A Vampire's Property: 1st Per...

By Nyjhia_

216 8 0

Avery is having a hard time in life, until a very beautiful vampire name Logan comes and makes it worse. Rule... More

Awkward Silence
The Boy Behind The Evil
Dangerous Regrets
Last and Final Heart Beat
Last and Final Heart Beat (Part 2)

Decisions and Choices

37 1 0
By Nyjhia_

"Maybe you should mind your own business." My older brother Derek growled, flicking a pea at my head with his fork.

"Wow." I said, wiping my forehead with a napkin. "For someone who's 17, you sure don't act like it, now stop!" I said, gritting my teeth.

"Now Derek, what did I tell you about bothering your sister?" Our mom Erica asked.

"Sorry. Mom." He said. apologizing to her as he gave me an evil smirk.

Once mom got everything settled, dad came home. "Hey everyone." He said pecking mom on the lips.

He sat his brief case on the floor, before taking a seat at the dinner table with us.

This was the normal, average family plan, every night.

"So kids, how was your first day back to school?" He asked loosening his tie.

"Great! - Horrible..." Derek and I both said at the same time.

"Horrible, Why?" He asked grabbing his silverware. Gently pressing the butter knife down into the steak, cutting it as he grabbed the loose piece with his fork.

"Well...." I said, poking at my peas, as if something were really on my mind.

"Well?" He said, taking a bite out of his steak as he waited for my answer.

"My math teacher Ms. Elvira, she uh, kinda uh...She just had a sorta bad day." I blurted.

"Dad, please tell her that has nothing to do with her." Derek said rolling his eyes and shaking his head as he shoved food into his mouth.

"Now Avery, your brother's right, how does that concern you?" He asked.

"She was crying dad, she could know the end of the world was tomorrow and not tell anyone for all I know." I said, making an sarcastic excuse, when really inside, I was actually afraid to tell them a guy in a suit and tie holding a brief case came to inform out teacher something terrible. I was feeling mad sympathy for Ms. Elvira. She was honestly my favorite teacher.

"So, and?" Derek snapped. "It's not like she'd help you even if the world was ending tomorrow, she could barely help you keep your GPA up." Derek chuckled.

My sweaty hands balled into a fist, making my nails dig into my palms.

I started gritting my teeth.

"Oh, wait, I forgot you're a captain nerd so that means." Derek continued, picking up a piece of his steak just to show us something dumb. "If you get one bad grade, your little perfect nerdy career is over, just like a split in the middle." He teased, tearing his little piece of steak down the middle.

"Ok, Derek shut up!" I shouted hopping up from the chair.

"Make me trash!" Derek shouted back, hopping up as well.

Mom wiped her mouth and spoke. "You two will not yell in my house!" She snapped.

"He started it." I said giving Derek an evil look.

"I don't care who started it, you two are 17 and 16 now act like it." She continued.

Before anyone made a move there was another huge awkward silence.

Derek sat down, but kept his eyes locked on me. "I sat mother, and I'm done arguing with miss I'm soo perfect here."

They both just sighed as dad buried his face in his food and mom buried hers in her phone.

I looked at them back and forth, to see if they would respond to what he just said.


I decided to be dramatic and take matters into my own hands. I picked up my plate of left over steak, peas and mashed potatoes, and dumped it all on Derek's head.

Maybe that was too dramatic?

Gasp from Erica, Robert, and last but expected Derek.

(2 hours later)

"I don't see why I have to do this shit." I mumbled dragging the bag filled with disgusting, smelly garbage to the dumpster across the street from the house. I struggled to pick up the garbage bag with all of my might and swung it over my head as I threw it in the dumpster.

It was cold out, I was officially grounded and now I feel something wet and sticky sliding down my chest.

I looked down, seeing cold slaw from three nights ago.

"Oh gross! Not my favorite shirt, could this night get any worst?" I asked myself, hearing an unusual noise coming from behind the dumpster.

My heart started to burn from fear. I thought I was the only one outside, unless it was Derek trying to play a prank on me.

"Hello?" I said, getting a bit nervous.

I took one step forward, crunching a stick under my foot.

I stopped and sighed.

But the noise grew louder.

It sounded like whimpering, like someone was crying.

I slowly walked around the dumpster, only to find a teenage boy who sat on the ground, balling his head up into his knees.

He looked like one of my brother's friends.

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked getting closer to him.

"No." He growled, making me jump a bit. I understood he only said no, but it wasn't to answer my question, it was only to stop me from coming any closer.

I took a few steps back, kinda unsure about my decision of walking back here.

But I can't just leave him here.

"Uh, umm, what's wrong, I can help." I said leaning down.

"Really?" He asked, still looking down.

"Yea! Why not? Just tell me what's wrong." I said, kinda doing a perfect mimic of my mom, only when she's taking care of patients.

"Well, I-I have no where to go. My mom and dad are dead and I'm poor with no place to stay." He said, looking at me with watery eyes.

I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. What should I do? I'm not use to talking to random strangers behind dumpsters.

But he said his parents are...dead. I could only imagine..

"Well, uh you can stay with me." I suggested. "You know, until things get right again, or until you find other siblings who can take you in. We have a phone, if you need it." I continued, trying to be very supportive.

"Really?" He said excitedly, standing on his feet. He was pretty tall. Taller than me and I was only 5'6.

"Look, yes, but, we just....we can't tell my parents or my brother." I warned.

"YES! I mean n-no I won't tell them I swear." He said holding a tight grip on my arms. He quickly let go once he saw me blush.

"Your hands are cold." I chuckled.

"Well, it is cold outside." He smirked.

Well, he surely recovered fast.

"Right. Which is why we're gonna head to my place, so we can get warm." I said, trying not to sound nervous or make things awkward.

We both started walking back to my house, and so the questions began.

"Hey, what's your name?" I asked, throwing my hands in the small pockets of my jacket.

"Logan." He simply answered, like he knew the question was coming.

"Well Logan, I'm Avery." I said smiling at him.

He sighed and smiled. "That's a pretty name, Avery."

"Thank you." I blushed, pulling strands of hair behind my ear.

"I'm also 17, if you were wondering about that too." He said, throwing his hands in his pockets.

That's weird.

That was actually my next question.

"My brother is too, I'm 16. So that means I'm the baby in the family." I said, regretting every word that just came out of my mouth.

I slowly opened the door, trying to be as quiet as possible.

I turned around, making sure Logan was still there, he was actually extremely close to my back.

"Come in, and keep quiet." I whispered.

Logan just gave me a weird smirk and nodded.

I stepped in first, making sure my parents and Derek were out of sight. I pulled Logan in as I closed and locked the front door.

Afterwards, I held Logan's hand,
feeling a bit gauche about it, but if it means doing something I'm gonna regret later than getting caught, I'd take my chances.

We both tip toed upstairs to my bed room. Logan seemed like a pro at being quiet because I could barely hear him breathing as he stayed close by.

I finally made it to my room, clicking on the light. Logan was still extremely close behind, once I was in. I quietly closed the door with a slight shut and turned to face Logan.

Logan took off his hood and looked at me with a wicked grin.

I found myself blushing again, because I've never seen anyone this mysteriously beautiful before, not even my boyfriend could compare to this handsome creation that stood before me.

Plus I've never had a boy in my room, unless it was Derek going through my things for eyeliner.

His pale skin went with his pale blue eyes which was under his long jet black hair. He was tall but not too tall, skinny, but built at the same time, and adorable.

"W-well.." I found myself stuttering. "I only have one bed." I told him, awkwardly waving my hand over my bed.

Logan bit the bottom of his lip and looked at me as if he had no idea what I was saying.

"No? What I'm saying is I can make you a-"

"No need." He interrupted, leaning his back against the wall.

"Well, where are you going to sleep?" I asked.

"No where." He said with a huge smile on his face.

I was starting to get a little bit creeped out, but he was so cute I couldn't resist, I had to smile back.

"Did you not sleep at your old house? Oh wait! How stupid am I? Totally forgot you just got here. I'd be uncomfortable to sleep in a new house as well." I said, going inside of my closet. I pulled out some seventeen magazines and got my very old iPod from the top of my dresser. "Here you go." I said handing him the magazines and my iPod.

"Umm, thanks." Logan said looking around the room.

"Hope you don't mind, I need to change my shirt." I said awkwardly, digging through my dresser for a clean shirt.

I threw my jacket off, but I could feel his eyes burning into my back.

I stopped and looked at him from the corner of my eye.

"Do y-" I started.

"I don't mind." He interrupted.

"Well, I do. I have a boyfriend, plus I'm pretty shy, because you're a guy. In my room...staring at me." I said awkwardly.

Logan chuckled and threw his hands up. "Fine. I'll be in the closet." He mumbled.

He seriously walked in the closet and shut the door.

Wow. He seems trust worthy too. I think I'm in love now...

I quickly changed shirts because I didn't want him to be in there for long, plus I wanted to see his face again so bad even though he's only been in there for like two seconds.

I rushed to the closet door, prepared to knock until it slowly opened.

Logan stood before me as my fist was frozen, awkwardly, from when I was gonna knock on the door.

"Done?" He asked, with a cheek to cheek grin.

I smiled. "All done."

"Great." He said, staring into my soul.

We both just stood there, staring at each other for three minutes exact. I was staring at him because I was admiring his beauty. He, on the other hand, stared at me as if I were a delicious dessert.

But I didn't mind, it kinda turned me on a bit, making my gut twist.

"Well, goodnight!" I said getting into bed, preparing myself to go to sleep until-

"Hey umm, thanks for this....I-I owe you one." Logan said still staring at me.

"Nah, don't mention it." I smiled, pulling my covers over my head.


I pulled my head out from under the covers and looked at Logan.

"Can you uh, get the light please?" I asked.

He smiled. "Sure." And he did.

He hasn't stopped smiling since he got in here.

Maybe he was dangerous, what if I let a murderer posing as a teen in the house.


No man that cute can actually pose as a man murderer if he's actually a teen...

That didn't make sense.

I would've stayed up so I could stare at his perfect face and ask him a MILLION questions! But I know how I get when I don't get any sleep for school.

My eyelids started to feel heavy as my thoughts started to fade...

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