More Than Complicated (Harry...

By frostybirb

287K 8.5K 4.1K

"Why did you run away?" Harry tried changing the subject. "You're a coward Malfoy, you know that? You left yo... More

Chapter 1: Midnight Fly
Chapter 3: Hide n' Seek
Chapter 4: Petrificus Totalus
Chapter 5: The Encounter
Chapter 6: Into the mirror
Chapter 7: Gathering
Chapter 8: Sober thoughts
Chapter 9: Complications
Chapter 10: Morning Relief
Chapter 11: The Owl Mail
Chapter 12: The Plan
Chapter 13: Kingsley Shacklebolt
Chapter 14: Memory Flashes
Chapter 15: 4 PM
Chapter 16: Dementor's kiss
Chapter 17: The Return
Chapter 18: Hospital Wing

Chapter 2: Unwanted Encounter

22.7K 607 131
By frostybirb

It couldn't possibly be. His legs felt suddenly weak and wobbly to the thought. Could it be him? His heart nearly skipped a beat. The figure was a distance away, and he couldn't tell. Harry squinted his eyes and shook his head. He was being delusional and unrealistic. Maybe in the back of his head he had secretly hoped it was Draco Malfoy. He also knew in the back of his head, he would've done anything to see his sneer once again to show that he's alive. And to see his flawless pale skin, his fine hair, and those grey eyes full of promises....
No no, that he cared and lusted for Draco. He just want him to be at least alive. Yeah, that's it. He told himself it's only because he missed having an arch-nemesis to argue with.

But the unknown stranger ahead didn't budge. Harry wasn't sure whether if he should start inching closer or not. But before he could make a move, the stranger started walking towards him. Faster and faster.
It wasn't until he was meters away that Harry saw why he almost mistakened him for Draco. It was none but his own father, Lucius Malfoy. He didn't know whether he should fake a polite smile and shake his hand or to run away as fast as possible.
Lucius's smile was distinctive and as passive aggressive as it gets. He loomed over Harry with his long black robe that reminded Harry of those Death Eater days.

"Harry Potter," he said. "What a surprise seeing you here."

Harry froze on the spot as if someone casted Petrificus Totalus on him. He gulped. "Uhh, y-yeah, good seeing you here too."

Lucius's sharp eyes glared down at him. Harry nearly fell backwards.

"And I assume you're not supposed to be here at this time." His tone showed no emotion, but his facial expressions told a different story. He seemed angry as if Harry disrupted something extremely important.
Harry nodded and looked down at his feet only because the man's face intimidated him. He should be in Azkaban!

More than anything he wanted to pull out his wand and start fighting him the same way he did with Voldemort. But Lucius Malfoy wasn't worth the time and effort. He was just some petty follower that craved for power, just like all of those Death Eaters back then. But that was back then. This is now. If Harry would've lashed out at him, he would be the one getting into serious trouble. After all, he had no reason to accuse Lucius, other than the fact he was perhaps just naturally suspicious-looking.

He stopped himself just in time before he started questioning him about how he escaped. He almost threatened to tell the ministry.

Harry nervously glanced up. Lucius had his piercing eyes full of the same old passive-aggressiveness. It almost reminded him of professor Snape in a way.

"I-I'm sorry, I'll go now." Harry stepped a leg over his broom and sped off into the sky at full speed. His mind raced almost faster than his broom on his return back to Hogwarts.


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