The Runaway ***NIAM AU***

By kaylahardy120

47K 1.3K 208

Liam begins an online chat session with a boy named Niall who he immediately starts a friendship with. But wh... More

The Runaway
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 - EPILOGUE(mature)

Chapter 13

1.1K 46 11
By kaylahardy120


It's chapter 13. And y'all know how I feel about the number 13 so. 

All I can say is sorry. 

All Liam POV!!!

                ****Liam's POV****

Three days after the kiss Niall still acted as if nothing happened, so I did too. I was so glad Niall hadn't over-reacted, but I was also disappointed he was straight too.

“Good morning Niall,” I grumbled as he crawled into my bed and started to poke my nose. I guess he didn't really get the whole “I have feelings for him” thing either because him crawling into my bed wasn't exactly make my feeling for him go away any quicker...

“Good morning Liam!” Niall sang happily and I covered my head with my pillow and he made an upset sort of sound.

“You don't like my singing?” he asked and I looked at him as he pretended I'd hurt him. I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath and turned on my phone.

“No, it sucks,” I mumbled and he hit me with one of my pillows right in the balls.

“Niall!” I exclaimed as I grabbed my crotch and he laughed as he collapsed on the floor.

“You're gonna get it,” I grumbled as I stood up and went into the kitchen. I saw Niall sort of eying me from the hallway and I quickly turned around to make sure he wasn’t plotting anything else, but no, he was just looking at me with this look in his eyes.

“Niall?” I questioned and he snapped out of it and came into the kitchen and dug around in the cabinets for some cereal he could eat.

“I'm going out for a little bit today,” I spoke and Niall nodded, looking down at his bowl. It was strange to me that Niall never wanted to go out anywhere; he always wanted to stay in the house, but hey! It was fine with me! I was just as lazy as Niall and usually opted to not go anywhere either, so that was probably another reason we got along so well.

“You don't have to stay here if you don't want to,” I offered and Niall shrugged, but then grinned.

“Nah, I think I'll practice up on my Mario-Kart skills so I can beat you by a landslide,” he replied and I laughed with a nod as I nibbled on an apple. It was so weird that Niall and I were such good friends now after only being acquainted for about a month or so.

“Where are you going?” he asked and I bit my lip as my nerves started to kick in again.

“I'm going for a job interview at the cafe down town,” I smiled a little bit and Niall smiled widely and he jumped up excitedly and hugged me.

“They're gonna love you Liam! And then, we can get free food,” he grinned and I laughed at the boy's obsession of food.

“I hope so, and yes, they'll probably give me free food,” I chuckled some more before I went down the hall and changed into a nice plaid shirt and some khaki's before finding Niall in living room watching Cops.

“You're just like Kate, she used to watch this and her little crime shows all the time,” I spoke as I leaned over the back of the couch. Niall laughed quietly and then I decided I had better get going.

“Hey, my number's on the fridge if you need to ask me anything, but knowing you I know you won't need it,” I laughed as I headed for the door.

“Good luck Liam, you're gonna do great,” Niall smiled with a wave and I nodded as I headed down to the bus stop and got driven down to the cafe. I reminded myself that if Niall was gonna be my roomie for a while he was definitely going to have to teach me how to drive because riding the bus wasn't going to cut it! When I arrived at the cafe, I was still nervous but decided I had to do this if I was going to continue living at my flat and having Niall there too.

“Are you Mr. Payne?” someone asked from my right, and I quickly turned to look at the person. It was a short little girl who wore a big smile that immediately made me less nervous. I nodded and her smile only widened as she lead me to a small room and sat across from me.

“I'll be interviewing you today since I'd be your co-worker,” she explained as she handed me some papers and then began to ask me some questions such as my previous jobs, my schedule, and what job I'd be most comfortable doing at the cafe.

“I think you have a good chance of getting the job Liam. You seem perfect for this job! I'll have to talk to the owner tonight and we'll give you a call within a few days letting you know if you got the job or not!” Kasey smiled as she helped me up and gave me a small hug. She was very friendly!

“Thank you so much! I'll be looking forward to the call!” I exclaimed as we exited the room. I was going to leave, but then Kasey stopped me.

“Free meal on me,” she winked and I grinned as I sat down at a table.

“Thank you Kasey, that's so nice of you!” I cried happily as she handed me a menu. I was looking through the menu, and then my ADD took over and I began looking around the small cafe I'd only been in a few times prior. It was a cute little shop! I was feeling good until I saw a flyer across the room that made me feel sick.

“No,” I whispered as I stood up from the table and made my way over to the flyer. I felt anger building up inside of me as my heart deflated and fluttered up to my throat. The flyer was a wanted ad...and it had Niall's picture on it.

Wanted: Niall J. Horan runaway from Millbank Prison.

Description: Blond hair with dark roots, blue eyes, about 5'7''

Last seen: March 14, 2013

If you see this man please call the police immediately. He is a murderer and he is suspected to be part of a gang. This isn't someone to mess around with.

I couldn't come to reality with the poster; the boy I was head over heels in love and MY ROOMATE with was a murderer? Kate was right the entire time? Then why hadn't Niall hurt me or stolen anything from me in the month he'd been with me? He'd been so nice and gentle to me, and never once had he tried to hurt me and I know he hadn't stolen anything because we'd been inside for the past month! It must've all been part of his plan for me to get close to him so then hurting me or stealing from me would only make it better for him. I shook my head, and ran out of the cafe, crying uncontrollably. There was no way it was happening. I was suddenly paranoid and couldn't bring myself to move. What if when I got back to my flat Niall was waiting with his gang to kill me?! Maybe that was his plan, to camp out at my house and the moment I left, he'd have his gang raid my house and then he'd kill me! That wasn't even the worst part; Niall had Kate's address somewhere too! He could've been at Kate's hurting her! They obviously weren't the best of friends! I didn't even bother catching the bus to my house. I just ran as my thoughts tangled around my brain trying to tell me that the whole thing had been an act and I'd fallen for it...Niall Horan wasn't my friend, he was out to kill me!

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