Day one - Holding hand's

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Garroth's P.O.V.

Why is it so hard to talk with Aphmau? I can't help but have some sort of panic attack whenever she ask's me question's like what I like or if she can walk with me. I can't stop stuttering or sweating, why though? I'm well aware that I like her, more than a friend even, but why is it so hard to just stay calm? I can do it whenever I'm talking with her about business thing's like how the village is and new's around the town but never when it's just a casual talk. Why Irene, oh why is it so hard? Why can't I just tell her? Why can't I just- oh shoot, here she come's. Keep your cool Garroth, keep your cool.

"Hey Garroth!"

"H-Hey Aphmau!" Oh god I'm already stuttering.

"How is the village today?"

"Oh it's good, I haven't checked on Kawaii~chan though. Do you mind doing that for me Aphmau? I need to drop off something for Laurence"

"Oh, I can drop it off! That'd be a quicker walk considering it's closer to my house. Speaking of which, why were you heading toward's my house?" Wait, I was?

"Oh, um. I was j-just heading to the dock's." Hope this excuse work's

"But why?"

"I just need to check if any O'Kassis ship's were coming. I just have this weird feeling."

"Garroth, you always have that 'feeling' but there are never any there!"

"Yeah but better safe than sorry." Please don't ask to come with me.

"Can I come too?" Gosh darn it.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh" She started to give me puppy eye's... WHY ARE YOU SO DAMN CUTE!

"Ok, I can't resist those adorable e- uh, I mean... LET'S GO! Haha!" Before I could start walking, she intertwined her finger's with mine. A spark of electricity went through my body, and I could tell she felt it too. I'm glad I couldn't find my gauntlet's today. I smile and she smile's back, and we start walking to the beach. Once we got there the sun was setting, and it looked beautiful.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" She broke the silence with her beautiful voice.

"Not as beautiful as you" Before I realized what I said I could feel her hugging me. More spark's flew.

"Thank's Garroth!" We started to lean in, and then I felt a force push me to the ground. I open my eye's and see a laughing Aphmau.

"Aphmau! Your dead!"

"Noooo! Don't kill me pwease! Pweety pwease garwoth!"

"That trick may work with Levin but not with you Aphmau!" Darn, so close. Wait, I JUST REALISED I DIDN'T STUTTER ALMOST AT ALL! YES! FINALLY! AND I ALMOST KISSED HER TOO! Well I better keep chasing her.

How did you all like it? I though it was really good! Let me know what you think in the comment's! Anyways, I'm RadioActiveScar and I'll see you in the next one, peace out!

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