There Was No World For Her, I...

By Lanabug1864

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This is the sequel to The New Salvatores: A Delena Story. If you haven't read the first one, I suggest doing... More

Damon's Alive
The Wedding
Adrian Salvatore
The First Ritual
Baby Drama
Damon's Heartbreak
Jenna's Farewell
Dinners, Drama, And Baby News
Reactions And Old Friends
Paris, France
Home The Whole Time
Losing Faith
Klaus's Secret
Soul-Saving Memory
Finally A Family
Elijah's Demise
Arguments, Guilt, And A Bubble Bath
Moments Like These
12 Years Later
Return Of An Enemy
Secrets Unfold
The Second Ritual

Baby Daddy Revealed?

3.8K 82 111
By Lanabug1864

Damon's POV:

"Daddy, you're hurting me! Let go!" Stella cried as she tugged at her arm trying to pull herself loose from my hold on her, but my grip just became even tighter. "Daddy, let go! I want to go back to Mommy!"

"Shut up!" I snarled only I had tried to stop myself from saying it with every fiber of my being just like I had tried to stop myself from attacking the woman I loved, but the compulsion was just too strong. I practically had no control over my own body anymore and it was pissing me off big time.

I stormed up the long driveway with my screaming daughter in tow until I reached the large white front door. The door opened right when I stepped up to it causing Stella to cower in fear behind me.

"No problems, I presume," Klaus grinned at me then looked down at Stella and you could see the eagerness burning in his hazel eyes that turned wolf-like then quickly went back to normal. He then knelt down so he was at eye level with her. "Hello, Sweetheart. Pleasure seeing you again."

"W-Who are you?" Stella's tiny voice whispered as she peeped around my leg to see the hybrid who looked highly amused.

"Come now, Love. Surely you remember what a fun time we had with Grandmum. Unless..." Klaus glanced up at me upon seeing the genuinely confused look on my daughter's face. "Daddy swiped your memories didn't he?"

Without looking away from me, Klaus stood back up with a smug look on his face. He started tsk-tsking as he shook his head at me. "Damon, Damon, Damon. What fun is a dopplegänger who can't remember the most exciting part of her short little life? She has to remember, Mate."

Like I always did, I tried hard to fight against the voice in my head telling me to give my daughter back the horrid memories and like always, the compulsion won. I kneeled down in front of Stella and our matching blue eyes met. "It's time for you to remember everything, Princess."

I broke eye contact then stood up and Klaus and I looked on as the memories returned to her one after the other. I could see the pain and fear in her eyes as she was reliving each minute, every second of her stolen nightmares. All of a sudden it was too much for her and Stella gave a loud bloodcurdling scream.

I clamped a hand tightly over her mouth in hopes to get her to shut up and quit screaming while Klaus chuckled with amusement at my daughter's traumatized state. She looked up at me with glistening eyes as I slowly removed my hand when I was sure she was wouldn't utter another sound. Her gaze turned to Klaus and her crystal blue eyes widened in fear while she gripped my arm tightly.

Stella looked back at me wide eyed and pale faced,"Why are we here, Daddy? You said he wasn't gonna take me again. You promised he wasn't gonna touch me again."

I grinned at Klaus who grinned back and then, as I shoved my horrified daughter into Mikaelson Manor, I replied,"Yeah well...I lied."

Elena's POV:

This couldn't be happening to me. This had to all be a dream. Damon did not just kidnap our daughter and leave Mystic Falls with her. Would he really do something like that? Would he really do that to me? I guess the answer is yes because he just did.

"Elena!" Elijah exclaimed from beside me as he came from out of nowhere. Stefan quickly appeared in the room a few seconds later and took in the destruction from the fight that had just happened. "Are you alright?!"

"I'm fine," I replied from my unmoving position on the piano bench. Truth be told, I was just in shock from everything that had happened. "Damon took Stella. He left Mystic Falls with my baby."

"We'll find her, Elena. I promise you we'll find her," Elijah reassured as he helped me up from the bench. He wasn't pulling hard, but as soon as he did, I felt a dreadfully familiar searing pain pass through my stomach causing me to almost double over and emit a hiss.

"No. Please not this. Not now," I pleaded to the baby in my stomach as Elijah and Stefan both looked at me wide eyed. "It's way too early for this."

"Oh god, Elena. That wasn't a-"

"Contraction?" I finished Stefan's sentence and nodded quickly while clutching my baby bump.
"Yes, Stefan. That's exactly what it was."

"Could it be a false alarm?" Elijah asked with concern written all over his face as he gently grabbed my arm in fear that I would fall.

"Let's hope that's all it is," I replied then gritted my teeth as the same contraction made my stomach cramp up. "Call Meredith."

I saw Stefan pull out his phone and press Meredith's speed dial. "Hey, Meredith. You're still at the hospital right? What do you mean you're out on a date with Alaric?! Just meet us at the hospital, Meredith! It's important!"

Stefan hung up lividly then had an epic stare down with Elijah before glancing at me as I winced again. "Was that another one or the same one?"

"Another one," I hissed and leaned on Elijah so I wouldn't double over again. Elijah quickly ushered me out the door annoyingly followed by Stefan, who I had kinda hoped would stay home.

When we arrived at the hospital we met Meredith in the usual room where we always met her. I was surprised to see that she was wearing a short red one shoulder dress that stopped just above her knees along with a pair of dark red pumps. This was the first time I had ever seen Meredith in a dress.

"What the hell is going on?! Whatever it is better be as important as you say it is!" Meredith crossed her arms angrily then laid eyes on me and her own brown eyes widened. "I swear, Elena, your kids are just like Damon. Impatient as hell. Come on."

She led me into a room where I carefully laid down on the bed and Elijah took my hand in his to comfort me. Meredith went to reach for something in a pocket of her dress that didn't exist then realized that she didn't have whatever it was she was looking for. "Damn it! My phone is in my purse and I left it with Alaric. Stefan, do me a favor and time how far apart her contractions are."

Stefan nodded as he took out his iPhone then looked up at me just as I bit my lip to conceal a hiss. "Start timing," I heard Meredith order as she gently pressed her hand into different parts of my stomach I guess to check the muscles or something. I wasn't a doctor so I didn't know.

"Have you been drinking enough blood?" She questioned as she continued to feel my stomach. The warmth of her gentle hands was somewhat soothing on my cramping abdomen.

"I've fetched her a blood bag every time she has those retched stomach pains," Elijah answered for me as my hand was swallowed by both of his. "And she drinks one whenever the urges get to be too much."

Meredith cut her eyes at Elijah before asking the next question on her list of questions she had for me. "And how are those pains?"

"Well, I don't get them as often anymore, but when I do, they get worse with every attack I guess you call it," I replied then cringed slightly as another contraction came. "Son of a-"

"Alright, you can stop timing now, Stefan. How far apart were they?" Meredith interrupted my cursing as I heard a soft chuckle come from Elijah. God I wanted to slap him.

Stefan checked his phone as he calculated the answer in his head,"About...five and a half minutes maybe? Is that good or bad?"

Meredith looked relieved which made me feel instantly relieved. "It's very good. That means there's a chance we can stop her labor. What were you doing right before you went into labor? Whatever it was I believe is what triggered it."

"Damn it, Damon," I heard Stefan mutter under his breath along with a couple profanities I was surprised to hear come from him.

"Damon and I...kind of got in a physical fight. He threw me into a wall...and a bookcase," I felt the tears threatening to spill, but I fought them back with all that I had. I couldn't think about that anymore. I couldn't think about how he took my baby away from me.

"What the hell is wrong with him? The impact with the wall is most definitely what caused you to go into labor, Elena," Meredith said as she pulled open a drawer and grabbed a hypodermic syringe causing me to sigh. I despised needles with all of my being.

"So you're saying...this is Damon's fault? Damon almost made me lose my baby?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

My eyes widened and no one said anything while Meredith put the syringe in a tube of medicine then drew out a couple of milliliters of the liquid. She flicked the needle making the anticipation worse then turned back to me.

"All I'm going to do is give you a good dose of Terbutaline which will slow your contractions down and hopefully stop them," Meredith explained as I held out my arm to her dreading what had to happen.

"Wait, hopefully?!" Before I could say anything else Meredith had stuck the needle in my arm and injected the Terbutt-something into my body. "Ow.."

"Oh stop being such a baby, Elena. It's just a shot," Stefan gave me the crooked half smile that I once couldn't get enough of as he playfully teased me.

I glared at him as Elijah chuckled beside me in amusement when really I just wanted to run out of here and find my Stella. Damon was the reason we were sitting here and he was the reason I was close to losing my son, hopefully our son. He was the reason why I wasn't already out searching for my daughter whom he took away from me.

About twenty minutes later, my contractions had completely stopped and Meredith confirmed that the baby was fine, but she wanted me on at least two weeks of bed rest which was going to be absolute hell. I had a feeling it was probably payback for pulling her away from her date with Ric.

After Meredith made Stefan and Elijah swear on their lives to make sure I stayed in bed, she let us leave. I was now upstairs in mine and Damon's room trying to get past Stefan who was blocking the door to the hallway.

"Elena, Meredith told you bed rest for two weeks. No way in hell am I going to let you go searching for my jerk brother who has no humanity I might add," Stefan said as he blocked another one of my escape attempts.

"Wait what?" I stopped where I was as his words sunk in. "Damon turned it off?"

"Yeah...Klaus kind of compelled him to.."

"And you didn't think to tell me this until now?!" I screeched causing him to cringe slightly. "How long have you known?!"

Stefan grabbed my wrist mid swing to keep me from punching him and he grabbed my other wrist so I was now defenseless. "Elena, calm down! This stress isn't good for the baby!"

"How long have you known, Stefan?!" I ignored him and tried to pull my wrists from his grasp, but I couldn't escape his iron grip.

"Almost five months..."

I stopped fighting and looked at him with complete hatred and disgust on my face. How could he keep something like that from me?! If I had known Damon was compelled to turn his humanity off, I could have gotten Bonnie to look for something! I could have gotten the Damon that I know and love back! But now he's gone and so is my daughter. Why the hell didn't he tell me?!

I felt his hold on me loosen and I yanked my wrists away from him as I continued to glare at him,"What the hell is wrong with you? I could've gotten him back, Stefan! If I had known, I could've asked Bonnie if-"

"That's the first thing I did, Elena! I went straight to Bonnie to see of there was some kind of spell or something to break the compulsion! There isn't! She spent months looking through every single grimoire she had and nothing! That's why I didn't tell you, Elena! Unless Klaus frees Damon from his compulsion there's no getting him back!" Stefan shouted as he completely lost it causing his forest green eyes to blaze with anger.

I felt several tears fall down my face as Stefan and I had a intense stare down. With every minute that passed I could see the anger fade little by little from his face until it was gone all together.

"But Stefan, when the same thing happened to you, you fought against the compulsion! You fought against it and you were able to break free from it! If Damon-"

"Elena, we don't even know where the hell he is! He could be half way around the world by now! And even if we did manage to find him, it would take something powerful to get him to break free from it!"

"Then we'll search the entire globe if we have to! I can't lose him again, Stefan. It was always Damon. I love Damon. It's always going to be Damon and I can't live in a world where he doesn't exist. There wouldn't even be a world for me, if Damon didn't exist. Please, let me look for him," I pleaded as the tears flooded down my tan face. I could tell that every word I had said to him was like a stake in his chest. His shimmering forest green eyes, the eyes that I had once loved, were gazing at me while his face looked completely shattered.

"Alright, Elena, alright," He finally whispered as a few tears of his own fell silently down his face.
"We'll go out and look for him, but you need to take care of your main priority. Be the wonderful mother I know you are and get your ass back in that bed so your son can stay healthy."


"Elena, do you want to take the risk of him being premature like Stella almost was? Remember what Meredith said? Most babies born this early don't survive. Don't let my nephew be one of them," Stefan gave a tiny smile as he placed a gentle hand on my baby bump which resulted in a hard kick from my baby causing Stefan to grin a little wider.

"Nephew?" I asked softly, a little taken aback. I had thought he was hoping it was his. "I thought you wanted him to be yours?"

Stefan gave one of his sweet smiles as he cupped my face in his hands,"Elena, I noticed how desperate you are for it to be Damon's and I kind of have my hands full with Katherine. Plus, Rebekah's trying to point the finger at me as well. So I'm sort of rooting for him to be Damon's too.."

With that I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him into a well needed hug. In my heart I felt like we finally understood how our relationship should be and I felt as if he was finally accepting the fact that I was madly in love with his older brother and that even if he did try to win me back, he wouldn't accomplish anything except causing pain to his steadily growing family. I would always love Stefan, but in the end, Damon was the one who kept me alive, he was the one who saved me from myself.

"Have you thought about a name for my little nephew yet?" Stefan asked with genuine interest in his voice as he pulled back to look at me.

"Well, I really haven't thought about it a lot, but I kind of want to call him Damian. Sort of name him after Damon."

"Damian," He repeated to himself, letting the name roll off of his tongue. "I like it."

"What was your father's name?" I asked him as the wheels in my mind began to turn and a idea began to form. I only hoped the answer would work.

"Giuseppe. Why?"

"Hmm..Damian Giuseppe. It's got a nice ring to it don't you think?" I grinned at Stefan's pleasantly pleased face as he heard my idea.

He pulled me into another hug and his lips brushed against my ear as he whispered,"I think it's perfect." I gave a content sigh before his tone became arrogantly playful. "Now get your stubborn little ass back in that bed before I throw you in it myself!"

"Fine, but can you do me a favor and ask Bonnie to come over? I want her to do a location spell and see if we can find Damon. I have to get him back."

"Sure," Stefan said as he pecked the top of my head then pointed a finger at the bed whilst giving me a playfully stern look. "Ass. Bed. Now."

I grinned then obeyed him and curled up on the large four poster bed. As soon as I heard Stefan leave I pulled a black button up shirt from under my pillow and stroked the collar while taking in the familiar scent of bourbon and expensive cologne. Damon was my husband and I was determined to get him back even if my life depended on it. A thump from my belly brought me from my thoughts and I placed a hand over the spot where he kicked.

"Everything's going to be okay, Sweetheart. I promise," I whispered to my bump earning a few more hard kicks which caused me to break out in a small smile.

My ears pricked up at the sound of feet on the stairs and a few minutes later Stefan appeared in the room followed by Bonnie who had a grimoire in her arms and a huge smile on her face.

She rushed to the edge of the bed and pulled me into a warm hug as the words rushed from her mouth,"Oh my gosh, Elena, I'm so glad that that asshole of a husband of yours didn't harm your baby anymore than he did! Next time I see him I'm going to curse his ass so good he won't even know what's happening!"

"He's actually been a lot more active since then, like kicking a lot. Sometimes I wonder if he's training to be a professional soccer player. I mean geez," I replied causing both Bonnie and Stefan to laugh. "I'm going to take a guess and say Stefan already told you why I wanted you over here?"

"Yeah. He seemed really eager about it too," Bonnie grinned behind her at Stefan who was perched at the end of the bed. It was kind of sweet that he wanted to get his big brother back."Stefan, you're the only blood relative of Damon's that we have right now. Well, there's Scarlett, but I'm sure you'd rather do it."

"Yeah. I don't want her involved in any of this," Stefan said like a protective father which is exactly what he was being and it was just adorable.

Bonnie nodded then pulled a map from her purse that she brought. She then pulled out a simple silver dagger and held it out to Stefan who took it from her. "Okay, I'm going to need something of Damon's. Like a picture or something."

I got up from the bed, earning a disapproving look from Stefan, and went over to the only bookshelf in the room. I quickly spotted the blue diary and pulled it from its spot on the shelf. I flipped it open and I swear everything came to a complete standstill. "It's gone!"

"What's gone, Elena?" Stefan asked with a concerned expression on his face.

"The picture of me and Damon at the school carnival! It's gone!" Then a thought made everything crystal clear. "He took it, Stefan! Damon took it! This is proof that he isn't too far gone!"

"Elena, that's kind of stretching it a bit.." Stefan started to say, but shut up after one look from me.
"The other photo is in Stella's room. I'll get it. Elena, bed."

I rolled my eyes as I returned Damon's diary back to its shelf and trudged back to the bed while Stefan left to retrieve the other photo. He came back a few minutes later with it in hand and was studying it with a semi frown on his face then handed it to Bonnie.

"Oh wow!" Bonnie laughed upon laying eyes on the adorable photo of the vampire and dopplegänger. "Too freaking cute!! Okay, Stefan, your turn."

She placed the photo beside the map as Stefan sliced his palm open with the dagger. He then let his hand hover over the photo and the blood dripped down on top of it. Stefan's hand then traveled over the map and he allowed a few drops of blood to fall on the wrinkled page.

Both Bonnie and I screamed and all three of us jumped back when the map instantly caught on fire. By the look on Bonnie's face I could tell that this wasn't part of the spell. The fire then consumed the photo, but the strange thing was that only half of it burned up. The half that was Damon.

"Bonnie, what happened?!" I demanded just as the flames extinguished as fast as they came. The map was completely useless now and the only thing that remained of the photo was the half with me.

"I-I don't know! Unless..." Bonnie paused as she thought and then I could practically see the lightbulb turn on in her head. "Where's Stella's bear? Is it still here?"

"What does her bear have anything to do with it?" I asked my best friend completely confused and unsure as to where she was going with this.

"Remember what I told you when I gave it to you? That bear protects her from magic whenever it's close by her."

Stefan used his inhuman speed to disappear from the room then reappeared moments later shaking his head. "She always keeps it on her bed and it's not there. It's missing."

"No, it's not," I whispered as my eyes widened in shock. "It's not missing because...Damon has it."

Damon's POV:

I studied the fluffy pink teddy bear as I took a sip of bourbon from my glass. My crystal blue eyes fell to the name that was sewn on the bears belly in cursive and I felt the tiniest of nudges in my heart. I let my finger trace the beautiful curling letters of my daughter's name then sighed.

I downed the remainder of my drink then walked into the Mikaelson's living room where I found Stella on the sofa with her knees drawn up against her chest. She was watching Greta who was trying to entertain her by making feathers float in the air around her. She didn't look the least bit enthralled.

"Stella." At the sound of my stern voice she turned away from the witch to look at me with a look of pure innocence. Her blue eyes still had that hint of fear in them as she waited for me to continue. "I took this from the house. Thought you might want it."

Stella's eyes fell to the stuffed bear in my hands then flicked back up to my face. I held the bear out to her and she graciously took it, hugging it tightly to her chest. "Thank you, Daddy. I can't sleep without it."

I didn't give a reply and instead returned the dirty look Greta was shooting me. I never did get along with witches; judgy little things. I spotted Klaus's tiny alcohol stash and decided that he wouldn't mind me helping myself. I strolled over there and poured myself a brandy.

"Daddy?" Stella's tiny angelic voice sounded extremely hesitant and somewhat afraid. "I want to go back home. I want to go back to Mommy."

Before anyone knew what was happening, I was suddenly standing right in front of her and she cried out as I backhanded her across the face. "I don't want you to ever talk of your mother again! We're never going back to that house! This is your home now! Do you understand me?!"

She was sobbing now as she cowered away from me and I could see her cheek was bright red from where I had hit her. I could feel the anger coursing through my body until it was suddenly forgotten due to the sudden excruciating pain in my head.

Clutching at my raven mane, I yelled out as my head split open over and over again. I looked up through the searing pain and saw Greta staring at me intently. Damn witches.

"Just because your humanity is off does not give you the right to hit a child! The sooner you understand that, Salvatore, the better!" Greta exclaimed as her brown eyes blazed with anger.

Still clawing at my head, I fell to my knees and then onto the floor as the pain became almost unbearable. Then it was instantly gone. Just like that. I gave a groan as my senses came back to me and then slowly sat up to find Greta comforting my still crying daughter.

"Bitch," I muttered under my breath as I managed to get on my feet and brushed myself off.

Stella seemed to calm down enough to untangle herself from Greta who had been hugging her tightly. She sniffled then whispered,"Why do you look so much like my Aunt Bonnie?"

Greta gave a small smile and replied in a soft voice,"Because Bonnie is my cousin." Her eyes flicked to me as I started to pick up the broken glass from the puddle of brandy on the floor.

I went to the kitchen where I disposed of the shattered glass then, making sure no one was around, I pulled out the only other thing I took from the boarding house. My thumb trailed along the edge of her beautiful tanned face which had the happiest smile it had had in a while. That night was both the best and worst night of my life. It was the best because I had awakened something in Elena, something she probably didn't expect, and it was the worst because she had shot me down then lied to my face about why she shot me down.

I had to admit, I don't know what I was thinking when I made that face. Cross-eyed definitely was not my most attractive look, but it had made Elena laugh and that's the only thing that had mattered that night. She was as beautiful as always, but her eyes had lost that shine, that life, that I had fell in love with. But by some miracle, I had managed to bring those beautiful brown eyes of hers back from their dead lifeless state. And this was the solid proof of that; the picture of she and I at that stupid school carnival I had insisted on dragging her to.

"Whatcha got there, Mate?" A voice asked from behind me causing me to almost jump out of my skin. Right when I turned, my picture was snatched right from my fingers.

"No, wait!" I shouted as I desperately tried to take it back without any success.

Klaus studied the picture then looked up at me with a mocking grin on his face,"Now aren't you two just the photogenic couple. How lovely."

"Klaus, please," I gave up my dignity and pleaded pathetically as I made another attempt to get my photo back. I knew it was a lost cause, but I was determined.

"I was wrong about you. You're almost as pathetic as Stefan was, trying his hardest to fight against my compulsion. And I can't be having that now can I?" His eyes suddenly locked with mine and I felt my memories slipping away into the darkness, behind a locked door in a dark room, with every word. "I want you to forget your little pathetic family. Forget the vampire hunter, his daughter and the doctor. Forget Tyler and the young blonde vampire hunter and forget my beloved Caroline. Forget the young Gilbert boy, the Bennett witch, and the young warlock. They mean nothing to you. Fail to remember your brother who is a disgrace to the entire vampire race, forget sweet Katerina and your beautiful niece, Scarlett." His eyes grew even more hypnotizing and his voice got more demanding as the next words were said. "You are to forget the lovely Elena, the woman you love, your wife. The mention of her name, a glimpse of her face, will mean nothing to you. It will be as if Elena Gilbert never existed."

"NO!!" I shoved him back forcefully, full of determination to grasp onto what little memories I had left. I couldn't let him take away my memories of her. She was the very reason I walked this earth. If that was stolen from me..I'd have no reason to live.

Klaus grabbed me by the shoulders and slammed me up against the wall as he fought back with everything he had,"FORGET HER!!!"

And as I gazed into the eyes of the hybrid, my hands clasped desperately onto the image of my other half, my soul mate. But as the compulsion dominated my mind, her long brown hair, her sparkling brown eyes, her beautiful tan skin, and her soft lips, slipped through my fingers and was thrown into that dark room behind the locked door.

Once Klaus was sure I wasn't going to fight back, he released me from his grip,"Now then, I believe a test is in order." He bent over and picked up the photo he had dropped amidst our struggle. He then flipped it so I could see the image and grinned.

As I studied it I saw that it was a photo of me and a stunningly attractive woman who I didn't know. My crystal blue eyes flicked back to Klaus's face which still contained a grin. "Does this photo mean anything to you, Mate?"

I looked at him as an expression of confusion took over my face. Why would it mean anything to me? I didn't even know who the woman in the photo was. "No," I replied. "Should it?"

He gave a look of satisfaction as he continued to observe me,"Excellent. So you wouldn't care if I just...ripped it up?"

"Do what you want with it. It doesn't mean anything to me."

He grinned wolfishly at me then in a flash ripped the photo to shreds. I watched as the pieces of me and the mysterious woman fluttered silently to my feet.

Elena's POV:

"So you think Damon took the bear because he knew if he had it, he couldn't be tracked?" Stefan asked Bonnie as he lifted an eyebrow.

She nodded,"That's exactly what I think. He knew we would try the location spell so he took Stella's bear knowing it would protect them from any kind of magic. Do you know what that means? It means...he doesn't want to be found."

Bonnie and Stefan looked at me anticipating my reaction, but I remained deathly quiet. I saw them glance at each other as if they were having a silent conversation and I knew they were probably wondering if I was okay.

"But he took the photo of us too. That's got to mean something, you guys. I think that it was his way of telling us that he can still be saved," I finally said as I let my mind wander to the possible reasons why Damon took the picture.

"We don't know that he was the one who took it, Elena," Stefan protested to my annoyance causing me to shoot him a look. "Look, all I'm saying is that we need to stick to what we know."

"Oh, so we know Damon took the stupid teddy bear?! How do we know he took it?! Where's your proof, Stefan?!" I lost it and the tears flowed endlessly down my face. My heart was aching for the one man who could make me laugh in the most horrible situations. All I wanted was to get both my daughter and my husband back home safe and sound.

But would it really be sound if Damon continued to think my baby was his little brother's? That's when I realized that I had to know. I had to know who the father of my little Damian Giuseppe was. Please, God, let it be Damon's.

"Bonnie, I need you do something extremely important for me. Do you have a way to determine who my son's father is?" I quickly rushed out causing a surprised look to appear across both Bonnie's and Stefan's faces.

"I kind of had the feeling you were going to ask me that sooner or later, so I already did the research and there is something I can do. The spell is actually quite simple. I'll need you to lift up your shirt first, but just to warn you, my magic has been really screwy lately," Bonnie answered with a small grin.

I did as I was instructed and lifted up my pale blue blouse to expose my round tan bump. "What are you going to do? It's not going to hurt him is it?"

"No, it won't hurt him at all. It's not fair, Elena. You're so freaking cute with a pregnant belly!" Bonnie gushed as I blushed with embarrassment. I may look cute pregnant, but that's definitely not what I was feeling.

"Stefan, give me your hand," She ordered and he obediently held out his hand which she took in one of hers. She then placed her other hand on top my baby bump which resulted in a hard kick from Damian. "Hello to you too," Bonnie giggled.

Bonnie then closed her eyes and began to chant in her weird witch language that I would never learn to understand. I looked away from the chanting witch at the same time Stefan did and our eyes met briefly. He gave me a small reassuring smile which I was happy to return.

Bonnie's eyes suddenly shot open and her face paled as a few blood drops trickled from her nose. She quickly wiped them away with a trembling hand as she stared wide eyed at me. I could hear her heart beating rapidly in her chest as her breath became fast and shaky.

"Bonnie, Bonnie, what's wrong?!" Stefan asked urgently as he grabbed her shoulder causing her to jump about a foot off the bed. She was really scaring me now. Was something wrong with my son? Was something wrong with Damian?

What she said next would have caused my heart to stop dead if it was beating. "St-St-Stefan's the father."

~ O: Oh My Freaking GOSH!!!!! Gahhhhh!!! I can't believe I just made Stefan baby daddy!!!!! What is wrong with mee?!?! Nothing, nothing at all!! I just love making my readers flip out!! I'M SO EVILL!! XD I can't believe I did that to my poor Damon either!! Wow am I evil!! Wellllll......I promise you that Damon and Elena will get their happy ending!!! Just wait and see my lovelies!! Don't forget to VOTE and comment comment comment!! xx -Lanabug1864~

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Marie Salvatore. Turned in 1864, at the age of 25, the day after seeing both her brothers die for saving the woman they thought they loved. After bei...
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Niklaus has been keeping a locked coffin with him for a thousand years. It is his older sister, who Mikael and Esther cursed into the coffin. They pu...