30 day OTP challenge | Garmau

By RadioActiveScar

35.1K 943 1.3K

First off, the cover I first had was copyright, so Wattpad took it down. This one is just now a cute little l... More

Day one - Holding hand's
Day two- Cuddling somewhere
Day three- Gaming/Catching a movie
Day Four- On a date
Day five- Kissing (A.K.A. Fangirl crazy time)
Day six- Wearing each other's clothes
Day seven- Cosplaying
Day Eight- Shopping
Day nine- Hanging out with friend's
Day ten- With Animal Ear's
Day Eleven- Wearing Kigirumis
Day Twelve- Making Out
Day Thirteen- Eating ice cream
Day Fourteen- Alone together
Day Fifteen- An awkward moment
Day Sixteen- During their morning rituals
Day Seventeen- Sleeping together
Day Eighteen- Doing something together
Day Nineteen- In formal wear
Day Twenty- Dancing
Day Twenty-One- Cooking/Baking
Day Twenty-Two- In battle, side by side
Day Twenty-three- Arguing (Part 1 of 2)
Day Twenty-Five- Gazing into each other's eye's
3 OC's!
Day Twenty-Six- Getting married
Aphmau impersonator
Day Twenty-Seven-On one of their birthday's
Day Twenty-Eight-Doing something ridiculus
Day Twenty-Nine-Doing something sweet
Day Thirty-Something hot
New book!

Day Twenty-Four- Making up afterward's (Part 2 of 2)

786 25 18
By RadioActiveScar

Garroth's POV

I'm in a hotel that I rented for the night so I could get my head around this, did she really cheat on me? I was too angry and sad to be able to notice any sign's showing if she was speaking the truth or not... if I see this Laurence I'm going to beat the crap out of him, I don't care if Aphmau was cheating on me with him or not. He sent those pictures, I'm sure of it. Huh? A text? It's from Azura, a person at work that usually talks to me.

xX Text start Xx

A: Hey Garroth, I heard you broke up with Aphmau.

G: How do you know that?

A: Laurence is a guy who hit's on me at the bar, want me to bring a few drinks over? It could help with what your going through.

G: Yeah, sure. I'm at Bright Port hotel.

A: Ok, I'll be over in about 30 min's.

xX Text end Xx

It's nice of her to help me out, even though we are only work buddies. I should probably shower, I'm under a lot of stress and a hot shower should help. I quickly got the shower running and hoped in, it really did help. After about 10 min's I got out and got dressed, in the outfit Aphmau got me 2 year's ago. I regret walking out like I did, but I can't see her until I've figured this thing out. Hopefully Azura can help me out with this. I soon heard a knock at my door and I opened it to see Azura with a huge pack of beer's.

Garroth: "Hey Azura."

Azura: "Wow, you've been crying a lot, I can tell. Your eye's are really red and I can see the tear's stained on your cheek's."

Garroth: "Thank's for your concern, but I'm fine now. Can you help me figure this thing out?"

Azura: "You mean the break up? Yeah sure, I'll help. What happened?"

Garroth: "Come in and I'll tell you. You can just sit on the bed."

Azura: "Ok, now tell me what happened."

After I was done explaining she had an odd look on her face, I don't spend enough time with her to know what it mean's but it doesn't matter.

Azura: "So Laurence sent you these picture's? Are you sure?"

Garroth: "I don't know for sure but I'm pretty convinced." *drink*

Azura: "Can you show me the picture's?" *drink*

Garroth: "Yeah, sure."

Azura: "Yeah, that's Laurence's number alright. Who took it though?"

Garroth: "I don't know." *drink* "Can you pass me another beer?"

Azura: "Yeah, here."

Garroth: "Thank's, I might just drown out my sorrow's."

We talked for a little while and we drank quite a bit, I think I'm getting quite a bit drunk.

Azura: "Oh! I got a new phone right? I lost my old phone at the bar and I've got an new number, here it is."

Garroth: "Ok" *burp* "Lemme just get my phone... where is it?"

Azura: "Right here handsome."

Garroth: "What was that?"

Azura: "Don't worry about it, my number is... 202-555-0108."

Garroth: "Ok... wait, that seem's familiar."

Azura: "Huh?"

I checked the text holding the photo's and it was the exact same, even in my drunk state I could tell this. I had a quick look in her bag and noticed some sort of potion. I grabbed it and I could barely read, 'Disguise potion, turn into any desired person you want.' Did she fake this with Laurence?

Garroth: "Azura, why is the phone number the same as the sender of the pic's and why do you have a disguise potion?"

Azura: "Does it matter? Get over her Garroth, go for me instead."

Garroth: "What? You did this didn't you? Even in my current state I can tell. You... you... I want to hit you so bad right now but I'm not going to. Get out."

Azura: "But-"

Garroth: "GET OUT!"

She walked to the door, stumbling. Lucky I can hold my drink better than her. I quickly called an Uber to pick me up and bring me back to mine and Aphmau's apartment. I waited for it and as soon as I got back I ran to the door, seeing Laurence at the door.

Laurence: "What are you doing here?"

Garroth: "You and Azura faked those photo's... screw you."

With that I knocked him flat out. Aphmau opened the door seeing me shake my hand.

Aphmau: "OH MY GOD GARROTH! I'M SO SORRY! I SWEAR I DIDN'T DO IT! Laurence wouldn't leave me alone."

Garroth: "It's ok Aphmau, I believe you. I found out Azura and Laurence faked it, I'm so sorry."

Aphmau: "Azura? You mean that girl at work? What could she gain from- oh..." *cry's*

Garroth: "Shh, it's ok. I'm staying well away from her from now on." *hug's* " What should we do about Laurence?"

Aphmau: "Leave him there, he'll go back home now that he know's his and Azura's plan failed."

Garroth: "Ok, I'm so sorry for what I said Aphmau, I should have believed you."

Aphmau: "It's ok, I forgive you. I shouldn't have yelled. I'm putting a restraining order on Laurence."

Garroth: "Same here on Azura."

Aphmau: "I missed you, I was afraid you'd leave me."

Garroth: "I was afraid that you'd left me, I couldn't stop crying."

Aphmau: "You baby." *sniffle*

Garroth: "Your right about that." *hug's tighter*

And screw you Azura! How did you like it? You defiantly didn't like it at first but maybe you liked the ending? I don't have much to say except thank you for 3k! I am grateful for every read and bit of support you give me! I'm going to start an actual fanfic book after this is finished, so look forward to that! Anyway, I'm RadioActiveScar and I'll see you in the next one, peace out!

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