Basket Sisters

By Sidney_Manison

488 18 2

Two girls. Two halves of a whole power. Dangerous beginnings with a family secret that threatens their lives... More

Simple answers
The past
What Happens Now?

Our beginning

239 5 0
By Sidney_Manison


"What's with that look kid?" I questioned loudly in a cold tone. While inwardly I was feeling pretty confused, this kid started this fight when he oh so violently ran into me. 

"Thought you wanted to fight." Relaxing my shoulders, I stood straight again and cocked my head to the side while watching him sit on the ground.

All I was trying to do was walk to school and he comes barreling over into me.

'At least that's what I thought he wanted'

Perhaps I jumped the gun a little bit? 

However, even if  that was the case, and it was an accident; no one should just come fumbling out of the woods, babbling like an idiot and bump into someone; especially a girl and not apologize. 

This orange haired idiot had come down from a road and wasn't watching where he was going since he was apparently too wrapped up in conversation with his two companions. I was in the middle of a yawn when this buffoon caught me off guard and nearly knocked me into Sakura. 

I woulda felt bad if I knocked her down and dirtied her uniform; then she'd run around and tell everyone her big sister was a bully.

I always made sure to walk on the inside of the side walk so she was farther away from the road since she cared so much about her image. I had never thought that being the 'safe' high-school student doing a normal commute to school could lead to me almost knocking her down. 

'It's ironic.'  

I had swiftly kicked this kid down to the ground and now the chump was looking at my feet instead of my face. I waited for maybe a minute more before crouching to his level, I locked eyes with him while he stared at me completely surprised; maybe he hadn't wanted to fight? 

"It's common curtesy to apologize to someone you ran into; don't you think?" I reached forward and flicked him in the forehead. Rage covered his face, and a deep red embarrassed blush covered his cheeks.

"Sora, as amusing as that was, I think you over did it just a tiny bit." Sakura said giggling a little, and I glanced her way from over my shoulder with a small frown. 

It wasn't often that I was caught off guard; so she was most likely reveling in the fact that I almost got toppled over by some random boy. Typical behavior for my bubbly little sister. She'll totally attempt to rub this shit in my face later when we're alone.  

"Like usual." she giggled a little louder when I rolled my eyes at her antics. 

Immediately though she covered her mouth trying not to embarrass the boy on the ground more than he already seemed to be. Sakura had moments like this, they weren't necessarily cruel moments, more just moments were she couldn't control herself when she thought something was funny; its a flaw of hers but everyone has something.

She's the type to laugh at somebody even if they just really hurt themselves.

"Good job though dear sister, you successfully took down one of our classmates." she said with sarcasm dripping in her tone making my expression harden. 

I hated when she spoke to me in such a way, it's something new that her teenage self has picked up in the last few months after starting this public school. 

Shaking my head I pushed some of my hair from my face and took a deep breath while pushing myself up to my feet. I stared at the top of his head as the boy continued to stare at my bare legs and shoes. It appears I've made the mistake by showing such aggression towards guy; he'll probably run his mouth at school and bring even more unwanted attention to us then we already have. Ever since we came to this damn school everyone's seemed to give me grief. I reached out my hand to the boy and just as I was about to speak his gaze snapped up to me with a heavy glare. I watched on with a slightly guarded expression while also squaring my shoulders to shift just slightly in front of Sakura who had gone quiet.   

"You call that a kick?!" The boy scrambled up off the ground bumping into my out stretched hand before pointing a finger at me while he wiped his cheek where my roundhouse had connected. I watched the movement slightly feeling bad that I had actually landed a kick to his face. "I'll show you a kick! I've trained for the last four months of my life to be strong enough to beat anyone who stands in my way! I won't lose to a nobody like you!" The orange haired boy managed to stutter out aggressively; he was now glaring heatedly at me. I guess I did hit him pretty hard; boys always hated being shown up. Thinking over his words, I concluded that he was no threat to me or Sakura. 

"Well, I'd have to say that your master isn't doing a very good job." I snorted and shook my head, whoever was training this kid hadn't broken through his mental blockage yet; even I could tell that just by observing him. This boy obviously had a long road ahead of him.

Watching him silently I could see major rage and frustration floating over his face as he glared at me with eyes I could only describe as 'cat-like'. The bond between him and his master must be great; unlike my masters who believed love and loyalty were merely weaknesses. Looking away from his heated glare with a frown, I glanced towards his companions who I hadn't paid much attention to till now before looking back to the boy.    

A student is only as weak as their master's teachings, and if he's really been training then he should be able to at least watch where he's going. 

"You stumble off of that road, and bump into me before shoving me away like I have the plague; obviously you're lacking in simple observation skills." I took in his appearance, he did indeed have my school's male uniform on, though I found it strange that I didn't recognize him. The orange haired boy looked taken aback at my words while looking down at his body weirdly; I don't really know why there was a sudden interest change, honestly it's kinda weird; the kid was staring at his body like it was an alien device or something. Thinking over the situation again frustration filled my system and I sent him a little glare before turning to show that I wasn't interested in dealing with him. He was just a rude boy who didn't have any manners. 

"You know, I didn't really hit you hard; so consider yourself spared. Next time you won't be so lucky." I said dismissively and draped my bag against the back of my shoulder. I see now that he really wasn't looking for a fight, but I'm still a little ticked off that he shoved me away whenever he was the one that popped out of literal no-where. 

"Wait, he bumped into you?" A boy with extremely pale purple hair asked catching my attention. Looking over towards the orange haired boy's companions, I realized that, that he was traveling with Yuki Soma and another girl. I kept my face clear of emotion while looking Yuki up and down; it seemed he had finally processed what had happened. To be honest, I had no intention of dealing with him and the other girl with long brown hair. She had been walking along side of the orange haired boy before he had charged into me. The girl looked extremely startled while Yuki just seemed intrigued. 

I looked at the orange boy with a raised eyebrow before nodding my head. "That's what I said, he came stumbling out alongside you two and ran straight into me." I pushed some hair out of my eyes again before looking at Sakura who was looking around at the passing cars that drove by. Scanning my surroundings and remembering that we had just reached the main street where traffic usually picks up I moved a little closer to Sakura on the side walk.  This street was still far enough away from the town to have privacy, but not too far away where there wouldn't be other people. 

"And nothing happened?" The girl pushed farther looking completely confused and more startled. I stared at her for multiple moments trying to piece together what her name was; I know I know it, I just can't put my finger on it right now. Apparently they'd never seen this kid touch a girl? Maybe he's a closet pervert and gets nosebleeds whenever he's around women? Perhaps that's why he seems so confused  and was looking down at himself? I don't know. What I do know, is that these three were strange. 

"Um, was something supposed to happen when he bumped into Sora?" she asked while seeming genuinely confused; when no one answered and the brown haired girl just suddenly started freaking out and stuttering out a bunch of incoherent words, Sakura turned to me and pointed with her thumb towards the two beside her.

"Sister, this girl's name is Torhu Honda, and this is Yuki Soma." Sakura ran a hand through her hair as she smiled nicely at them when they looked at her strangely.  

Tohru! That's her name. I knew, that I knew it from somewhere. At least that won't be stuck in my head. Looking between the three of them before looking at her, I nodded my head. 

That's one thing I found absolutely terrifying about my younger sister; she always was so nice to everyone, a perfect social butterfly; yet she used those gifts to gather info on anyone and everyone. She always tried to avoid fighting, saying that she was a 'lover, and not a fighter'. It's because of that very line that I am as strong as I am today. I fight, so she doesn't have to. 

Both of the other students were quiet as they stared at me for a few moments. I don't really know what their deal is, and honestly they were taking up more of our time then I would've liked. 

"Sakura, you said that your sister is your family's protege ?" The boy asked in amazement while looking at me then at the boy behind me. I looked passed them for a moment at the busy city in the distance; apparently they've spoken more than I thought they did.

As Yuki and Torhu attempted to talk to Sakura she simply ignored him; I could feel her eyes on me as I watched the busy streets a little ways away. Wasting more of our time was pretty annoying, but I knew that she was probably waiting to see my reaction. Though I guess she's in luck at the moment since  right now I didn't really feel like lecturing her. Sometimes her 'social butterfly gifts' were just too much of a pain in the ass; I mean how stupid is it to divulge precious information like that. Random people don't need to know anything about her and I, they especially don't need information on our family. Looking around at the three newcomers that were listening as Sakura continued to run her mouth, I noticed that the orange haired boy seemed to be getting fired up. 

"Hey, dumb ass.-" I paused and waited for him to look my way."You've got a long time to go before you even think of bumping into me again, got that?" His face was priceless, he looked so disturbed and bewildered at the idea that I called him out. It was pretty funny if I was being honest. 

We continued to stare at each other for several moments  until he finally seemed to find his voice again. My declaration seemed to have backfired since now he seemed even more determined to face me. 

 "What!" he all but screeched in my direction and I just closed my eyes seeming bored of the whole thing. This kid was interesting to say the least; I'd say that he was less sketchy out of the three. 

"You're not even worth the effort!" The orange haired boy growled in my direction; peaking out of one eye I watched as he clenched his fist before pointing at me. "Next time I see you, you're going down, got that?" he mocked while his eyes were full of determination. Honestly, it was thrilling to have someone look at me like that again; I felt alive for just a moment. 

"Well, I guess you better start training harder because if you even think of challenging me for real, I won't hesitate to knock you on your ass." I smirked at him and blew some of my hair out of my eye before nodding in Sakura's direction. We were way late to school, we've wasted enough time with these kids. Pulling on a loose strand of hair that had been tickling my nose, I pulled it out and sighed. I needed to cut my hair again. 

"We're done here." I said before turning and continuing to walk without her; I guessed that she quickly nodded her head and probably smiled politely at the three of them before running up to my side. Without looking back I sent a lazy wave over my shoulder and ignored the orange haired boys protests and obnoxious screaming. 


After that I spent at least an hour in the schools disciplinary office, giving a half assed excuse as to why Sakura and I were late. I also made sure to go to each of our teachers and apologize; in private of course. 

After all that garbage was over, I started up to the stairs that lead to the roof. I know it seems pretty rebellious and lazy, but I usually spent all my school hours up on this roof; there really wasn't a reason for me to attend classes. I had previously been home schooled and am already familiar with all the lessons. Usually I attend classes for special events, or tests. Pushing open the familiar rusty door I was met with the beautiful blue sky and fresh air. I inhaled deeply before letting a small smile come to my face. This was my little piece of soundless reality. Somewhere I could be at peace for a few hours. 



The four girls that call themselves the 'Prince Yuki Fan-club', would pick on me when Sora wasn't around cornered me asking all of these annoying questions. Really I always tried to stay so positive but it was hard to be nice to people that constantly pick on others. I always try to avoid these girls but they literally pop out of no where as soon as Sora leaves my side. 

 "Hey Sakura, why were you late again?" one obnoxiously asked while leaning in way too close to my face.

"And, why did you arrive right before Prince Yuki?' another one chimed while leaning onto the desk in front of me. 

"You've got to wait your turn sister, because I am next in line!" a third one chimed before looking super embarrassed and nervous whenever the other girl's in their 'club' glared her way. 

Honestly I pitied the poor boy, just because Yuki was the prettiest boy in school almost every girl chased him, constantly scaring away anyone who tried to speak to him other than themselves.  I mean, he even had his own fan club which in my opinion is super stalkerish; these girls literally huddled together in a room after each class to rave about the kid. It's creepy.

One of the main reason these girls always pick on me is because I at least try to speak to Yuki during classes; the boy seems incredibly lonely in my opinion. Torhu Honda gets the same treatment from these nasty girls because Yuki actually shows an interest in her. I pity both people if I'm being absolutely honest. But Sora wouldn't understand even if I explained it to her, she's a wonderfully caring sister, and she always takes care of me but when it comes to others it's like she just shuts off. It's like a switch. 

"Now, spill it why were you almost walking with the prince!" the last girl, the 'leader' of the group hollered before slamming her hands down on my desk which trapped me against the wall. 

The last questioned had startled me from my thoughts and I smiled nervously. What could I possibly say to these girls to make them go away before Sora comes looking for me? If she worries about me anymore than what she usually does, then I'm afraid of what it might do to her health. That's the whole reason I haven't cut these girl's off yet since I don't want to cause problems. 

"Oh, um, well you see-" I scratched my nose as they all got super close to my face waiting for a response. "Well I-" before I could finish the door to the class room we were in slid open loudly startling us. Turning my head a bit to look out the window, I realized this was about the time Sora usually comes to get me to head home. Sweat started dripping down my face as I realized how bad the situation really was. Here I was, crammed against the wall while these girls hovered over me trapping me from getting up. 

"Are you about ready to leave?" Sora questioned during a yawn, her eyes had been closed when she opened the door so I doubt she say the situation I was in yet. But when she finished her yawn and moved her hand from in front of her face, her lazy attitude dropped immediately. She glared heatedly at the girls and they quickly scrambled away from me and towards the other side of the room. In a way I felt bad for them, honestly I felt bad for anyone who managed to earn my sister's wrath. 

"And what do we have here?" she swung her bag over her shoulder while watching the group intently. There was silence before she stepped into the room and slammed the door shut loudly behind her startling the girls even more. They were all huddled together shaking in fright as Sora stood blocking the door. Now it was only us and them in the room, Sora was blocking the only way in or out; if you didn't count the windows. The second door to the classroom had already been blocked off by the cleaning crew earlier; two boy's had after school duties this time, so they had just stacked up the desks on top of one another. 

"I seem to remember telling you good for nothings to stay away from my sister. She needs her peace for her studies." She dropped her back with little to no effort while starting to crack her knuckles emotionlessly. With the bag discarded at her feet Sora started making her way into the room. 

"Hold it S-Sora we're not sca-scared of you anymore!" The leader girl pointed a shaky finger while Sora looked on indifferently. I knew she really didn't want to deal with these girls anymore, and she really wanted me to just stand up for myself. But I was a lover not a fighter; I tried my best to be the friendly girl everyone can turn to. I'll never be the person who Sora wants me to be, I don't want to deal with that ever again. I didn't want to get into trouble with the teachers or the school; if I got expelled Sora would lose her mind.  

"Oh?" She paused and put a finger to her chin in thought while stepping closer to them. With every step they shrunk back more and more. She was loving the reaction she had on them, even if she wouldn't admit it. My older sister was kind of a control freak and she loved showing her power over others; even if she did remain emotionless. 

 "We're not scared of of you!" The girl who was the closest to the wall in the corner said in a very high pitched voice. Sora yawned again and covered her mouth while she did. When she opened her eyes she stood straight and just looked at them with a blank expression.

"That's not what it looks like to me.-" she paused and when she did I quickly gathered up my things and nodded to her when she looked over signalling that I was ready to go. "Regardless, get out of here before I make you." she glared deeply at them causing them all to nod their heads quickly and scurry out of the room.

When they were gone Sora looked over at me with a tired look. I tensed waiting for the normal lecture she always gave me when those she caught those girls picking at me. But she just sighed and gave me a smile. 

"Can we go home now?-" she ran a hand through her hair. "I'm hungry, and I really want the sushi roll you make." she said in a playful voice while looking at me out of one eye. I smiled widely at her request and nodded my head excitedly. I knew she only ate my cooking whenever she was trying to cheer me up; in truth I'm horrible at any culinary art. 

"Of course!" 

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