Day two- Cuddling somewhere

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First off, if this chapter suck's I've got an odd nausea feeling. I went ice skating with 3 of my friend's for 5 hours and in an ice rink it's really cold so maybe that's why? Or it could be the two Ice Coffee's that I had? I don't know I just feel kinda sick, it started when I got home. Anyway, enjoy the chapter for what it is!

(Ok, I'm not feeling so sick anymore, LETS WRITE SOME SHORT STORY FANFIC!)

Aphmau's p.o.v.

Garroth is so cute... wait what? WHAT AM I SAYING, HE'S MY GUARD! I'm a lord and I need to focus for my village's sake. Anyway, Garroth and I are discussing improvement's for the village and I even cooked up some bacon for him. He was a bit reluctant at first but then he started digging in like a mad man haha! I don't think he's had bacon before, that's... horrible. Everyone deserves to have bacon! Sorry, it's just so good! Anyway, I was thinking of putting up a wall.

Garroth: I think we should build a wall with towers at certain point's to add support to the wall, then we can see O'kassis guard's coming.

Aphmau: That's what I was thinking!

Garroth: Then it's settled! Me, Dale, Brian, and Laurence will take turn's in both guarding the village and building the wall once we get the material's.

Aphmau: I want too help too! (I know she didn't actually help but this is a fanfic darnit! Imagination and creativity is key!)

Garroth: Aphmau, please. We've got it.

Aphmau: Garroth...

Garroth: Aphmau...

Aphmau: Garroth...

Garroth: Aphmau...

Aphmau: *Puppy eye's*

Garroth's resisting to say yes, he's almost shaking.

Garroth: Fiiiiiiiiiiine. But we will get the material's, ok?

Aphmau: Fine, deal. Shake on it. *reaches out hand*

Garroth: *under his breath* why do you have to be so damn cute? *shakes hand*

I could feel a shock of electricity go through my body, like other time's. I think I'm getting used to it, but why do I never feel this when I come in contact with other's like Laurence or Dante? Wait, did he call me cute? I think I'm starting to blush.

Garroth: Why are you so red?

Aphmau: Uh, no reason!

I suddenly heard the kid's playing and I wanted to join them but, I also wanted Garroth to have some time off. He work's so hard and he hardly get's time off.

Aphmau: Hey, Garroth?

Garroth: Y-yes Lady Aphmau?

Aphmau: Do you want to play with the kid's with me?

Garroth: Uh, I want to but I should be guarding the villa-

Aphmau: Garroth I command you, as my head guard, to play with me and the kid's.

Garroth: Well, if your that serious, sure!

We walked up stair's and took a left to the kid's room. It's about 5:30 and the kid's were fed just before Garroth came to discuss the village improvement's for about 15 min's so we got quite a lot of time to spend with the kid's until we will need to put them to bed.

Levin: Mom? Gar Gar? Mom! Gar Gar! *He hug's both their leg's making them move closer together*

Garroth and I are blushing madly at how close we were but we stayed there until Levin let go.

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