Turi and the ring of Valar Be...

By GwenBouvier

3.3K 238 40

The threads of Turi and Thranduil's lives are finally entwining. But when a delegation of green elves comes t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 16

132 10 4
By GwenBouvier

An urgent meeting had been called. Rumor has it that there was finally a break in the case, and apparently even a suspect!

The whole council was present, including commander in chief Coamenel who looked uncharacteristically subdued. In addition, the internal surveys team and the entire delegation of green elves had joined the assembly.

They had all gathered in the central hall, its haunted and glum look underlined by the cold rain that was showering the attendees.

Turi, looking formal in long dark blue winter robes, was the one who'd called this meeting. The head of internal surveys was coming into her own, council elves whispered approvingly.

Thranduil had not been able to come and join them. Although the king was better now, he hadn't fully regained his speech nor the function of his limbs. But he could sit propped up, and was alert. He was getting better by the day.

Turi stopped pacing up and down. She faced the assembly and spread her arms wide. 'Hîr o hiril nín, le hannon – my lords and ladies, I thank you. It is not a pleasant day but I have invited you here to assist our most esteemed friends, the green elves from the land of the seven rivers, to come and identify the ring of Valar Belain.'

Turi bowed deeply to the guests. Talathon, head of the delegation, nodded self-importantly to her and exchanged confident glances with his fellow green elves.

She continued thoughtfully 'As you know, the ring had been stolen and the trader Drannor brutally murdered. We owe lord Talathon our gratitude for his patience with this investigation.'

Coamenel, usually sporting a blank expression, nodded emphatically. This was most respectful language for Turi. He certainly approved and, stroking his moustache thoughtfully, gave the green elf delegation a little nod.

The other council members however looked puzzled, not used to seeing the head of internal surveys grovel to this extent over anyone. Was she onto something? Had the Greenwood elves really offended their guests? They exchanged worried glances.

Turi looked around somberly, then summarised 'We have now concluded our investigation, and have come to a shocking and saddening conclusion.'

'But first, please, oh most honoured lord.' She bowed again deeply and extended her arms as an invitation for Talathon to approach a small table that was set up in the middle of the gathering. He looked at her smugly, then exhaled gravely and strode over to the little table.

As the green elf approached, he noticed that a heavy golden ring, a bloodied serrated dagger, and the trader's little notebook were laid out on the tabletop. He picked up the ring, turned it over in his hand, and then tossed it back on the table. 'This is not it.'

Turi raised her eyebrows briefly, then frowned. 'Not the ring of Valar Belain? That is truly saddening' she said, shaking here head.

She seemed to be mulling this over for a while, then her face lit up.

'These are all important and damning pieces of evidence, but I notice I forgot something' Turi told her captive audience. 'When our king Thranduil disappeared' she paused for effect 'he left an object most incriminating on the throne.'

Talathon's eyes opened wide, and he tilted his chin up as he looked over at his comrade green elves.

Turi felt around her pockets, mumbling 'Where is it now?' She went from one pocket to the other, then with an 'Aha!' she pulled out the necklace from her pocket, only its strap protruding from her closed hand.

'Yes, yes,' said Talathon 'that's indeed the necklace of starlight gems that Drannor brought to sell to us. Thranduil is behind this, just like we've thought all along.' He nodded triumphantly as an audible gasp emanated from the gathered elves.

But then Turi opened her hand and let the necklace roll out so everyone could see. It wasn't made of starlight gems, but it was a simple necklace with a moon-shaped pendant. She held it up high for all to see.

Turi feigned surprise. 'Well, no, lord Talathon, this is mine. But I'd like to know how you knew that a necklace of starlight gems was found on king Thranduil's throne?'

There was an awkward pause during which only the falling rain could be heard.

Then a member of the council asked 'How did you know, lord Talaton?' Someone else said 'What does this mean? Did he put it there?'

The green elves mumbled amongst each other and before any real commotion could break out, Turi signaled for guards to surround the delegation. Simultaneously, two block-shaped guards, lean and muscular like oaken trees, seized Talathon by his shoulders.

Turi reached out and quickly grabbed his hands. Looking closely, she saw his fingernail beds were coloured yellow.

'Traces of Hemlock root on the skin wash off, but the stuff sure sticks to the fingernails, doesn't it?' she said. 'Tell me, was king Thranduil surprised when you suddenly forced the poison in his mouth? A poison that only grows around the rivers in your homeland, nonetheless.'

Turi fixed the green elf with a cold stare. All the courteousness had gone out of her voice now.

Talathon pulled his hands back and balled his fists. His body shook with anger. 'How dare you! He was the one who betrayed us, killed one of us!'

Shaking her head, Turi looked incredulous at the head of the green elves. 'It was an accident. The lady Reinilian set herself on fire. (*) After conspiring to kill numerous innocent wood elves.'

Suddenly one of the green elves bellowed 'Noooo.' His body seemed to inflate, the cords on his neck swelling. And then the tears came.

Turi looked at the sobbing elf closely. The same mouth, the same eyes, similar coloured hair. It was hard to miss the family connection once you looked closely. His friends were trying to comfort him, and Turi almost felt sorry for his loss.

She hadn't put this show on to torture the green elves, or a mourning brother. The council members were listening and watching too, and Turi knew she had to convince them more than anyone.

But this horrific deception had gone too far, had been allowed to continue for too long. The threats, intrigue and attempts at sewing discord were over.

'Indeed, hîr o hiril nín – my lords and ladies' she said. 'Why buy a ring when you can steal it and frame someone you think has wronged you?' She looked around and waited for a moment.

'Talathon met with an unsuspecting Thranduil. As the root mash was pushed into his mouth, some of it would have been ingested and taken up into his bloodstream quite quickly. He would have felt dizzy and weak before going into shock.'

Turi paused, thinking how grateful she was to have her mum's knowledge to back her up.

'As his circulation carried the poison around his muscles, paralysis would have set it. The entire episode must have taken only a short while before our good king Thranduil became unconscious.'

Turi went on to explain how the green elves planted the necklace on the throne, and the murder weapon and inconsequential golden ring on their paralysed victim.

A little voice piped up. 'But how could they kill the trader?' asked Coamenel. 'They never left the mansion.'

Turi smiled. Now that was the real beauty of the plan.

(*) See Turi Returns (Thranduil fanfic) preceding this story

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