SHE'S/I'M DIFFERENT (Kuroko n...

By Trufflerabbit13

1.3M 32.1K 10.3K

Kuroko Koyuki was very much similar and different to her cousin Kuroko Tetsuya. They both had a burning passi... More

Chapter 1: Meeting the Cousin Rewritten
Chapter 2: She's back Rewritten
Chapter 3: She's Rather Popular Rewritten
Chapter 4: Scrambled Eggs Rewritten
Reunion Chapter 5 Rewritten
CHAPTER 8: British Accent Rewritten
CHAPTER 9 "We play." Rewritten
CHAPTER 10 "YOU TRAITORS!!!!" Rewritten
CHAPTER 11 Basketball at the beach! Rewritten
CHAPTER 12 Results and Dinner rewritten
CHAPTER 13 BET rewrittened
CHAPTER 15 Girl's Day rewritten
CHAPTER 16 Empress's Eye rewritten
CHAPTER 17 edited
CHAPTER 18 edited
CHAPTER 19 edited
CHAPTER 20 edited
CHAPTER 21 edited
CHAPTER 22 edited
CHAPTER .......
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

CHAPTER 7: P-PERVERT?! Rewritten

40.9K 863 232
By Trufflerabbit13



"When we were in fourth grade Yuki-chan came and visit my family. We were playing a friendly street basketball game when we ran after the ball from either side and crashed into each other," Tet-chan explained while I continued to eat.

I nodded in agreement as I tried to scoop more of the parfait but frowned when I heard the clink of the metal and glass meeting. I looked down in shock and gasped.


No..... It can't be true!!!!!!!

PICTURE OF PARFAIT -------------->


"Noooooo! It's all gone!" I wailed and anime cried making everyone sweat drop.

I scraped at the empty cup with my spoon, trying to scoop up remaining form of the melted ice cream and crumbs from the cookies and cake.

I pouted in disappointed, the sugary goodness completely gone.

I looked over at Sei-kun who was smirking in amusement, "Good I don't need to pay," he mumbled making me raise an eyebrow.

He called for the waiter and pointed at me.

"She finished it under thirty minutes," the waiter gasped and looked at the empty cup in front of me in displeased.

The waiter quickly ran off, making all of us confused.

But when he came running back, he was dragging the man who owned this shop.

The owner looked at the empty cup in shock. He clicked his tongue before sighing and pulled out a camera from his pocket.

"Smile angel, you're the first one to clear the 30 minute parfait challenge," he frowned as he snapped a picture of me smiling into the camera with my empty cup in hand.


"Anyways, how did you even meet the GoM members? I know it has something related to Kuroko since he is your cousin," Riko-senpai asked while I happily chomped on my second parfait.

"Ummm, from the first year of middle school, I stayed in Japan and lived with Tet-chan like I am right now for half a year.   Although I moved to America during the middle of second year. During those few months I went to Teiko," I mumble, I clutch my head and shake, "Brain freeze!"

Everyone sweat dropped, "Wait, you went to Teiko?" Riko-senpai asked sounding rather shocked at the new information.

"Yeah, didn't stay there to long since I needed to travel with my parents afterwards," I answer getting over the brain freeze, chomping down on my dessert again.

"Did you..." Hyuga-senpai trailed off making me stop eating.

Without him finishing his question, I already knew what he was asking.

"I played basketball with them, I was actually the seventh member until I needed to move," I reply moving away from the parfait, "Mu-kun you could have the rest, I'm full now."

Mu-kun happily took the remaining and started to eat, his cheeks were pink from happiness.

"Seventh member?" Teppei-senpai asked looking confused.

"Wait! I've heard of it! The legendary seventh member who easily won games by himself, he was said to be unstoppable but he suddenly disappeared!" Izuki-senpai yelled as he pulled out his phone typing into it.

"Yup, that seventh member IS Yukicchi! The only thing people get wrong is that they think that she is an HE," Ki-chan exclaimed his eyes shining excitedly.

I shrugged my shoulders and patted my full stomach, "You can't blame them, I used to have extremely short hair back then. And I did wear the boys uniform."

"Here there's an article about the Teiko legendary seventh member!" Izuki-senpai  spoke, passing his phone around.

"Winning a game by herself, making over 200 points in one game, impossible to stop, unbelievable accuracy of a shot, a Guinness Record for making the most three pointers during a game?!"

All the Seirin members stared at me with a shocked look, which I brushed away with a shrug.

"It's not a big deal," I muttered wiping my mouth with a paper napkin.

"It was a bet between Dai-kun and Ki-chan, I got annoyed how they were being sexist to me," I said glaring at the two boys who were looking sheepish, avoiding eye contact with me, "I needed win the game by myself not letting any of the members get the ball, I'll lose if Sei-kun, Mido-kun or Mu-kun made a point, so technically it was one versus eleven," I explained the shocked looking Seirin member.

"Did you?" Koganei-senpai muttered asking.

"Win? Yeah I did, didn't let anybody touch the ball," I replied rubbing my stomach feeling extremely full.

"When you noticed the ball was already in the hoop most of the time, she'll even shoot and make it from the very end of the court," Ki-chan exclaimed throwing his arms up to my slight annoyance.

"Every time you'll try to steal the ball from this midget, she'll disappear. She has the same talent as Tetsu. She can use misdirection and something similar to vanishing drive. She moves with the ball and the ball itself disappears making it impossible to tell where she is," Dai-kun growled as he took a big bite of his okonomiyaki, his eyebrows scrunched in annoyance.

"Oh! I remember you were all so serious, during the game you all were out of breath!" Satsu-chan yelled looking a bit constipated because she was thinking.

"What was the bet again?" She muttered thinking deeply, "Oh! If Yuki-chan won you guys needed to treat her milkshakes for a whole three months!"

I nodded remembering all the milkshakes I consumed in the three months.

"Than what would have happened if Yuki-chan lost?" Teppei-senpai asked sipping his water.

Satsu-chan giggled loudly and recalled the memory, "If Yuki-chan lost she had to be a manager for three months and needed to wear a MAID outfit for a week!"

All the Seirin members stared dumbfounded at all the blushing GoM. Even Akashi had a pink tint on his cheeks.

"Ugh, don't remind me of that outfit! I had to endure with it enough!" I yelled slapping my forehead.

"Endure?" Tai-chan asked raising his dark red eyebrows.

"Yukicchi had to wear a maid outfit for a week straight before as a punishment," Ki-chan laughed recalling the memory.

"Kise-chan!" I yelled as I tried to shut him up by throwing some chopsticks his way.

"Punishment?" Riko-senpai asked as I blushed in embarrassment, hiding my pink cheeks behind my hands.

"This must be about when Yuki was walking home by herself after school practice when it was dark," Mido-kun chuckled lightly making me blush harder.

"No! I'll explain it! If I let one of you tell the story you'll all add wrong details!" I wailed as I jumped on Mido-kun, shutting him up.

"Well?" Hyuga-senpai asked sounding interested.

I sighed out, "Well it was after practice as Mido-kun said."


"Bye guys! See you tomorrow!" I yelled as I walked out of the gym waving at the GoM member.

"Brrrrr it's cold!" I whispered to myself as I pulled my sweater tighter around my body.

I quickly walked on the dark, empty sidewalk, clutching tightly onto my school bag. I mentally cursed myself for not waiting for Tet-chan. I wanted to go home early so I could cook dinner and have every thing ready when he comes home.

I felt fear pile inside me as I looked forward, I couldn't see anything.

I heard light foot steps behind me and I sucked in a quick breath, picking up my pace.

Hissing, I released my breath in the cold air, the foot steps quickly picked up pace as I did

I broke into a run and I heard the stalker behind me do the same. I felt tears sting in my eyes as I prepared my throat to scream really loudly.

I felt a hand grab my shoulder making me scream.

"Kyaaaa! Don't touch me you pervert!" I screamed as I punched my attacker with a school bag before kicking the person where the sun doesn't shine presuming the offender was a male.

"Ugh..." The person groaned as he fell onto the ground.

I opened my eyes that I automatically shut when he touched me.

I gasped loudly as I look at the familiar person on the ground.

"Oh my god! Sei-kun! Oh crap! I'm so sorry!" I screamed as I kneeled next to him rubbing his shoulders.

".... Koyuki..... Did.... You.... Call... Me... A pervert?" He grunted out as he looked at me as he crouched on the ground.

"Ah," I stopped as I rubbed my neck awkwardly.

Sei-kun slowly got up as he wince lightly, "I was going to take you home since its pretty late and I get kicked in the balls, you're so going to pay," he growled as me threw over his shoulders as he marched into the dark street


I finished looking around awkwardly. I could see most of them were hiding in their laughs while Sei-kun had a scowl on his face.

"And the next day Akashi had a meeting with the GoM members to decide what her punishment will be, Aomine and Kise who were stilled annoyed about their lost in the bet said that Yuki should wear the maid outfit as a punishment for a week," Mido-kun concluded with an amused smirk.

"I remember for a whole week the gym always had blood on the ground!" Mu-kun exclaimed as he finished the parfait.

Satsu-chan giggled into her hand, "Yeah, the whole gym that was usually crowed with female fans were dominated by males, the nurse complained to us saying she had too much unconscious males that got carried into the office with a nose bleed!"  She laughed as she pulled out a phone.

"I might have a picture," she exclaimed making me snap up from my seat.

"You wouldn't daaarrreeee!" I yelled as I lung at her.

She cried out as she threw her phone at Sei-kun who easily caught it as it was air borne.

He had a sadistic smile on his face as he scrolled though the phone. I ran up to him as I tried to snatch it out of his hand but his height was an advantage as he held my head with a hand, pushing me down, away from snatching the phone.

"Ah, here it is." He calmly stated as he looked at Satsu-chan's phone closely, "Here catch Atsushi," he said as he threw the phone at Mu-kun.

"Oi! Let us see!" Ki-chan yelled as he jumped to Mu-kun who was surrounded my Seirin teammates. .


"Kyaaaa! Yuki-chan looks so cute!"

"Hey Murasakibara send that picture to me!"

"Ah, Yuki-chan has her hair down!"

"Guys! Stop it it's not a big deal!" I whined making Riko-senpai look at me.

"Maybe I should make you wear a cat maid uniform as a punishment whenever you do something wrong," she grinned evilly making me look at her at horror.

"You wouldn't!"

"Oh, I will!"

"If you love me you won't!"

"Hey coach-chan! If you do, send me a pic!" Ki-chan yelled making me glare at him.

"Kise! Shut up!" I growled as I jumped at Mu-kun trying to snatch the phone out of his hand.

"Ah, too bad! I already send it to all the people here!" He grinned as he passed me the phone.

I look through the phone and frowned, he actually did send it to everyone!

I glare at Satsu-chan and stomp over to Tet-chan who was quietly sipping tea. He looked relaxed as he quietly watched everyone yell at each other. Tai-chan was sitting next to him still stuffing his face.

"Tet-chan!" I whine as I hug him from behind looking at Satsu-chan slyly, "I'm tired!" I sit in his lap and hug him, snuggling into his warmness.

I heard a loud snap and look up to see the pinknette's chopsticks snapped in half in her hands that were shaking with anger.

"Tet-chan the money is in my bag, lets pay and go! I wanna sleep," I yawn while avoiding eye contact to pink haired teen.

"Kagami-kun, are you done?" Tet-chan asked as he pulled out money from the bag I told him about and placing it on the table for the food.

"Yeah, just finished the last piece, lets get out of here!" Tai-chan said as he patted his stomach and pulling out his own money paying for his meal.

It seemed like nobody noticed our retreating form as we snuck out of the door. I slowly opened the door and looked back and saw Sei-kun looking at me.

I gave a small wave saying my goodbye. He gave me a nod moving his chin forward telling me to leave. I gave a grateful look before I walked out of the restaurant where Tai-chan and Tet-chan were waiting.

"Tai-chan, carry me!" I yelled as I jump onto his back, making him stumble a bit.

"Argh! I'm only carrying you to your house, you should be glad I live near you," he growled as he steadied me on his back and walked beside Tet-chan.

There was a nice silence while we walked. I snuggled into Tai-chan's large back and looked up to the sky seeing the stars and the moon.

I started to feel my eyes droop and felt the darkness start to take me. In few seconds I was knocked out.

"Thanks Kagami-kun," I heard a familiar voice making me grumble as I felt myself move.

"Naw, it was nothing, I don't really even feel her, anyways see you guys tomorrow," I heard Tai-chan say as I felt my body be lifted and be placed into someone's arm.

I stubbornly closed my eyes as I felt the person who was carrying me walk up stairs. Hearing the door open I was placed on a soft bed and a blanket covered over me.


"Yu... ki-... Yuki.... Yuki-chan!" Somebody softly nudged my shoulder, shaking me awake.

"Ugh," I groaned as I pulled my arm and hand over my eyes, trying to escape from the bright light. Throwing my blanket over my head, I curled up into a ball, the jet lag still in my system.

"Yuki-chan! You're starting school today!" Tet-chan murmured making me snap my eyes open.

"What time is it Tet-chan?" I ask quickly sitting up, making me hit heads with him.

"Ow, it six Yuki-chan, we have around a hour thirty minutes before we leave, I guessed you would want to look presentable on the first day," he stated as he rubbed his tender forehead that was turning red.

I wince as well, rubbing my own pink forehead, trying to smooth the pain I was feeling.

"Thank you Tet-chan! I'm going to go take a shower!" I exclaimed, jumping off the bed and running into the bathroom.



I nervously gripped on the back of Tet-chan's jacket as he talked to the bubbly councilor.

"What a pretty young lady!" The woman gushed as she looked at me. I blushed lightly and hid behind my stoic cousin, hiding my face in embarrassment.

Tet-chan sighed and patted me on the head, lightly ruffling magenta hair that was tied into two pigtails at the side of my head, "So she is in all my classes?"

The bubbly woman nodded and gave me a small smile.

"Yes, that way Kuroko-kun can help you, come to me anytime when you have trouble, I'm Hirashima, call me Hirashima-sensei."

I nodded slightly and bowed, "Thank you for the concern Hirashima-sensei."

The woman smiled brightly before she ushered us out of the office, "You two should go, you're already running late!"

As soon as the door closed, I released a sigh of relief, I'm always horrible at the first day of school, I hate it and and will continue to hate it.

You would expect me to be good at introducing myself in front of my new classmates after doing it over twenty times but I still had a hard time doing speaking out loud.

"Are you ok Yuki-chan?" Tet-chan asked with concern coating his tone.

A small frown made it to my face as I touched my cheeks with my slightly cold hands.

Was I being that obvious?

Scolding myself mentally for worrying my cousin, I smiled, trying to assure my cousin. I nodded my head, sending him my most determined look, "I just don't like the first days of schools, and Hirashima-sensei's attitude just surprised me. For sure she got me awake," I laughed lightly imagining the bubbly women.

Tet-chan nodded in understanding, "Yes, Hirashima-sensei has quite the character..."

We continued to share small talks, Tet-chan leading us through the hall ways while explaining the classes I have and where some things were located.

I made mental notes on the location of the vending machines and the restroom since those two were probably the most frequently visited places.

The hallways were empty and silent except our footsteps, allowing me to mentally prepare myself.

Suddenly Tet-chan stopped and I bumped into him with a small thump.

The blue haired boy gave me a sheepish look as he placed his hand on my head, "Sorry, we're here, are you ready?"

I gave him a light nod before he opened the door.

Oh lord....

Should I be worried.....?


Ok, I'm sorry for not updating for a long time! Anyways schools going to start this Tuesdays, which means I won't be having as much free time = can't write as much!

Grrrr! And going into high school is probably also going to be a pain the butt. So please understand if I don't update a long time!



Rewritten: 9/8/15

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