Returning to Innocence [EDITI...

By emilythestrange97

120K 1.1K 409

Everyone thinks Scarlett Davis is just an average teenager but they don't understand. When she was ten years... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Twenty Six

2.5K 21 2
By emilythestrange97

Hehehe... I don't know why I'm laughing. I'm not in a good mood. I feel like stabbing someone. Or myself.

Don't ask why I'm in a bad mood, I don't know. But hey, heres a new chapter. Cheer me up with your comments.

Ok stop complaining now Emily, just stop it.

Song of the day: Vampires Will Never Hurt You by My Chemical Romance. Because I'm not obsessed with them or anything...


I sat down in my seat in English, to be ignored by my partner. Alex wouldn't look at me for the entire lesson; it was like I wasn't there. I sat there in the torturous silence, trying to focus on the teachers words. My gaze kept sliding to Alex, who never even looked at me once. I knew I had to at least try to make things right.

"Alex," I whispered, trying to get his attention. He ignored me and I nudged him. "Alex, please listen to me. Alex." I nudged him again. "Please I'm-"

"Miss, can I please move seats? I'm being distracted here." he said and everyone turned to look at us. I kept my gaze down, my cheeks flushing.

"Yes, if Scarlett is being that much of a distraction. Scarlett, I expect better from you." Mrs White said and I nodded, still looking down. This lesson couldn't get any worse. I could feel the eyes on my back, wondering why the quiet mysterious new girl was being distracting. They also probably all wondered why Alex was being hostile. You could feel the tension between us from across the classroom, just the other week we had been practically best friends.

I couldn't help but wonder what I had said that had got to Alex. Normally he would have just brushed it off and given me a hug, letting me cry into his shoulder and tell him all of my problems. That was just what Alex did. He was that sort of person, letting others share their problems with him and never expecting anything back. It was just how perfect he was.

The bell rang and I jumped unnoticeably, quickly grabbing my things and heading out of the room. I froze when I realised I had history next. Me and Alex sat together in that as well, just like I did in most subjects. The school didn't believe in seating plans so you could next to who you wanted on the first day. After that, we had to remain in those seats for the rest of the year unless we were moved by the teacher. Considering the first lesson, I didn't expect Alex to talk to me ever again. What had I said that had caused him to freak out that much? It wasn't intentional, I was just angry.

"Move it." Someone muttered, bumping into me. I realised I was stood still in the middle of a corridor, causing a blockage. Someone pushed me forward and I tumbled to the ground, quickly moving to the side and getting up. I groaned quietly, hurrying to my classroom and sinking into my chair. Alex was already there, staring blankly ahead. I gazed at him, willing him to turn and talk to me, but it didn't happen. A single tear rolled down my cheek and I looked at the floor, not letting anyone see. I didn't need questions.

The lesson continued in that manner, me willing Alex to do or say anything and him not responding to my silent prayers. When break came, it was just more of a burden seeing as my only friends hated me. I slunk of to the library in preparation for the next lesson, P.E., grabbing a book and settling in a corner. My mind wouldn't stay focused on the book. I kept imagining Alex and ways I could stop him being so angry with me.

I let out a small squeak when the bell signalling lunch rang, looking around to see if anyone had heard me. The library was nearly empty, so no one had heard me and I sighed in relief. It was just unnecessary attention. All during lunch, I stared at the same page in my book I had for almost two hours before. The next time the bell went, I sighed and traipsed drearily to my next class- geography.

I slid into my seat- in this class it was next to Peeta- and kept my head down, feeling Peeta's glare burn into my skull. From the corner of my eye I could see her scowl, but I pretended to be unaware, staring straight ahead and doodling in my notebook.

I could feel her eyes on me all through the lesson, glaring at me with such hatred that I had no idea how we were friends just the other day. I didn't let tears fill my eyes. Peeta had little respect for that anyway, as would I if I was in her position. I wished I could talk to someone, but at the minute I had no one. I was truly alone.

"Five minutes to the end of the lesson guys. Talk among yourself or something. I have work to do." The teacher sat down at the table and I turned to Peeta. She glared at me and began to stand up but I pulled her down again.

"Peeta. Listen to me. I am honestly and truly sorry for what I did, but I don't know what I said to him to make him so angry. I would change it if I could, but Alex is having none of it. I... I miss him." I whispered the last bit, sighing. I saw a flash of some emotion in her eyes, but it vanished quickly.

She shrugged and stood up. "Whatever." She walked away to go talk to her other friend. I sighed, knowing that I had done everything I could. I had lost my only friends and I would just have to accept that.

The bell went and I considered skipping the next lesson so I could go home and stare at a blank wall. But if the school rang my parents, that would just cause arguing. God knows I didn't need that. I trooped into Religious Education and sat down in my seat which was thankfully on my own. Alex and Peeta were in front of me but they didn't talk to me like normal because of what was happening.

For most people, they would have been distraught at being so alone; yet to me, because I was surrounded by people, I didn't feel alone. This wasn't alone. Alone was having no company for five years, no one except for little 3 year olds who would mostly likely die on your watch; no one but a kidnapper and rapist who beat you regularly; no one but you and your thoughts.

I clutched the pen tightly, my knuckles white. This wasn't what I wanted to think about. My hand shook slightly and I ground my teeth together in the effort to stop it. I glanced at the clock, almost sighing when I realised there were only five minutes left. Only five minutes, I told myself mentally. Then I can go home and wallow in my own self pity. If only Alex was still here for me. He'd know what to do, just like always. But Alex wasn't here because I messed up. I held in another sigh.

The bell rang and I leapt up, racing out of the door and making my way home. I couldn't sit in that stuffy little R.E. classroom any longer. The fresh air filled my lungs and I sighed happily, my hands still quivering slightly. I walked home quickly, feeling strangely on edge. It was probably what I was thinking about in last lesson. My road was eerily quiet and I scanned the road for anything suspicious. An unfamiliar car was parked opposite my house and I eyed it wearily, rushing to my house. The windows were tinted and I was tempted to break into a jog. The hairs on the back of my neck were standing on end and a shiver ran down my spine.

I fumbled with my keys, struggling to pick them out of my bag with my shaking hands. They tumbled from my hand, clattering to the floor. I squeaked as the door of the car opened and hurriedly picked my keys up, ramming them into the door and falling into it. The top of a head appeared out of the car and I slammed my door, fleeing to the living room and peering through the window. A tall man wearing a baseball cap got out, the rim of the hat covering his eyes with dense shadow. He glanced around my road, padding slowly across until he was stood in front of my house. There was a crisp piece of paper in his ape-like hand, his fat fingers leaving marks on the clean white page. He glanced down at then back at the house, his mouth down turned in annoyance.

The wind picked up slightly and the paper in his hand fluttered. I remained where I was, not moving and barely breathing. All of my worst nightmares were forming in my head. It was him, he was coming to kidnap me again, but this time he would finish it and kill me before I ratted him out to the police....

His hat flew off and I gasped.

Oh my god.


Done it. It's not long. I'm not in the mood. Still, please:








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