Salubrious (Jason McCann)

By AlexisIsAWeirdo

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*Book Two of the Neurotic Series.* Salubrious [suh-loo-bree-uh s] : favorable to or promoting health; healthf... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 35

22K 657 546
By AlexisIsAWeirdo

Malarie's POV

Two days later: Monday

"So you still haven't really told me where Jason actually is." My mother speaks from the passenger side of the car, while I drive to the children's school. "Mom he's just on a little vacation for his anger issues." I give her a short answer, turning into the crowded parking lot of the kids private school.

"So you have to watch all of y'all children, the children who are partly his? One being just his, and not yours. That's not fair Malarie." Mom tells me like it is, with me nodding. "I know mom, I know." I answer her, thinking about what she's saying.

I know it's not fair; I've tried to make him stay home. He simply doesn't listen to anything I have to say. I mean, I'm sure he would've stayed if I said I had a man coming over, but why would I put myself in that position? He would literally try everything in his book to make me confess I'm cheating on him, then it'd just turn into a huge argument between us two. I haven't spoken to him since yesterday afternoon, and what we did wouldn't even be categorized as talking.

All we did was disagree, raise our voices, say mean things to each other, and oh yeah, disagree with one another again. I didn't want to hear anymore, so as soon as I put the children on the phone, his loud voice turned into a sweet one, and he was 'Daddy Jason', again. He always straightens out his anger, or shitty mood towards me, whenever our children are present. It's the same thing with me; when I'm upset at him, I'll pretend to be okay. Its only because we don't want to worry our children.

Apart from our disagreements, I am happy he suggested I stay at my parents house. I know it has to be crowded with all of us here, yet they do not complain. It was only supposed to be my family visiting, but they decided to make it like a family reunion type thing. So they invited Greg, his girlfriend and his daughter. Along with Jessa and her husband.

I was extremely happy to see my family, and actually be reunited with them. It felt just like old times, apart from me having kids, and my parents being called grandma and grandpa. My dad still can't believe he's a grandpa, but hey, he has to get over it. I absolutely love how my family is mixed in, I think that's what I love the most. I wonder if Jason's part black. Nah, but he acts like it, so that's pretty close.

"Malarie I know you may feel as if you have to be by your man's side, but know, it's okay to put your foot down and say no. I'm tired of seeing you stressed out. You're twenty one with four children, practically taking on another one. You haven't lived, and I feel like your life has started way too earlier." I look at my mom shaking her head sadly, giving me a sympathetic look. "I see what you're saying, and that's exactly how I feel most of the time. I'm not going to say I regret having my children, because God knows I don't. I just wish I would've had them a little later in my life. I feel like Jason hijacked my life- my teenage years, and just got me pregnant so he'd always have me. I love him so much, but I know him loading me up with kids is his way of tying me down. I know it is, because he doesn't want me to do anything. I bet if we didn't have our kids right now, he'd be even more possessive over me. It's like he doesn't want me out of his sight." I vent out all what I've been keeping bottled up, just wanting someone to listen to me.

"When he comes back, I think you should tell him how you feel. Even if he doesn't want to hear it, still tell him what you're feeling inside, Malarie. You have bags under your eyes, you look tired, which is from you not getting your proper rest. You may be older now, but you'll always be my little baby, and I care about my children." Mom sighs sadly, rubbing a bag under my eye. "I'll tell him." That's all I say, before I get out of the car.

I make sure to close the door lightly, not wanting to scare Jasper and Ariel Rose, with the loud slamming noise. They absolutely hate loud sounds... especially loud voices. I make my way into the school, not wanting to be a minute later. Jacob gets bored fast, and he'd mess with anyone out of boredom. I never wait for my children to come to car, I always feel the need to go inside to pick them up. Plus, it's mandatory to pick up children in preschool and kindergarten. I'm also so happy Jason took initiative to enroll Joel in school, seeing Christine wanted to wait to do it. If Jason would've waited on her slow ass, only God knows how long it could've been before Joel was in school.

"Hi Harmony, where your mom at?" I wave to my friend, Rebecca's daughter. "She's over there." She points behind me.

"Malarie! Hi, sweetness, how are you?" She rushes over to me, giving me a nice hug. "Hi Miss I'm pregnant, and I'm starting to show!" I gush, gently pushing her back so I could feel her baby bump. "Yeah, I'm starting to show alright." She lays her hand on her belly, with me still feeling around.

"How far along are you?" I take my hands off her tummy, giving Harmony a kiss on her chubby cheeks. "Girly I just turned sixteen weeks on Saturday. My four months have me looking like I'm six already." She shakes her head, with me looking at her figure.

"Oh stop it, you're little to be four months. But I can't wait to meet him or her," I rub her little baby bump again, receiving a smile from her. "I hope it's a boy." I hear her make a little sound, along with shaking her head.

"I want another daughter, but Wyatt wants a son. I'm afraid if I have a boy, he'll grow up to be a gang leader just like him, that's why I want another little girl." I nod in understanding, seeing where she's coming from. "Whatever you have, I know they'll be great no matter what." I give her a warm hug, with her hugging me back.

"Malarie can you hurry up an get married, how am I suppose to be your maid of honor if I'm all fat and bloated. "Next month, that's when we're going to get married. Plus, November is our special month. He asked me to be his little girlfriend." I smile at the thought, knowing I probably had no choice but to say yes. I did though, I said yes because I really liked him.

"I'm keeping you to that, since you guys don't know when you want to tie the knot." She hugs me once more, grabbing ahold of Harmony's hand. "If we do not get married by then, you may punch me in my arm." We share a laugh, before saying goodbye, and parting our ways.

I make my way to Jacob's class, seeing his teacher talking to him from a distance. Oh boy, what did you do now? I quickly sprint over to the two, feeling quite embarrassed. I know my son is bad, but damn, I never knew he would be this bad. Shit, who am I kidding? I know who my children's father is, he's a bad boy too. No pun intended, he is bad.

"Ms. Dallas I'm here, what's happened now?" I rush over to Jacob and his teacher, with me panting out of breath. "He tried to poke a child in the eye with scissors, Mrs. McCann. This has to stop, or else I'll have to suspend him... or better yet, expel him from the school." She speaks sternly, glaring at my child. Ugh, this lady did not just give my kid the evil eye.

"Ms. Dallas that's not necessary, he just- he can't help it. I've already told you about his little problem with having ADHD, his impulsiveness, and his attention seeking." I attempt to explain to her, picking up Jacob in my arms. "Don't forget his anger." She almost says it in a distasteful manner, hurting my feelings. I can't help he's like this.

"Of course... and his anger. He just can't help that he's the way he is. I've been trying to work with him, I truly have." I rub my temple, with the help of Jake. "Mommy you stress out." He rubs my temple way to roughly, but I let him do it anyway. He looks so cute in his adorable black and white uniform, with his little black tie.

"You said you have him on medication, right?" I stiffen at her statement, reluctantly nodding my head. "Yes, but I don't really like giving them to him. He's been doing so well, so I decided to give him a little break." Her loud huff makes me look away from her annoyed eyes.

"That's why he has medication, Mrs. McCann. He has to take those to stay calm and under control, because he's harassing the other students." She crosses her arms, tapping her foot sternly. "Okay, I guess I'll go back to giving his medicine to him, then we'll go from there." Not wanting to say it, but I do. I just don't like how it makes my baby all weird, and quiet.

"Ms. Dallas, I'm God's gift to the girls." Jacob giggles, winking at his teacher, with me kissing his chubby cheeks. "Is that so Jacob McCann?" He nods his head frantically, with her chuckling.

"I have to get my other children, but I'll keep what you said in mind." I extend my hand to her, with her shaking it lightly. "Okay, please do. Have a great rest of your day." She walks away, with her heels clinking against the concrete ground.

I definitely didn't handle this situation how Jason would. He literally would've told Ms. Dallas to fuck herself, and that we'd think up another option for our son's condition. I wish he was here, he's usually the one to help me out in these type of situations. I'll most likely talk to him about doing something for Jacob's little problem. I say another polite goodbye to his teacher, sternly scolding Jacob on his trying to poke a classmate with scissors. He of course denies, but I know he was telling me a lie. He kept saying 'no I did poke a boy with my scissors', and I clearly knew he was lying to me.

Making our way to Joel's classroom was easier, although his teacher had some concerns about his learning abilities to comprehend new material. I guess he's having a hard time learning the concept of certain things being taught in class. I made sure to tell his teacher, Mrs. Chavez, that I'll try to work with him- or I'd just call his mother about it. She probably wouldn't even think it's a problem, seeing how she hardly takes care of her child.

"Hi Joel, how are you today, buddy?" I bend down to his level, holding onto Jake's hand tightly. "Hi mama, hi Mama Malarie." Not only was I stunned, but Jacob turned his big head around to look at Joel confused as can be.

"H-hi," stuttering and all, I look down at him tightly hugging me. "Joel, you know you can't call me that." I rub his back, kissing the top of his head. He mumbles something, yet I can't hear him, all having to do with his face smothered into my shirt.

"Get out of there, I can't here you, love." I gently pull his face out of my shirt, revealing a big toothy smile. Just beautiful. "I said, that dad said, I could call you Mama Malarie, or Mama, when I'm at your house." He doesn't stop his smiling, with me shyly smiling. I guess that's the talk Jason had with him.

"But we aren't at home." I state matter of factly, giving him a raised eyebrow. "I know, I just wanted to say it already. I was scared to say it yesterday, and the day before that, and the next day before that." He speaks with his light brown eyes all widened.

"Oh, is that right?" I grab hold of his hand, with my other hand still firmly holding onto Jacob's. "Mhm, I was a nervous boy." He swings our hands back and forth, with me smiling at him.

"There's no need to be a nervous boy. If you like calling me that, you can call me that at home... or quietly in public." We make it to Tasha's little hang out spot, with her talking to Justin. I also noticed the purple and blue hat on his head.

"It's really pretty, Justin JuJu. Thank you so much." Tasha gushes, looking down at a half of a heart necklace around her neck, what I'm presuming is a friendship necklace. "Y-you're welcome, Natasha Angel. You have to always wear it, b-because we're b-best friends forever and ever." Justin stutters nervously, along with his squinting of his eyes. He's just one awkward child, but it's cute.

Joel, Jacob, and I walk closer to them, with me smiling at the two. Aww they're so adorable, I can't remember, but I'm guessing me and Jason was like that once. I don't know, I'll have to ask him later on. I clear my throat at the two, not getting their attention. They are really into a conversation about soccer. I clear my throat once more, still not getting anything from them.

"Tasha lets go, I want food!" Jacob screams loudly, causing Joel and I to cover our poor ears. "You're loud, Jacob." Joel raises his voice, making a hissing sound.

"You're loud." Jake gets in Joel's personal space, pushing him. "No, you are. You're always loud, be quiet." Joel stands his ground, balling up his little fists. Wow, that's the first I've seen him like that.

"Hey, hey, stop that. We're not going to have all of that." I pull then back away from each other, motioning for Tasha. "Aw mom, I want to stay with Justin." She gives me a pout, with me shaking my head in refusal.

"Not today, babe. We have to get back to grandpa and grandma's house. "Don't be sad N-Natasha, it's okay. We can always talk on the phone." Justin suggests a brilliant idea. "Ooh mom can I? Can I call Justin when we go back to grandma and grandpa's house?" She practically jumps on spot, with me nodding yes.

"Great! Give me your phone number, then we can talk about those astronauts from class today." Justin pulls out a piece of crumpled paper from his bag, giving it to Tasha. "Yeah, they were so cool." She writes down our home number, as well as giving him my parents home number.

"If I don't answer from my house, call my grandparents house. I'll probably be there all day." She gives him instructions, with him nodding his head at her every word. "Should I tie your shoe, since its coming a loose again?" He points to her untied Converse, with me shaking my head at her.

The little girl doesn't listen, she makes him tie her shoe laces, along with retying her other one. I thought he would be upset about it, but he was more than happy to be tying her shoes laces. They said their exchange of goodbyes, as well as secretly whispering in each other's ears. They didn't think I saw, but trust and believe I did. Whatever they're talking about, I probably already know what it is, or have experienced it in my twenty one years of life. Oh kids nowadays, always so secretive. But one things for sure, Natasha and Justin are going to be great friends for a long time. I can already tell.


"Nah y'all doing it wrong, it's like this," Jaden shows my children how to dance to some song he has been listening to for the longest. "Do y'all have it now?" He questions, looking at Natasha, Joel, Jacob, and Greg's daughter, Riley.

Yes, we have Joel with us. His mother said she had to go to work, and her boyfriend Benny didn't want to watch another man's- Jason's kid. Which is literally so stupid to keep Joel from his brother Dylan. But who am I to say how they run things at their home. I just told her I'd take Joel with me and my family. She was really reluctant about it, but I told her I wouldn't harm her child. Joel's too much of a sweetheart for me ever to think that way about him. He also remembered his promise to Jason, about calling me mom with no one around. I was so scared he would slip up and call me that in front of Christine. He didn't, thank God. She tried to talk things out with me, but I didn't want to hear it. I simply just told her I had somewhere important to be. Which was partly true, I did have to go to my parents house.

"Come on, play the music Uncle Jaden!" Tasha sways her hips, getting ready to dance. "Dang, chill little girl." He messes up her hair, going over to push play on his iPod. The music resumes from what he had paused it on before

"Hit the Quan, hit the Quan, hit the Quan, hit the Quan. I said get down low and swing your arm, I said get down low and hit the Quan." Not only do I chuckle and clap my hands at the kids, but mom, dad, Jessa, and Greg laughs too.

"They didn't hit the Quan right, Jaden. They're supposed to do it like this." My big baby brother Albert demonstrates, looking big as ever. He's six years old now. "Move curly, it's like this." Emmy does the dance, doing it pretty well.

"No its like this." I get up from my seat to show them, with everyone saying agreeing with me. "She's right, it is like that. Lets all do it." Emmy laughs, getting into her spot.

"I think all ya'll did it right this time." Greg laughs, giving his girlfriend a kiss. "I know I did it right, little head." I laugh at Emmy's shade throwing, pointing at Greg's small head.

"What are you laughing for Mal? You and your big a- you and your big head." Greg corrects himself, seeing our mom giving him a stern expression. "I'm laughing, because you have a peanut head." I flick his head, taking my seat. I also can't help hearing his girlfriend, Princess, laugh.

"Shut up, let me hold my nephew." He takes Jasper out of my arms, taking a picture of himself and the baby. "Are you breastfeeding them?" Princess questions, poking Jasper's foot.

"Ugh, babe. I don't want hear about that." Not only does he groan, but my dad groans as well. "No, I don't breastfeed. I was pumping the milk at first, but now that I'm back in school, I had to put them on formula." I answer her, smiling at the children still dancing.

"That's good, they're so fat, Malarie. Greg I want us to have another baby." Greg nearly chokes on what seems like air, shaking his head instantly. "What? Not now babe, I'm still in service. Active duty at that, I don't think bringing another child into the world would be best right now." Greg breaks it to her, with sighing sadly.

"Excuse me, I need some air." She gets up, politely excusing herself. "Damn." He mumbles to himself, getting up to pass Jasper to my sister Jessa. "I'll be back, she probably wants to talk about it." We all nod in unison, watching as he walks out the front door.

"Well, pass me my granddaughter, Mal." Dad makes grabby hands towards Ariel in my arms, with me getting up to pass her to him. "Here you go dad." I hand over Ariel, kissing him on his cheek.

"I can't believe I have six grandchildren." Dad mumbles, rocking Ariel Rose in his arms. "Um dad, you only have five." I correct him, laughing at his puzzled expression.

"No, I have six." He speaks with confidence, with me staring at him like he's out of his natural born mind. "Okay, I only have four children, Greg has one, an- Jessa are you pregnant?" I turn to Jessa, who's shaking her head in refusal.

"Malarie get out of here, I'm not pregnant. Sheesh, Isaac and I want to wait for a while to have children." Her and Isaac share a smile, with me looking at my dad oh so very confused again. "Dad, where's the sixth grandchild you're talking about. You're making me think you're seeing things." As soon as I said that, he begins to laugh overly exaggeratedly.

"Mama Malarie, I love you." Joel runs up to me, puckering his lips. "I love you too." I kiss his little lips, rubbing his back.

"That's my sixth grandchild." He points to Joel snuggling up in my arms, with me widening my eyes in realization to what he was saying before. "Joel." I state, but Joel thinks I'm talking to him.

"Huh?" He looks at me innocently, with me shaking my thoughts away. "Nothing, I was just saying your name." I tap his nose, motioning for him to go play with the others.

"He loves you as if you were his mother, why not convince Jason to get full custody of him." Mom shifts on the couch, looking directly into my eyes. "And don't say you can't take on another kid, because clearly you all have the space, money, and ability to do so." Dad adds, with me shrugging unknowingly.

"I don't know you guys, I don't know what Jason wants. I'm pretty sure we all can tell Joel is his kid, he looks exactly like him. I'm just not too sure if Christine will let him. I mean her living style compared to ours, we'd have him in no time. I'm a bit afraid of what she has under her sleeves, though." I express my feelings, happy they're listening to me instead of judging.

"I think you should talk to Jason about it, along with discussing the other things we talked about." My mom pats my knee, with me nodding in understanding to her. "I agree with your mother, I think you both should talk it out." Dad gives me a pleasant smile, looking adorable as can be.

I stand up to my feet, walking out of the living room to call Jason. I dial his number, waiting patiently on the other line. He of course doesn't answer, which is totally him. I hang up the phone, redialing his number, again having it not pick up and go straight to voicemail. Getting annoyed at his lack of answering his damn phone, I possessively redial and call his phone multiple times, hearing the same irritating answering machine lady.

"Hey Jase, call me back. I love you." I speak in my cellphone speaker, leaving him a voicemail. Still no answer. "Jason, when you get a chance, call me... please." I leave him yet another voicemail, with nothing from a text, to a call from him.

I know I may sound like a possessive, stalkerish housewife, but when your man is out and about- doing illegal things, you tend to panic over dramatically. It's clear as day, that I'm panicking over dramatically. That's just me, I'm a person who gets worried about the littlest things. Can you blame, though? My hus-fiancé is basically a man child, who has a a temper and anger issues. Along with us having four children together, who are constantly getting into things, which could possibly get them hurt. So being me, I'm going to worry, and I'm going to think the worst. Feeling the need to leave him another voicemail, I do so.

"Jason Andrew McCann, how about you pick up your damn phone will you." Pissed as can be, I don't leave a happy voicemail, I leave a worried, along with an annoyed one. "Please, you're going to give me a heart atta-" the line clicks, making me aware he just hung me up! What a jerk hole!

Malarie: Jason did you seriously just hang up your phone?! Did you think I wouldn't notice!!!

Malarie: Jason????

Malarie: I know you see my messages, you butthole jerk. :/

Malarie: I'm just worried.

Malarie: You know by you not answering me is really childish. But I apologize if you're busy, I'm just worried for you. :( :( :(

Still no answer, so I revert back to calling him, as well as messaging him some more. I know if I keep this up, it'll clog up his phone. Which is a good and bad thing. Good, because he can't call other people. Bad, because he won't be able to call me or answer any calls. I do not know how long I stayed in the bathroom for, but I kept vigorously calling and texting him. I even pulled off something only he would do, and send him one single email. That's definitely a Jason McCann move.

Malarie: Okay I'm tired. This is the last time I'm texting, because clearly you're ignoring me on purpose. Just remember Jacob has his soccer game tonight. That's if you make it. :/

I huff, looking down at the many of messages I have sent him. Maybe I'm being a bit psychotic, that's why he's not texting me back. Or he's just ignoring me. Hell, I don't even know why he's being like this. Ugh, this is the type of stuff that makes me upset and anxious. Damn you Jason, damn you for making me feel this way. A knock on the door, followed by a little whine snaps me out of my thinking, quickly making me walk to the door.

"I have to pee really bad." Joel speaks from the other side of the door. "Okay, come on in." I open the door, watching as he runs pass me to release that bladder of his.

"Make sure you wash your hands when you're all done." I tell him, looking at myself in the mirror. "I will, Mama." I smile at his name for me, hearing his zipper being zipped up.

"Do you like calling me that, Joel?" I ask the question I've been wanting to find the answer to, every since he's called me it earlier. "Yes, I like you calling you that. It's like having two mama's but I like you a little better." He holds his head down as he says the last bit.

"Hey, no need to be sad. I like when you call me that too, I just want to make sure you like it." I lift his head up, bringing his eyes to look at me. "I am, I like it." He nods, turning on the faucet to wash his hands.

I... I like it too. I shouldn't, because he's not mine, and this is without a doubt not my place to be called 'mama' by him. Although I guess if Christine doesn't hear, she doesn't know. It could be our little secret, just like Jason told him it was.


Two hours later

Jason's POV

"That's for poisoning the woman I love!" I punch Kale in his stomach, causing him to groan through the tape over his mouth. "This is for nearly killing her, you asshole!" Another punch to the gut for him. Shit, he deserves every bit of it.

"Damn Jason, can we let him go now? We've been holding his ass up for a good hour, or more." Ryan holds up one of Kale's arms, while Za holds up the other. "Hell fucking no! He's going to pay for what he's done to Malarie, and for making us search for his dumb ass." With that being said, I continue my beat down on this Kale. Food name asshole.

He's going to endure as much pain until I'm literally too tired to keep my eyes open. My eyes aren't one bit feeling tired at all, so I guess it's going to be a long agonizing couple of hours for him. It's been about two hours since we captured him, and hell did he put up a fight. He caught me off guard, and kicked me in my jaw. So now I have a ugly ass bruise on my chin, but it's all good, because I'm finally growing some facial hair on my face. Fuck, I've been waiting forever to grow out a full beard. This little mustache I've been rocking lately hasn't been it for me, but now that I got hair I can now have my stache, and my chin hair.

"You nearly killed her, all because you so badly wanted her! She's not yours, she's mine, she's all mine!" I land every one of my punches with nothing but hatred for this dude. "Bro, she's calling again." Cal's voice stops me mid punching motion.

"Ugh, what now?" I push a piece of hair out my face, looking at Cal. "Man, she's called a total of a 259 times. She's also texted you a total 112. Left you about 42 voicemails; oh yeah, and she sent you 1 single email. Damn, my Mal Pal is crazy." As soon as he says that, everyone starts laughing, with Kale still
groaning in pain.

"That shits not funny! She's acting like a fucking crazy person, and I'm not going to agree with it! I had already told her that I was going to be very busy today, clearly I am." I rub my temples fiercely, breathing rapidly. "She probably thinks you're going to unfaithfully cheat on her again. Your girl does talk in her sleep, from what I remember." That bitch Kale makes a snarky ass comment, causing my blood boil over. The son of a bitch even had the nerve to chuckle, along with coughing up blood.

"You got jokes huh, motherfucker?" I take my gun out my pocket, clicking the safety off, ready to shoot. "I do have jokes, I have a whole hell of a lot of jokes. Malarie and I were destined to be together, and I don't care if you don't like it or not." He yells out his feelings, with me ready to shoot him down.

"Let me tell you something," I walk closer to his beaten and bruised figure. "You'll never have her heart like how I have it, you'll never make her happy the way I do. You'll never know how much it feels like to have her love you unconditionally. And you know what? You'll never, ever, see her again." As soon as the words escaped my mouth, Za and Ryan dropped his body, running out of my way.

"Goodbye," With that, I shoot him once in between his eyes. My favorite part of the body to kill a person. "Forever, Kale Villicuna." I shoot him once more, just to make sure he was indeed dead.

I stare at his stunned body, seeing how lifeless he looks. I don't feel bad at all, I just feel bad I couldn't kill him earlier enough for my sweetheart. Ugh, my sweetheart who's going to chew me out. Although maybe she won't, seeing as I was in fact busy. If anything, she was interrupting me. If I would've answered her calls, I would've easily gotten unfocused. She takes my attention away from the littlest of things, and I'm sure she knows it.

"Come on baby bro, we have to go. We have to get to that mission, if we're going to make it back on time." Alex taps my shoulder, bringing my attention to him. "Oh yeah, okay." I snap my fingers, wanting someone to get this dudes body out my sight.

"We're going after the stupid ass Chicos Malos gang, right?" I look to him, wanting to make sure we have the right gang or not. "You got it, them and their stealing asses." He spits on the ground, folding his arms pissed as hell.

This so called Chicos Malos gang is some new gang based in Arizona; no one actually knows their main location. What we do know for a fact, is that they are known for stealing other gangs products and merchandise. They have somehow stolen ours in a secret hideout here. I guess they felt as they were under attack, and jacked us for all we had. I am not only pissed, but the rest of the guys... and Kim are too.

We weren't even here to mess with them, we were just handling a bit of business involving my woman's safety. Now this weak ass Chicos Malos gang have gotten themselves involved; they have stolen all of our stuff, and we don't let that shit slide. Za has tracked down some information on them, and supposedly they have Hawaiian allies who are based here in Hawaii. All we have to do is handle their weak asses, and then we will be on our way.

"Hey come outside with me, I need a smoke." Alex coughs, grabbing my arm to walk outside of our secret hideout. "Alright." I rub my face tiredly, following him.

He lights up a cigarette, handing one to me. I'm hesitant at first, but I take it anyway. As long as I'm not addicted to them I guess it's fine. Plus, I have been stressing out lately. Sometimes smoking is my only stress reliever. Especially if there's no alcohol around, and or my Mal. She usually knows how to take my mind off things. If it isn't her kinds words, it's definitely her hugs and kisses. And if it's not that, it's her food, and back massages. Sex is almost always the last resort, and usually the back of both of our minds. Man, killing all these bad guys is a lot of work.

I like making money, but I want to be at home with my girl, and kids. I'll be home in a couple of hours, don't worry.


- Chapter 35 is now updated. I know it was sucky, and I'm not going to even make an excuse about it, because it was. The passion for writing hasn't really been with me. I've also been sick, so gangs one of the reasons for lack of updates as well.

- Alexis -

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