Not Just Another Cinderella S...

Por 11firegirl11

49.9K 2K 133

In all the love stories, there is a broken girl, someone who's afraid to fall in love. In all the love storie... Más

Not Just Another Cinderella Story
1. Manchester
2. Spoiled Bitches
3. Mysterious Numbers
4. Now, She's Gone.
5. Furniture and Frappuccino's
6. Tweet and Trends
7. Meet and Greet
8. Sassmaster Out!
9. Tumbling Through Tumblr
10. Kisses and Hotel Rooms
11. Into The Crowd
12. Meet The Boys
13. It's Not That Easy
14. Green Monsters
15. Missing You
16. Find Me
18. LaBoom
19. Friends
20. Always.
21. All Good Things
22. First Dates
23. Key to my Heart
24. Now or Never
25. Christmas Eve
26. Tricks up Her Sleeve
27. Drunk Admittance
28. Guess Who's Back
29. Epilogue
One Shots (2)

17. Not-So-Little Cupcakes

1.3K 63 2
Por 11firegirl11


Harry was cuddler. A huge cuddler. When we had previously slept in his bed, usually he would simply sling an arm over my waist and leave it at that, but now, he acted as if I was a giant teddy bear. He would run his hands up and down my back, and randomly flip me over to the other side, never letting his arms leave me.

Not that I was complaining, of course.

"Chelsea," Harry mumbled into my hair. "Do we have to get up?"

"Yes. It's almost 11:30," I said, though I would've loved to stay in bed all day. He groaned and sat up groggily, before climing out and stumbling to the floor.


"Oh my god, are you okay?" I said, trying to contain my laughter, though it wasn't going very well.

"I think I hurt my bum, will you kiss it better for me?" he said, smirking. I wiggled my eyebrows and threw a pillow at him.

"In your wildest dreams." Rolling off the bed, I headed to the washroom where I looked at my semi-straight hair. Sleeping with it wet always changed it from stick straight to wonky and weird. I grabbed a curling wand out of my bathroom drawer, wrapping chunks of hair around it and letting it form springy curls.

"I like your hair like this," Harry said, as he pulled a strand and let it bounce back into shape.

"Me too." Unplugging the hot curling wand, I set it aside and put in my contacts before brushing my teeth and washing my face. Harry was still engrossed with the bouncy spirals in my hair. "Why don't you play with you own hair?" I joked, ruffling the front. It fell in front of his face, making me laugh.

"That wasn't very nice," he mumbled, brushing his hair back as I carefully applied a thin coat of mascara and a dash of concealer.

"Aw, honey," I joked, putting on a pouty face and kissing his cheek. "Let's go out for brunch, I've got nothing in my fridge," I said, as I pulled my wallet out of my purse, attaching the wrist strap.

"Sure." He shoved a shirt on, and a pair of jeans.

"You need to leave," I said, pushing him out of the room.


"You know why. I have to change."

"But I changed in front of you!" he said, pouting. I rolled my eyes and pushed his cheek away, until he sighed and left. I chuckled and locked the door, shrugging out of my pyjamas, and going through my closet. I settled on a loose tank top with the face of a giant tiger on the front, and a pair of black shorts. "Are you done?" Harry asked, knocking on the door.

"Yep." I shoved on a pair of black and blue wedges as we headed out the door. We headed to a small restaurant a few blocks down. I ordered eggs and bacon with two slices of toast, and Harry did the same, except with sausages. We sat in silence for a while before I brought up the subject that we had avoided all last night.

"So now what?" I asked, looking him straight in the eye.

"I... I don't know," he mumbled, looking down for a second. "I just... I need you Chelsea. You can't leave." He grabbed my hand desperately, squeezing tightly. I rested my other hand on top of his.

"I'm not going anywhere," I reassured him. "But we need to figure something out."

"I..." He let out a deep breath. "What are you doing for the next few months?"

"I want to travel, everywhere. Paris, Rome, Greece maybe, L.A, New York, Vegas, Sydney, Melbourne. Everywhere. I want life experiences, times I can look back on and say they were the best times of my life."

"Move to London with me for a while, then! I can bring over your equipment, and I can pay for your apartment to be taken care of, I can probably bring your piano over too!" He looked so excited at his idea that I smiled.

"And then what? You're okay with following me around, travelling until you're on tour, and travel again?"

"Yes." His answer was straight and to the point, he clearly had no regrets about it.

"Harry, I can't ask you to do that. These few months should be your time to relax, and be with your friends and family, not travelling like you do most of the time."

"But you're not asking me. I want to do this, I want to go places with you! Please?" His green eyes bore into my own, with an intent stare.

"Harry, I..." I bit my lower lip. "Wouldn't this cause a lot of celebrity gossip?"

"I don't care, they can say what they want." He looked so hopeful, and involuntarily, I felt a smile overcome my lips. Live life with no regrets, right?

"Let's do it."


"What about this?" Harry asked, holding up a tripod terrifyingly carelessly. It wasn't about the tripod, more about the large camera attached to it.

"Harry!" I yelled, waving my arms around. "Put that down!" He looked up and seemed to notice the camera attached at the top.

"Oh my god," he said, practically dropping the tripod. I flinched as it came into contact with the ground. Thankfully, it didn't break. I placed a hand over my heart.

"Maybe I should get Tyler to... Crap." Again. I was packing up to move to a different city and it had somehow slipped my mind to tell him.

"What?" Harry asked confused, as he looked up from a pile of wires.

"Harry, I need you to meet someone. Well, two someone's." I dragged him a block down to Tyler's place, and got him to buzz us up.

"Where are we going?" he asked, as we stood in front of the door. It suddenly swung open.

"Hey Che- Chelsea," Tyler said, looking in shock at Harry next to me. "Come in." He pulled me slightly to the side. "Should I expect you to show up with any more famous singers, or are we about done?" he said warningly. I gave him a little apologetic smile as Dylan showed up.

"Hey man," he said, pulling Harry in for a man hug.

"Harry, this is Tyler, and this is Dylan," I said, pointing to each of them in turn. Harry smiled politely.

"What do you have to tell me?" Tyler asked, sighing.

"What, how do you kn-"

"I know you better than you know yourself. And I know you're about to drop some huge news, something to do with Harry, and you want him to make a good first impression so that I'll fully trust and support your decision," he drawled, raising his eyebrow. I tried to keep a straight face, but I cracked and sighed.

"Um, well I'm moving. Again. To London. But only for about 5 months. Since we want to see different places around the world, you guys can be rough and ready and climb mountains and I can go shopping in Paris! It's perfect!" I said, trying to convince him.

"And you're living with Harry?"

"Umm... Well, yeah, but I'll be travelling most of the time-"

"With Harry?" I rubbed my neck and shrugged.

"Possibly? But it's okay, he's a good person!"

"I'm sure he is. He's also world famous, you'd have to deal with that."

"I don't care, I can deal with publicity," I said. I made a pouty face, giving him puppy dog eyes. "Please?"

"If I said no, you'd go anyways right?"

"Well... Yeah, probably." He sighed and laughed a bit, ruffling my hair.

"Have fun, now I don't have to drag your ass around the world." He gave me an over exaggerated wink, rolling his eyes after. I grinned happily, bouncing up and down on my heels before going into the living room, where Harry and Dylan were watching a soccer game.

"YEEAAAH!!" I screamed, not caring who would hear me. "I'm moving to London!" I grabbed Harry into a hug as we jumped up and down. A few minutes later when I had calmed down, Dylan and I started making a few plans.

"I've got my own small camera, but the large one's at your place, with the lighting too."

"I'll leave you my keys, and you can go there to film if you don't want to drag it all over. And I can probably take a few trips back, or we can meet up somewhere, to film another video."

"Yeah, that's cool." He grinned as he said, "Just try to stay out of SugarScape gossip, yeah?" I rolled my eyes and smacked his arm.

"I can try." I grinned and waved, dragging Harry out with me. "We're doing it! I'm moving to London!" He laughed, probably at my eagerness.

"We are!" Picking me up off the ground, he spun me around in a circle. Well, as best as he could in the small hallway. "Come on, let's finish packing. I can send your piano over tonight, and everything else will go with us."

"Yay!" I squeaked, mind racing in overdrive. As soon as we arrived at my apartment, I started calculating what I'd need and what could stay. Everything in my kitchen was a stay, except for my new coffee maker and my favorite mug. They had to come with me. I wrapped them up carefully and placed them in a box.

"Can I help?" Harry asked, from beside me. I laughed at his eagerness to get me to London.

"Yeah, come on. We can pack up my clothes together." Leaving a half empty box in the kitchen, I dragged him into my bedroom where I pulled all my clothes out, and we started folding.

Two long hours later, my clothes were all packed up except what I planned to wear tomorrow. My piano was also on a plane to London, along with two large suitcases full of books, posters, camera gear, and a beanbag chair. I arched my back, trying to get the ache out of my neck.

"Want me to make it better?" Harry said, looking quite concerned.

"I'm fine, really. But I'd be stupid to say no to a free massage, so go ahead!" I ginned cheekily at him, turning over onto my stomach. His hands pulled my hair to the side, as he started working out the giant knot in my back. I sighed in bliss as his long fingers did their magic.

"Feels good?" he asked quietly.

"Mmm, very good." My breathing slowly evened out, as I heard him chuckle and lay down beside me, snuggling in close.

When I woke again, the sun was peeking through the clouds. Rolling over, I looked at my alarm clock which read 8:57.

"Come back," Harry mumbled. I laughed as he dragged me back into the warmth of his body.

"Your morning voice sounds funny," I said, poking his nose. It was more hoarse, and slightly deeper.

"I'll have you know, thousands of girls would kill to hear my morning voice." He cracked and eye open, grinning sleepily at me.

"I highly doubt that, Mr. Styles," I joked getting up. I looked down at my clothes from last night, which were suddenly very uncomfortable. I grabbed a towel and hopped into the shower, wrapping my hair in a towel when I stepped out. After I threw on a pair of black skinny jeans and my bra, I realized I didn't leave out a shirt from last night. "Harry?" I called out. "Can I borrow a shirt or something?" There was no reply, until a black t-shirt flew out of nowhere. I caught it and tossed it on, tucking the bottom into the waistband of my jeans because of how big it was. I let my hair down to dry, stepping out of the steamy washroom and stopping my tracks.

Harry was standing right in front of the door, grey-green eyes boring into mine. They looked worried. "What's wrong?" I said, resting a hand on his elbow.

"I... Nothing," he said, turning away.

"Right," I said sarcastically. "Now tell me."

"No, it's stupid."

"No question is a stupid question, no concern is a stupid concern." I tugged him by his arm gently to the bed, making him sit down. "Now tell me."

"I... You said that you doubted it." Frowning, I asked, "Doubted what?"

"That... That thousands of girls would want to hear my morning voice." When it finally clicked, I chuckled a bit.

"You're kidding right?" He suddenly frowned, standing up abruptly.

"I told you it was stu-"

"No, Harry, I was joking around when I said that! Not only thousands of girls, probably hundreds of thousands!" I gently brought my hand up to the back of his neck. "Including me." I stood on my tiptoes, bringing his head down so I could kiss him. I wanted to take away all his worries, all his insecurities, all his pain. Pulling away slightly, I whispered, "You're perfect, Harry. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, ever." I gave him one more little peck, before settling down on my heels. He looked at me unsure for a second, before smiling.

"You're so short," he teased, ruffling my hair. I rolled my eyes, smacking his hand away.

"Come on, I've got enough people teasing my about that, I don't need any more from you." He grinned, kissing my nose.

"You're like a little cupcake." I laughed at the irony of it. "Cupcake. You're my little cupcake."

"And you're my not-so-little cupcake."

Volleyball camps are a pain. Literally, I can't walk properly and I have a giant bruise on my wrist from diving... ow. Please vote, just a click (or tap) of a button would mean so much to me! Thanks!

Chelsea's hair >>>

Next chapter will be on Monday, July 29th.

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