. All the airs on my arms and neck raised, she was trying to summon lightening. There was a split second were I thought it might work, but as always we were shut down just as fast as we started. With seconds a dart flew through the air and pierced Thalia's neck, when it hit her face was full of shock along with everyone elses. She pulled it and laughed "A elephant tranquilizer dart really? Thats all you got-" and then she clasped to the ground. "Thalia!" Jason yelled and threshed his hand into the air probably trying to finished his sisters job. Before Jason could even twitch his fingers a dart was already in his arm, he too fell to the ground next to his sister. "You wanna play games!" Percy yelled irritatedly stepping forward. And there goes another dart right in the ear. And there went Percy, he fell backwards onto me and Piper we barley managed to catch him. General Bradshaw and 5 army men stepped out from the woods a few yards away "If you don't want to become like your friends here I suggest you continue to follow my rules" The general sneered. Everyone just rolled there eyes, this guy was a big joke. No way in Hades would he ever be able to keep over 120 powerful demigods contained for much longer. Frank spoke up "Okay so I get Jason and Thalia but why Percy he was just talking". "That was for back talking all of my men and getting into a fight at school. Plus I really hate that boy" General Bradshaw laughed and then marched off toward the big house with the rest of his men. "Ugh I hate him" Piper said "I know, come on we have to get these 3 idiots back to the cabins" I said pulling Percy by the arms. Some of the near by campers helped carry Thalia, Jason, and Percy back to the Poseidon cabin. We figured it would be best too put all of 3 of them together in one cabin, that way we could..'keep an eye' on them. In other words make sure they didn't any else stupid. "I must be the godly side, because I swear every time I looked at Jason today he basically looked like he was about to snap your neck" Piper laughed as we walked into the cabin. "Yeah, pretty much for Percy" I replied. "Thalia must have set them both off! So how did you guys get captured?" Piper asked turning around to Jessica, one of the hunters that followed us in. "Well 58 demigods in one place already attracts quite a bit of monsters, and this stupid glowing thing didn't help much. We had set up camp and I was half-asleep when it happened. A bright pink light filled my tent blinding me and my partner-" "What" Piper cut her off. "Daughter of Aphordite?" she asked. Jessica looked sheepishly at the ground "Yeah" Jessica frownead. "Oh I'm so sorry, mom is annoying most of the time. k sorry had to get that out of the way. Continue." All I could do was laugh, Piper enjoyed getting off on tangents....a lot. "Like I said a bright pink lights beamed off of my skin, I looked over at my partner, Sydney, and yellow light was coming from her. Making an orange sun in between us. We both ran out of our tent to find that the other girls were doing the same, it was like a glow in the dark rainbow. Thalia managed to keep us hidden while the glow died down, after a few days it did. But as soon as we hit Berkeley California we all lit up again and thats when the army people found and captured us. Thalia tried fighting but you saw how that turned out so now we're here" Jessica finished almost out of breath. "haha sounds like Thalia, never wanting to go down without a fight" I giggled mostly to myself. "Hey do you guys know when dumb, dumber, and dumbest will wake up?" Leo yelled from the back corner. "Uh 3 or 4 more hours. They used elephant tranquilizers on them, stupid I know humans don't need that much drug to be knocked out but whatever, so we might as well go to dinner" I said "It's already 6:30, they'll be out for a while." "Percy's going to be mad he missed dinner, tonights pizza night" Leo laughed sprinting passed ll of us so he could be first in line.

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