The Other Original

De ysafhilit

57K 1.1K 63

What if Klaus had another sister other then Rebekah; She was the youngest of the 2. She idolized Klaus; She w... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapyer 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 21

2.1K 38 8
De ysafhilit

*Melanie's POV*

"You sure you have everything?" I ask Jer just incase he forgot something.

He looks at his duffle bag and cooler and says "Nope I think we got everything." then flashes me a bright smile.

"You sure you want to do this?" I ask.

"Do what?" He asks.

"Are you sure you want to spend your last days as a human with me? Not your sister? Cuz we both know once you're a vampire you're kinda stuck with me forever." I say a bit scared he'll change his mind and want to stay human.

He puts his bag and cooler down and turns to me. "Mel, I love you and will continue to love you for the rest of my life. I do not regret my choice to live the rest of my life with you as a vampire." He pauses to cup my face with his hands ever so gently. "Don't worry about me changing my mind. I will always love you." He smiles at the end to comfort me.

"You promise?" I ask still a bit hesitant.

"I promise." He says before leaning down and pecking my lips. He pulls away to pick up his bag and cooler while saying "Now, you ready to get this show on the road?"

I giggle and say "Of course."


"You know where we're going right?" I ask.

"Don't worry I got this." Jer says.

"Are you sure because I think we've drove past this diner half an hour ago." I say a little sceptical that he actually knows where he's going.

"Well, I mean I never have driven here, I'd always be in the back listening to music." Jer confesses.

I laugh and grab his hand saying "That's ok. Why don't we pull up into that diner we past and get some food. Who knows maybe one of the waiters know where to go." I smile over at him.

"That seems like a good idea." He replies.


"What can I get for you darling?" A sweet middle aged lady asks me in a country accent.

"I'll have a burger and fries please." I reply closing the menu and handing it over to her.

"And I'll have the same." Jer says handing his menu over to her.

"Two burgers and two fries coming right up." She says walking away.

"Thank you." I call out hoping she heard it.

Jer chuckles and teaches for my hand across the table, grasping it. "You excited for this weekend as much as I am?" Jer asks me.

"Maybe even a little more excited. I haven't been swimming in over 20 years." I admit.

"As long you don't drown." Jer says laughing.

"Hey I know how to swim." I say defensively.

"If you don't I'll teach you don't worry." Jer says bringing my hand up and kissing it before setting it back down. "Wait you did pack a bathing suit right?"

"Yes I did, don't you worry." I say laughing.

"Here you are." The waiter says while placing our food down in front of us.

"Thank you." I say.

She smiles and walks away.

"This looks good." Jer says before digging in. I just laugh and join in.


"That was delightful." I say to Jer after finishing my burger.

He just laughs and kisses my temple while opening my car door for me.

"Why thank you kind sir." I say turning to him.

"Anything for you my kind lady." He says trying to hold a laugh back. I end up cracking and laugh while he joins me. After we're done laughing he pecks my lips and goes to the drivers side of the car and we both get in.

"You know where to go now right?" I ask.

"Yes, we won't get lost now, don't worry." He says grabbing my hand and bringing it over to his lap.

"I'm excited for this. I've never really been to a cottage." I admit.

"Really?" He asks surprised while pulling the car out of the parking lot and onto the street.

"Ya. Nik never really brought anywhere for vacation. Usually always business." I say looking out the window frowning.

He squeezes my hand to get my attention and says "Well now you'll have me for the rest of eternity and I'll take you anywhere you want to go." He says.

"Really?" I ask smiling like a fool.

"Really." He says smiling back.

"I've always wanted to go somewhere with a lot of snow." I say.

"Why?" He asks confused.

"To try snowboarding." I tell him as if it's obvious.

"Then we will go snowboarding." He says bringing my hand up to his lips and kissing it.

"I love you." I say.

He looks over at me and says "I love you too."


"Wow. This place is beautiful." I say as we pull up to the house.

"It's better inside." Jer says while getting out of the car and going to the trunk to get the bags.

I get out of the truck and look around. It's beautiful, surrounded by trees and it has a big dock that goes far out into the water. "Jer this is now one of my new favourite places."

He just laughs and comes to my side and kisses my cheek. "You'll love it inside I promise." He then takes the bags and walks to the front door unlocking it. I vamp speed over to him while he walks in the house. I follow him and step through the doorframe. "Oh shoot, Mel you can-" he cuts himself off when he turns around and sees I'm already inside.

"I just walked in. That's strange." I say looking at him.

"You didn't need to be invited in?" He asks.

"No. It must be the soul mate stuff." I say.

"So what? You can walk into one of my houses and not have to be invited in?" He asks.

"Well I guess. You didn't invite me into your house the first time did you?" I ask.

"No I didn't. How'd we not notice that?" He asks sounding confused.

"I think we were just a bit to excited that we actually got to touch each other to notice that you didn't have to invite me in." I say.

He smiles and comes closer to me so he can wrap his arms around my waist. "I love you."

I wrap my arms around his neck and and reply "I love you too." He smiles and picks me up as if I was a bride and brings me up to the bed room.


I lay peacefully on Jer's chest while drawing circles on it lazily. "That was..." Jer trails off.

I laugh and look up at him. "Amazing?" I ask.

"Oh better than amazing." He says.

I laugh and kiss him. I pull away and rest my head on his chest again.

"Mel I have a question, but please don't get mad at me." Jer says hesitantly.

"What?" I ask a bit worried now.

"Why did Klaus dagger you?" He asks making my heart drop into my stomach.

"I was foolish, never been in love."

"Hello gorgeous." A young gentleman kisses my hand.

I giggle and curtsy saying "Hello."

"Who might you be?" He asks. "I've never seen you around here before."

I giggle and say "Well I'm the guest of honour."

"Well happy birthday then love." He says kissing my hand again.

"He came to a ball that Rebekah convinced Nik to hold for my birthday. I thought he was this gentlemen sent to me from the heavens, I thought he was you, my soulmate."

"Nik will be mad if we do this." I giggle in between kisses.

"Niklaus does not need to know everything we do, now does he?" George demands looking pointedly at me.

I giggle and say "Of course not my love." He smiles and continues to ravish my neck. "Do you think we could go to your room where it's a bit more comfortable?" I ask.

"What you don't like my house now? Not fancy enough for you?" He asks, well more like spits.

"George, love, what's wrong?" I ask.

"You, you're what's wrong. You think I'm not good enough for you." I try to cut him off to deny that but he just talks right over me. "You're just a little bitch." He then slaps me.

"George, don't do this. I love you." I say crying and pleasing him not to hurt me.

"I was stupid. Thought he'd stop if he heard how much I loved him. I was so stupid, I even forgave him the next day when he told me how sorry he was and how it's never happen again."

"Oh Melanie, I'm so sorry. You have to forgive me. It's just yesterday Niklaus talked to me and was telling me how I'd never be good enough for you, that I was of to low status." George pleads crying.

"Oh George, of course I forgive you. How could Nik say that?" I say hugging him close to me.

"He's trying to control you love. He doesn't want me taking you away from him. I think we should leave, we should leave and never come back." He says grabbing my face.

"I could never leave him." I say back.

"Yes we could. Hair think about it me, you and the sunset on a nice beach or me and you in Paris looking up at the stars and telling each other how much we love each other. It's all that we've ever wanted." He says.

"It is isn't it? Maybe, maybe we could slip away without him noticing." I say.

"I was so stupid. I let him convince me into leaving Nik, let him manipulate me. I was so convinced that Nik did tell George that he wasn't good enough and that it was Nik's fault he beat me. I went and confronted Nik."

"Nik." I yell barging into his room. "How dare you tell George he isn't good enough for me." I say when I see him painting a picture of some blonde girl that I've never seen.

"Mel, what happened to your face?" He asks cleaning his hands and running to me to touch my face.

I slap his hand away and slap him. "You made him do this. You made him hit me. You told him that he wasn't good enough and he believed it, he believed it so he hit me." I yell at him.

"What are you talking about?" Nik asks confused.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Now George wants us to leave, and I think I'm going to go with him." I tell him before turning and quickly leaving.

"I went to my room and packed my things before going to George's house. We were ready to leave."

"Are you ready my dear?" George asks cupping my face.

"I'm so ready." I tell him. He quickly captures my lips with his so patiently. He then backs us up onto the bed and I quickly fall on my back with him on top of me. "George?" I mumble against his lips. He either doesn't hear me or decides to ignore it as he then starts kissing my neck and taking my clothes off. "George I'm not ready for this." I say.

He then lifts his head up and looks into my eyes. "Oh love, of course you are. We're going to be running away together. How else am I supposed to know that you truly love me?" He asks.

"You're right. Of course you are love. How else am I supposed to show you. Oh I'm so sorry love." I tell him.

"That's ok but you need to show me love." He says.

"Of course." I say before he continues what he was doing before.

"He raped you?" Jer asks disgusted.

"Yup and I was to naive to notice. He took my purity away." I say wiping a tear away.

Jer quickly looks down at me, "You don't think that I-"

I cut him off quickly while cupping his cheek. "Of course not Jer. This was different." He sighs in relief and bends down kissing me softly.

"And then what happened?"

"We fell asleep after that."

I woke up to a large bang and see that the door has been kicked in. Nik walks in and sees us lying on the bed. " Nik?" I ask.

He looks at me and sees me only in a sheet. He then turns to George who's woken up and looks like he's about to pee his pants. "How dare you." Nik says. He quickly walks over and throws George against the wall. Nik turns to me and says "I'm sorry." Before stabbing me with the dagger.

"I don't actually know what he did to George but I don't think I really want to know." I tell Jeremy.

"So Nik saved you really?" Jer asks.

"Ya he did." I smile up at him. "For the past 20 years I've had nothing to do but think about it and I finally realized what George was actually doing to me, I finally realized he was manipulating me." I tell Jer.

"I'm sorry that, that happened to you." He says to me while stroking my hair. "I'd never do that to you though, I promise."

"I trust you." I tell Jer while leaning up and kissing him.

"Good because I love you." He says kissing me.

I giggle and say "I love you too." While rolling on top of him for round 2.


"It's so peaceful out here." I say while sipping my hot chocolate.

"I'm happy you like it." Jer says smiling at me.

"I don't think we thought the whole swimming thing through." I say while looking out at the lake.

"I guess that just means we'll have to come back in the summer." Jer says.

I look up at him and smile saying "Gladly."

I take a closer look at him and see how content he looks. "Jer, I just need to ask one more time, just to make sure that you don't have any regrets."


"Are you sure you want to be a vampire?" I ask.

"Mel, of course I am. I want to spend all of eternity with you. I want to go around the world and see all the places. I want to be with you and get married to you one day. I am totally and completely in love with you." He tells me.

"But I can't give you so many things." I say.

"What are you talking about?" He asks confused.

"I can't give you a family. I can't have children." I say about to cry.

"I know you can't give me children, but later on we could adopt. But you have given me a family, you have me Nik and Caroline, Rebekah and Matt, Kol and Bonnie, you've given all of us a family. We're a family Mel." He says coming over to me and hugging me while I cry.

"I love you Jer." I say while hugging him tightly afraid if I let go I'll lose him.

"And I love you Mel." He replies kissing my head.


"Well that was eventful." Jer says squeezing my hand as we look up at the lake house.

"It was a good weekend." I tell him while squeezing his hand back.

"And we have plenty more ahead of us." He says kissing my temple.

I look up at him and say "Yes, yes we do." We then get in the car and drive back to Mystic Falls not knowing what's waiting for us there.

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in so long. I've been so busy, hopefully finally finding out Melanie's story will compensate. I hope you all have had a good Valentine's Day and a good family day weekend. I will try to update again next Thursday!

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