New Life | Smile Dog x Reader

By xReaderFactory

14.5K 273 199

He, injured and tired, was fed up. He got hurt by a crazy, old woman and the coldness of winter had started t... More

Chapter ❶ - Veterinarian (rewritten)
Chapter ❷ - Keros (rewritten)
Chapter ❸ - Visit (rewritten)
Chapter ➎ - Eyes (rewritten)

Chapter ❹ - Family (rewritten)

1.2K 44 22
By xReaderFactory

Author's Note: I got my bum in gear and got me some motivation and inspiration, and an Amelia. The Amelia Ryzhkova to be exact. She has been a huge support. Thank you for that, my sweet hummingbird. (̂ ˃̥̥̥ ˑ̫ ˂̥̥̥ )̂

I adjusted the chapters to my new concept.

You do not need a key. There will be '(name), (colour)' and the like.

Recommendation: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries (series) – quite intriguing

Have fun, my ducklings and duckbutts.


I gave names to your parents, sorry. Frankly, it is because it was more manageable. I gave your father a Latin and your mother a Greek name, which are widely used, yet rare. I hope you are okay with the names.

Delta Lionel Duncan (mother)

Emil Brutus Duncan (father)

(name) Niki or Thetis Duncan (you)

I will refer to your father as Emil and Brutus.

I have my reasons for that.


I know I said this would have plot progress, but I counted wrong. This is passive-progressive and a bit of a filler. I devoted some time to figure out the next chapter's layout and plotline, which, thanks to Amelia, was done very quickly.

We also devoted ninety minutes to figure out some of the future chapters. We have invested a lot of time and work in this story and we will invest even more. (Okay, we may have sidestepped into political discussions a few times during those ninety minutes, but yeah...)


24th of January 14:13

It had just started to snow when he parked the car. He had driven his daughter to her personal Sunday martial arts practice and had just returned after he watched the start of it.

He went to look for his wife and found her in the glass house in the garden with some chai tea and Walkers' shortbread. How very usual for her.

"Hon' I have something to talk to you about." Emil started and sat down on the couch beside his wife, which gave him a serious look. "It is nothing serious." He clarified and laughed as his wife calmed down.

Emil took out his phone and showed a photo from a husky mongrel to his wife. He received the photo from his daughter, as he requested, just an hour ago.

She took a moment to properly look at the photo, before she handed the phone back and stared at him expectantly.

"Our daughter would like to adopt this cute fella. She found him in the park, brought him to the vet and has bonded with him ever since. She even named him." Emil explained and afterwards reiterated some points his daughter had made.

She responded in sign language, as was usual. Delta was not mute, nor did she have any speech impediments, but she had her reasons for her use of sign language. She spoke at work, but her family accepted her desire to not talk.

She was in therapy for it as well, but progress was slow.

"She is second best in school and she is committed to her hobbies. I do think she deserves her own companion." Emil continued with a small smile. "We both know the pugs and her do not get along. I think it would be great for her to have her very own canine friend."

Delta looked a little bit more convinced, but she still had her doubts. "Do you personally think of it as a good idea or do you consider it because she asked?" Delta spoke up, which was unusual for her at home, but Emil was used to her haphazard changes in behaviour.

"I think it would be great for her to have her own companion. It might help with the post-traumatic and..." He started to list various other points and Delta seemed more convinced with each argument.

"I even called Derek, and he and Patty would testify in her favour and in honesty." Emil completed his list of arguments and stared expectantly at his wife. He could make decisions on his own, but it was in everyone's favour if everyone was on board.

Delta thought for a while, finishing her tea, before she turned back towards her husband. "All right. I suppose it would not hurt if she had a dog of her own. I shall call the clinic this week and get it sorted." Delta committed and leaned over to her husband to give him a hug, which he gladly returned.


29th of January 18:52

Delta walked back to the car with her daughter closely following. She went for a ride with Dale and Myrtille and her mother had offered to pick her up, which she gladly accepted.

She was tired, and her eye and nose hurt badly, which was Riley's fault. Riley had accidentally given (name) a bruise around her left eye and nose during yesterday's training, which was why she was also unable to visit the husky.

"It hurts like someone bashed my nose in and pressed my eye in to my skull." She complained to her mother and reached to the backseat for her thermos. Delta merely grinned at her daughter, who did not complain often.

She last complained when a now former colleague unwittingly clotheslined her during a match.

"You'll be fine, sparrow." Delta soothed and gave her daughter a pat on her shoulder. "Why do you look so bummed out? It cannot be only because of the pain? Did Dale or Myra act up?" She continued and suppressed a grin.

She merely glanced at her mother for a moment and stared back at the passing trees afterwards. "I wanted to visit... someone today, but I will not be able to, again. I already could not visit yesterday, and he must be disappointed." (name) admitted with sad sigh and a melancholic look.

"Hmm, has my daughter found someone to crush on again? I thought you wanted to leave it be for a while after Leslie and especially after Sasha." Delta commented and tried to hide the knowing smirk. She knew exactly about who (name) meant, but she wanted to tease her a little longer.

"Mam, no, just... no." (name) grumbled and leaned her head against the window. She was fairly tired and just wanted some food and a hot bath, before she would drop dead in her bed.

She fell in a light sleep after some more minutes.


Delta parked the car and softly nudged her daughter to wake her up.

She stirred and eventually woke up very confused and disoriented. "What year is it? Have we finally descended lower grounds?" She joked as she rubbed her eyes and looked to her right at her mother, who smiled at the confused expression of her daughter. "Let's go inside, shall we?" Delta encouraged and led the way inside and to the sitting room, where a quite interesting scene took place.

"Come on, please? I am about to give up on you, young man, and I will bring you back and shove you right in to the arms of the hyperactive technician, who seems to have an obsession over you." Brutus threatened and tried to drag something out from behind the corner sofa. He gave up and sat down on the black carpet.

"Brutus, honey? I brought (name) home." Delta announced and walked a few steps towards her husband when a husky suddenly tackled him. It looked around the room and seemed relieved when it saw (name).

He ran up to her and jumped up at her, all the while he wagged his tail in excitement.

Keros is excited to see the girl.

"Keros, oh, you look so adorable!" (name) exclaimed and kneeled to give the husky, who had a red and white satin gift bow tied lightly around his neck, a hug, as best as possible.

Delta and Brutus laughed at the scene, as they walked over to the two. "Emil informed me of your love for this mongrel and he made some pretty good points." Delta pointed out and helped her daughter up. She gave her mother and father a hug before she went back to cuddle Keros.

"Keros Duncan, welcome to the family." Brutus announced with a spacious gesture and a bow, which made the two women laugh.

"We will go shop for necessary things tomorrow." Delta added with a grin.


He was glad, like, really glad.

He would not rebel against the strange man, which came to adopt him. He would be in danger of losing a warm place for winter if he did.

He did not want to, though.

He did not know it was her father. He thought he would no longer see her, which he did not mind. Well, that is what he told himself. He had gotten used to her attentive presence and maybe, but only maybe, he liked the presence.


(take this as a joke, which it is. It happened, but it has nothing to do with the plot. It is just for laughs and fun.)

They all smiled while the newcomer snuggled up to his new owner.

They failed to notice the three black pugs in the entryway of the sitting room. They failed to notice their evil stares, which were filled with jealousy and hurt self-esteem.

Julia, Julian and Julie did not like this newcomer.


[filler for a filler]

"Come on, up here." (name) encouraged her new companion and patted a spot on the bed, which scurried around the bed in wonder. "You can sleep beside me for today." She clarified and Keros, in response, got up on the bed. He nestled, after short contemplation, next to (name) and stared up at her in expectation.

She stood up again and went over to the mirror to tie her hair in a low ponytail, before she came back and laid back down next to Keros. "I am happy that they let me keep you." She mumbled as she patted his head.


He was okay with it for now.

He was more than just okay with it.

He was more than just okay with it? He never depended on anyone before. Why now? He has taken care of himself since age seven. He has taken care of himself for almost thirteen years.

Why should it change now?


I would very much appreciate a request. (ΦωΦ)


I finished this chapter on the sixteenth and started to work on the next chapter today. I am not sure how long it will take since it will be a very plot progressive chapter.

I am sorry for the filler.

This has 1764 words.

~Roxanne Rūsu (xReaderFactory)

See ya, lads. /(・ × ・)\

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