A Little Bit Of Sweet & Sour...

By Amerika161

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43 6 1
By Amerika161

-The Next Day-

I woke up to hear Chelsea in the bathroom. I slowly got up from bed and I walked over to grab a change of clothes. Chelsea walked out of the bathroom as I walked over to the bathroom. Should I say something about the kiss?

"Hey, Tiff, we are going on a coffee run after we check out."


"Yeah?" Come on, Tiffany, you can tell her?

"Um, thanks for coming with me this weekend. It means a lot."

"Your welcome. I'm always here for you, Tiff." I smiled and got ready for the day.

After we checked out, we put our stuff into the trunk and got ready to get into the car. Tyler and Hunter sat up front and I did not want to sit by Ethan. We haven't even talked since the kiss.

"Why do I have to sit in the back with Chelsea and the idiot?"

"I heard that," Ethan rolled his eyes.

"Tiff, he won't bite, now get in," Tyler told me. I ended up sitting in the middle as Ethan was looking out the window. We left and went off to go to the coffee shop. Everyone seemed very quiet on the way. When we arrived, we walked into the coffee shop and I saw David? I turned around to look at all of them and asked:

"What is David doing here?"

"Well..." Everyone said besides Ethan.

"Well, yesterday we told Ethan to distract you while you were by the beach and-" Ethan distracted me? "We went to talk to David so that both of you could talk." Chelsea explained. I look over at Ethan as he tried to hide his face.

"No, I am not talking to him."

"Tiffany, just please do it for a couple minutes," Hunter begged.

"Fine, but you all owe me." I walk over to David as he stood up.

"I'm glad you came," He lightly smiled.

"Well, I had no choice," I mumbled as we both sat down.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. You know I didn't mean of what I said."

"I know," I sighed, "I'm just really angry at mom."

"Hey, yes, your mom made a mistake, but she trying her best of being a mom."

"Trying? Please. Then tell me why she left after Tristan died. Tell me why she didn't tell me about you."

"You have a point. I know she isn't the best person, but try to give her a chance."

"I gave her too many chances, David." I sighed "Let's change the subject. I want to get to know you more. What are your kids names, again?"

"Shawn and Bobby," He chuckled, "Man, they have a lot of energy." I laughed a little.

"How long have you and your wife have been married?"

"In a couple days will be 10 years," He said as I took a sip of my drink and almost spit it out.

"Wow! That's so long! You must really love her."

"I do. I really do." I heard a cough behind me to see Tyler give me a sign that it is time to go.

"It looks like I should go," I smiled.

"It was nice meeting you and her is my number incase you want to come over again," He said. I grabbed the piece of paper that had the phone number. We got up from our chairs and gave each other a hug.

"Thanks. It was nice meeting you too," I said as I started to walk away.

"Hey, Tiffany?" I turn around to look at David, "you got some really good friends."

"Yeah, I really do have some great friends," I smiled and waved goodbye to him. We all got back to the car and we headed back home.

Half way through the drive, Hunter and Chelsea was sleeping, Tyler was driving, Ethan was looking out the window and I was just sitting there awkwardly. There was some music on that was playing softly in the car. It was also starting to rain.

"Ethan?" I whispered.

"What?" He said as he tried to avoid looking at me.

"Why did you kiss me?"

No answer.

"Fisher, I'm going to ask you one more time, why did you kiss me?"

There was a long pause.

"To shut you up. You were talking way too much and it was annoying me."

"So you are saying that you just kissed me to shut me up? Ethan, I have known you for years and I have always had long arguments with you and you have never kissed me when we had those arguments."

"Please shut up, Peterson."

"Whatever," I sighed.

We stopped at a rest area and the boy all got out expect me and Chelsea, who was just waking up.


"What?" She groaned.

"I have to tell you something and you cannot tell anyone."

"Oh! I love secrets!" She perked up. "I promise I won't tell."

"I-" I stopped. "I-"

"Tiff, just tell me."

"I kissed Ethan." Chelsea starts laughing.

"You kissed Ethan?! Good one!"

"Chelsea, I'm serious." She stops laughing and looks at me right in the eye.

"Oh my gosh, your not joking."

"You think." I mumbled.

"Wait, so did you kiss him or did he kiss you?"

"He-" I was interrupted by car doors opening from Hunter, Ethan and Tyler. Then I whispered to Chelsea:

"He did."

"Let's talk about this when we get back. Come over and we can have a school night sleep over," Chelsea whispered.

"A school night sleepover?" I looked at her weirdly.

"Well, I'm sure you don't want to go back home so won't you come over for tonight," Chelsea suggested.


A couple hours later, we arrived at Ethan and Chelsea's house and I told Tyler that I would be back home tomorrow night. I decided to borrow some of Chelsea's clothes so that I wouldn't have to drag my suitcase around. We entered the he house and Ethan went straight to his room. Mrs. Fisher came toward me and Chelsea to see what was going on.

"Oh, hello, Tiffany," Mrs. Fisher faked smiled.

"Hi, I hope it's alright if I spend the night tonight."

"It is totally fine. What's wrong with Ethan though?"

"Oh, who knows, Emily," Chelsea rolled her eyes. I followed Chelsea into her room as she got my a pair a pj's that I could borrow. After I go ready for bed, Chelsea brought in some snacks that we could eat while we watch a movie.

"So do you know why Ethan kissed you?"

"No. I even asked him and he told him that he only did it to shut me up because I was talking and arguing too much."

"That's what all guys say when they don't want to admit they have feelings for you."

"Do you think he has feelings for me?"

"Of course! That's why he teases you and says he hates you. If I guy says he hates you, it always mean they actually like you."

"No way! Ethan would never like me?! You don't know what we have been through together."

"It's obvious that he likes you."

"Then tell me why he is still dating Lexi?" I asked.

"Because he is trying to make you jealous."

"And was I ever jealous?"



"Tiffany, the night your- I mean John hosted that party, you got jealous of them kissing and making out."

"I was not! I was stopping them because they were making out during his speech."

"Since when do you care about his speech?"

"Never. Look I am going to sleep. Let's talk about this later."

"One more thing, Tiffany. Just think about all the experience you guys had together. There is a reason why he " hates" you," Chelsea explained as she turned off the light. Maybe she is right. Was I jealous? Do I have feelings for Ethan?


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