The Casanova's Class Clown

By 99butterfLIES

79.5K 637 19

Emma Anderson has never been one to attract too much attention to herself. She was a crowd pleaser that's for... More

Author's Note
Chap. 01: Hat
Chap. 02: Early Birds
Chap. 03: Job
Chap. 04: Torn
Chap. 05: Conversations
Chap. 06: Operation
Chap. 07: Rumors
Chap. 08: Similarity
Chap. 09: Memories
Chap. 10: Teammates
Chap. 11: Dodgeball
Chap. 12: Convoluted Clubber
Chap. 13: Breath
Chap. 14: Strictly Platonic
Chap. 15: Cafe Work
Chap. 16: Leave It Up To Me
Chap. 17: Maybe
Chap. 18: 7 Eleven
Chap. 19: Beast
Chap. 20: Get Through This
Chap. 21: Tears
Chap. 22: In Your Mind
Chap. 23: Wreck
Chap. 24: Burn
Chap. 25: Dreams
Chap. 26: Cottage In The Forest
Chap. 27: Not Anymore
Chap. 28: Cataract
Chap. 29: Try Again
Chap. 30: Chase
Chap. 31: Thoughts And Tears And Whatnots
Chap. 32: No Problem
Chap. 33: Waking Up
Chap. 34: Candidates
Chap. 35: Stuff To Do
Chap. 36: Update
Chap. 37: Rebels And A Class Clown
Chap. 39: Coffee
Chap. 40: Casual
Chap. 41: Moirallegiance
Chap. 42: Passed Through
Chap. 43: Intruder Alert
Chap. 44: Too Late
Chap. 45: Coming Together
Chap. 46: Echo
Chap. 47: Long Time
Chap. 48: Difference Of Back Then From Now
Chap. 49: Case Closed
Chap. 50: Bet
Chap. 51: Take Me Out
Chap. 52: Absent
Chap. 53: Oh God
Chap. 54: Together
Chap. 55: Always
Chap. 56: Party Central
Chap. 57: Fireworks
Chap. 58: And Beyond
Author's Note! o3o

Chap. 38: Fanventure

102 4 0
By 99butterfLIES


Samder Oliver sent you a text 5 minutes ago!

Yo dude. Dude. Just finished coloring Emma's latest add-on to our fan adventure. Read it!

He opened the pictures attached to the text and was met by decent anime-like comic drawings that had not-bad flat coloring. It wasn't like he was interested on the story or anything—hell, his friends made him a Maid at first—but because he started it that his pride wouldn't take the fact that he wasn't able to finish it.

When Aaron White starts something, then by hook or by crook, he was going to finish it, even if it meant threatening the makers as motivation for them to keep at it. Maybe that was the reason why he didn't get into too many things, because most often than not, some stuff just never finish.

Emma's fan adventure was something else though. She actually updates it regularly, around three or five pages every week, and Oliver colors it in, as the only one actually adept in coloring in their gang. Lucy was more of a lyricist/writer type of artist, so she helps with the dialogue while Kat and Yvette cleans up the plot.

Meanwhile Aaron... well, he basically made up the one hundred percent of proof-reading and actual readers. Why the other girls couldn't read the story in Emma's comic format, he'd never know.

So, he tried to remember what the hell was last week's story, as well as the other weeks. But his mind got the better of him and he ended up summarizing the entirety of the finished plot.

The story revolved around the world of the popular trash comic Homestuck, and was set to begin with three friends about to play a game of the tenth of April, the release of a popularly anticipated game beta. The first three characters were Oliver's, Kat's, and Lucy's OCs. A Knight of Heart, a Seer of Void, and a Rogue of Hope, correspondingly. By the mechanics of the game, Emma set out to make it that from the very beginning, their session was doomed to failure, thus, no Time nor Space players, because that wasn't their ultimate purpose, she said.

So they play the game, end up facing puberty's many challenges of emotional struggles and the hardships of growing up by themselves since any adult figures in their lives dies before they enter the Medium. If that wasn't enough drama, Lucy and Kat went ahead and made their characters a trans girl and a trans boy, respectively, and made it that when they go God Tier, they're reborn into their preferred bodies. That, and they get super powers and immortality. Must never forget about the super powers and immortality, thought Aaron. More drama they thought to add later on was to make the Knight gay and the Seer and Rogue only femininely interested, thus, none of the three could be romantically inclined to each other.

Then the Seer found out that their session was doomed to failure and convinced his friends to make a course through the Furthest Ring and find somewhere else, somewhere better. He had the Rogue hide their planets and their Prospit into the Void where only he could see, and made a course through the place that held littlest importance. There, they met another session of three.

That was where their version of Hivebent began. Emma's, Aaron's, and Yvette's characters were introduced; a jade-blooded Prince of Life, a sea dweller Maid of Blood, and a rust-blooded Thief of Time. They have been playing in their session long before the Knight's party arrive, and have faced many of their own dramas as well. And when it came to troll drama, one had to be met by their culture that was the same as theirs, only much bloodier and more... gray.

The romance suit concept was easy to understand enough, but Aaron still gets some satisfaction at seeing the rest of his gang writhing in annoyance whenever they'd see him tuning them out half-way through their own versions of the same explanation, so he never told them he understood the concept the first time around. Maybe Oliver knew deep down, but Aaron wasn't sure himself.

Anyway, the Prince was a magnet when it came to Kismesisitude, and his most prominent pursuer was the Thief. They hit it off, and the Maid would play Auspistice from time to time. One thing led to another, but in the end, they played FLARP, and the Prince and the Thief broke up, the Maid and the Thief entered a Moirallegience, but all three still kept tabs on each other, if only to make sure that the Prince wouldn't be doing anything too harsh, even in troll standards. He was, after all, of the blood selected to soon hatch the eggs in the Mother Grub's cavern. Had he not killed his first Virgin Grub lusus, he might not have had to end up with his question-mark-horned giant white crow.

So the Thief got the Maid to play a game with her, but the Maid told her they had to get the Prince in on it as well, and the three of them played. Long story short, the Prince caused trouble, made the Thief a volatile danger to their session, and when the Knight's party reached them, the Maid was at the brink and had to dispose of one of her friends. She chose the Prince and left him to rot in his own planet. The Knight found him first, sent him to his Quest Bed, and the most dangerous character ever went God Tier, and retroactively became a Rainbow Drinker, as was the way of his blood.

The plot twist was when the Prince ended up with a black crush on the Knight and got dumped. This worthless side-story led to the Prince inverting into a Sylph of Doom, and that inversion led to a Moirallegience of him and the Knight. The other characters went thusly:

Maid of Blood <3 Rogue of Hope

Thief of Time <3 Seer of Void

The former was a match made in troll heaven. The latter was still a volatile subject to breach. The Thief and Seer clearly had some sparks flying, but neither would admit to it.

And then chapter after chapter passed, until Homestuck itself reached the official Act 6. By that time, the comic had reached the scratched session, and the rest of Aaron's gang went brainstorming. If their characters scratched their session, that opened up the possibility of six more characters and more convoluted antics. Once the character sheets were agreed upon, the how was answered.

The Thief starts getting self-confident, as was how Thieves went in the comic, and started playing with her Time powers. This lead to the creation of so many doomed timelines that all of the sprites were fully prototyped with a certain version of the character owning them. Everyone warns the Thief to stop, even herself; to control her power lust, but the Thief was adamant. She needn't anyone tell her what to do, so she kept doing what she was doing, as Thieves were without the right relationship. Unfortunately, even the Seer's warnings were left unheard.

It came to the point where the Thief and Rogue were left trapped in a cavern in the Thief's planet, and to escape, the Rogue sacrificed herself. The Thief stole as much time as she could to reach the Rogue's planet, and she went God Tier. In doing so, the Thief left her own wounds unattended, and died. This was a sad moment, but Yvette didn't mind. She said, unlike the rest of the gang, she preferred focusing on only one character instead of two anyway. This gave Aaron the idea of having his character die as well, just for the heck of it, but said he'd want it to happen after they met up with the scratched session.

So the proceeding chapters were spent to mourn the loss of the Thief, unlike the actual comic that never really minded much about deaths once it got too reoccurring. Emma was adamant that Dream Bubbles were not to be a thing until after the scratch. Everyone agreed, which might as well have been, because it left more drama for future chapters to come.

The Seer did his research as to how they'd go about in scratching their session; how they'd all end up starting from scratch, memories erased, no knowledge at all as to everything they've been through. The Knight made the call, and by this time the Prince had fully inverted despite his God Tier-hood and used his powers to convince the others of it as well, if only to appease his moirail. The five stood on the frog pad below Skaia, along with their sprites or whatever was left of them, and the God Tiers scratched their session with a huge pencil.

At the last minute, the Prince did something no one thought to do, and killed everyone, even the other God Tiers. He captchalogued them all, possible because his modus was undeterred by size, and used the combined power of all the sprites to escape.

And the next chapters focused on the new six characters who were the humans' Guardians and the trolls' Ancestors.

The Knight of Heart's Guardian was a Mage of Light, the Seer of Void's was a Witch of Rage, and the Rogue of Hope's was an Heir of Mind. For the trolls, their Ancestors actually had the inverted titles of theirs. The Prince of Life's ancestor was a Sylph of Doom, the Maid of Blood's was a Bard of Breath, and the deceased Thief of Time's was a Page of Space. All this in accordance with a certain Homestuck theorist's post on Tumblr.

For some reason, still unexplained, the new six already had communion with each other. It was a device that made no sense, considering both batches should have lived on different planets and different time periods as well as owned different communication platforms. And it might be a mystery that never will be answered, as Emma hinted on when Aaron asked her about it. For the best, she added.

Before the new six proceeded to play the game, however, the shipping chart was:

Mage of Light <3/<3< Bard of Breath

Witch of Rage <3 Heir of Mind

Sylph of Doom <3< Page of Space

All of them were teasing of course, but once everyone was in the session, the Mage and Bard relationship started vacillating at an increasingly dangerous tier, and upon arrival of the party of five, they were ready to kill each other. Long story short was that was when Aaron agreed to kill his original character off in favor of his new one. Contrary to first thought, not all of the new six were the OCs of the same owners of their guardians/ancestors.

Aaron owned the Heir of Mind, who was the guardian of the Rogue of Hope, who was owned by Lucy, whose second character was the Witch of Rage, which was the Seer of Void's guardian, who belonged to Kat; her second character was the Page of Space, the Thief of Time's ancestor, who belonged to Yvette who also owned the Bard of Breath. Only Oliver and Emma retained the family line of their characters, with the Knight of Heart guardian to the Mage of Light, and the Prince of Life ancestor to the Sylph of Doom.

So now everyone was coping with the new twelve-planet-session, the Thief's and Maid's planet without a Hero, and everyone tried to get along, as best they could. The plot thickened when the Witch starts to seclude her group of six from the new four, as she was a very untrusting person, and this ends up with a gap between the two parties.

To make things fair, Kat had stated, one of the post-scratch kids had to side with the pre-scratch kids.

Emma volunteered her Sylph of Doom, only to appease everyone else, but this act led to the unprecedented event of both her Sylph having a pale crush on Oliver's Knight, causing romantic tension between the three characters. Kat, Lucy, and Yvette chattered like cave whispers that the plot was practically writing itself.

Last week, Emma drew five pages that celebrated the Knight's birthday, and the Sylph made a grand gesture that left the Prince's gift look meek. Dejected that the Knight praised the Sylph better, the Prince ran away, and now Aaron would read the continuation.

The first page focused on the Knight running after the Prince.

The second page focused on one-sided dialogue, the Knight asking why the Prince ran away and was unanswered.

The third page had the Prince shout "SHUT UP!" then silence and shock from both of them. The Prince never yelled out of anger in the entirety of the comic until then.

The fourth page was the cliffhanger. It ended with a loose panel of the Prince about to confess to something. And that was it.

Aaron flipped over the rest of Oliver's text.

It's another drama bomb! Heck, I've no idea what Kat or Lucy are planning now. It's bad enough that my Heart's Knight is being picked on by two vampires, and now this! I honestly don't mind if KoH <> PoL gets sunk, but I really wish they'd talk it through first. Homestuck's been a real drag too, what with the hiatus and all.

Aaron replied.

When's the next update?

Oliver didn't reply for a while, which might as well have been, since the teacher started doing his rounds and was right around the corner near Aaron's seat. He pretended to be taking a seriously-thought-off note, with his palm deliberately covering the rest of the paper.

The teacher passed, shooting him daggers and making him rethink his tactics when it came to pretention. He was starting to lose his game, he thought.

Better refresh before I lose it completely...

Before, he could have fooled the principal that he was a grade-A student. Now he'd have a hard time passing by the Teachers' Lounge without getting an earful of warnings. Maybe it was his reputation catching up to them, or maybe he was just losing his touch since he's been hanging out with a bunch of geeks, but either way, he needed some Aaron Time. Maybe once the week was out. Who knows?

It seemed alien to him to be able to focus on a comic despite everything else that was going on too. Damn, maybe he really was losing his touch. Oliver could do it because he was Oliver, but Aaron was a different story. He needed some club crazy in his system, and he needed it soon.

The bell rang, and second period meant back to work for him. He stood at the same time the girl in beige who sat at the corner-most seat of the classroom, near the doors, did, and he followed suit.

Samder Oliver sent you a text 2 minutes ago!

W/c one? Mspaint or our fanventure? If Mspaint then around oct I think. If our fanventure then IDK dude. Hope it's soon. I really wanna know what Emma's got in store for this ship. That, and I think it's weird that she updated four pages instead of the usual three or five. She NEVER upd8s 4 pgs EVER. She thinks its bad luck or something.

GTG. Cardor's coming in. TTYL.

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