The Runaway ***NIAM AU***

By kaylahardy120

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Liam begins an online chat session with a boy named Niall who he immediately starts a friendship with. But wh... More

The Runaway
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 - EPILOGUE(mature)

Chapter 14

1.1K 51 12
By kaylahardy120

Sorry everybody. Niall's a bad guy! It was all just part of his plan! 

BUT GOOD NEWS. Justin's concert was amazing! Such a great concert! I'm never gonna forget it! It was soooo much fun! xx

****Kate's POV****

"How's everything going? Are you learning a lot?" I smiled as I talked to Jay on the phone. I twirled my hair around my fingers as I lounged out on the couch. It was quite lonely without my two favorite men around. 

"Yeah, it's going great! I miss you so much babe," he sighed and I bit my lip. 

"I miss you too. It wouldn't be so bad if Liam was still living here with me, but he's always at his flat with that...weird Niall kid. I should've gone with you," I whined and I heard him chuckle softly before he answered. 

"I wish you would've came too, but you probably would've been bored since I'm at seminars and classes all day," he answered, but I huffed and rolled my eyes playfully. 

"You're staying in a suite on the beach. I'm so sure I would've been bored," I grinned and he laughed. I was jsut stretching to stand up, when my door swung open to reveal a very pale and sick looking Liam. 

"Babe? Everything alright?" Jay asked as I frowned at Liam who just stood there. 

"I'm going to call you back okay love? Liam's here and I think something's wrong," I said softly and I heard Jay coughing. 

"Okay...please call me and let me know what's going on," he called before I set my phone down, standing up and walking to the doorway where Liam still stood like a statue. I touched his face and he looked at me with fear in his eyes. 

"What? What's going on?" I breathed and he grasped me, hugging me tightly and crying into my shoulder. I rubbed his back soothingly and tried to calm him down so he could tell me what int he world was going on. 

"Liam, love, what's going on?" I cooed softly into his ear, but he just continued to tremble and cry. I tried to think what was wrong and remembered he had his job interview. 

"Liam, did you ot get the job? Is that was this is about?" I asked, hopeful I had figured it out, but he pushed himself out of my arms, shaking his head furiously. I frowned and shook my head. 

"Then what is it?!" I cried, grasping onto the sides of his face and he bit his lip to stop more tears from pouring out. 

"Niall," he croaked out and I frowned backing up from Liam and dropping my hands from his face. 

"What? Did something happen to him? Is he okay?" I asked, thinking that something must've happened to Niall, but to my surprise, Liam shook his head and shakily held up a piece of paper. It was a picture of Niall and I frowned...until I read what was under the picture. I covered my mouth in horror and looked up at Liam. He nodded nervously and I darted tot he phone. 

****Niall's POV**** 

I woke up from my nap and found that Liam STILL wasn't home. I was beyond bored and didn't know what to do with myself. Liam always had fun and creative things for us to do! I decided on going into the living room and I turned on the TV and decided to watch whatever came on. I flipped through the channels, but nothing appealed to me. I just wanted Liam to come home so we could watch terrible movies and make fun of them, or play the Wii, or sing some karaoke. Liam had a great voice, and he said mine was amazing as well, but I didn't believe me voice could match up to his. I was going to call Liam, but just as I grabbed my phone I saw Liam coming up the driveway. He looked really upset for some reason and I hoped it wasn't about him not getting the job; those people would be stupid not to hire him! I skipped to the door and opened it happily as I sang,

"Li-Li! You're finally-," I started before I saw about four cop cars, and eight cops pointing guns at me while Liam stood off to the side crying into Kate's shirt. 

"Home," I whispered as I wondered what the hell was going on. Kate probably saw something on the news and ratted me out before I could even explain to Liam what had gone on. I wasn't guilty! I wasn't the bad guy! 

"PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" a cop screamed as he slowly began inching towards me. I slowly raised my hands and looked at Liam. I saw a crumpled flyer in his hand and I felt my heart shatter; Liam was the one who called. 

"No! Liam! NO!" I exclaimed and he looked at me as I lunged forward to try and explain, but I was tazed before I could finish. Liam let out a cry and turned away from me. I fought there all the pain and the tears as I screamed out one more time,

"I never hurt you Liam! I never hurt anyone! I'm innocent! PLEASE!" 

I was tazed again and I howled out in pain. I gave up trying to reason with Liam as the cops tackled me and handcuffed me. I was breathing heavily as they hoisted me up and started dragging me to one of the many cop cars. I was thrown into the back and I pressed my face up to the window only to see hatred in kate and Liam's eyes. I shook my head through tears as the cars began speeding off and I lost sight of the two crying into each other.

"We were beginning to think we'd never find you Horan!" the cop driving exclaimed as he turned into the jail I was all too familiar with. The dragged me out of the car and inside. I was stripped and given an ugly gray, oversized, jumpsuit to fit into before I was taken past where my old cell was and to a new, higher secured cell with no windows and no view of anything except the cold, dark cell. Zayn, Louis, and Harry wouldn't be able to break me out of jail this time...

"Welcome home," the cop snarled before he undid my handcuffs and tossed me into the room where I landed on the cold floor. I sat there thinking how fast everything had happened. Only twenty minutes before I was lying on a real bed and I was warm and content. I leaned up against the wall and sighed. I was in deep. I was in prison for life and there was no possible way of escaping or ever being released. I was going to go insane staying there by myself! All I had to look at were the cold walls, the metal cot, and “the bathroom”. My old cell was better than this cell, even Zayn's abandoned building was better than this place!

“Fuck,” I breathed and rubbed my face. If only I'd just been straight up with Liam from the very beginning. Of course, Zayn probably would've killed me, but it would've been better than this! If only I hadn't been such an ass from the beginning than maybe I would've been straight up with Liam, but I was too faithful to the gang at that point because my life was on the line.

“Liam,” I whimpered as I finally let my real tears out since nobody could see me. The dim light poured down on me like a spotlight as I cried. Liam was at home all alone thinking I was some kind of monsterous killer! I wished I could've just been brave enough to tell Liam the truth. He had been so nice to me the whole time I lived with him, and even after he knew I lied about who I was when we first met!  He'd invited me over and then gave me a place to live when I had absolutely nothing.

It was only at that moment that I realized I was completely and madly in love with Liam. It was only after I realized how much he did for me and how I felt around him I didn't think I could ever be capable of loving a boy, but Liam was different. He was everything I'd ever wanted and more. From the first day I met him, I wasn't was love I was feeling. My stomach tightening, my heart skipping a beat, growing was love. I screamed and fell to the ground. I loved Liam more than anything, and he'd never get to know because for one thing he hated me, and for two I was back in prison for life.

“I'm a piece of shit,” I whispered angrily as I ran my hand through my hair and brushed away my tears. I wanted Liam to be with me and tell me everything would be okay. I wanted to hug him like I really meant it and just run my hands through his hair which I knew had to be soft. I wanted him to kiss me and for me to actually kiss him back and tell him I felt the same way about him and more. I remembered how the same morning he wasn't wearing a shirt and he caught me looking at him from the hallway, and I played it off as nothing when really I wanted nothing more then to ran my hands over his chest, throw him against a wall and kiss him until neither of us could breathe right. I closed my eyes tightly, not knowing how I was going to make it through the rest of my life suffering in this prison for a murder I didn't even commit, while the love of my life was out there, terrified of me and sure to find someone else to love him better than I ever could. 

"He deserves better," I cried, curling into a ball on the floor. I had only been in that cell for approximately ten minutes and had already felt like I was going was I going to last a lifetime?

I feel really bad for Niall. Who else does? xx

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