The Program

By HolographicMuse

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Eight students are chosen to be part of a new program organized by Fairy Tail boarding school in hopes to hel... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 12

222 11 16
By HolographicMuse

PART 2/3

Natsu Dragneel

I don't really care that it's my birthday that much, but I still don't want to spend it doing schoolwork. If I didn't attend this school, I would be on winter break right now.

But I'm 18 now. I'm now considered an adult in the eyes of others. It's laughable, really. It feels surreal too. It was like one moment I was still back where I lived, Lisanna was still alive, and I didn't feel emotionally distant from my own best friend. 

Now I attend a boarding school, Lisanna is no longer here, and my friendship with Gray is weakening. 

That doesn't mean that back then is any better than right now. But at least back in the past, I was closer to my best friend, and an important person to me was still moving around and breathing. 

Yeah, we always look like we're the best of buds. But does it even matter if we don't tell each other anything? No matter how much time I spend with him, we're eventually going to grow apart if we don't tell each other anything. 

I need to do something about that. I can't lose another person.

My leg started shaking due to anxiety, my heart picking up the pace. Every time I think about losing someone, I think about Lisanna. She always pops into my mind. Her lifeless bloody body, her cold hand.. all of those memories come rushing back to me.


I need to stop thinking about this. I need to stop thinking about the past. 

This isn't doing any good for me at all. Somehow, I'm always in square one. And I'm tired of it.

For how many years will I endure this any longer? 

Something, anything, needs to change.

''Okay, now that the lesson is over, we're going to be heading over to the gym now for P.E. I'm sure you all know what it looks like because of the tour. And two days ago we dealt with the locker room business, so everyone knows what to do, right?'' Ms. Strauss questioned.

I nodded along with some of the other students in the class. 

''Great. Other classes will be there, so that means we all will be sticking together. I'm pretty sure we're going to be doing a group activity or something. Do your best as a class.'' She informed us enthusiastically.

I hope what we're doing will be able to distract me from my thoughts of the past. I need to stop thinking about it. I'm tired of thinking about it constantly to the point where I have nightmares all the time.

Change.. I know exactly the first step of what I have to change.

I need to stop acting as if I'm happy. I need to stop thinking that just because someone else is happy, it means that we share the same thing.

But how do I suddenly stop it if it's the only thing that keeps me going?

We all headed out to the gymnasium. The males locker room building was on one side of it while the females locker room was on the other. 

I strolled into the males locker room, Gray following behind me along with the rest of my male classmates. I spotted my locker, putting in the combination to open it. 

Once I opened it, I grabbed my gym clothes and started changing out of my uniform. 

There's a gym uniform, but we're allowed to change into whatever gym clothes we have during the winter if we want to. Instead of wearing the uniform, I'm sporting a red sleeveless hoodie with black sweatpants and matching sneakers.

Closing the locker, I spotted Gray already dressed and heading out to go to the gymnasium. I locked the small storage and speed walked to catch up to him, but he had already exited the building.

I strolled inside the gym, glancing around for Gray as I shoved my hands into the pockets of my sweatpants. 

My eyes then spotted him. He was approaching the blue haired girl he had a crush on, Juvia.

''Better not interrupt him.'' I muttered to myself, sauntering off somewhere in the gym where there wasn't a lot of people. Most of them were beginning to pile up into the gymnasium anyways.

Either way, I need to change. I'm tired of this constant horrible feeling. I can change the person that I am.

I'm an adult now. It's time to start acting like one. I hope I can change, anyways.

Gray Fullbuster

''So, what you're telling Juvia is that you want to throw a small party for Natsu to celebrate his birthday?'' She questioned then quickly looked around to make sure that the birthday boy wasn't around to hear.

I nodded. ''I need your help with this.'' I stated, gazing at her with pleading eyes.

''Of course Juvia will help! But where would we even begin..'' She stopped, taking a moment to think to herself before she glanced back up at me; snapping her fingers as if a light bulb turned on in her mind. ''How about we throw it in the classroom? We will need to tell Ms. Strauss, though..''

''That's a good idea.'' I complimented, nodding my head as she spoke.

''And we should tell the other students!'' Juvia stared up into the air, her face looking extremely focused. ''It could be like a surprise birthday party. We set up the classroom quickly with the help of everyone else, and someone distracts Natsu then brings him here.. then boom! Celebration time!'' She twirled around for effect, giggling.

''Sounds like a plan.''

Juvia honestly is really amazing. She helps you whenever you require assistance and sometimes doesn't even ask if you need help, jumping right into the situation out of kindness. She always had a dramatic way of going about things, which makes her interesting and fun to be around. She always has this sweet vibe to her.

And she's loyal as well, always willing to stay by your side. Plus she's great at baking. There's so many good things about Juvia.. but then it makes me wonder.. what are the bad things about her?

All these years I've known her, I haven't seen a single sign of her bad aspects. Or maybe I have but like her the way she is to the point that I don't care.

I guess her speaking in third person could be considered a bad aspect, but I genuinely think it's cute. Everything about her is cute.

But now that I think about not knowing what's bad about her, I can't help but feel like I'm standing next to someone that's similar to Natsu.

For the very reason that you never know what's going on with them because they always have a smile on their faces. And I can't help but feel that I probably don't really know them because of that even though we've been close friends for years.

''Well, let's go and speak to Ms. Strauss then.'' Juvia smiled, the way she smiled was as bright as the sun in the morning. She glanced around for Ms. Strauss before spotting her and starting to walk on over to her. I followed after her, watching her as she strolled while rubbing the back of my neck.

But maybe it's fair since there is things that they don't know about me either.

Lucy Heartfilia

The coach blew his whistle, catching everyone's attention. He cleared his throat before beginning to use his voice loudly. ''Hello, everyone! You're all probably wondering 'Why is everyone's class here?' To answer your question, we're having some difficulties so for today all of you will be attending this class together unlike regularly where you aren't. So since there are a lot of people, we're going to have to do a big activity but with adjustments. Three legged race! Find a partner and me and the teachers will pick pairs from each class to face off against each other. Others who aren't participating in the round will be sitting out. Now partner up!'' He blew his whistle again, raising his hand into the air. Everyone started to look for someone to pair up with.

I can't do this. I can't do this. Times like these, I have to be fully aware of how my condition is. And I suck at anything that requires physical activity. This isn't my strong point.

As I pondered with panicked and worried thoughts running through my head, a small familiar girl with blue hair that was in a ponytail and big hazel eyes walked up to me. ''Uh, Lucy?''

I turned, seeing that it was Levy. ''Yes?''

''Can.. can we partner up?'' She questioned, fiddling with her fingers nervously. ''I'm sorry though, I'm frail.'' She laughed lightly.

With me? Really?

''Actually, I don't think I'm going to participate. Sorry.'' I answered, guilt immediately filling up inside me for rejecting her offer.

''Oh, really? Well, it's probably a good idea that I don't either. Wouldn't want to hurt myself.'' Levy laughed again, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

''Same here..'' I trailed off.

I kinda want to become friends with her. But should I? Or should I just hold myself back?

Closing my eyes, I bit down on my lip as I tried to figure out what to do.

Becoming friends with her doesn't necessarily mean that I have to trust her. I don't have to tell her anything. We'll just be casual friends.

''Well.. how about we go tell Ms. Strauss about us not participating and take a seat on the bleachers? We can talk there.'' I suggested. Levy looked up at me, seeming a bit shocked before she nodded and smiled. 

The two of us headed over to our teacher. Glancing around, I noticed that some of the students in my class had already paired up. Gray teamed up with Juvia, Erza with Jellal. Both Gajeel and Natsu were aloof.

I ended up staring at Natsu from the distance. He had his hands tucked in the pockets of his sweatpants. His red sleeveless hoodie matched his sneakers whilst his pink hair appeared spiky but soft-looking as usual.

Levy shook my shoulder gently. ''Lucy?'' She called my name in a soft voice. I then realized that I stopped walking to gaze at that guy.

Yet again today, Natsu Dragneel managed to catch my eye.

''Sorry.'' I told her, giving her a small awkward smile. We both then went over to Ms. Strauss, explaining our situation to her. Being understanding, she nodded at us then gave us permission to sit out.

''That worked well.'' Levy commented as we strolled over to the bleachers. I nodded in agreement then the next thing I knew, I fell face first onto the ground. Pain immediately struck throughout my whole body and for a second I felt like my body was paralyzed.

''Lucy!'' She knelt down next to me, attempting to help me up but I continued to lay there. It had suddenly gotten quiet inside the gymnasium but I heard a few snickers.

After a few moments of enduring the pain, I finally let Levy help me up but not completely. She had this slightly angry expression on her face, rubbing my back. ''Are you okay?''

I nodded. How did that happen? Now my body hurts all over.

Levy stared at me before shaking her head. ''I'm going to go ask for a nurse. Stay here and don't move, Lucy.'' She stood up then ran off.

I watched her as she ran, my voice not coming out when I tried to call out to her to stop. Instead I rubbed my face, trying to soothe the pain. 

I'm surprised I'm not bleeding.

''Having a hard time there, Heartfilia?''

My head shot up. That voice sounded familiar. Too familiar. I'm almost scared to even look.

Facing my fears, I turned my head to see the person I was half expecting.

Sting Eucliffe.

My mouth was gaped open slightly as I stared up at him, speechless. I suspected it to be him and now that it's confirmed, why am I not saying anything?

My voice just won't come out. He intensely gazed down at me which caused me to shift uncomfortably and look away. 

''So, you really aren't dead yet. I was very surprised to see that you were one of the new students.'' He finally spoke, smiling a bit. ''It's a shame.''

I can't let his words get to me. He doesn't have control over me anymore. He doesn't have an effect on me.

''A real fucking shame.'' He repeated, his voice now sounding dark and angry. ''That's exactly why I did what I did.''

''Shut up.''

''What did you say?'' Sting questioned, the shock evident in his tone.

''What? Do you have hearing problems now?'' I retorted back in a shaky voice.

''At least I don't have a number of health problems. There's no reason for you to be here if you're like this!'' He yelled.

I felt like crying but at the same time anger was boiling inside of me. He was right, but I didn't want to take his bullshit out of all people considering our history.

I placed my hand on the ground, making myself stand up. At first I wobbled a bit but then regained my balance.

But before I could open my mouth, someone had tapped Sting's shoulder. ''I heard of you. You're the student council president.''

Sting looked over his shoulder to see who it was.


Sting cleared his throat then turned around to fully give him his attention. ''Yes, do you need anything?''

''I need you to back the fuck off. It would be bad for your reputation if everyone found out that you were bullying someone.''

Sting bit his lip as he stared at Natsu, not knowing what to say in response. He then simply nodded, scratching his face lightly. ''I suppose you're right.'' He muttered before walking away; not bothering to glance back at me.

''Are you okay there?'' He asked in a concern tone, stepping closer. ''He's the one that tripped you and made you fall. I couldn't just sit there, sorry if you're upset with me for getting involved.''

I processed what he had said, and even though my body was still in pain, what I felt earlier came back again. The giddy sensation inside my stomach. My chest feeling light.

''Don't apologize. I should be thanking you for that.''

He quietly stared at me before grinning brightly. ''What are friends for.''

We're friends?


Hi! This is a long chapter. I feel like too much happened this chapter. 

That's not a bad thing, but I don't want to rush things.

If this chapter seems rushed then let me know. But anyways, I'm tired as fuck.

I need to do my homework then get to sleep.

Also, damn Natsu's birthday is long as fuck. It's been his birthday for two chapters.

This is probably bad but I tried man. I hope the characters don't seem out of character.

By that I mean I hope they seem the way I portrayed them to be. xD

Also three POV's in one chapter. It looks so fucking unorganized.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed.


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