Soccer Love

By soccer_music21

154K 3.6K 614

Bella loves soccer. She's been playing her whole life. But when she moves to a new town and finds out the sch... More

Soccer Practice
More Practice
Exploring, Rearranging, and Music
Shopping and Soccer
Get to Know You
Game Day and the Concert
The Second Soccer Game
Date Night
Date Night part 2
Long Bus Rides and Soccer
Things Just Got Harder
I Love You
Strengthening Our Relationship
There's no "I" in Team
One Shot, Don't Mess Up
I Know It's Cliché...
An Eventful Dinner
An Eventful Dinner: Part 2
An Eventful Dinner: Part 3
Post Tramatic Stress
A Day With You
Hello Again
A Day With You: Part 2


5.7K 135 19
By soccer_music21

When I had gotten home last night, I had texted Ethan, asking if he was still free on Friday, which he was. He said he'd meet me at the school and I agreed.

Now, I was on my way to soccer practice.

I hoped out of my jeep, grabbed my water bottle and cleats, and walked over by the rest of the team who were putting their soccer stuff on.

"So Bella," Thomas started,"you going to homecoming tomorrow?"

I tightened the knot I just tied on my cleat and said,"yes."

"With who? Adam?" He said causing a few laughs from the others.

"I guess you'll just have to see," I replied smirking.

"Alright team," I hear from behind me.

We all turned to face who spoke: Adam .

"Coach is gonna be late so he told me and Jackson to take charge," he continued.

"So," Jackson said, grinning evily,"let's start with three laps."

Honestly, I was preparing for worse so I was a-okay with only three laps.

After the three laps, we stretched out then Coach showed up.

"Alright. We're gonna put everyone in positions today. I want to try some new things," Coach said. "Bella, you're going to be front and center with Adam on left and Dylan on right. Chayton center mid, Dallas left mid, and Ed right. Kelly and Sebastian will be center defense, Hunter right and Matt left. Jackson, goalie. Everyone else, grab a penny."

Thomas, Isaac, Mike, Tyler, and Fred grabbed a penny and we headed out on the field, including Coach.

"Mike right defense. Tyler left," Coach said. "Thomas right forward. Fred left. Me and Isaac will be mids. Isaac you'll be on the right."

Someone got a ball and kicked it to the center. Meanwhile, Thomas and I did rock-paper-scissors on who would go first. I won.

Adam and I started in the circle.

"Pass to me, I'll pass to Dylan, you make a run for it," Adam muttered in my ear.

I gave a slight nod to let him know I understood and we started.

I tapped it to Adam then started sprinting towards the goal.

"Bella!" Dylan called.

I turned around to see a ball flying towards me. I let it land on my chest then it dropped to my feet. Dribbling past Isaac, I passed it to Adam, who held onto it for a second then passed it back to the midfielders.

It stayed there for a few minutes, going to each defense, the Coach said,"give it your all."

So we did.

The ball was passed to Dylan who crossed it to me.

"Bella!" Adam called, completely open.

I passed it to him and he started dribbling towards the goal. Dylan and I continued to run with him just in case he needed someone to pass to.

Out of now where, Coach came up behind him.

"Man on!" I yelled as quickly as possible.

Without hesitation, he passed the ball to me and I sent it into the goal.

My team cheered and ran to give a group hug. On top of me.

I fell to the ground under all the weight, laughing and making sure I could still breathe.

"Come on. Get up," Coach called.

One by one, they started to get off and we got back into position.

"Bella," Coach said,"do you play any other positions?"

"Center defense," I answered.

"Switch with Kelly," he said and we did so.

Thomas and Fred started with everything they had, along with everyone else on their team. The game stayed mostly in the middle of the field, so I never really touched it.

Matt was nearly playing mid because Dallas was helping out the forwards. Suddenly, the ball flew back towards my defense. Matt was sprinting back but Coach barely beat him. I ran over and started sprint along with him, neck and neck. I gave one more burst of speed and slide tackled the ball. Coach went tumbling over me but I stayed low to the ground, knowing well he could hit me.

Within a few seconds everyone was surrounding us. A few guys helped me up and I walked over to Coach. I said nothing and stuck my hand out. He shook his head, smiling, and took my hand. I hoisted him up, with help from a few of the guys.

"That was so illegal!" Tyler said.

My team started defending me and a few guys on the other team started going along with Tyler.

"Hey," Coach said trying to get them under control, but after a few unsuccessful tries I yelled "HEY!"

Everyone quieted.

"No one likes a sore loser," I said smirking.

That probably wasn't the smartest thing to say because that started them up again.

"If everyone keeps this up, it's going to be running for the rest of practice!" Coach yelled.

Everyone immediately quieted down.

"It was a clean move," he admitted with a smile at me.

I smiled back as my team cheered and congratulated me.

We played a game of lightning then did a cheer and cleaned up to go home.

"Are you going to homecoming?" I heard from behind me.

I twirled around so see Adam standing there.

I nodded then looked to my feet. "I wish you could come."

I glanced up to see him smiling a small smile, so I smiled returned it.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow at school then?" I said.

He nodded and I walked away.

When I pulled up to my house, I could tell something was off. I parked my jeep and went inside. Immediately, I heard laughter. A woman's laughter.

I walked into the kitchen to see my dad and a lady holding wine glasses and smiling.

The lady had blonde hair, that reached her collar bone, and a lot of make up. She was wearing a tight black dinner dress and black high heels.

"Bella," my dad said still smiling.

I forced a smile.

"This is Jocelyn. Jocelyn this is my daughter Bella," he introduced.

Jocelyn set her glass down and walked over to me with a big smile on her face.

"I've heard so much about you," she said, sticking her hand out for a handshake.

I shook her hand and muttered,"I haven't heard anything about you."

I knew she wouldn't catch it, because she was blabbing about how happy she was to meet me, but my dad would catch it. He shook his head, his smile never faltering, as she walked back to him.

"I'm going to shower," I said bluntly and walked away.

As soon as I started up the stairs, I heard laughter. I walked to my room and threw my stuff on the ground. After I found some clean clothes, I headed to my bathroom.

As I stood in the shower, letting the water wash away sweat and emotions, I sorted through my thoughts.

I was going to the dance tomorrow with a stranger. My dad had a girlfriend. Soccer was going great. Our first game was in two weeks, more or less. Adam...

We've kissed a couple times but when we see each other in public we act like... Friends?

I stood in the shower for several minutes trying to sort that out, but eventually I got hungry and got out. After I dried off, I put some clothes on, put my socks and shoes on then walked downstairs, grabbing my keys too.

My dad and Jocelyn were still talking in the kitchen.

Without a word, I walked past and walked outside. A second later, my dad called my name.

I turned around.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

Like you care I thought. "Dinner."

"You can eat here. I'd like us to have dinner with Jocelyn."

"Maybe another night," I said and walked to my jeep.

I ignored him waving at me as I drove away then pulled out my iPod and plugged it in, singing my feelings.

After a few minutes of driving around, I got hungry and went to Subway.

Guess who was there.


I didn't look at anyone except the workers while I ordered a chicken breast footlong and a cookie. When they asked if it was to stay or to go I told them to go.

As I walked to the door, Adam came up behind me.

"You going for another ride?" He asked with a smile.

I turned around, not wanting to talk to anyone. "I don't know."

He surveyed me real fast. "Are you okay?"

I forced a smile. "Of course."

He didn't believe me. "What's wrong?"

I sighed. "Come on."

We walked out to my jeep, me behind the wheel. I started the car and started to drive down Main Street.

"So what's wrong?" Adam asked a minute later.

"My dad has a girlfriend," I answered bluntly.

He was silent for a minute, realizing it was only my dad. "You don't like her?"

"Today was the first time I met her but my mom died only a few months ago. How could he move on that fast? He's barely had time for me, now he has all the time in the world for his girlfriend?!" I ranted, tears starting to form.

He hesitated then said,"I'm sorry about your mom."

I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say. It wasn't okay. I wasn't going to pretend like I was a peace with it.

"Will you hand me my sandwich?" I asked quietly.

He opened up the Subway bag and pulled out the sandwich. I heard him unwrap a little of it then he handed it to me.

"Thanks," I said then shoved my food in.

I heard him stifle a laugh.

"Wha?" I asked, looking over at him, my mouth full.

"I wasn't expecting you to take that big of a bite," he answered.

I smirked at him, my cheeks puffing out.

He smiled and shook his head as I took another big bite of my sandwich.

"So you're going to homecoming?" Adam asked when I was halfway done with my sandwich.

"Yeah," I said before continuing on my food.

"I can't believe you're going with someone you don't even know," he said, and I could hear a little anger in his voice.

"Why would you care? Besides no one else asked me."

I heard him mutter something.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"Nothing," he said, annoyed.

I pulled off the road and turned off the engine.

"You can't barge into my life and expect to rule it," I said, setting my sandwich down and facing him.

"I don't," he said defensively.

I sighed, very annoyed, and sat forward. "Get out."


"You heard me. Get out."

"We're twenty miles away from home," he argued, facing me.

"I don't care. Get out," I said, still facing forward, my arms crossed.

"No," he said, sitting forward in his seat.

"Fine. I will," I said then hopped out the car.

"Bella," Adam called as I closed my door.

I started walking from the way we came.

Adam's door opened. "Bella!"

I kept walking.

I heard him run up to me and he grabbed my hand, making me spin towards him.

"Let me go," I said, trying to pull my hand away from him.

He grabbed my below my shoulders on each arm so I couldn't walk away.

We looked each other in the eyes.

He was the first one to interrupt that. He started to pull me close, his lips slightly parted, his head tilting.

"No!" I shouted and pulled away.

"What?" He asked, calmly.

"You can't kiss me and make everything better! In fact, that makes it worse!"


"I don't know what this is!" I said gesturing to us. "And that just adds one more thing to my confusion and anger!"

"Okay, calm down. Let's talk about it in the car," he said taking a step towards me.

"Fine," I said, brushing past him.

When we both got in the jeep, an awkward silence sat between us.

"What do you want to know?" He asked about a minute later.

"What is our relationship? You kiss me but you still act like we're just friends," I said.

Before he could say anything, my phone went off. I looked at it. A text from my dad, saying to come home.

I started the jeep and flipped a U-ey. A second later I continued to eat my sandwich.

A few minutes later, there were six bites left but I was full.

"Do you want the rest of my sandwich?" I asked Adam.

"Sure," he said as I handed it to him. "Thanks."

A little bit later, we pulled into town and I dropped him off at his house. Reluctantly, I drove to my house, hoping my dad would be asleep. But he wasn't.

"Where have you been?" He asked as soon as I walked in the door.

"Just driving around," I replied.

"What did you eat for dinner?"


He sighed. "I really wanted you to talk to Jocelyn."

"Maybe you should've at least mentioned her," I said, trying to stay calm.

"I'm sorry."

I shrugged.

Suddenly, I remembered about homecoming.

"I'm going to homecoming tomorrow night at 7," I said.


"Well I'm tired. Goodnight," I said.

"Goodnight," he called as I walked up the stairs.

I went to my room, changed into some pjs then climbed into bed, my silent tears sending me to sleep.

Hi readers! Sorry it's been like a month, I've just been so busy. I've kinda lost my writer's flow so sorry if the last half of this chapter isn't very good. Anyway, thanks for reading and I will try to update fast but I can't guarantee it. Bye, have a fabulous week! (P.S. sorry if there are any mistakes.)

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