Barbara's [l.S Mpreg] editing

By bottomnarry

47.5K 1.5K 225

"Louis Tomlinson. Nice to meet you." "Harry Styles." cover by @aestheticharrie More

Chapter 1 - 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 15

826 36 1
By bottomnarry

"Zayn and I are officially dating!" Gigi squealed.

"When did this happen?!" Harry exclaimed and Gemma congratulated her.

"Are you not happy for me?" She asked with sad eyes.

"Of course I'm happy for you." Harry explained. "Will you ignore me from now on because you have a boyfriend?"

"Harry." Gemma warned. He mumbled a sorry under his breath and Gemma continued, "Let's get some things straight." The two nodded. "Harry, are you ignoring Gigi since you have Niall?"



"Okay. You're right." Harry sighed. "I guess I was just a bit scared..."

"Our first date is tomorrow!" Gigi announced and Gemma stopped on her tracks.

"You're grounded. Remember?" Gemma smirked, knowing what was coming.

"BUT GEMS!" Gigi whined.

"I'm kidding, of course you may go." Gigi squealed and she chuckled. "But, I'm helping you with your hair and everything. OMG you're growing up so fast!"

Harry got up and left to his room after leaving his plate in the kitchen. It got intense when they started talking about girly stuff. He walked to his phone and decided to text Louis because why not? He saw Louis was online so he texted him.

To Louis:
Hey Lou! Xx

Five minutes passed and nothing. It said he's online. Why isn't he answering? Another five minutes and nothing. It then said he was offline but after another five minutes it said he was online again. Harry jumped when he saw typing... written on the top.

From Louis:

To Louis:

What are you up to?

From Louis:
I'm walking to the main hallway. The teachers just pasted how much we got on the exams.

From Louis:
I'm so nervous !! :(

To Louis:
You'll do fine!

From Louis:
Thanks mate. :) Wait a sec I need to read the board and find TOMLINSON on it XD

To Louis:
Okie cookie poky!

Louis checked through the board, standing on his tip toes since the people in front of him were taller. He had his glasses on, trying to read and since he was a bit far away, he needed them the most. He started reading from letter "C".

Carlos Clark... Not me.

Naomi Cox... Not me.

Eleanor Calder... Not me...

Wait... Louis saw Eleanor's average and gaped at it, 81.9%. He then felt very confident but slightly nervous. They studied together, and knew everything so he must have a good grade. He continued reading down. The exams were graded from 0-99 and he really hoped he wasn't below 80 or 70.

Liam Payne – 94.7%

Louis gasped and some people turned to look at him. The boys in front walked away cursing under their breaths. "Fuck this shit. I studied and what do I get? A damn 56.1%!" One of the boys yelled and kicked a trashcan. Some girls flinched and some giggled.

Idiots... Louis thought.

So he continued. His eyes darted until the bottom of the list, where R-Z were. The first letter with T came up. He was so nervous, he didn't want to continue. He just didn't. He took a deep breath and started reading the T section.

Jade Thirwall – 98.5%

Jade has always been a good student, so Louis didn't really find it amusing. What he did find amusing was this boy called Cody Simpson. He was known to not care about this kind of studies and only football. But, he and Louis have always been good lads, and that made him know that about Cody. He had gotten a 73.8% and that was really good for someone who doesn't study as much.

Louis then nearly slapped himself when noticing he had skipped all the T's and went to the S section. He groaned annoyed and went back to the T.

Jade Thirwall

Manuel Trolio

Karla Tidrick

Mariah Tix

Alessandra Tobin

Louis Tomlinson

His breath hitched and he covered his mouth, getting out of the crowded space. He walked outside of the building, tears swelling up in his eyes and he immediately took his phone out to call his mother. His hands trembling and the call started.


"Mum." He sobbed.

"Louis are you okay? Are you crying?"

"I got a perfect score." He announced and sobbed happily. "I got a perfect score!"

"Oh my god! I thought you had done something wrong or – oh my god, baby! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!" She cheered. "But, why are you crying?"

"I'm just so happy! A perfect score mum! A perfect 99.9%!" He started to walk to a nice bench under a tree and whipped his tears.

"Wait, wouldn't a perfect score be 100%?" She asked.

He chuckled softly and explained, "No mum. A perfect score here is 99.9. There is no 100."

"Oooh...! I'm so happy for you! My baby!" She squealed. "I told you you'll do great! You're just so stubborn when it comes to studying. You think a small break might kill your grade."

"Haha. Right. Well, I have to go. I'll call you later. I love you."

"I love you too."

The hanged up and he decided to go surprise Harry at his place. But first, he wanted to get some Yorkshire Tea at Barbara's. It was weird to be at the bakery and not finding Gigi and Kendall at the front counters. Nobody is in line so he walks up.

"May I have Yorkshire Tea? Please." The boy looked at Louis with a bored expression and nodded. He went to get it and a few seconds later came back. "Thanks." He thanked him and walked out.

When he got to Harry's house, he had already finished with his tea and threw the paper cup in the trashcan. He rang the doorbell and waited patiently. Gigi opened up the door and squealed when seeing Louis.

"Hi! What are you doing here?" She asked and Lois shushed her.

"It's a surprise for Harry. He sounded bored."

"Ooh!" She nodded. "Zayn and I are dating."

"Congrats G." The hugged one last time and they walked together up the stairs. Gemma was in her small office working while Gigi was doing her homework. Harry had finished before her and was up in his room.

"Today you saw your average didn't you?" She asked and he nodded. He told her his average and she clapped her hands. "Congratulations!" He thanked her and they walked together 'till reaching Harry's room. "Oh, by the way, you should knock before entering."

"But that'd ruin the surprise, G!" He whined softly.

"Fine then. I'll be in my room."

She walked off to her room and left the door open. Louis rubbed his hand together and decided to not knock. So he opened the door and was about to say "surprise" but instead he gasped loudly and ran out of the room towards Gigi's

"THE HORROR!" He yelled and closed the door behind him, closing his eyes and throwing himself on Gigi's bed. It was normal for him to just jump on her bed, they're friends. She hummed smugly and placed her notebooks on the carpeted.

"Told ya you should knock." She said.

"You didn't tell me I'd find them making out! What the fuck! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"'Cause I went through the same thing and wanted to see your reaction." She giggled. "I'm sorry Lou-Lou."

"Ugh. Do you have one of those things of mind erasing?" He asked.

"Yeah 'course, since I'm in Man in Black using those stuff." She scoffed sarcastically. "Of course not, dumb bum."

Harry walked into the room, his shirt still up a bit and he pulled it down blushing, his lips pink and sore, while his hair was a complete mess. He walked towards Louis, but he threw a pillow at the curly lad.

"Lock the door, idiot!" He told him.

"I'm sorry! I didn't expect you to come!"

"You were texting me sounding all bored, so me being the good lad I am, came down here for you!"

"I'm sorry you saw that." Harry closed the door and then came back to the bed, sitting down.

"It looked like you almost had sex." Gigi stated.

"What! No! I don't want that! Not with him at least." Harry told them.

"Niall wants it." Gigi said afterwards. "And you are easily letting him. Like, you just start with a sweet kiss, then snog, and then BAM! Your V-Card was stamped." Louis chuckled softly at her word choice. "Bye, bye virginity! We'll never see you again. I had a dick inside of-."

"OKAY! Stop." Harry blushed and looked at Louis. "Do you think I would?" He asked. "Louis?"

"Harry, I don't know." He sighed.

"Are you still a virgin?"

Louis stiffened, remembering, and tried not to break right in front of them. He shook his head and mumbled, "No." Gigi noticed his sadness but didn't question on it. A sob ran out of Harry's mouth and stood up, walking out of the room.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Niall asked.

"Get out. Please. I need to be alone." He whipped his tears. Niall nodded, knowing it was no good to stay with him when he got like this. So he walked out, and then out of the house, heading to his own.

Gigi looked at Louis with sad eyes and opened her arms. He hugged her and she kissed his head sweetly and lovingly. "Everything will be fine. Just don't think about it." She whispered. Louis looked up at her in shock. "You know?" He asked and she nodded.

"How did it happen?" She asked. "Only tell me if you wanna." Louis nodded but stood up to close the door so nobody could listen.

"I was twelve." He sighed. Gigi gaped and motioned for him to continue. "My dad, Troy, he got into a fight with my mother. I was an only child and mum told me to hide in my room until she came back. Of course, I did as told but my dad started pounding on my door. I didn't open, until he broke in. I tried running to the bathroom but he got me and threw me on bed."

"It's okay if you don't want to continue."

"I need to get it off my chest." He said and she nodded. "I was smacked and punched and all of my own dad. He took off my clothes and believe me I cried and shouted as loud as I could because I thought somebody could stop him..."


"Shut the fuck up!" He smacked me, harder this time on my face.

"Stop! I don't want to!" I cried loudly and tried pushing him off. He placed my hands over my head and glared at me. A glare that gave me so much fear.

"Now listen to me you little bitch. You weren't even supposed to be born. You're only loved by your mother and if I could, I'd kill you. But I won't. I want you to suffer while feeling it."

"Please don't. Daddy don't-."

"I SAID SHUT UP!" I cried louder and he took my arm harshly, pulling me out the room, taking me over to his own. He threw me on bed and tied my hands together, placing tape over my mouth. I cried so much I thought I would stay without tears. "Stay quiet. Stay fucking quiet!"

I nodded and he sighed, getting on top of me. "I don't want to do this. I promise. You're my son, but just because you are, it doesn't mean I love you, and I'll never will. So, I hope you enjoy this. And if you don't...I'll always have your mother and you watching."

As soon as I knew . . . I lost it.


"Of course, I don't like telling people I lost it that way. I just let them think it was by some other guy or something." Louis finished explaining.

"But, you don't have to say you lost it. Don't count it."

"That's the thing, I can't say I didn't because I did. I went to a therapist to get help and he told me I lost it and there was nothing I could do about it. He then raped my mum and got her pregnant with my sister, Lottie. Mum got married again and now I'm Louis Tomlinson. We're all Tomlinson's."

"I'm so sorry, Louis."

"It's fine. It wasn't your fault. Everything is over now so I'm fine." He said. "But, if you excuse me. I came for a certain boy."

She nodded and Louis walked out, knocking on Harry's door. "Who is it?" He whimpered. "Louis." He answered. Harry hesitated but stood up and opened up. Louis smiled at him and Harry let him walk in.

"Why are you so sad about?"

"With who did you lose your virginity with?"

"Oh Harry..." He sighed. "It's hard to talk about."

"Was it because of that?" Louis nodded. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know!"

"It's fine." He chuckled. "Come here." They both sat down on bed after Harry closed the door. The curly boy snuggled into Louis as the older lad kissed his head. Harry looked up at him, they were in an intense stare. Literally having eye sex. But no, Louis stopped it by looking away.

"Why did you stop?" Harry asked.

"Stop what?"

"Looking at me." He pouted. Louis didn't know how to answer and just turned back to stare at Harry's emerald eyes and Harry stared back. Without them feeling their noses bumped into each other and Louis jumped out of the bed.

"Holly shit." He breathed out. "Shit. Holly shit. Oh shit. Holly mother fucking shit."


"WE ALMOST KISS YOU DOOFUS!" Louis exclaimed. Harry's eyes widened and stood up.


"YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND! For god's sake Harold." Louis was trying to be serious but chuckled at Harry's kiddy mind and obliviousness.

"It would be a friendly kiss on the lips." The younger one shrugged.

Louis laughed louder. "There is no friendly kiss on lips, stupid."

"Why not? Is there a rule?"


"Exactly! Now kiss me you fool!"

Louis hesitated but just kissed Harry's cheek. "No." He answered with a smile and walked out of the room. Leaving a very confused Harry standing there. Harry wasn't hurt, neither was Louis. Harry was just confused while Louis was chuckling softly at his stupid, stupid friend.


Writing this chapter made me feel so the Louis' part but then I laughed so hard because I love making Harry really oblivious! He's a cute little dummy half frog.

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