The Voice Next Door. ( A L.H...

By ShaneDawsonLuvR

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Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52.
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54.
Chapter 55.
Chapter 56.
Chapter 57.
Chapter 58.
Chapter 59.
Chapter 60.
Chapter 61.
Chapter 62.
Chapter 63.
Chapter 64.
Chapter 65.
Chapter 66.
Chapter 67.
Chapter 68.
Chapter 69.
Chapter - 70.
Chapter 71.
Chapter 72.
Chapter 73.
Chapter 74.
Chapter 75.
Chapter 76.
Chapter 77.
Chapter 78.
Chapter 79.
Chapter 80.
Chapter 81.
Chapter 82.
Chapter 83.
Chapter 84.
Chapter 85.
Chapter 86.
Chapter 87.
Chapter 88.
Chapter 89.
Chapter 90.
Chapter 91.
Chapter 92.

Chapter 11.

34 0 0
By ShaneDawsonLuvR

"Hello!" A woman with blonde hair, and nicely dressed opened the front door to Keeva and her mom, with a wide smile on her face.

"Hello, Liz" Keeva's mom hugged her. "Come on in, dinner will be ready soon!" Her accent spoke, as Keeva and her mom walked into the house. Large, decorated nice and plain yet sophisticated. Keeva looked around, before a man walked out a room with a smile. "Hi, Andy." Keeva's mom smiled. "Hello again, Ella" He smiled, and shook hands with Keeva's mom.

"Keeva...this is Liz, and Andy our neighbours" Keeva's mom laughed quietly. "Hello, nice to meet you" Keeva held out her hand. "Oh lovely to meet you honey" Liz told her, before taking her in for a hug. "Oh, uh you too!" Keeva smiled as she hugged her back. "Hello Keeva. Nice to meet you" The man shook her hand tightly, yet politely.

"Well...come into the living room, we have prepared drinks. Alcohol, and non alcohol" Liz smiled as they walked into a nice large room. "Ice tea, wine, soda or even water" Liz offered. "I'll have a glass of wine please. So far I know of, I'm work free tomorrow" Keeva's mom giggled. Keeva nodded, then looked at Liz. "Is the tea alcohol free?" Keeva asked, and Liz nodded. "I'll have that please" Keeva told her. "Here you go!" Liz handed them glasses, before sitting down.

"So, Keeva we were chatting with your mom earlier. How are you enjoying Sydney?" Liz asked her. "Um...still getting used to it, but its lovely. A really beautiful place, of what I've seen so far" Keeva nodded. "Which is the journey to and from school" Keeva's mom joked making Liz giggle. "You should take a road trip out, or even go to the beach. It's lovely" Liz told Keeva. "I'll do that" Keeva nodded before sipping on the thin straw sticking out of her iced filled glass.

"Yeah, your always welcome over for dinner too. Barbecues, and the full party" Andy smiled. "Oh well thank you, and returned with you all. Except, I never did the barbe...Peter did." Keeva's mom smiled, referring to her dad. Keeva stopped sipping as she sighed quietly. "We can always help" Liz smiled. "How is school?" She then asked Keeva. "Oh, yeah its fine..." Keeva nodded. "She's met some nice girls..." Her mom egged on.

"Yeah...I'm surprised, I've even made friends so quickly." Keeva admitted. "Oh lovely people at that school. Here in general" Liz nodded. "Yeah, whats they're names again? Ruby and...?" Keeva's mom asked. "Dylan. Ruby and Dylan" Keeva nodded. "Copeland? Ruby Copeland, yes we know her parents, sweet girl" Liz nodded. "Yeah, I havent met them yet but they sound like it" Keeva's mom patted her shoulder.

"Yeah, Dylan too." Keeva, looked down at her glass and played with some ice with her straw.

The parents, and Keeva had been in the living room for nearly half an hour talking. Keeva's glass was half finished, as all she could so was sip on it. Music started up, muffled yet a little louder than next door and Keeva sat up a little. Liz groaned as she rolled her eyes. "I told him to keep it quiet tonight" She sighed shaking her head. "Leave him hun..." Andy chuckled.

"Teenage boys, drive you crazy at times" Liz laughed. Keeva got a funny feeling in her stomach as she heard the familiar voice sing. Biting on the inside of her lip, Keeva anxiously sat. "Keeva honey, why dont you go down and see them..." Liz asked.

Them?! I thought one son stayed at home!

"Um..." She began. "They're friendly I promise. Insisted friends came over before dinner, they'll be leaving soon." Liz told her.

Phew...wait what? Still more than one person?!

"Yeah, why dont you? This adult talk, cant be very entertaining..." Her mom smiled at her. "I listen to all your stories mom..." Keeva told her mom, mentally telling her she didnt want to go. "We'll call you both for dinner" Liz smiled. "Just down in the basement, or the den. Shall I say, out the door down the hall and the door before the kitchen." Liz smiled, as she held a glass.

"Thanks..." Keeva faked smiled as she got up and left the room, rolling her eyes. What?! Oh yeah, just randomly walk into a ' den ' where teenage boys are playing music. Music, that she could never sleep because it was always blaring at midnight! What do teenage boys do? What is she walking into? Considering to actually stand in the kitchen for a while, but that would be fucking weird!

"I cant believe I'm doing this!" Keeva whispered to herself as she got to the door. The music volume dropped drastically, to actually gone. Frowning slightly, Keeva fixed her hair.

"That's cool!" A voice spoke from the room. "Yeah, but your voice is still shit" Another spoke. "Fuck up!" Another one told, before another laughed.

How many were in there?!

Wait...voice? Was that someone singing for real? Before Keeva could stop herself, she was knocking on the door. Oh yeah, thanks brain.

Opening the half way closed over door, she peeped her head through and opened the door wide. Staring, the four pairs of eyes stared back at her. Her heart jumped and she could feel the sweat start to form.

Michael...Calum...Ashton...and Luke!

A smile appeared on the Michael guys face, as he looked at her. "Your mom...said I could come down here...I dont know why but uh..." She told them all.

Wait! Who the heck was her neighbour?! It wasnt all of them!

"I'll go...!" Keeva then quickly told them before turning. "Hey! Dont go your fine. Canada right?" A voice asked, as she turned to see Michael smiling at her. "Uh yeah...from Canada" She nodded. "New didnt tell us" He then looked over at Luke, who was sitting with an acoustic.

Oh shit.

Luke shrugged, before swooping some hair across his forehead. "I'm going to go" Keeva told them. "No Canada, your staying" Michael then told her. "Ha...I'm from Canada. My name is Keeva" She informed them. "Ah cool." Michael nodded. "Hello! Your in my math class. I'm Ashton" The guy waved, with the sandy blonde hair. "Hi, yeah you are...I mean, I am" She chuckled nervously at a smiling Ashton.

"I think she knows all of us" Michael chuckled looking at Ashton. "Yeah, your in our P.E class" Calum nodded, smiling as he held his phone. "Mm, yes." Keeva nodded. "Your friends with...the girls who tried to slam us" Calum chuckled. "I believe, your team mate...slammed you" Keeva smiled, as she nodded. "Touche" Calum smiled at her.

"Have a seat" Michael put his hand out to a sofa. "Im good..." She nodded, as she walked into the room, and closed over the door a little. The walls covered in posters, a slightly dimmed room with guitars, and a cajon. It was slightly messy with bottles, chip wrappers. It also had a television with an Xbox on the floor.

"So your from Canada...whats it like there?" Michael asked. "Its home, so good" Keeva nodded. "You liking it here?" He asked her. "Still getting used to it" Keeva admitted. "Your fitting in well. You've got some nice...friends" Michael smiled. "Thanks, their cool" Keeva told them. "Was guys playing?" She asked them. "Yeah, we play" Michael nodded.

"Wow...I actually was the radio or something" Keeva told them impressed. "Really? Aw thanks!" Michael chuckled. "So, your living next door from each other?" He turned to Luke, then back at Keeva. "I feel sorry for you" He told her nodding. Calum chuckled, as he looked down. Luke just shook his head, not amused.

"Thanks, considering I dont get much sleep already" She looked over at Luke. He looked over at her, frowning a little, as Michael laughed. "You getting it already?" He joked turning to Luke. "Shut up!" Luke told him, obviously irritated. "I didnt mean it like that...i'm guessing you guys play a lot" She nodded. "Oh, you hear the music. Sorry" Ashton chuckled.

"Its cool, I actually like the songs. You also have good taste in covers..." She nodded. "You've heard our songs? You like them?" Michael asked. "Some..." Keeva nodded. "What do you like?" He asked. "Um...I like blink cover" She admitted with a smile. "There's one that goes like..." She was about to sing, but stopped and stared at them.

"You want a teaser?" Michael asked. "Its fine..." Keeva nodded. Disturbing them, a knock sounded at the door and Liz appeared. "Time to go boys" She smiled. Michael sighed and tutted. "Ah, see you later dude" Calum told Luke. "See ya!" Ashton smiled standing from the cajon. Michael grabbed his phone from the sofa. "Later" He told Luke, before the three boys passed Keeva. "Bye. Nice to meet you." They told her, before leaving the room.

"Bye Liz!" Michael waved, and she smiled and laughed quietly. "See you all later" She told them. Keeva looked up, as she looked over to Luke. He was still sitting, with his guitar and his face was facing the other way strumming quietly. Did she piss him off? What did she do?

"Guys, dinner" Liz told them smiling. Turning in a flash, Keeva made her way out of the den before seeing sunlight again in the hallway. Turning to the kitchen, she saw her mom sitting and quickly sat beside her. "You okay?" Her mom asked, and Keeva just nodded as she looked at the soup in a bowl in front of her.

"Refill?" Liz offered Keeva, looking at the glass. "Oh. Yes please" Keeva nodded, and looked up to see Luke walk in behind his mom. He was so tall. His hair flattened, a look on his face as if he was telling everyone he didnt care. He was her neighbour and she didnt even know! Him and his friends were the ones playing the music live and she didnt even know!

Luke sat down opposite Keeva, and sighed as he took a bread roll from the middle of the table. "Here you go honey" Liz put down a fresh glass of tea. "Thank you." Keeva smiled, and her eyes looked over at Luke, as he broke some pieces of bread of the threw them into the soup with a smirk on his face. Picking up her spoon, Keeva's hand stopped before it met the liquid in the bowl. Oh no. She hated eating in front of people, especially new people and boys!

She became anxious, and bit the inside of her lip. "This is lovely Liz!" Keeva's mom commented. "Oh thank you!" Liz smiled. "So uh Luke!" Keeva's mom spoke, making him look at her. "Not talking behind your back, but your parents have told me about you. Wanting to be a musician. Thats brave" Her mom told him smiling. "Not an easy path to choose, but possible" He told her, in a flat tone.

", are you in any of Keeva's classes?" Her mom asked. Oh for goodness sake!
Keeva turned her head a little. "Uh...I dont know. Some?" He looked at Keeva's mom as he held a spoon. His elbows on his table. Keeva swallowed. Some attitude he had. He was an ass.

Keeva shook her head, as she looked down into the soup bowl. "We're in...a few. Right, Keeva?" Luke asked. Looking at him, she stared right through him. Her stomach turning. "I think. I havent really paid attention to people in my classes yet. I just want to get work done" Keeva told them. "Little rude" Luke spoke under his breath, as he looked at his own bowl, and dipped his spoon in.

Rude? How about the comment he made to her? That was a little rude too.

Frowning at him, Liz then cleared her throat. "Luke, jacket at the table" She told him. Luke sighed, as he sat the spoon in his bowl and took off his black denim jacket. Revealing another plain black shirt underneath before he put his jacket over the empty seat next to him.

This was going to be a long, awkward dinner.

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