Was I Meant for This?

By Shelly14

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Stacy Thompson has just found out she is a witch and will be attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wiza... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (Part 1)
Chapter 18 (Part 2)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Into Draco's Mind
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 24

2.8K 30 14
By Shelly14

Stacy's POV:

My body felt stiff and I could barely move, the warmth beside my body felt so comfortable. I heard mumbling but it seemed far away and I couldn’t open my eyes. I felt my body grow cold from the warm object beside me moving; I tightened my hand around what was holding it. I tried to open my eyes but they were heavy when I tried to pick up my head I felt extreme pain fill my body and groaned.

“Stacy? Stacy can you hear me?” I knew that voice very well.

“Draco stop yelling its hurting my head.” my voice sounded as low as whisper.

“Madame Pomfrey! She is awake!” my head pounded from the noise all around me.

“Ms. Riddle how are you feeling?”

“I feel like my head is about to explode and my body has been crushed.” I complained keeping my eyes closed and my body still.

There was whispering and rustling next to me, but then I started to feel a warm, thick liquid flowing down my throat. The taste was awful causing my eyes to shoot open and I felt as though my throat burned “Are you trying to kill me?!” I managed to gasp out between coughs.

“Well unless you wanted to stay in here for the rest of the week, I suggest you don’t complain Ms. Riddle.”

Madame Pomfrey left my side; I looked towards my left to find Draco staring at the floor. I was about to ask him why he looked so down when I remembered what happened before I woke up “Draco please don’t be mad at me. I did it for a good reason.”

Draco’s eyes didn’t leave the ground “How long did you know?”

“I just found out the night I fainted. Snape informed me when I was in his office.”

Draco finally looked up at me, but his face was expressionless “Why didn’t you tell me right away? I could have helped, you wouldn’t have had to do the tournament and-”

“That’s just it Draco, you wouldn’t have let me finish the tournament when I had to no matter what. Don’t you remember who told me to hold the tournament in the first place; this was my decision and I was going to tell you once the tournament was over. Look I am fine now; there is no need to worry, but do you know if the baby survived the accident?”

Draco nodded and smiled “I can’t believe that we are going to have a child. When are we able to find out if it’s a boy or a girl because I wouldn’t mind either.”

I started to laugh from the sudden change of emotion “Let’s slow things down and just take things a day at a time.” I said after regaining my composure.

Draco sat in bed next to me “Are you hungry? Do you need me to get you anything?”

I leaned my head on his shoulder “Yeah, you can do something for me. Can you be quiet so I can rest a little bit more?” I mumbled.

I felt him relax next to me and I fell back asleep.

I woke up again to find a tray of food on my nightstand; I looked around but found no one. The windows showed just darkness so I figured it was evening already; I sighed in relief that Draco wasn’t going overboard with his caring, but I had spoke too soon when he walked into the wing with flowers and candy in his arms.

“How are you feeling? Do you need anything? Want some different food? I can go get something, here are some sweets too if you-”


Draco stopped everything and stared at me “I appreciate what you’re doing and love that you’re excited to become a father, but this is too much.”

Draco set everything down and sat in the chair beside me “I’m sorry I just don’t know what to do for you so I just brought all this. How are you feeling though?”

I smiled “I am fine just a bit hungry. Can we go to the great hall and eat?” I asked with pleading eyes; I did not want to spend any more time in this hospital.

Draco looked at the clock “Well it’s about time for dinner, come on I can carry you there.”

I couldn’t help but give Draco a death glare “I am just two months pregnant Draco, I didn’t lose any limbs.”

I jumped off the bed and magically changed my clothes, pulling Draco along with me I walked to the great hall.

 When we arrived at the entrance of the great hall everyone’s eyes were on us and everything got quiet. After a second of awkward silence roars and cheers erupted from the Slytherin table; I looked around the hall noticing the others table just clapping and I could hear shouts from my house table.

“Yeah Stacy, you beat Weasley no matter what happened!”

“We all know you didn’t lose to that Weasle girl Stacy!”

“Weasle just cheated and attacked you when your back was turned!”

“She knew she couldn’t beat you fairly!” I glanced at Draco, but he just merely shrugged his shoulders.

I forced a smile onto my face and sat down at the end of table; I felt a body sit next to me and was surprised to see who it was “Stacy you were bloody brilliant in the duels. Is there any way you can teach me some of the magic you were using?” the first year’s eyes glistened with pleading.

“Uh Marcus, I can’t teach the magic I do, it’s special and I was born with it.” Marcus’ smile faded and just nodded his head.

Draco leaned closer to me and stared at the boy sitting on the other side of me “I think he is a fan of you from saving him on the first day and the duel.”

I shook my head “But I lost the last duel, Weasley knocked me out remember I have been in the hospital wing for two days.”

I felt the boy tap on my shoulder and I turned around to look at him “Stacy you didn’t lose, that Weasle girl only cheated, she hit you when you had your back turned. So it doesn’t count as a loss because she couldn’t beat you when you were dueling her face to face!” Marcus shouted loud enough to catch the attention of everyone in the hall.

In the next moment I saw Ginny stand up from her seat at the Gryffindor table “They are right, I didn’t win that match. Riddle, I challenge you to a duel; one on one, we will hold nothing back.” Ginny stared at me with anger and fury in her eyes.

I wasn’t going to back down; I stood up and smirked “Weasley you have got yourself-”

“There will be no such duels against Ms. Riddle from here on out! I am banning any type of duels or challenges from Hogwarts, Ms. Riddle cannot compete in any action that will cause her physical harm due to a medical condition that we have diagnosed. Any students who desire to disobey this command will be severely punished.” Snape had announced from the top of the professor’s table.

I glared at him, I knew he was only trying to keep me safe but he had no right to interfere in my battles. Draco pulled me back down; I watched Ginny sit down and sneer at Snape form her spot.

“Just listen to him Stacy, he is actually thinking straight this time, if you try to duel again it could possibly injure you worst than last time or the baby.” Draco whispered in my ear.

I crossed my arms stared at my plate “It’s okay Stacy if it makes you feel any better I think even with any medical condition you have you could beat that Weasle girl with your hands tied behind your back.” I laughed at the confidence that this first year had in me. The food soon appeared and I felt my stomach growl, I piled my plate with food and started eating.

Back in our common room I sat with Draco in front of the fire “What was up with that kid? It seemed as though he looked up to you Stacy. Maybe those duels you did made some people think differently of you.”

My head was laying Draco’s lap “I just did what I had to do and made sure I didn’t lose to anyone. I wonder how the rest of the year is going to go. I hate to think of what he wants me to do next.”

Draco stroked my head “Well whatever it is you won’t do it alone this time. Does he know?”

My body tensed, I had forgot to tell Draco about what Voldemort said about the baby “Stacy?”


“Does he know about the baby?”

I picked up my head and looked at Draco “I forgot to close my mind to him when he called for me so he knows now. He was angry at first and didn’t want me to have it but then Bellatrix told him the baby might have more powerful magic than even me, so now he wants-” I couldn’t stop myself and I broke down in tears.

I couldn’t bear to know that my child will be used as a weapon just like I had been; Draco’s arms wrapped around me “Now he wants our child for its possible powers just like with you.” I cried even louder into his chest unable to contain myself.

“Draco what am I going to do? I don’t want my child to live as a weapon for him.”

“We just have to do what we can do to keep our child alive and protect it from any harm.”


I sat in the Potions class when Snape barged through the dungeon door “Professor Slughorn I need to see Riddle right away.” Slughorn jumped at the voice but shook his head in agreement and waved me off.

I packed my things back in my bag and left the classroom walking behind Snape “What is it professor Snape?”

Snape ignored me and continued walking when we came to my common room portrait he spun on his heel and faced me “He wants you, there has been a break in at the ministry.”

Before I could ask he answered for me “It was Potter and his two friends, they made it out but he is very furious right now. Make sure to keep your mind closed to him this time, we do not want information between us to slip.”

I said my password and walked into my common room, disapparating instantly. I appeared in the dining room of the manor, horror and disgust filling up my body; house elves were strewn on the floor, their lifeless bodies crumpled “Stacy!” I looked up into his eyes filled with anger “I need you to come with me.”

I walked over the bodies on the floor, careful not to step on any of them I made it to his side. He lifted his arm up for me to grab and we disapparated in the spot, when we reappeared I noticed that we stood in the middle of a dark street.

In front of us stood a shop that looked exactly like Ollivander’s in Diagon Alley, Voldemort walked up to the shop and blasted open the door. I walked in behind him not knowing what I was needed for, in front of me stood Voldemort towering over an old rugged looking man “Gregorovitch, where is it? Where is the Elder Wand?”

The man named Gregorovitch cowered before Voldemort in fear “I don’t have it, it was stolen from me long ago.” he sobbed.

Voldemort turned to me and smiled “Stacy my dear, I need you to pick him up.”

I looked into the man’s eyes full of fear, I raised my hand pointing to Gregorovitch and lifted him up in the air “Now make him think about the Elder Wand and tell us where it is or it is his life!”

I closed my eyes and concentrated going into Gregorovitch’s mind and bringing up the Elder Wand into his conscious “One night long ago, I heard a window from the top of my shop shatter when I ran upstairs, a blonde haired boy had the wand in his possession. He stunned me then jumped out the window, I never figured out who the culprit was and I still do not know to this day.” Gregorovitch recited the words as though from a script.

I opened my eyes to see him staring at me in amazement and awe “I saw exactly what he said in his mind as well.” I added hoping this man’s life would be spared.

Voldemort seemed even angrier than before “As did I, he is of no use to us anymore. Let him go.” I placed the man back on his feet but he just slipped to the floor, I walked out of the shop with Voldemort behind.

Voldemort stopped only a couple feet away from Gregorovitch and turned back around “Avada kedavra!” I kept my back to the scene, there was no way I could have stopped him. Voldemort came to my side and reached out his arm for me to hold again.

When we got back to the manor Voldemort sat down in his chair at the front of the table “I need to find out who this young man is, I will possess the Elder Wand. Once I have the wand I will be able to defeat Potter and take over the wizarding world with my family by my side of course.” he motioned to me.

I forced a grin on my face “Is there anything I can do for you my lord?” I bowed my head.

“No my dear, how are you doing? Is the baby alright? And how did the tournament end?”

I picked my head back up but didn’t dare look him in the eye “I am good and the tournament went well, but no one could accomplish the type of power or strength that you wished for my lord.”

I was about to walk away when his voice appeared right beside my ear “And the baby my dear daughter?”

My breath caught in my throat “The baby is fine my lord, it is being well cared for.”

I heard his footsteps distance themselves from me “That is excellent news my dear, I am sure you will be a wonderful mother and I cannot wait to meet my grandchild. I have informed Severus that you will need special attention and care for this condition and he assured me that you will be well taken care of. Now go, I am sure that I have caused you to miss most of your classes today.”

I agreed and disapparated away from the manor.

I landed in my common room and ran straight to the headmaster’s office “Dumbledore!” the statue jumped out of the way and I ran up the steps.

I threw open his office door to find him sitting at his desk “Professor I need your help!” Snape jumped up from his desk and examined me “I am not injured professor! He is going after the Elder Wand, I need to make sure he must not acquire it!”

Snape looked at the portrait of Dumbledore then smirked “Stacy there is no way he could possess the allegiance of the Elder Wand it died when its last master died willingly.”


Dumbledore’s portrait looked disappointed “Stacy disarmed me before you both performed the curse.” I looked between the two of them when Snape had an expression of shock on his face.

“Albus does that mean-” Dumbledore nodded his head in agreement.

I started to get frustrated “What does that mean? Why does it matter that I disarmed him?!” my voice rising to scream.

Snape went to his desk and started scribbling something down on a piece of parchment, he walked up to me and handed me the parchment.

I grabbed it and glanced at the writing “Why do I need a permission slip to go into the restricted section?” my anger was starting to get the best of me.

“There are books in there that will help you with information on the Elder Wand. I’m sorry that is all I can help you with; I do not know much more other than the Elder Wand should be useless.”

I took a deep breath and left the headmaster’s office realizing that was a waste of my time. I walked all the way to the library but before I got to the door I heard footsteps behind me “Riddle?”

I twirled around and came face to face with Cross, I saw a figure in the distance behind him and noticed it was Parkinson. “Nice choice Cross, I think you both suit each other very well.” I scoffed at him.

Cross glanced back at Parkinson and I swear I could see a genuine smile on his face “Jealous Riddle? You know what I just wanted to make sure you were alright, I heard what happened in the duel with Weasley and that you’re well you know.”

“I’m pregnant Cross; it’s not a curse word. I am fine so if you could leave me alone I have some work that I need to take care of.” I left him standing there but ignored when he called after me, I had something more important on my mind.

Draco was walking out of the library when I bumped into him “Stacy where have you been? I was worried since you didn’t go to any classes after Snape called you from Potions….never mind I know where you were. What are you doing now?”

I grabbed his arm and drug him across the library to the restricted section “I need you to help me. Look for any books you can find that have to do with the Elder Wand.”

Draco raised an eyebrow at me “You mean the all powerful wand from the story about the three brothers we were told as children?”

I was very confused what did he mean children’s story “You don’t remember the story about the three brothers and the deathly hallows?”

“Draco I didn’t know I was a witch until last year, I don’t think wizard stories were in my parents’ minds when I was growing up!”

Draco shrunk back from my outburst “I’m sorry, can you just look for some books about it then you can tell me about the story.”

He nodded his head and we separated searching through the library for any books we could find.

After skimming through every book we found, Draco told me the story about the three brothers, “So the brother had his throat slit and the wand was stolen from him-”

“Wait! I read in one of the books that a wand has an allegiance to its master, but it will only change its allegiance when it is won from the previous master. That means that whoever has the Elder Wand now, is its master and in order to gain its allegiance one needs to beat the person who has it.”

Draco had his head on the table “But it’s only a children’s story Stacy, the wand isn’t real it doesn’t exist. Why are you so concerned about it anyways?”

I stared out into space “He is looking for the master of the wand and if he finds it he will become the master by killing the one who holds it. If he gets his hands on that wand there is no way anyone can beat him not even me.”

Draco picked his head up “The wand doesn’t exist though so there is no need to worry about it, but who is looking for it?”

Draco shook my shoulders a bit when I didn’t answer him, my eyes widened and I turned to Draco “Voldemort, my father is searching for the most powerful wand in the world and if he gains control of it there is no chance for anyone. I have to try to stop him.”

Draco stood up, clenching his fists “How do you expect to do that Stacy? You are not in any condition to go up against him.”

“I have to try Draco, I can try and make sure he doesn’t get the wand or try to find the wand before he does. I need to at least try Draco because if the wand is actually out there and he finds it there is no hope, I am going to do whatever I can to stop him even if I have to die trying.”

Draco slammed his fists down on the desk in front of us; I jumped from the shock “You are not going to die! We are having a baby and we will both live to be great parents, I don’t care if we have to leave the wizarding world behind and go into hiding. I will not let anything happen to you or to our child so stop talking like you are going to sacrifice yourself for this world, it’s not like it or anyone in it has done anything for you but cause trouble. I won’t let you put yourself into harms way and I myself will make sure of that!” Draco walked out the door leaving me in the library staring after him.

I put my head on my arms trying to think straight. Although the only thing I could think of was ridding the world of Voldemort not only for the sake of this world as Draco put it, but for him, myself, my unborn child, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and everyone else that I have come to care about since I came into this world.

I started searching through another book ‘Rare Magical Artifacts History’ I was determined to find out more about the Elder Wand and who was the last person known to hold its allegiance.

“I’m sorry Draco, but I have to disagree with you on this one, this world is worth every sacrifice I can give to make it a place everyone feels safe to live in.”

I rubbed my stomach noticing the slight change in its size “This is for you; I will not let him use you like he did with me.”


Hey everyone hope you liked the chapter and don't worry Draco and Stacy are not in another fight, they are just in a disagreement. I am visiting famiy this week and won't have internet so I will not be able to upload until the week after when I begin school again. I'm sorry it will be a bit of a wait but I will try to make the next chapter worth it.

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