
By Emily_PotterStyles

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Alexandria is half vampire, half werewolf. Her mother is an actual descendant of Dracula, a legend if there e... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11

Part 7

221 4 7
By Emily_PotterStyles

I texted my mother a million and one times whilst Caleb and I ran back to the house as fast as possible. They all pretty much said the same thing: "I'm in big trouble, help!" I sat impatiently as I waited for the sound of my parents' car. Caleb was pacing the room and constantly running up the stairs to check our suitcases and stuff some more objects into mine, because he thought there wasn't enough. He finally quit when I screamed at him to stop, because it was giving me a headache. He sat next to me guiltily and held my hand to stop it punching a wall or something stupid like that. It does that sometimes. It's not my fault.

When I finally heard the sound of tyres against gravel, I let out a long breath that I didn't really need to hold. The vampire part of me doesn't actually need to breath. Strange, but it's more natural than actually breathing. My hand tightened it's grip on Caleb's and I felt his body tense up slightly next to mine.

My mother entered the room with as much grace and elegance as an elephant. Her hair was a tangled mess, her face was flushed and tired and her body language physically radiated fatigue. I literally wanted to go upstairs and take a nap. Although, that's probably partly because I'm so lazy. You know you love it!

"What have you done? I've got 39 texts from you saying 'Get back home now!' and "Help, I'm in trouble!' I had to miss an extremely important meeting with a very respected client. It's a good thing she's so reasonable and I was able to reschedule-" she cut off when she saw my face. She shook her head, disbelievingly.

"Mum, I-"

"You had to, didn't you? You had to spite me! You couldn't have given me more time to sort this? One day! You knew for one day, not even that! You stupid girl! How could you let yourself be found out? You've always had to cause trouble, but I never thought you'd actually be this idiotic!" she shrieked at me. A tear rolled down my cheek, a tear of disappointment at myself.

"Mina, please. This wasn't Alex's fault, it was mine. I thought it would be clever to go out, just to be rebellious. I was a stupid idea and was bound to cause trouble, which it did. I'm so sorry, but I take full responsibility. This was no fault of Alex's," Caleb cut in. His voice was that posh tone that he used when talking to one of my parents.

"No, Caleb. I should have stopped it. I should have refused to let us go out. I should've said no, I just wasn't thinking. I was too caught up in being the teenager that gets in trouble, that doesn't care. I do care, because this is affecting us. I'm such a.. such a.. such a lemon." I said miserably. Caleb gasped.

"You're not a lemon! You're as cool as a llama! Cooler, maybe!" he protested. I smiled at him.

"You always know how to cheer me up. You're the best boyfriend ever," I told him, kissing the tip of his nose. My mum coughed and we turned to face her again, sheepishly. Suddenly, my father burst into the room.

"You!" he shouted at Caleb. "This is all your fault, isn't it? I knew you would bring us trouble from the first day I met you! How could you let my daughter into this.. this world of yours? You had no right, especially in these circumstances!"

"Brandon! Calm down! I haven't told them about it yet. Just relax and quit shouting at Caleb. Just find the damn tickets already, will you?" my mum said. She had that glint in her eye that said, 'Don't mess with me, buddy!' so that my dad and I know not to disobey her. She's pretty damn scary sometimes.

My father stalked off, muttering what sounded like a variety of profanities under his breath. How hypocritical of him, he always tells me not to use such kind of language.

Caleb had a confused look on his face.

"What did he mean by 'especially in these circumstances'?" he asked.

"Well, there's something that I should have told you guys. It might have made you more cautious and you probably wouldn't have left the house if you knew." she said, biting her lip.

"Tell us now, then. If it's that important we deserve to know." I said impatiently. Mum shot me a look, like she still hadn't forgiven me even though Caleb owned up to it. She sighed and sat down across from us and took one one of our hands in each of hers.

"Woah, déjà vu!" I laughed. The two of them turned to look at me, their faces clearly saying that they thought I was crazy, "What? We did this before, and.. never mind. Go ahead." She took a deep breath and opened her mouth:

"Many years ago, this village used to be teeming with magic. It was a place of Druids and sorcerers, fortune tellers and also the supernatural. This was before the humans accepted us. There once lived a wizened old man here, who was known to be crazy. He used to predict things, but no-one ever believed him because his predictions never came true. Then, one day, the whole village was gathered in a meeting. The old man suddenly had a sort of fit. His arms flailed around, his eyes rolled into the back of his head and his legs were jumping around. He stopped and his mouth opened wide. A voice protruded from within, but it wasn't his own. Nobody actually knows the accurate prophecy but it was about a girl and a boy, each with one parent a vampire and one parent a lycanthrope. Legend has it that the child of these hybrids would make a choice. Their choice would either destroy the world or destroy the one thing that they love most," she said, speaking as if from a page of a book. Her face was set, solemn and grave.

"So if we were to have a kid, they would be the most powerful being.. ever?" Caleb asked, equally solemnly. Mum nodded. I let out another long, unnecessary breath.

"But no-one believed the man, because they never thought the day would come when humans, vampires and werewolves could live alongside each other peacefully. Only a handful of people know about this prophecy and it seems that this 'Boss' is one of them. And from what I hear, he will do everything he possibly can to never let it be fulfilled. You are both in danger. If this Boss catches you, there is no chance of survival. He's going to send people after you, his minions are going to stop at nothing to get their disgustingly prejudiced hands on you. This cannot happen. Brandon and I purchased tickets for you, to travel anywhere in the world. You'll need to keep moving, meanwhile we will try to throw them off your trails. You have to be extremely careful. Never give out your real names, wear disguises. There's some hair dye and coloured contact lenses in my room, you're gonna need all of them. Constantly change what you look like. We're going to get you safe, I promise. We're gonna take down this Boss and you will be safe again. I love you, both of you. Now get going!" she said, tears streaming down her face as she kisses us goodbye.

When will this stop? Are we going to be forced into hiding for the rest of our lives? What will happen if the Boss is never brought down? The questions floated around my head as Caleb and I rushed around, finding the dyes and lenses and our suitcases.

So, recap: people who want to kill us are chasing after us, while my parents work furiously to stop them. We're going to be constantly moving around, not having fun like kids should do. If we're caught, we will die.

Oh, how fun my life is.


Hey, thanks for reading! I think this is a pretty short one, I didn't know what else to add in :/ I just wanted to say that I made this all up, so if it's real I didn't mean to copy anything, it just came to me.

Also, I realised that vampires shouldn't be able to have kids, so I wanted to clear that up: When the vampires adapted to living with humans and not drinking their blood, they also changed in the way that they no longer create other vampires by biting them. You can only become a vampire by being born one, and the child vampires aren't crazy like in legends. As I said, this is all made up! 

Thanks for staying with me all this time, I hope some people read this and if you are, I'd love to know what you think by leaving a comment. I feel guilty asking for comments but it would really make my day! Even if it's just constructive criticism, I'll take that in :) -timzia<3

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