A geek like me [ON HOLD]

By XxCallMePrincessXx

8.7K 172 126

Meet Erin Silver. Daughter of the principle who own's the most prestigious school -Jedvil High- in the countr... More

A geek like me Chapter Two
A geek like me Chapter Three
A geek like me Chapter Four
A geek like me Chapter Five
A geek like me Chapter Six
A geek like me chapter Seven
It all started with Mr. Creep Chapter Eight
A geek like me Chapter Nine
A geek Like Me Chapter Ten

A geek like me

2.8K 34 22
By XxCallMePrincessXx

  Copyright © 2011 XxCallMePrincessXx

Hiya wattpaders! I take any constructive criticism so people comment, vote and fan if you like!

Prologue: Meet Erin Silver. Daughter of the principle who own's the most prestigious school -Jedvil High- in the country. But no-one knows that except for her three best friends. To people she is known as a loser, a geek or whatever you can think of. Outside of school she is nothing like that, but no-one knows about that not even her three best friends.

Meet Nate Ryan's. One of Hollywoods golden boys. Known for his mysterious ways and his title of ladies man, he is going to be attending Jedvil high or well that's what the rumors are saying.

What happens when these two meet?

Find out XD

Chapter One:

I climbed out of the shower while wrapping a warm and fluffy white towel around myself and grabbed another one for my hair. I walked into my room while heading straight to my walk-in wardrobe grabbing a pair of short shorts and a baggy but comfy top. I jumped into my large king size bed and pulled the comforters up around me. I snuggled into the warmness and let out a sigh.

Having to listen to your best friend going on and on about some celebrity called Nate Ryan's who was said to be coming to my school doesn't interest me. Confused? let me explain.

I'm Erin Silver but my friends call me Silver not that I have a lot of them in fact it's the total opposite I only have three friends but I wouldn't change that for anything. I go to Jedvill High the most expensive high school in the Country. Mostly it's filled up with rich kids and a few scholarship students. Me? I'm the headmasters daughter. Not that anyone knows that.

To people I am known as a nerd, a loser, or a geek but I don't mind. I would rather be known as all that than be one of them. Like the saying 'I was born unique why would I want to die a copy' that fit me perfectly.

Grabbing my laptop I logged into my facebook account only to find out that the message boards were filled with comments on how Nate Ryan's would be coming to Jedvill High. Urgh him again. I haven't met him and already I'm annoyed of him. I bet he was like all the other rich kids, arrogant , selfish and a massive jerk. He probably wouldn't even end up coming anyway I don't why everyone was so excited.

I looked at the message board and it said he would be coming next Monday since he was finishing up a movie in L.A. Oh great I would only  have to experience another one day of Emma's consistent rambling about him coming but at least on Monday it will all die down since he wouldn't probably come. I mean why would he? He could be home schooled and not have to get up early to go to school. He would not have to face the wrath of teachers and have to stay up all night doing homework. Then again I'm pretty sre he could get away with it all. I knew for a fact that most of the teachers were almost as excited as the student population about the news of Nate Ryan's coming to Jedvill. I logged off facebook and put down my laptop. It was 11:00 pm and I was sleepy. As soon as I laid my head on my pillow I drifted off into dream land.

I groaned and hit my alarm clock so it would stop it's incessant shrill. One important fact you have to know about me is that I'm cranky in the morning. Definitely not a morning person I mean how can you like having to wake up early?

I brushed my teeth and had a quick shower. Next I walked into my wardrobe and picked out a  black baggy top and some plain jeans topped with a pair of trainers. I didn't put on any makeup or jewelry and just left my hair in a boring ponytail. I didn't like to attract attention to myself.

I grabbed a piece of toast and bit into it while heading out the door. I walked to school since I lived about a ten minute walk from it. As soon as I headed inside the school all that could be heard was buzzing about how Nate Ryan's was coming to Jedvill on Monday. If no-one knew about it yesterday they sure did now.

I groaned when I saw an overly happy Emma bounce her way up to me. Emma looked nothing like me. She had blond hair that she always kept straight and had the height of average 10 year old. She was the definition of a pixie. I on the other hand looked the complete opposite of her.

"Hey Emma" I greeted my best friend in a bored tone since I knew she would be squealing about Nate in a few seconds.

"Hiya, omygosh aren't you excited! Nate Ryan's is coming on Monday!" She squealed.

"Yes Emma I know, everyone knows and no I am not excited" I said bluntly.

The look of shock that crossed her face was hilarious so I couldn't help but burst out laughing. Passerby's looked at me like I was a freak but I didn't care. I was pretty much used to those looks so I just kept on laughing. Her facial expression changed from shock to irritation.

"Whatever Silver I'm going now, I'll see you at lunch kay?"

"Sure, see you" I replied then headed off to home room.

I walked in and took my place in the front while Mr. Hill marked us all in. As soon as the bell sounded I made my way to my first class. Unfortunately I don't have Emma or any of my other friends in any of my morning classes but in this incident I'd say it was fortunate.

After what seemed like days it was lunch. In all my classes all that could be heard were the words "Nate Ryan's" or "Oh em gee".  I walked outside and sat down at what I claimed as our tree. No-one else came here for lunch so it was just us who sat there.

Soon after Emma came along with Olivia and scarlet. My other two friends but I wasn't as close to them as I was with Emma but still very close, enough for them to know my dad was the headmaster anyway. Though only Emma knew about my night time hobby. As they were coming nearer to me I could hear parts of their conversation it went mostly like "He's so hot!"  couldn't anyone stop talking about him!

"Hey Silver" Scarlet and Olivia both greeted me.

"Hi" Emma said while plopping down next to me.

"Hey" I acknowledged them all.

"So, what do you think?" Olivia asked me.

"What do I think about what?" I questioned.

"Duh, Nate of course!" Scarlet answered for Ollie.

"Oh gosh I'm not staying here for you to talk about him!" I said in irritation. I mean come on him again! Is that all people could talk about? I don't even get whats so good about him. He is just another human being.

I stalked off into the grassy fields which were luckily empty. I was sick of everyone talking about Nate Ryan's I mean come on! I didn't go back to them but waited until then bell rang then made my way to my final classes of the day. In my afternoon classes I had Olivia and Emma in them but I ignored their constant yapping. As soon as the final bell had rung I packed up and headed straight home, glad to be out of school and away from everyone else.

For once my parents were home when I got there but even that wasn't a really good thing since they were never here for me only business.

"Hey sweety" My mum called "Can you come here?" It was a question but sounded more like an order. I complied and followed her voice into the kitchen.

"Yes mum?" I asked as sweetly as possible.

"Dear, we have an important dinner we need to go to on Sunday, so you need to get a dress for the evening" She told me in a stern voice looking disapprovingly at what I was wearing right now.

"Yes mom" I said in a bored voice dropping the sweet one and with that I left her and ran upstairs to my room. Great, I can't wait! - Note the sarcasm- 

So that is it.. But I swear the next chapter will be much better since this was just the first chappie. Comment/ vote/ fan people and tell me if you don't like it or have any problems with it. Also I shouldn't have anyone messaging me saying I copied this because as far as I am aware I haven't copied anyone's story.

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