Rise Of The Uncharted: Golden...

By indiaherring

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The Journey continues as Lara Croft and Nathan Drake work together as a dynamic duo. They are on their way to... More

Chapter 1: Intense Training
Chapter 3: The Golden Fleece
Chapter 4: Flashbacks
Chapter 5: Bad Things Can Happen
Chapter 6: The Journey Begins Once More
Chapter 7: Traveling Divided
Chapter 8: Spanish Paradise
Chapter 9: Flamenco Chase
Chapter 10: Italian Drama
Chapter 11: Love Gives A Purpose
Chapter 12: Forbidden Tomb
Chapter 13: Alone Once More
Chapter 14: Finally Reunited
Chapter 15: Escape Plan
Chapter 16: Conflict Troubles
Chapter 17: Gods Meeting
Chapter 18: Greece Showdown

Chapter 2: Nathan Returns

1.3K 25 8
By indiaherring

Lara was taking a hot shower, while Winston fixes her some fruit smoothies. Suddenly, someone ringed the doorbell and Winston stopped and went to the door. Winston straightened up his tie and opened the door.

Winston: "May I help you, sir?"

Sully: "Is this Lara's home?"

Winston: "Yes, it is, sir."

Nathan: "Is she here?"

Winston: "I shall get her. For now, sit down and make yourselves home."

Nathan: "Thanks."

Sully: "This place is spectacular!"

Nathan: "You got that right, Sully." He looks around. "So many rooms in here. It's like we can live here too."

Sully: "Okay, kid. Don't get any ideas."

Nathan: "Don't be so gross, Sully."

Sully: "What?"

Nathan: "Nothing." Bryce was working on the computer and it sparked and smoked.

Bryce: "Blimey! Bugger!" He coughs and waves in front of him to get the smoke out of the way. Sully noticed Bryce yelled.

Sully: "Hey, you alright there, kid?"

Bryce: "Yeah, I'm good." He tries to fix the computer.

Nathan: "Do you need help?"

Bryce: "No thanks. I am okay!" He takes out a screwdriver.

Sully: "He got it."

Nathan: "You sure about that?"

Sully: "He seems good at technology."

Nathan: "Hm."

Sully: "What?"

Nathan: "Just thinking in the past."

Sully: "I know, kid. I miss her too."

Nathan: "What? I never said that!"

Sully: "But the look in your eyes, you still care about her."

Nathan: "Yeah, but...I.."

Sully: "You love her."

Nathan: "Sully, enough. She's probably found another guy. Remember, it's been months since we haven't seen her. She's moved on."

Sully: "Oh, come on."

Nathan: "Sully, enough of this. I don't want to talk about it."

Sully: "Fine. But I'm telling you this. You care for her, I see it in your heart."

Nathan: "Okay, whatever." He crosses his arms. Winston comes in Lara's room.

Winston: "Lara, you have two visitors who are wanting to see you."

Lara: "Really, well. Those visitors will have to come back later. I really don't have time for them right now." She loads and checks her guns while sitting on her bed with a towel. around her body.

Winston: "I will tell them right away, Miss Croft." Winston went out the door and closes it. Lara went to her journal and took out the picture of Nathan and Lara together as a team.

Lara sighs. "Where did those memories go? You probably changed too." She smiles at the picture and puts it on her mirror. She gets dressed. Winston comes downstairs while Nathan and Sully talked about the previous adventure they had with Lara.

Winston: "Gentlemen, Lara says she will see you guys later and you men have to leave."

Sully: "What?"

Nathan: "No way. We demand to see her! Do you know how long I came here to see her again?"

Winston: "I understand y..."

Nathan: "Clearly, you don't."

Sully: "Nathan!" Lara came out of the door and peeked around the corner with her blue hensley shirt and blue jeans with her brown boots. She got her bow and arrows ready.

Lara: "Winston, have they left yet?"

Winston: "No, Lara. It appears that they aren't listening to me."

Lara: "Don't worry, Winston. I can handle it." She went downstairs and aimed her bow and arrow at them.

Lara: "Okay, who the hell are you and why won't you..." She noticed who they were. Nathan and Sully were a little afraid. "Nathan? Sully?" She slowly puts her bow down and puts it on her back.

Nathan: "Hey, Lara. It's been months." She hugs him very tight.

Lara: "More like years." She smiles.

Nathan: "Nope. Months." He chuckles and puts his hand on her soft cheek. Lara looks around the corner.

Lara: "Sully?"

Sully: "Hey, Lara." She ran to him and gave him a hug.

Lara: "I missed you guys. What are you doing here?"

Nathan: "We wanted to see how you were doing."

Lara: "Oh, I've been fine."

Sully: "That's great. Nice place you got here."

Lara: "Yes, this used to be my father's. Now, it's my home."

Nathan: "Wow. Did he built this mansion?"

Lara: "He hired workers to build it for him and then he paid."

Sully: "How much?"

Lara: "300 grand."

Nathan whistles."That's alot of money."

Lara: "It is." Zip came into the living room and waved to Lara.

Zip: "Hey, Lara."

Lara: "Hello, Zip."

Zip: "Who are these two?"

Lara: "This is Nathan and Sully. This was the team I had on my previous adventure. Remember the Crown of Charta that I have told you about?"

Zip: "Oh, yeah. Well, it's nice to meet you guys. That guy over there is Bryce by the way whose fixing his computer."

Lara: "Winston is my butler."

Nathan: "Oh, listen Winston. I'm so sorry about yelling at you like that. You forgive me?"

Winston: "Apology accepted, mister Nathan."

Nathan: "Okay, good."

Winston: "Would you gentlemen want a tour around the house?"

Sully: "Yes, I want to see what amazing rooms you have and I'm already loving this living room."

Nathan chuckles. "That man is sure a riot."

Lara: "I know. Would you like me to show you a tour around the house?"

Nathan: "I'd like that."

Lara: "Follow me." Nathan follows her to the gym while Winston shows Sully the indoor pool.

Lara: "This is the gym."

Nathan: "You have a gym? That's amazing."

Lara: "I always love to use the monkeybars. When I was little girl, climbing trees, (chuckles) my dad used to call me little monkey because I loved to climb."

Nathan: "That's really funny."

Lara: "I know. It's a useful survival skill though."

Nathan: "I agree."

Lara: "Would you like to see more?"

Nathan: "I do."

Lara: "Come on." Nathan follows her while Winston shows Sully the gym. Lara went to the indoor pool.

Nathan: "Whoa. An indoor pool."

Lara: "Yes. This was when my father taught me how to swim. It took a lot of practice. I learned each and everyday when I come home from school. My dad always says "Come on, my little monkey. Today you learn your first lesson about swan diving." I miss his lessons already."

Nathan: "Wow, so that's why you're a pro on swimming."

Lara: "That's right. We need to move on. There's one more room I need to show you."

Nathan: "Okay. Lead the way." She takes him inside her room.

Lara: "This is my room. I can spend my time here reading, researching, thinking. No distractions. It's peaceful and quiet."

Nathan: "I can tell."

Lara: "Until I heard a gunshot coming from my father's study, I ran down there and I noticed I was too late. My father's blood was dripping from his desk and I couldn't bear to watch. I keep blaming myself that somehow I failed him." She sits down on her bed looking ashamed. Nathan sat right next to her arm around her.

Nathan: "Hey, none of that was your fault."

Lara: "I didn't make it in time, Nathan."

Nathan: "Still, you never knew it would happen so fast. Stop blaming yourself for that incident. You gotta be strong for your father." Lara nods.

Lara: "I know. That's why I miss him so much." Nathan hugs Lara.

Nathan: "I'm sure he misses you too in his heart." Nathan looks at the mirror and he sees the picture of both of them. Nathan gets up.

Nathan: "Hey, you still have it."

Lara: "Yes, I kept that picture to remember you."

Nathan: "That's sweet of you." Lara smiles.

Lara: "You don't know long I wanted to see you."

Nathan: "Me too, Lara. It's been months. That's a long time that we haven't seen you."

Lara: "It has." Nathan leans in forward to kiss her, but Sully calls to Nathan.

Sully: "Hey, kid! We got work to do!"

Nathan sighs. "Damn it. I hate it when that happens."

Lara: "You should probably go. Sully needs you. He likes a father to you."

Nathan: "And you don't have one anymore."

Lara: "Exactly." She looks down with despair.

Nathan: "Don't worry. We'll return." He wraps his arms around her and kisses her lips with passion.

Sully: "Nathan, come on already. We got a mission to do." Nathan breaks free of Lara.

Lara: "You have to go."

Nathan: "I know." He went downstairs.

Nathan: "What is it, Sully?"

Sully: "We're going to Peru to get a piece of an artifact."

Nathan: "It better not be another crown, Sully. That crown of Charta that we had last time really gave me horrific nightmares. I'm still trying to get the image out of my head."

Sully: "No, it's even better. Gold."

Nathan: "Gold?"

Sully: "Yes, the golden shield of Ares."

Nathan: "Ares as in the god of war?"

Sully: "Yes, precisely. Let's go."

Nathan: "Okay."

Winston: "Be careful out there, gentlemen. It's very dangerous in Peru."

Sully: "Don't worry, dangerous is my middle name and crazy is his middle name."

Nathan: "Let's just go to Peru." They leave and Winston closes the door.

Zip: "Yo, Winston, come here."

Bryce: "Yes, we need you."

Winston: "Coming." He walks over to them and Bryce shows him what's going on.

Bryce: "Isn't this crazy? The cats are fighting because this orange and white cat stole the other cats' milk. What a riot!" He laughs.

Winston: "That is really unnecessary."

Zip: "It's hilarious." Zip and Bryce started laughing hard.

Winston walks away. "Idiots."

Bryce: "Play the video again."

Zip: "Alright." Lara was in her room and Winston knocked on her door.

Winston: "Miss Croft is everything alright?"

Lara: "It's fine, Winston."

Winston: "Are you sure?"

Lara: "Winston, do you know what day it is?"

Winston: "Today is May the 25th, Miss Croft."

Lara: "And that is never a wonderful day for me."

Winston: "Oh. The day your father was..."

Lara: "Dead? Yes."

Winston: "Richard Croft is in a better place."

Lara: "I know." She went outside in the garden to see his grave. She kneeled down in front of it.

Lara: "I miss you father. I wish you didn't have to experience death like this. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." She puts a flower by his grave and kisses her hand to put it on his grave.

Lara: "I'm so sorry that I didn't save you." Tears went down her cheeks. "I'm sorry." She walks away and went back into her house and it was turning dark.

(End of Chapter 2: Nathan Returns)

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