What The Heart Wants (BWWM)

By ElleSpeares

413K 22.3K 4.5K

Justin and Skylar are two confused young people, too afraid to let love happen. They have big dreams and lots... More

Author's Note
One: New beginnings
Two: Hidden attraction
Three: Denial
Four: The gatecrashers
Five: The house party
Six: The loser
Seven: Rich boys and their emotions
Eight: Broke girls and their wishes
Nine: Nothing's as it seems
Ten: This thing called coincidence
Eleven: The closed book
Twelve: "Yeah, walk away. Save yourself"
Thirteen: Damaged hearts and childish therapy
Fourteen: Friends?
Fifteen: Cupid's mess
Sixteen: Friends
Seventeen: "You're a bad ass bitch and deserve better"
Eighteen: The art gallery
Nineteen: What the heart wants
Twenty: Trying to be good enough
Twenty One: First dates
Twenty Two: Romeo
Twenty Three: The (overprotective, inquisitive) "cool" mom
Twenty Four: When the temperature rises
Twenty Five: Picture perfect moments
Twenty Six: Messed up perfection
Twenty Seven: Happy memories to heal troubled souls
Twenty Eight: Bad boy, Bieber
Twenty Nine: Because words cut the deepest
Thirty: The broken bad boy
Thirty One: Tattoos
Thirty Two: What happiness is
Thirty Three: Stitching things up
Thirty Four: Sweet revenge
Thirty Five: The get together
Thirty Six: Two half hearts make one
Thirty Seven: Guilt
Thirty Eight: Family
Thirty Nine: Rebellion
Forty: Decisions and the problem with love
Forty One: Boyfriend
Forty Two: "Don't overthink it"
Forty Three: Beautiful simplicity
Forty Four: Play no games
Forty Five: In the '50s
Forty Six: Under the night sky
Forty Seven: Mustang
Forty Eight: Conflict
Forty Nine: Out of work
Fifty: In his arms
Fifty One: PYD
Fifty Two: Awkward
Fifty Three: The song book
Fifty Four: Close call
Fifty Five: "I want to help you"
Fifty Six: Bicycles
Fifty Seven: Fun and games
Fifty Eight: What nobody gets
Fifty Nine: Dinner
Sixty: Negotiation
Sixty One: Shopping
Sixty Two: Happy birthday
Sixty three: Dear Skylar...
Sixty four: This is the end
Sixty Five: "I hate my life"
Sixty Six: "What choice do I have?"
Sixty Seven: Fixing what's broken
Sixty Eight: "I'm your fairy godmother, that's who I am"
Sixty Nine: Damage control
Seventy: "This is for us"
Seventy One: Emptiness
Seventy Two: Pain
10 Facts about me
Seventy Three: Clubbing
Seventy Four: Surprise
Seventy Five: 'Do what you love/ follow your heart'
Seventy Seven: Confrontation
Seventy Eight: 'A burnt child is afraid of fire'
Seventy Nine: Departure

Seventy Six: The last hangout

3.3K 179 14
By ElleSpeares

×× Skylar ××

-After their exams-

After pinning some loose strands of hair up, Skylar wiped the bathroom counter down to clean it of any mess she may have made while doing her hair and makeup. She walked back into Justin's room and took a look at herself in his full length mirror. Surely she'd be comfortable enough for a day at the amusement park? She wore her favourite black skinnies which were ripped at the knees, a pair of black high top sneakers and a simple white t-shirt with a black and white image of Karl Lagerfeld on the front. She was satisfied with her look, especially because she felt that her plum lipstick and two Bantu knot pigtails complimented her look completely.

Justin walked into his room to get his phone off the charger and he smiled at the sight of Skylar.

"Are you almost ready to go?" He asked her as he sat on his bed.

"Yup. Just one more thing," she put on Justin's camouflage jacket and smiled. "Now I'm ready. Are you?"

"Almost." He snapped a picture of Skylar and immediately made it his phone's lockscreen image. "I'm ready."

Skylar rolled her eyes playfully and put her phone in her pocket. She picked up her black backpack and slung it over her shoulder then walked out of the room with Justin following her.

This was the last time Justin and Skylar would be able to hang out with their friends and it was quite sad to think about but, it was going to be exciting. It was a triple date. That's how the girls thought about it while the guys just saw it as a group of friends going to have some fun. Skylar planned to take lots of pictures to remember her friends by. Her phone was fully charged too and she was going to make the most of the photo booth at the amusement park.

After driving to the amusement park, Skylar texted Romeo to find out where everyone was then she and Justin walked to a little restaurant where Romeo, Alfredo, Xavier and Nicole were sitting at a table outside.

"Hey, people." Skylar smiled and waved.

She and Justin joined the group at the table.

"Hey, person." Xavier lightly punched Skylar's shoulder.

"Are we eating first?" Justin furrowed his eyebrows.

"Not yet," Nicole said, "we just wanted to wait here for you two."

"Y'all are always late." Romeo said.

"I know why." Xavier sang.

"No you don't. Shut up." Skylar hit him upside his head.

"Can we meet here later for lunch?" Alfredo put his phone away.

"What time are we having lunch?" Justin asked.

"Two." Romeo suggested, and it was agreed.

"Guys? Can we start off by taking pictures at the photo booth?" Skylar asked.

"Of course." Justin smiled.

"We need to take lots of pictures." Romeo said as they all left the table in search of the photo booth.

When they got there, they all squeezed inside the booth for some group pictures, most of which had to do with them goofing around and laughing. Then, before going off for some rides, Skylar took a couple of pictures with Romeo then she took some with Justin.

After a few rounds of 'rock paper scissors', it was decided that they'd go on the fun rides first, all the ones that were enough to get even Xavier screaming like a girl. After that, they went for the more 'cute' rides: the ferris wheel, the merry-go-round, the little teacup ride... and just before they went off to play some prize-winning games, they went for a couple of rounds on the bumper carts.

"Is my boyfriend going to win me another teddy this time?" Skylar linked her arm with Justin's.

He smiled at her and shrugged.

"I don't know. You already have a lot of teddies from me, babe."

"Who's counting?"

"Me. Where are they gonna go when we leave?"

Skylar pouted.

"Okay, maybe you can win me a small teddy, one that's pocket size." She said.

"I'm sure I could do that." Justin smiled.

"I want to win something for Romeo."

"How about I help you out with that one? We can get her a big teddy."

"I'm sure she'll love it."

"She'll remember you by it."

Skylar smiled and looked over her shoulder to Romeo who was still laughing at how Xavier kept screaming on the rides. She giggled to herself then wrapped her arm around Justin's waist.

"How's our little day out going so far?" Justin wrapped his arm around Skylar's neck.

"So far so good. We did a lot of laughing, which is good."

"Thanks to Za." He smiled.

"He's a weird one. He should take up stand up comedy."

"He'd probably fail at that by becoming shy when he gets on stage. Maybe he should have his on reality show where he doesn't know he's being filmed."

"He'd be so embarrassed." Skylar giggled.

"He's always embarrassed. Especially today, he screamed louder than all the girls on the ride."

"Don't be mean, Bieber."

"I'm not. I'm just being honest."

"Well, you had your eyes shut most the time so..."

"Yeah, but only you can prove that. Za, on the other hand..." he smiled.

"You were just as scared, Justin."

"Will it make you happy if I admit that I was?"

"Yes. Then I wouldn't feel like a liar." She smiled.

"I was scared." Justin admitted with a shy smile.

Skylar laughed and pecked his cheek.

"Can we get some cotton candy first then go play one of those shooting games that I suck so badly at?" She said.

"I'll race you to the cotton candy stand, over there?" Justin pointed ahead.

"Not if I have anything to do with it." Skylar bolted off and Justin followed, holding onto his sagging jeans so they wouldn't fall.

On their way to one of the game stands, Skylar got a ride on Justin's back as she had some of her cotton candy while singing the chorus of 'Lifestyle' with Justin humming the beat for her.

"I'll play first, to show you how it's done." She hopped off Justin's back and paid the guy behind the counter then got her gun loaded.

"This is gonna be good." Justin chuckled.

"Just watch."

"For someone with bad aim, you sure are confident."

Skylar laughed.

"If you don't shut up, these bullets will go up your butt." She said.

"You'd really shoot me?"


"Gasp!" Justin placed his hand on his chest.

"Justin!" Skylar laughed.

"Sorry. Go ahead, G.I Jane."

Skylar aimed as best as she could and tried to shoot as many targets as possible as they moved past her on a little track. She missed most of them but won a little dolphin.

Justin laughed.

"You always win tiny prizes." He said.

"I did that on purpose." Skylar blushed.

"I'm sure you did. Give me the gun, it's my turn."

"You're so mean."

"And I'm convinced that you'd miss my butt if you tried to shoot it."

"Yeah, maybe I'd shoot your balls instead."

Justin stopped smiling and Skylar started laughing.

"Here you go, sir." She handed the gun back to the guy behind the counter to reload.

Justin literally nailed his game and ended up winning a giant stuffed panda.

"Is this for you or is it for Romeo?" He grinned, holding it in his arm.

"For Romeo." Skylar crossed her arms, "But only because you've gotten me a lot of teddies already. Although I am jealous."

"I'll make it up to you, baby girl." He smiled and handed the bear over to Skylar.


"I can think of many ways." Justin winked.

Skylar blushed and cuddled the bear.

"We have time for maybe one more game." She said.

"What do you want to play?"

"I saw a basketball type of game down there. Wanna try?"


Instead of whooping Skylar's butt at the game, Justin chose to let her win this time. To his amusement, Skylar, so sure that winning was all her doing, wouldn't stop dancing around Justin as she held her prize in her hands, a cute little stuffed Donald Duck doll that she completely adored.

"Tell you what." She said as she and Justin walked back to the restaurant that they'd met their friends at earlier that day.

"What?" Justin smiled.

"If you don't tell Romeo that you won that bear, we'll be good. Otherwise she'll make a big deal out of me giving her a cute toy that you won."


"And you can have this one." She gave him the duck.

"Thank you." He smiled.

They were the first to arrive at the restaurant and started off by ordering a drink each then they went through the pictures Skylar had taken throughout the day with her phone.

"I think we look cute here." Justin pointed a selfie he'd taken with Skylar before they went for their roller coaster ride.

"You always look good in pictures." Skylar smiled, "you don't even try."

"That's because girls always do too much when they take selfies. Look, you're pouting." He laughed.

"Girls wouldn't look cute if we squinted our eyes and furrowed our eyebrows like you do. There's an art to taking pictures, baby."


"Yes. You wouldn't know cause all you have to do is take your shirt off and get tons of likes on social media."

"You could do that too."

"And have my Instagram account suspended like they did with Rihanna that one time? Nah."

Justin chuckled.

"Ah the love birds are early, for once." Romeo took a seat at the table along with Xavier.

"The new love birds are late this time." Skylar said. "But I bet they won't be getting any crap from you guys."

"Only because this is an amusement park and no sexual activity can actually take place here without being busted." Xavier said.

"Whatever." Skylar rolled her eyes.

"That's a cute bear." Romeo looked at the stuffed panda that was next to Skylar.

"It's for you." She smiled and passed it over. "A gift from me to you so you never forget me."

Romeo squealed and picked up the bear to cuddle.

"I'm naming you Stuffy!" She said to the bear in a baby voice.

Skylar laughed.

"Now I need to go win you a bigger bear." Xavier placed a tiny brown bear on the table as he let out a huff.

Justin and Skylar laughed at him and Romeo gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"I still love you." She told him.

"I love you too, babe." Xavier smiled at Romeo.

Alfredo and Nicole returned with loads of snacks that Romeo and Skylar instantly helped themselves to, then they ordered up some lunch and started going down memory lane as they enjoyed their food.

Later on, when they were calm from the crying and laughing, they all headed to Nicole's house to end the day on a good note: swimming, a movie marathon, dinner and some classic board games.

"Okay, time out." Skylar laughed after falling during their game of Twister.

"All you had to do was move your left leg." Nicole laughed too.

"Alfredo was in the way."

"I was all the way back here." Alfredo said.

"Where my left foot should've landed. That's where your head was." Skylar said.

"Let's restart the game." Alfredo sat up.

"I'm tired, dude. My feet hurt." Skylar closed her eyes.

"I second that." Romeo raised her hand.

"We should probably call it a night." Justin said from the couch where he and Xavier were watching TV.

"No!" Romeo whined.

"Romeo, it's almost 1 am." Justin said.

"Why don't we have a sleep over?" Nicole suggested. "My parents are out of town anyway. We can sleep on the couches or whatever."

"I'd like that very much." Romeo said.

"Are you sure, Nic?" Alfredo asked.

"Yeah. This is the last time we'll get to hang out together so, why not?" She smiled.

"I'm stealing Skylar from you, Justin." Romeo said.

"That's okay." He smiled.

"That means that I'm sleeping alone too, huh?" Xavier asked.


Everyone helped clean up where they'd made a mess in the house and then went to find a spot to sleep. Justin took a couch and so did Xavier, and Alfredo and Nicole took her room and a spare room was available for Skylar and Romeo.

"It's finally happening." Romeo climbed into bed after tying her hair up.

"Yeah." Skylar smiled, pulling the covers up to her chest. "Kinda sucks, doesn't it?"

"Yeah. Wish you weren't leaving so soon."


"As long as you come back to visit and stuff."

"I will." Skylar promised, "For you, I will."

"I'm gonna miss you. You're honestly the only person who ever got me. Now I'm back to square one. Gonna be a loner and shit on campus."

"But you'll have Nicole and Alfredo and Xavier to hang out with afterwards. Plus you can always send me snaps of stuff you get up to, I'll stalk your Instagram, we can FaceTime and email each other..."

"Yeah, but it won't be the same. Time difference and all."

"When I get the hang of it and I've settled, we can find a good time to catch up once a week. I'll be the one to stay up late for you, if you want." Skylar smiled.

"That's very nice of you. Thanks."

Skylar laid down on her back and so did Romeo. They stared at the ceiling for a while, just thinking back to the crazy times they shared together.

"You still want to get married to the tatted, bearded guy who loves art?" Skylar smiled.

"Za's doing alright, at the moment." Romeo giggled.

"Okay. Cause I was willing to find him for you in London."

"Nah, I'm good for now, girl. Don't worry about it."


"I'm gonna miss you, Skylar Miller."

"Don't say that yet. You're gonna make me cry."

Romeo giggled.

"You're the craziest friend I've ever had." Skylar smiled. "No one in this world will ever compare to you."

"And your ass better not try to replace me cause I will find you."

"I believe that." Skylar giggled.

Romeo smiled.

"Thanks for always having my back too, Romeo, and for being my shoulder to cry on."

"Now you're gonna make me cry." Romeo chuckled.

"Maybe we should sleep. I'm not leaving yet."

"And I'm tired as hell."

Skylar giggled.

"You're crazy." She said. "Goodnight."

Romeo turned off the lamp.

"Goodnight, homie." Romeo smiled.



I kinda feel like this was a 'filler'

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will be posting another one soon (literally have the remaining chapters mapped out cause I'm boss like that).

Please have a look at my new Justin Fanfic (another BWWM), 'For Better, For Worse' and let me know what you think about it :)

Thanks for reading.

Do vote and comment.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

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