Princess Five (the Thin Line...

By tshiwaheita

480 23 2

Lucy always had a perfect life, great friends ( Four best friends per say) and there were all part of the Pri... More

the beginning of disaster
chapter 2 the thin line
meet the girls
meeting her
what now?
the proposal
the wedding

the tour

49 3 0
By tshiwaheita

Tour is a fun and neutral environment to get to know someone
~by Shiwa Heita

I listen to Lucy as she explains the history of the country, her voice was really memorising, I glance at her as she ride beside me she was good at it

"where are we going?" I ask after an hour of riding
"wait and see my lord"she said with a smile, she was calm
"if you insist Lucy" I said and she laugh such a beautiful laugh, whole heartily not the cold laugh that she usually give me, I smile to myself as I listen to her laughing
As we emerge from the trees, I gasps as i take in the breathtaking view, she brought me to a waterfall, it was beautiful and the water was clear and above the waterfall they was a rainbow, wow! I am speechless as i look at the view
"soo, what do you think? She ask me as she jumped off her horse with a smile
"wow" that's all I could say
"this is not even the best part yet my lord" she said laughing and I look at her
I watch her as she tied her horse to the small bush
"are you coming or you are staying here with that look on your face my lord" she ask sweetly and I look at her with suspension

I got off my horse as i follow her toward the path and she stopped, she  stood for a while on the rock while admiring the view and then she pulled out her jeans as i stare at her legs, she was wearing a lace underwear but she kept on her top. She turned towards me
"are you already to see the best part" she ask blushing
Oh baby I am so ready for what you have to offer, as i admire her legs and that well round butt, she looks ready for me to devour and ravished
I nodd and she turn and jumped into the water and I froze, what the hell is going on? where is she going? We are swimming? I thought I was going to see the best part of her
I walk slowly toward the small lake and stood at the same rock she was just standing awhile ago
"aren't you coming in?" she ask while floating
"no I will watch" I said to her still confuse
"but you haven't seen the best part yet" she complain
"I can see it fine" I said putting my hands in my Jean pockets
"this is not the best part yet, it's up there" she pointed at the waterfall
Is this woman crazy or what?
"and how are we suppose to get on top of the waterfall?" I ask and she laugh
"we have to swim until those rocks and we climb up those rocks silly" she said smiling and pointing
"you must be out of your mind woman" I said to her as she burst out laughing
"are you afraid lord Dante" she ask sweetly
"no its just unnecessary" I said still looking at her with disapproval
"ok lord Dante, humour me" she said "please, please please I promise this will be fun" she pleaded with me, she looks so pretty and cute begging me and I can't help but smile at her
"oh what the hell" I say throwing my hands up in defeat, I take my t-shirt off and my jeans, as i jump in with only my boxes and she laugh
She is so carefree right now, I have never  seen this part of her before and I am liking it
"come on" she said as she swim towards the rocks, I followed her in silence
As we got by the rocks she looks at me with a smile
"ready?" she ask excited and I nodd
We climb up the waterfall as she climb with glance, it took us about fifteen minutes to get to the top
As i turn to watch the view, I was speechless, the view was breathtakingly beutiful, I look at the forest from above and smile
"so what do you think" she ask coming to stand next to me smiling
"it's beautiful" I said, pulling her into my arms and she come willingly
I look down at her face and move slowly to kiss her, I enjoy watching her eyes widen a fraction
Our lips meet and I kiss her possessively "even though I will never love you, I will own your body and soul, and you will never need another man in your bed but me" I said to myself as I kiss her, deepening the kiss and she moans
She pulls away from me and she smile up at me
"ready?" she ask with joy in her voice, I frown
"ready for what?" I ask her, she rolls her eyes
"to jump silly" she said and I stare at her with my eyes widening a little
This woman is really going to kill me
"are you crazy?" I ask her and she laughs
"yeah, a little. How do you suggest we get down my lord?" she ask putting her hands on her hips and I stare at her, images of my dreams come to mind, falling down from a cliff or kicked out of heaven not sure which but none the less I am falling but never reaching the ground, it's just that endless falling .
I gasp as she takes my hand in hers and smile
"we will jump together, I will not let you go" she promise with a smile and I nodd as i hold her hand tighter
As we jump, Lucy scream a little and as she promise, she hold on to my hand until we reach the water
She took longer to emerge from under the water, she smile at me and laugh whole heartily and I couldn't help it, so I joined her in her laughter
"what do you think? Fun right?" she ask excitedly
"you are one crazy woman" I say as we swim to shore
I look at Lucy as she seats next to me on the rock,we sat on the rock for while in silence As we enjoy the sun and try to dry off
I stare at Lucy as she was quite, she looks like she is in deep thought, she just stared at the waterfall with unseen eyes and she looks sad
"what's wrong" I ask her, she looks up at me surprise that she is not alone and I frown
"I used to come here all the time, when I was young, this was my secret place my hiding place when I was sad, happy, wanted to think or clear my head or just have a good cry. Being here now just brings back all those memories it's been a while since I was here " she said keeping her eyes on the waterfall
"a good cry? What used to make you cry" I ask softly
"my mom"she stated blankly "she was so cold, unloving towards me"she whisper lost in her thought "when I was young I always thought if I try harder and be a good girl she will love me but she never did my dad always say everyone loves in they own different way" she whisper and laugh, it was a cold laugh that sent chills up my spine
"but not everyone is lucky to have a caring loving mother either " she said as tears pour down her face and I hugged her and she let out a sob
"it's ok" I say to her and she stiffen and look up at me, she search my eyes for a moment not finding what she is looking for, she turns and gets on her feet
"I am sorry, I don't know what brought this on, damn this place" she said not looking at me
"it's ok Lucy, you don't have to apologise" I said genuinely
"we should go" she said still not looking at me and putting on her jeans again
"Lucy" I whisper, my heart squeeze this girl so strong but had so much pain in her heart , all she wants is love and I can't even give it to her
"what?"she snap
"I..I.. I am sorry" I say standing up and she turns to look at me for the first time after her confess
"I don't want your pity my lord, I don't need anyone's pity" snaps
"we should go, it's getting late" she continued and walk down the path towards the horses, I watch her as she leaves, the way back she ride her horse faster and I follow behind her
As we got in the stable, she gave her horse to one of the stable boys and walk towards the house, she was angry
"Lucy" I said catching up to her and holding her wrist and turning her to face me
" no lord Dante, please leave me alone" she say as she free her wrist and walked away. I stare in surprise

I let out a breath as i sat on a bench in my mom's garden, I can't understand my behaviour, why would I tell Dante all that? It's been a while since I talked about my mother or my feelings
"what is wrong with me mother? Why didn't you love me?" I whisper as tears fall down my cheeks
"mommy mommy!! Look what I have made you, we made them in Sunday school" I said smiling up at her with my pigtails and my pink princess dress
"oh God Lucy how many times have I told you not to run in the house?!" she shouted at me
My face fall and my smile vanished
"I sorry mommy, I was just excited to give you your present" I said holding up the rock I painted with glitter on it
She grabb it from me with her face still cold
" oh this piece of junk Lucy? You should be reading or doing something useful with your time rather than painting junk" she said coldly
Tears run down my cheeks as i look at my hands.
"I am sorry" I whisper
"don't be sorry, just get out off my face" she said weaving her hand
And I look at her with hurt in my eyes,my little heart was broken
"oh mommy before I go, I wanted to tell you that I will be leaving for spain in the morning I am going to be spreading time with Anjelica and her family" I said sadly and looking down at my hands
"good, better the Da Fuente look at that face then me" she said coldly and I gasp in surprise and hurt
" sweetie don't look so surprised you are not that pretty or bright, you are just plain nothing good about you" she said smiling and I run out of my mom's room crying

Tears run down my face, maybe my mom was right I am just not good enough
" Lucy, how was the tour with the hot Lord?" Laureen Asked as she flown at me looking at my face "what now?" she ask again
I Shake my head as i wipe my tears with the back of my hand
"I was just remembering my mom" I whisper
"oh Lucy you don't have to torture yourself" Laureen said hugging me
"I know, I even talked about her with Dante, I don't know what come over me. I guess it was the waterfall, that place just brings back memories " I said and Laureen's eyes popped out
"you talked about your mother?" she ask not believing what I just said
"no Laureen, I talked about barbie, Ofcourse my mother" I said and she laugh
"but are you OK?"she ask holding my hand and I nod
"I just need a shower before dinner" I said
"cool, I will wait for you

After my shower Laureen is sitting on my Bed quizzing me about the day, what we talked about, what we did, he's facial expression and all that nonsense
" I don't like that dress" Laureen said pointing at the dress I hold in my hand and I roll my eyes
"oh I am sorry madam"I said sarcastic
"wear the dress I gave you for your birthday last year, that dress is soo cute" she said
"oh no Laureen, half of my butt is hanging out in that dress" I said and she smiled
"that's the whole point"she said matter of fact as i roll my eyes at her
This girl must be crazy. I choose an eggshell strapless cocktail dress and Laureen nod in approval
"oh I almost forgot to tell you, my fight this afternoon was off the hook" she said happily and I laugh
Laureen is just mean and twisted she looks hurting and torturing people with pain and she gets soo excited doing it or just talking about it
"oh really did you win?"I ask and she  smirk at me
"bhur, what do you think?" she asked
"Ofcourse you killed it" I said rolling my eyes
"you know it" she said laughing

We walked into the dinning Hall and my friends where sitting at Dante's table again and I roll my eyes
As i walked near the table, I could hear their conversation
"yeah it was hard for her, she was always sad" Motle said sadly
I wounder what they are talking about
"oh really, she sounded sad today when we were at the waterfall" Dante said
They are talking about me, I walked slower just to listen
"over all her mother was a bitch even towards us" Anjelica said
I can't believe they are talking about me and my mom,Dante have no right to ask my friends and what's wrong with my friends entertaining his questions
As I reach the table I stood putting my hands on my hips and glare at them
"she might of been a bitch but she was still my mother" I said and turn to walk towards the table my father was sitting talking to Dante's uncle
"that was a dick move guys" Laureen said and followed me
" Lucy" she said
"I don't want to eat here, I want to go out" I said
"oh ok. No problem, a restaurant?" she asked and I nodd
I smile at my dad and wave at him with a smile as we walk towards the door
As we are about to walk out, Laureen cellphone ringed and she answered it,she talked for a minute and hangs up she turned and looked at me
"we are needed at the headquarters" she said
What? no, I can't go I have not told Dante about being a secret agent yet
"I can't go" I said to her and she rolls her eyes at me
"why not?" she ask
"I am getting married remember and he doesn't know what I do yet plus I am not ready to tell him yet" I said
"oh Lucy, you have to think of something,it sounded important" she said
"what am I going to do" I said a little panic
"I don't know Lucy but we have to leave now, the plane is already waiting. We need to let the others know" she said dragging me inside the dinning room again
Laureen heads to the girls while I go to my dad to say my goodbyes
"papa I have to go now, Carolina just called" I said as i stood by him
"another mission sweetie?" he ask
"I don't know yet" I said as i hug him
"ok, best of luck and tell your fiance before you leave" he said
"I can't papa" I said
"he doesn't know yet" he ask and I Shake my head
"tell him, he will understand" he said and I nodd slowly, I kiss my dad goodbye and walked toward the girls at Dante's table
" can I talk to you quickly" I ask and he nod as he stands up,
We stand in the hallway
"I have to go away for a week or longer" I said not looking at him, I am still embarrassed about what happened earlier today
"where are you going" he asked calmly
"Geneva" I said
"why?"he asked
"I can't tell you yet" I said still not looking at him
"why not?" he ask and I shrugg my shoulder
"let Me see if I got this right, you are going a away not sure when you will be back and you can't tell me why" he stated
" oh now I am not allowed to traveled, is that what you are trying to tell me" I Snap at him and he flown
"that's not what I said" he said calmly
My friends walked out the hall and looked at us
"I have to go" I said as i look at them
"why" he asked more at my friends
"just tell the poor man Lucy"  Kristen said
" I will explain when I get back, this is not the talk I want to have in a hallway" I said
"no now!" he said in that dangerous tone of his and I close my eyes
"fine, I am a secret agent and duty calls my lord" I said and turn walking away leaving him surprise and shock written all over his face

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