Outsiders and Percabeth

By gracexadeee

1M 15.4K 14.3K

Mortals, gods and demigods alike meet the famous duo, 'percabeth' and their reactions. This book is completed! More

Charlotte Ryans
Candace Wallace
Charlie Ordon
Don Walker
Calypso- HC
Melanie Stryder- Part 1
Melanie Stryder- Part 2
Percabeth- HC
Frederick Chase- Part Two
Poseidon and Athena HC
Kiera Hollow
Merry Christmas
Percabeth- HC
Thank You?!?!!?
Ryan Roberts
Ryan Roberts- Part Two
Frederick Chase- Part Three
Annabeth HC
Jace Williams
Sophie Workworth
John Lenny
Grace Manning
Percabeth Baby Names
Lacey Williams
Mr. Mclean
Naomi Watts
Kiara White
Erika Jane Davis
Christine DaaƩ
Kiara White: Part Two
Percabeth HC
Damon Richards
Tayla Brown
Sofia Delgada
Harry Potter
Annabeth- HC
Lucy Edikos
Mai Winchest
Cameron Black
Poseidon- HC
Charlize Cameron
Memorial- HC
President Trump
Fallon Fallon
Andria Blake
Kendall Vukona
Tyson and Ella HC
Harry Potter- Part 2
Harry Wilson
Don Walker- Part 2
Phoebe Spirit
Dream Cast
Michaela Tassell
Dream Cast Continued
Elizabeth Castellan
Bethanne Madeline
Solangelo- HC
Tallen Stronghold
Kenneth Greyson
Not an Update

John Strife

17.7K 286 338
By gracexadeee

John above

Being a son of Hermes wasn't easy, everyone judged me by who my father was, they judged me by how many stupid siblings I had. I mean, if I got to run this run-down camp, I would make all the undetermined campers fend for themselves and sleep outside until they get claimed, we don't want them. Well, I don't, most of my siblings don't share my views on the Gods. Next to me, on the table on the left to ours, a blonde girl sat down and faced two of my brothers, Conner and Travis. They started speaking in fast, hushed tones of Greek. Even I couldn't understand it. I caught specific words like Percy and anniversary but that made no sense to me. I'd arrived at Camp Half-blood about three weeks ago and Id heard of a Percy Jackson but with the way everyone spoke about him I assumed he was a camper that lived years ago, a myth if you would like. Why this blonde, Athena chick was talking about him I did not know. Travis turned to me.

"Bro, can you tell the rest of the table to all meet at the beach in an hour? Thanks!" He said and got up with the daughter of Athena. Connor followed suit, giving me his trademark salute as he left, a grin on his face. I frowned. Why did we all have to go to the beach? We usually play Capture the Flag on Tuesday's. I shrugged, scrapped the rest of my meal into the fire and banged my metal mug on my table. The chatter stopped and all my siblings turned to look at me, wary. Ever since I offered my idea of leaving the Gods they were always wary of me now.

"Everyone has to go to the beach in an hour. I don't know why but that's what Travis told me so, yeah," I said and scratched the back of my neck. They all nodded and the chatter resumed gradually. I left the table and went back to my cabin to pass the time. I lay on my bed and closed my eyes.

******** **********

One of my sisters, Cara woke me up then wiped her hands on her jeans looking slightly disgusted. My heart sunk when I realised just how much my siblings hated me, besides, I wasn't really sure why I hated the Gods so much. Hermes visited camp a lot because he was the messenger of the gods so we saw him quite a bit and even some other gods popped in for a few seconds before flashing out again. I heard that it used to be much worse and many demigods fell to the otherwise because they felt neglected but that Percy Jackson changed it all. This Percy Jackson must've been a good guy. Cara walked out of the Hermes cabin, stepping over all the rogue sleeping bags and items of the unclaimed campers. She never looked back. I scowled, it wasn't the gods I didn't like, it was their kids.

I walked slowly to the beach, hands stuffed in my pockets. I cursed my siblings under my breath for hating me so much. It's not my fault I had these things called opinions! "Hey!" Someone called, "hey! Wait up." I saw them run over to me. His hair was the colour of coal and his eyes reminded me of the ocean, calm and swirling greens and blues. I hadn't seen him before, he must be new.

"Hello, welcome to Camp Half-blood. I'm John, Hermes," I said and waved towards the beach, "everyone's at the beach for some reason. You should go try make some friends so you're not alone at camp."

The boy smirked then ran his hand through his hair, "right. Well, I'm Percy Jackson and I believe, that the party down at the beach is for me so run down there so you can clap me back into camp with the rest of the camp," he smirked at me and winked.

My brown eyes widened, "excuse me but since you're new here, I wouldn't expect you to know all the rules but you can't barge in here and act like you own the place! I bet you're the son of some second-rate God who thinks they're all that. Have some dignity!" I spat and spun on my heel and walked without looking back until my feet crunched in the grainy sand. The blonde girl from before came up to me.

"Thanks for telling the Hermes cabin, John. How does it look?" She said happily. The beach was decorated in tables with heap loads of blue food? White canopies hung from silver poles and young girls in parkas with bows strapped to their shoulders were putting up one more. I sensed a goddess in the group of girls and instantly realised that Artemis was here with her hunters. Wow, whoever this party is for must be extremely respected by the gods if Artemis was here. It took a lot to earn her respect more than most. Thinking of this reminded me of the egotistical boy from earlier.

"It looks great but I think someone might try to gate crash, there was a new camper who insisted that this was for him."

Annabeth frowned, "that's weird, we haven't had any new campers for a couple of weeks at least. Did you see who it was?"

I was about to answer when the boy in question came into view over the hill and smiler brilliantly. I was about to point him out to the daughter of Athena but everyone started clapping. It was like Zeus began a storm, the claps echoed around the beach. Percy Jackson ran down the hill and past all the campers who were now cheering and whistling. Why did a new camper get this much attention? I turned to the blonde girl to tell her that this was the boy but there were tears running down her face. She must be sad that this idiot ruined her party. I stepped in front of the girl protectively to block the boy from getting to her. He skidded to a stop and glared at me.


I gulped and shuffled out of the way and watched in fear of what he would do to the girl.

"Percy," she whispered and touched his face lightly with the tip of her fingers like she thought he would disappear on her. He smiled fondly at her and cupped her face with his hands.

"I'm here, Annabeth and I'm never leaving again." He pulled her into his chest and she collapsed into his embrace. She started trembling in his arms and he tightened his grip around her. "Don't cry, Wise Girl," he let go of her, still holding her an arms length away. She leant forward and kissed him. He responded by wrapping his arms around her again and deepening it. Everyone around me awed. Travis came up next to me with a camera and snapped a shot of the two.

"Who is that?" I asked, "why does he get a party?"

Travis looked at me in confusion, "that's Percy Jackson, son on Poseidon. He's been on a solo quest for a month. He didn't want to go but the gods threatened him with godhood is he refused. He basically runs the camp."

The blood rushed to my face, "why would he turn down godhood? What an idiot! He obviously is only using that blonde girl for the moment."

Travis punched me, "and you wonder why we don't like you. Percy and Annabeth have been through more than any other demigod in history can say. Go join the other side if you want to, John. They always lose when we have Percy and Annabeth with us."

I scowled again and left.

And when I was in the Fields of Punishment for my crimes against the Gods, I wandered why I doubted Percy in the first place. It does not feel nice to have Riptide lodged in your stomach.

Sorry it's so long but I really like this one! What happened to John in the end? Can you tell?

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