The Last Year of Innocence

By trishthewriter

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Being shipped off to boarding school is the least of Kara Cunningham’s problems. First, she has to learn to s... More

The Last Year of Innocence
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eight

19.9K 223 18
By trishthewriter


“Attention, students,” Adrienne called. “There’s one last thing I need to tell you.”

They still had five minutes of class left, but nobody seemed to care. Everyone already started to shove their books and papers into their backpacks in anticipation of their freedom.

“As you know, the school will be chartering busses to take students to the town’s Harvest Festival tonight,” Adrienne continued when the noise died down a bit. “For those of you who haven’t been, the festival is an all ages fun fest.”

Several of the students in the class snickered.

“In addition to the many arts and crafts and food booths, there are games and rides,” Adrienne went on. “And most exciting of all and what you should be most interested in is a play put on by the local theater group.”

A bunch of kids groaned, but Adrienne kept on smiling.

“I’d hope that you’d want to see the play,” Adrienne said. “But for those of you who need a little more convincing, I’ll be offering twenty extra credit points if you bring me a play bill and fifty points if you bring me a play bill and a review of the play.”

The room started to buzz. Fifty points could mean the difference between getting a C or a B. For that, some people were willing to suffer through the play and even write about it. Ethan didn’t care as much about going to the play as he did about going with Kara.

“Have a wonderful time tonight,” Adrienne sang when the bell rang.

Ethan trailed behind Kara and Shirelle as they exited the class. “So, you think you guys will go to that thing tonight?”

“The festival or the play?” Kara asked.

“Both,” he said.

“Of course we’re going,” Shirelle spoke up. “I don’t know about you two, but fifty extra credit points might come in handy.”

Kara frowned at her. “You don’t need any extra credit. You’re doing great in that class.”

“I know, and if I want to blow off an assignment, fifty points will make that possible,” Shirelle explained, flashing them a smile.

Ethan spotted Roman and Braden waiting for him. So far, he’d managed to keep their constant presence in his life hidden from Kara. “Maybe I’ll, uh, see you there tonight, Kara.”

Kara and Shirelle traded glances.

“Yeah, sure,” Kara said.

Maybe I’ll uh see you! Ethan screamed at himself as he watched them walk away.

Man, he was such a loser. How could he be so confident when it came to everything else but act like such a dumb ass around her? At this rate, she’d never fall in love with him.


“I still don’t see why you won’t come.”

            Shirelle was trying to convince Irina to come with her and Kara to see The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Halloween was only a week away, and Kara was sure that was what made the Mountain Community Theater Group choose The Legend of Sleepy Hollow as their production. The play was being shown in the park. Afterward students would be allowed to spend time at the carnival where there was supposed to be a hay ride and a bobbing for apples contest and even a haunted house. It all sounded kind of silly but still a little fun.

Kara couldn’t wait to go, and it wasn’t because Adrienne Ambrose was offering her students extra credit for attending. The only reason she was looking forward to going was so she’d have the chance to feel like she was on a real date with Ethan. It had been weeks since Ethan claimed he liked her as more than a friend, and so far he hadn’t really done much to convince her of it. They didn’t eat lunch together or study together or talk on the telephone or walk around school holding hands and kissing in between classes. If it hadn’t been for vocal enrichment class, Kara never would’ve gotten to see him. Part of her wondered if he was ashamed of liking someone as plain as her, and this was her chance to find out.

            “I already told you,” Irina sighed. “The holiday production is only a few months away, and I need all the practice I can get for our Nutcracker number.”

            “You’re gonna practice yourself into an injury,” Shirelle warned. “Besides, me and Kara are singing in the production, but you don’t see us missing the chance to have some fun.”

            “Shirelle’s right. We never get to leave the school. If you let this pass you by, you’ll be sorry later,” Kara agreed.

            “I can’t,” Irina insisted.

            “Last chance to come,” Shirelle said, grabbing her purse and hooking it over her shoulder.

            “Have fun,” Irina said.

            “That girl is too much,” Shirelle said to Kara as they walked down the hall of their dormitory. “Give me a night out over practicing for the school production any day.”

            “You know, we really should practice too,” Kara pointed out.

            They were greeted with a rush of cold air as they swung open the doors and stepped outside. Both girls folded their arms across their chests as they crossed the campus to the parking lot where the busses were waiting.

            “Don’t you start too,” Shirelle said. “Two months is a long time, and that’s how long we have. Besides, even if we never practiced we’d still be great.”

            “Okay, no practicing yet,” Kara said.

            “Thank you,” Shirelle said as her eyes suddenly lit up. “I didn’t know he was coming.”

            Kara didn’t need to ask who. Solomon was smiling as he and Ethan approached them. It was the first time the sight of Solomon didn’t make her sick to her stomach.

            “Hello, ladies,” Solomon greeted them in his usual manner. “It’s a pleasure to finally see you again, Shirelle.”

            Shirelle giggled in response to his compliment while Kara and Ethan exchanged smiles.

            “Hey,” Ethan said to Kara.

            “And of course it’s always good to see you, Kara,” Solomon continued. “So, Shirelle, would you do me the honor of sitting with me on the bus ride?”

            Shirelle’s eyes grew huge. “What?” 

            “Please say yes, or I’m afraid I’ll end up sitting alone since I’m sure my little brother will be sitting with his girlfriend,” Solomon explained.

            Kara’s cheeks pinked. Though she’d never talked to another boy, let alone gone out with one, she and Ethan hadn’t attached those titles to each other. Besides, she doubted Solomon would be sitting alone unless Shirelle sat with him. The way the girls around them stared at him and Ethan made Kara certain there’d be a line a mile long if he said he was looking for someone to sit with him on the bus.

            “Okay, I’ll sit with you,” Shirelle agreed.

            “Wonderful,” Solomon beamed and held up his arm for her. “Shall we?”   

Shirelle giggled again as she laced her arm through his and they boarded the bus. Ethan didn’t offer his arm to Kara, but she wasn’t disappointed since it seemed kind of silly. The thing that did disappoint her was his silence. Other than ‘hey’, he hadn’t said one word to her, and he seemed to have left his usual coat of confidence back at his dorm.

            He really is ashamed to be seen with me.

            The bus pulled off the paved road and bounced through a dirt parking lot before coming to a jarring stop. Before the driver even shut off the engine, students were out of their seats.

            “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m really looking forward to this little show,” Solomon said.

            “Then we should get seats in the front row,” Shirelle suggested.

            “Marvelous idea,” Solomon declared, and Shirelle’s eyes glowed.

            Kara didn’t think it was a marvelous idea. With Ethan walking a step behind her, she was beginning to wish she’d stayed behind with Irina, instead of having to face up to the fact that Ethan was embarrassed to have people see them together. Now she knew why they didn’t spend any time together at school. Just as the thought came to her, he grabbed her hand.

            “Kara, wait a minute,” Ethan said.

            “About time, little brother,” Solomon said. As he turned to face them, Ethan dropped her hand. “Why don’t you two catch up? Shirelle and I can find the perfect seats. Can’t we, Shirelle?”

            “I think so,” Shirelle said.

            The moment Solomon and Shirelle were gone, there was an awkward silence between Kara and Ethan.

            Oh, God, he’s going to dump me right here in front of everybody, Kara thought as her heart began galloping in her chest.

            “It’s not like that,” Ethan said.

            “What?” Kara frowned.

            “Being around Sol makes me feel stupid,” Ethan admitted softly.


            “I feel stupid around Solomon, and that’s why I get all quiet.”

            “Why? Because of the way he talks?”           

            “No. Because he’s a genius and he’s good with words and girls and he’s really popular.”

            “You’re popular.”

            “Not like he is.”

            “Maybe that’s because you like me. I’m not exactly the cheerleader type guys like you are supposed to go for.”

            “It’s because Solomon is like this mountain I’ll never be able to climb. I know that doesn’t make any sense, but that’s kind of how I see him.”

            Kara didn’t know how to respond to something like that. It wasn’t the first time he’d made such an amazing observation, and she wondered if he knew just how much like his brother he really was.

            “You’re wrong anyway, Kara,” Ethan said when she still hadn’t spoken.

            “About what?”

            “You’re exactly the type of girl I want, and I can prove it to you.”

            “How can you do that?”

            “Like this.”

            Ethan reached for her hand, and Kara’s entire body flooded with warmth as he laced his fingers through hers. As she walked hand in hand through the park with Ethan, she couldn’t believe it was really happening. It was much better than getting dumped by him.

            “You’re just in time,” Solomon said when they came to sit beside him and Shirelle.

            There was enough of a chill in the air to show a person’s breath, making it a perfect night for a production of Sleepy Hollow. Kara didn’t know if it was because she was so happy to be with Ethan and holding his hand, but she loved the play. She thought the theater group did a great job even if she could see the eyes of the actor playing the headless horseman peeking out from his oversized costume.

            “That was great,” Shirelle announced when the play was over.

            “It wasn’t too bad for a local production,” Solomon agreed. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m ravenous. I’m definitely ready for something to eat.”

            “Maybe they’ll have some food booths around here,” Shirelle said.

            “Oh, I think I’ll see if I can find something a little better than that,” Solomon said. “Why don’t you three run along and see the local sights, and I’ll find you later?”

            “You can eat later,” Ethan said.

            “I think I’ll eat now,” Solomon insisted. “I won’t be long.”

            Disappointment filled Shirelle’s eyes as she watched him walk away, but Kara wasn’t surprised. She knew her friend had a crush on him, a crush he seemed to encourage even though she knew he wasn’t interested in Shirelle.          

“All right, if I’m gonna hang out with you guys, you can’t be making out while I’m around,” Shirelle warned, turning to face them once Solomon was out of sight.

            Kara’s cheeks flamed, but Ethan offered her a grin.

            “Can we hold hands?” he asked.

            “I guess,” Shirelle gave in. “But that’s it.”

            “Yes ma’am,” Ethan barked, still grinning.

            “So, what’s first?” Kara changed the subject.

            “Let’s just walk around and see what they have,” Shirelle said.

            What they had was a carnival. There were games and rides and arts and crafts booths and even a petting zoo for the younger kids. And still in their costumes, the actors from the theater group wandered through the crowds, stopping to smile and talk when someone offered them a compliment on the play.

            Kara was having a great time. Holding hands with Ethan as they checked everything out, she finally felt like he was really her boyfriend. Shirelle was her usual goofy self, insisting on playing all the games and dragging them on rides Kara questioned the stability of.

            “Solomon’s missing all the fun,” Shirelle said. “Wonder where he is.”

            “Maybe he got lost in the crowd,” Kara answered, not wanting to admit to her friend she thought he’d ditched them.

            “I think I’ll go look for him,” Ethan said.

            “What if you get lost too?” Kara asked.

            She was joking but only a little. They were having such a good time she was afraid it would all end if she let go of his hand.

            “I won’t,” Ethan assured her.

            “Okay,” Kara agreed.

            A cold wind swept over her as she released her grip on his hand and watched him walk away.

            “Alone at last,” Shirelle joked. “So, let’s hear it.”

            “Hear what?” Kara frowned.

            “Everything he said to you while me and Solomon saved your seats.”

            Kara didn’t want to tell her what Ethan said when they were alone. Even though she trusted Shirelle she was sure Ethan wouldn’t want her telling anyone how insecure his older brother made him feel.

            “He didn’t really say anything,” Kara lied, hoping it sounded convincing. “He just asked if it was okay to hold my hand.”

            “That’s so sweet,” Shirelle sighed. “Did he kiss you?”

            “No, but I’ll take the hand holding.”

            “I would too. Girl, I’m so jealous of you. I wish his brother would hold my hand.”

            “You know that probably won’t happen right.”

            “Yeah, I know, but it’s fun to pretend.”

            Pretending was something Kara could understand. It was something she’d done a lot, especially after her mom died.

            “Ooh, let’s go in here,” Shirelle squealed.

            The sign in front of the barn said it was a haunted house. Though she wouldn’t have minded going inside, Kara wanted to go with Ethan instead of Shirelle. It would’ve been more fun to have him to hold on to if something scared her.

            “I think I’ll pass,” Kara declined.

            “What? Why?” Shirelle cried.

            “I have to pee.” 

            “Then you should definitely pass. Don’t want them to scare the pee out of you.”

            “That was bad. Come on. Let’s see if we can find a bathroom.”

            “Over there,” Shirelle said, pointing to a row of portable bathrooms. “You go ahead.”

            “You’re not coming with me?”          

“I wanna go in the haunted house. I’ll meet you by the bathrooms when I’m done. Judging by the size of that line, you’ll still be there.”


            If Shirelle picked up on her anger, she didn’t show it when she skipped into the haunted house. As Kara stood in the slow moving line, her irritation grew. First her boyfriend abandoned her and now her best friend. And where was Ethan anyway? Kara was still stewing about it when something in the distance caught her eye. Though she had no idea why, she felt like she was being drawn toward a light on the horizon. Forgetting about how bad she had to pee, she left her place in line and followed the pull of the blue light.


Ethan found Solomon floating mid air in the woods behind the carnival. The shell of a human body lay slumped at his feet, and Ethan shivered. Some of the nights were killers, but the thought of Solomon being a killer made his stomach knot up.

            “Relax, little brother,” Solomon suggested. “He’s still alive; barely”

            “Why don’t you come down and come back to the carnival? Shirelle’s asking for you.”

            Solomon frowned. “I must admit I was hoping Irina would be joining us tonight. Something about that girl intrigues me.”

            “Look, just come down before someone sees you.”

            “Lighten up, little brother. No one’s going to see me.”

            “Someone’s already seen you once.”

            “Yes, but we took care of that.”

            “If you won’t come down for that then come down and help me do something about him.”

“Leave him there,” Solomon suggested, performing a mid-air back flip. “No one’s going to miss him.”

            “Are you sure?”

            “Don’t worry. He’s a lonely drifter.”

            “Then what’s his deal?”

            “He was a pervert.”

            “Solomon, that’s not enough.”

            “I think maybe you need to get something to eat, either that or you need a new girlfriend.”

            “Leave her out of this.”

            “Well, one of us is going to have to do something about her.” 

            “What are you talking about?” 

            “She knows something.”

“No, she doesn’t.”

            “She does now.”

            Solomon raised his finger to point to something behind Ethan. When he whipped around, he came face to face with Kara. Her eyes were as big as saucers as she stared up at Solomon streaking through the sky.

            “Kara?” Ethan gasped.

            She opened her mouth, but the words didn’t come.

            “Oh, Jesus, Solomon, please don’t,” Ethan pleaded, but it was too late. Sol had already dropped down behind her and shoved her into darkness. “What the fuck, Sol?”

            “I told you she knew something,” Solomon said.

            “She wouldn’t know anything if you weren’t floating around for everyone to see!” Ethan shouted as he kneeled to cradle her in his arms. “We’ve got to get her some help.”

            “We have to find that memory scroll first.”

            “I’ll do it. I don’t want you anywhere near her.”

            “Fine, but if you want to get her some help, I suggest you do it quickly.”

            Ethan glared at Solomon as he slipped inside Kara’s mind. The memories were a jumbled mess, and his heart raced as he dug through them. Finally, he found the one he wanted. He passed it to Sol as he retreated from her thoughts.

            “We have to get her to the hospital now,” Ethan said.

            “You need to calm down,” Solomon advised.

            “Don’t tell me to calm down.” 

            “I will tell you whatever I want. Now, we’re going to take her to the edge of the carnival. I’ll stay with her while you find someone and tell them she tripped and fell.”

            “I’m not leaving you alone with her.” 

            Solomon sighed. “Fine, I’ll go for help while you sit there and cry over her.”

            It took no longer than the blink of an eye for them to be back among the bright lights and sweet smells of the carnival. In even less time, they were surrounded by people who were gasping and whispering to see Kara heaped on the ground. Tears misted Ethan’s eyes as he watched her lying so still. Somewhere in time he’d seen this, and he shuddered to think it would end the same way.

            Shirelle pushed her way through the crowd and rushed to Kara’s side. “What happened?”

            Ethan looked up at her. “This is my fault,” he whispered.

            Shirelle knitted her eyebrows together. “What’s your fault? What happened?”

            Solomon stooped beside Shirelle and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “It’s nobody’s fault,” he assured them. “It was just an unavoidable accident. We were simply walking through the woods, and she tripped over a rather large stick and hit her head.”

            “This is my fault,” Ethan said again.

            Shirelle reached to squeeze his hand. “It was an accident.”

            The paramedics came through the crowd to attend to Kara. Ethan’s throat knotted up as he watched them put a collar around her neck before they strapped her to the backboard. The entire time they worked, she didn’t stir. Sickening memories swirled in his mind, and it took all of his self-control not to snatch her up and take her somewhere she could be safe. When they loaded her into the ambulance Ethan started to follow.

            Shirelle grabbed his arm. “What are you doing?”      

            “I’m going with her,” Ethan answered.

            “No, you’re not,” Shirelle said. “I’m her best friend, and I’m going with her.”                   

            The paramedic looked down at them. “Neither of you is going with her unless you’re family.”

            Mr. Brewer stepped forward. “The girl’s family is out of state. She’s a student at my boarding school.” 

            “Guess that makes you her guardian,” the paramedic reasoned. “You can come if you want.”

            “If I followed you in the car, would you let the girl’s friend ride with her?” Mr. Brewer asked, and Ethan narrowed his eyes. “I think it would be better if she saw something familiar if she were to wake up.”

            “Yeah, all right,” the paramedic gave in.

            “Thank you,” Mr. Brewer said and then turned his attention to Ethan and Solomon who were now flanked by their advisors. “I suggest you boys go on back to the carnival and have a good time. I’m sure she’ll be fine.”

            “Ethan, she’ll be okay,” Shirelle said and then climbed into the back of the ambulance.

            Several people stood to watch it drive away before the crowd disbanded. Ethan waited until the vehicle was out of sight before he turned to face Solomon with blazing eyes.

            If anything happens to her, I’ll never forgive you, he said as he stared his brother down.

            Solomon’s eyes opened just a little wider. It was so slight he knew no one else could see it, but Ethan could. For the first time in his life, Solomon was afraid of something.

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