I'm In Love With My Best Frie...

By maddiealdrich246

8.7K 217 7

Kayla Matthews and Nathan Andrews The perfect couple. They have been said that they meant for each other sinc... More

Prolouge : The third grade
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Not A Chapter(Cast List)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 10

357 9 0
By maddiealdrich246

Ps guys this chapter involves underage drinking and bad words. You have been warned!
**dress above is the dress and shoes Lulu wears to the party.
Lulu is on her way to the party.**

Lulu's pov

I was driving to Sarahs house in my black Mustang with two hot pink stripes going down the middle of the car. (Like bumblebee from Transformers except black instead of yellow and pink instead of black stripes).

All that I could think about was Nathan and I almost kissing. The way he makes me feel. How my insides turn mushy when I am around him. Ugh. I wish I could just turn off my thoughts.

That is what I am planning on doing tonight.

I pull up to Sarahs house. It is a decent size. Not nearly as beautiful or big as mine. The lawn is already has a lot of cars up front and had loud music that filled the air.

As soon as I get out of my car, I check my makeup. My perfect smokey eye and my red lipstick. The eyeliner and mascara make my blue eyes pop. I have to admit, I look hella hot in this dress and with this makeup.

I smile at myself before locking my car and walking into the house.

The smell of alcohol, cigarettes, and sweat. The music was so loud I could feel it in my stomach. I was a hour late so the place was packed.

" Heyyy Lulu. You wanna go take some shots? Yeah lets get more wasted than I already am." My friend Kiara slurred. Yup she was drunk 1 hour into the party.

She pulled me into the kitchen where there was so many different types of alcohol I wouldn't be able to count them all. People were everywhere, drinking all types of drinks.

"Hey Lulu! Come verse me to see who can down 20 shots faster."

Yelled Sarah who already had the shots out for two people. Oh I can do that. I am pretty good at holding my alcohol. I could destroy her.

" You're on!" I say smirking while walking towards her.

We both got ready and when the timer started we began to throw drinks down our throats.

" DONE!" I yell when the timer hits 1 minute 40 seconds. New record.

Everyone started cheering. Even Sarah. An hour later I ws completely and utterly wasted. I had done the shot challenge two more times after by he first winning both. I was drunk by the third, but I drank a lot after that. Some stuff I had no fucking clue what it was.

Me and Sarah were dancing on the dance floor aka the living room. Both of us were drunk af. We were both grinding on some random guys.

" I am tired I am gonna go get another drink." I slurry yelled at Sarah. She just nodded and kept on dancing.

I walk to the kitchen and grab a giant bottle of some brown liquid. Ugh I am too drunk to care. The kitchen was almost empty now, due to the fact that everyone was dancing.

" Hey babe." A males voice says behind me.

I turn and see who I think is the brown haired guy I was just dancing with.

"Hi y-" I was cut off by his lips. I stiffen at first

You know what? Fuck it. I kissed him back. We made out for lord knows how long before a voice interrupted us.

"Lulu I?" A very shocked sounding voice said from the door. I pull away from the boy and look to see who said my name.

And to my shock, I was met with a pair of chocolate eyes and carmal brown hair.



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