Stay Alive

By NoOneCaresAboutIt

349 6 0


Stay Alive
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 5

32 0 0
By NoOneCaresAboutIt

Chapter 5

He just fell limp, his tail and wings just flopping down as he let out a small noise of surprise just before.


The next thing he knew, there was ringing in his ears, high-pitched and almost like screaming. His body felt heavy like lead and he was stiff.

He groaned, forcing his eyes open, not able to bring his hands to his ears as his tail curled tightly around his leg, his wings pressed tight to his back, almost like a cramp.

His vision was blurred at first, just a bundle of colors as he almost felt drugged. A coppery taste filled his mouth as if he was eating a penny and his heart pounded loudly.

He slowly closed his eyes again, the feeling reminding him of a time his brother had drugged him in one of his attempts to kill him, making him suddenly shoot up with a noise, shaking his head frantically in attempt to clear it, before groaning at a splitting headache, holding his head.

There was a small, faint squeak that was heard through the ringing in his ears, something grabbing his shoulders softly and gently before slowly pulling him back down into a laying position. He could tell his head was propped on something, though it didn't exactly feel like pillows.

He stiffened at the feeling, looking around wildly as his tail lashed about, panic still rushing though him as his breathing was quick and frightened almost, not able to see or hear making him go crazy practically.

There was another faint squeak, his head jolting up slightly from whatever he was laying on. A soft hand laid on his tail to keep it still. A sharp pain surged through his body from his moving, another hand running through his hair gently.

He stiffened at the feeling, before relaxing a bit, always enjoying the feeling of a hand gently through his hair as he sighed a bit, calming back down as he remembered he was in a safe place, still looking around with his eyes though.

The pain slowly ended, the ringing in his ears faded and his heartbeat not so loud. His gaze eventually cleared as he found himself staring up at a friendly, familiar face. "It's okay."

He relaxed entirely at the familiar face, slowly forcing a small smile to his face as he made a small noise, seeming to helpless and vulnerable still.

Dessy smiled back with calm eyes, bending down and laying her lips to his forehead gently before slowly pulling back. "No more fever." she said softly and sweetly.

He tensed a bit at the feeling, blushing just a bit, before just sighing, glad he wasn't feeling so terrible anymore.

He now realized he was laying on her lap, her hand gently moving through his hair as if he were a fragile newborn.

He didn't seem to care, still rather tired as he only purred slightly, closing his eyes as he pressed to her hand a bit, breathing calm and easy again.

"You feeling any better?" she asked, her voice soft and caring like always.

He nodded a bit, opening his eyes again to look at her, still a bit glassy, though not as much as earlier as he hummed a bit. "Yes." he said softly.

Her smile grew. "Good. I was getting worried when you started freaking out."

He made a noise. "Sorry.... Not being able to see or hear like that makes me a bit... unsettled." he said with a nervous chuckle, shrugging a bit.

She only hummed. "That was just the berry healing your body. You woke a bit too early for it to completely finish."

He nodded a bit in understanding, though said nothing, still a bit tired as he only smiled faintly.

Her eyes were soft and kind as always. "If you're tired, get some rest. I won't leave you."

His eyes were only half open, but he insisted on staying awake now, curling up a bit, looking rather innocent now, making him look cute seeing how he was usually either tense or protective.

She looked around for a moment, keeping an ear out in case his brother might still be there. She'd had to sit there and listen to growling and roars for the past few hours, and it was rather unsettling. Ashinst suddenly noticed as well they were in his room, Dessy somehow having moved him while he was unconscious.

He looked around for a moment, suddenly growing tense as a low growl was heard, his brother seen out his window, just staring, glaring, far from the window out the line, just sitting there.

Dessy tensed as well, shutting her eyes tight and trembling faintly, though didn't move, her hand still running through his hair. She must have had to do that the entire time, seeing as how she couldn't move away from him.

He frowned, suddenly sitting up and making blinds appear in front of the window so they wouldn't have to see the beast outside as Ashinst slowly laid back down, his eyes back to that protective, but gentle look. "He can't hurt us." he whispered softly, moving to hold her free hand in an assuring way.

She opened her eyes to look at him, still trembling as she nodded. "I-I know." she whispered, though just the sounds and the knowing what was out there made her scared.

He frowned a bit, before forcing himself sitting up, moving to hold her in his lap instead, ignoring his headache as he tried to calm her a bit as he pulled her into a hug.

She squeaked in surprise, a faint blush coming to her before she slowly held tight to his shirt, her face half hidden against his chest.

He blushed a bit himself, though ignored it as he couldn't hear his brother anymore, the feeling of his presence gone as well.

Even though the fever was gone, she still looked deathly pale for some reason. She slowly closed her eyes against his warmth, breathing easily now.

He made a small noise, seeing how pale she was as he started to worry a bit, though held her a bit closer, letting out a quiet sigh as his tail swayed for a moment before laying around them in a strange way.

Dessy flinched a bit, her stomach growling as it suddenly struck him what was wrong. "...I haven't eaten in four days!"

He made another noise, looking to her quickly. "You need to eat." he said softly, though firmly. "I've got more then enough food." he said quietly, slowly shifting a bit to get up, his face concerned now.

She squeaked, looking at him before looking away again. "I-I'm fine..." she murmured, "Really..."

He only gave her a firm, concerned look, though stayed silent as he sighed a bit, still holding her a bit as he tilted his head.

"Really...." she repeated, though softer as she leaned to him.

He huffed a bit, his look wavering slightly, before just bringing her back into the hug. "But you look so pale...." he murmured softly, his tail twitching a bit in anxiety now.

"N-no.... I.... don...." Her voice trailed off as she didn't even finish, trembling faintly before slowly stopping.

"Come on... please... You need to eat.." he pleaded, his look only full of concern for her now as he frowned a bit.

She didn't respond, her body feeling a little heavier now as well as cold.

He frowned more, holding her a bit tighter before his face grew stern again, suddenly standing, holding her in his arms. "Come on." he said simply, though suddenly staggering as he was still rather weak.

She squeaked softly, clinging to him before looking at him with tired eyes. Though they weren't the sleepy kind of tired. "If I..... If I eat something.... Will you g..... get some r-rest?"

He looked at her, nodding once, just wanting her to eat right now.

She sighed, as if asked to do something really hard. She nodded, shifting and sliding till she was standing on her own. "Fine." she breathed, starting out the door. "But you better be asleep when I get back...."

He stared warily, suddenly tensing at some strange, low noise from outside as his head whipped around for a moment, though he forced himself to relax as he looked back to her with another nod, slowly crawling back in his bed, tensing again at the rumbling noise, so low and deep it was almost unheard.

Dessy didn't seem to notice or hear anything, walking sort of like if she was drunk, hitting the door frame on the way out, but not reacting as she only kept on, closing the door behind her.

He looked up when she hit the door frame, looking concerned still, before hissing silently as the grumble went on longer, obviously his brother or something.

Kiro suddenly appeared out of thin air, sitting on the edge of Ashinst's bed as he stared with blank, dull eyes.

He let out a sharp, startled hiss of surprise as he stood on fours, his tail going rigid and his wings flying out in reflex, not liking when people appeared from nowhere. Though he forced himself to relax a bit, yet still rigid.

Kiro only stared blankly, rolling his eyes. "Dessy told me to keep and eye on you." he said dully, his expression blank.

He relaxed a bit more, though he knew there was no way he was going to relax entirely around him, as he curled up on the far side of the bed, his back to him, wings pressed tight to his back and hiding the rest of him as his tail flickered about in almost agitation, just hating the feeling of being watched in general.

Kiro stared for a moment before looking around idly, not saying anything more as if was almost like he wasn't there.

Ashinst room wasn't much, just a small, simple room with wooden walls and a dresser, a few golden trinkets laying on it, as well some intricate wood carved statues, one of a sphinx, wolf, and that strange, rat like creature, Ashinst obviously knowing something about it.

Kiro watched the statues as if expecting them to move, before a soft thump was heard.

Ashinst's head immediately popped up, his wings ruffling a bit as he made a small noise, still very much on edge on the inside.

Kiro now lay on the floor, sprawled out. "Ow." he said simply before getting back up and fixing his own ruffled wings.

Ashinst stared for a moment, before rolling his eyes with a huff, though couldn't help but chuckle silently, shaking his head before curling back up again.

Kiro didn't seem to notice, too busy trying to poke at a stream of sunlight on the wall.

Ashinst payed no mind, slowly drifting to sleep, though part of him kept alert and awake, his tail twitching every now and again.

There was a loud bang, almost like a gunshot.

Ashinst let out another hiss, nearly jumping out of his skin as he fell off the bed, looking around wildly as the feathers on his wings nearly stood on end, giving them an incredibly fluffy look.

Kiro lay face-first on the floor, laying just in front of the wall that now had a small dent in it.

Ashinst growled under his breath, his head still pounding a bit from that berry he'd eaten as he slowly crawled back in the bed, going under the covers entirely this time and curling up again.

Kiro could be heard whining a bit before going silent a bit, him holding his head as it pounded harshly. "That hurt."

Ashinst didn't seem to hear, trying to sleep again.

No other sound came, the feeling of Kiro's presence staying for awhile before slowly dissolving, the sound of the door opening and closing silently.

Ashinst was already asleep, snoring lightly and just a bump under the covers now.

There was a soft shuffling noise before something made the bed move at his feet, a soft thump heard as the bed dented behind him.

He suddenly stiffened, awakening with another hiss of surprise as he stood back on all fours again, everything on edge again as he looked around, starting to get pissed, just wanting to relax now.

Dessy lay there on the bed, curled up slightly and seeming to be asleep.

He let out a long, slow sigh as he relaxed, shaking his head a bit as he stared for a moment, before laying back down, though not as curled as he felt a bit more relaxed, realizing the feeling of his brother's presence was gone as well.

Dessy laid there silently, still slightly pale, though much better as her small stomach had grown a bit. From eating like she'd said.

He smiled a bit, glad she'd eaten as he let his eyes close slowly, though not before bringing the blanket over her slightly, knowing his room was a bit cold as he stayed silent.

She gave a small, disturbed noise before cuddling into the blankets, a small smile appearing on her face as this was her first real time sleeping in a bed.

He gave a warm smile, before slowly falling asleep peacefully, his bed actually a good deal softer than a normal one. It didn't matter if he was a runaway or not, he was still a prince and most likely used to soft beds and spoils such as that.

Dessy didn't seem to mind, seeming even more tired then him considering she'd fallen asleep as soon as she'd hit the bed.

It was completely peaceful now, Quirn obviously gone now as no more sounds from him could be heard, Apollo silent as well, probably outside now.

Dessy yawned in her sleep, unknowingly cuddling up to Ashinst.

He stiffened in his sleep, always partialy awake no matter what, though he only relaxed, smiling just a bit in his sleep.

Dessy noticed nothing, breathing easy and smiling faintly.

Ashinst started to purr silently in his sleep at the warmth now, not really able to help it in his sleep and all as his tail lightly laid over them both.


Dessy made a small noise as she squirmed slightly, opening her eyes slowly and looking at Ashinst, her eyes widening as she blushed, realizing the position they were in.

He was still sound asleep, seeming so calm and at peace as he still smiled faintly, his breath so easy and slow as he still had a small, almost unnoticable purr in his breath.

She stared for a moment, not really wanting to wake him, though a bit embarrassed in the spot she'd found herself in. "Um.... A-Ashinst?" she whispered.

He stiffened a bit, before stretching with a groan, slowly opening his eyes with a small noise, nothing registering right away.

Dessy stayed silent, just watching him curiously and nervously.

He stared before blushing a bit as everything clicked together, making another noise as he looked away for a moment, having forgotten what had happened before he fell asleep as he just laid there, a bit too surprised to do anything.

She stared as well before slowly relaxing and cuddling to him again, still blushing though. She just loved the warmth he emitted and loved being held so close. It made her feel safe for once.

He tensed even more, still nervous, though he let out a slow sigh, bringing his arms around her slowly, his face still slightly scarlet as well.

"When am I gonna get to see your palace?" she suddenly asked, her voice soft and innocent as she looked at him slightly.

He stiffened at the question. "This IS my place." he said quietly, obviously dodging the question at the moment.

She tilted her head curiously. "I said palace, not place." she said, curiosity striking her.

He made a noise, looking away slightly. "I ran away for a reason you know." he said softly.

She stared before nodding, understanding. "I know. Sorry, just a bit curious." she said, giving a nervous laugh.

He shook his head. "It's alright." he said with a shrug. "Everyone has their curiosities."

She opened her mouth to say something else, though didn't want to bother him anymore with questions about his palace, so she just stayed quiet.

He let out a small hum, sighing a bit as he closed his eyes for a moment, though not tired, just enjoying the warmth at the moment.

She fidgeted at the uncomfortable silence, suddenly letting some words spill. "I wanna see your palace!"

He suddenly stiffened again, making another small noise. "I-I'm not sure... t-that's a good idea.." he murmured, seeming to get a bit nervous this time.

"Pleeeeeaaaasssssse?" she whined, giving her best puppy dog face, not able to help her curiosity.

He shook his head. "No... just no." he murmured, growing more and more tense now.

She nodded again. "Yes, sir." she murmured, looking down a bit as if a girl talking to her father.

He made a noise, sighing with a frown as he looked down as well, though still tense as he found no words to say.

Dessy stayed silent, hardly moving at all as she was stiff, almost looking like she was bracing herself for an impact.

He let out a slow sigh as he relaxed, holding her a bit closer without realizing as he made another small sound.

She tensed even more, her eyes closed tight now as she seemed to be expecting something that was not to come. Probably a smack or hit upside the head.

He looked at her, frowning a bit as he made a small sound, gently laying his hand on her head in a gentle way. "It's okay..." he murmured quietly, before laying his head over hers.

She flinched a bit at first before just blushing, frozen from embarrassment and surprise.

He pulled back quickly as he stiffened, looking away and letting go suddenly. "Sorry." he murmured, shaking his head a bit.

Dessy stared with a dark blush before laying her head against his chest gently, liking the security of the feeling. "It's alright..." she whispered, trying just to be friendly now.

He looked down to her for a moment, staying still for a bit before carefully bringing an arm around her again, though more timid this time.

She watched him, not pulling away or anything as she actually smiled, her blush slowly becoming darker though.

He said nothing, seeming a bit tense still.

Kiro suddenly bust through the door, his hair all wired up in different directions as his eyes were wide, an insane grin spreading on his face as if he'd just had some sort of energy drink. "AW! Look at the love birdies!" he cried, pointing at Dessy and Ashinst.

Ashinst suddenly jumped a bit, before a dark blushed covered his face, a low angry growl coming from him as his wings ruffled and his tail lashed around again.

Kiro dashed over, though going straight to a window and pulling the blinds up, two birds sitting on the sill together. "No! Seriously! Look!"

Ashinst stared, blinking a bit, before just rolling his eyes with a mumble.

Kiro looked at the birds, then at Dessy and Ashinst, starting for a moment before suddenly grabbing Dessy's face by the cheeks and pulling her up, prying her mouth open before forcing something down her throat and letting her plop back on the bed.

Ashinst suddenly hissed slightly, his feathers standing on end again for a moment, before settling quickly as he looked back to Dessy, not hearing or seeing Apollo outside prancing around in a small circle like a rabid animal.

Dessy gagged a few times, her eyes wide as she coughed, finally swallowing whatever it was. She groaned, putting her hands over her eyes. "Great." she murmured, suddenly sliding out of the bed and starting to wander towards the open door, Kiro already gone. "You might not want to see this..."

He sat up, looking worried now as he tilted his head, everything tense about him again as he frowned just a bit.

Then, as if a firecracker just went off, Dessy instantly brightened, looking around wildly before taking off out of sight, a "WOOOO!!!" heard.

He blinked a bit, rather surprised as he slowly stood with a small sound, slowly walking out of his room, shutting the door behind him.

Dessy suddenly came shoot back like a bow and arrow, tackling him to the ground with wide eyes and an insane grin just like Kiro's.

He let out a small cry, his wings thankfully not crushed as he stared up with wide eyes of shock.

She gave a hysterical laugh, whatever Kiro having given her being something that made her like this. She got up and took off again, jumping over furniture and running into the walls several times.

He watched nervously, not sure what to do as he made a small noise, glad he didn't keep valuables that much around, and not really caring to the items in the saddlebags.

Not any sooner, Dessy came back once again, running full speed towards Ashinst before Kiro got in the way, Dessy running into the back of him and pressing him forward to lock lips with Ashinst.

Ashinst froze, before letting out an angry snarl as his claws came out and slashed instintively, hitting Kiro harshly in the shoulder; Ashinst shoving away and in his room in a flash, the door rattling as it slammed and locked.

Kiro cried out. It's not like he'd done it on purpose. Dessy stood there for a moment, completely dazed before she shook her head, glancing at Kiro before at Ashinst's door. She squeaked softly. "T-that was m-my f-fault...." she whispered, hoping Ashinst would hear her, though so quite no one could before she turned and rushed outside, turning into a fox and shooting across the land before taking a dead stop at the end of the circle.

Ashinst seemed to hear, though still shaken as he couldn't move, too embarrased to do so for a moment, before forcing himself up, opening the window and jumping out, turning into a sphinx and looking around, going to her silently.

She completely ignored him, contemplating on where she'd go if she stepped out of the circle, her mind and heartache telling her to just run and never stop, though her body frozen in place.

He made a small noise, sitting by her slowly, though not finding any words to say as he laid to be eyelevel with her.

She didn't even glance at him, her body wavering back and forth, her paws shifting uneasily on the ground. She wanted to run but she wanted to stay.

"Don't go." he whispered quietly, his voice so small at the moment as his tail twitched a bit.

His familiar voice seemed to make up her mind for her, though now her body said go and her heart and mind said stay. She knew if she stayed, she could try to protect Ashinst the best way she could. And she knew if she left, she wouldn't have to deal with all these emotions anymore. And then there was the risk of him coming after her. The blood. His brother. Weak. Dying. Helpless. The memories from last time flooded back into her mind, making her eyes sting with unshed tears.

He laid his head down on his paws, sighing a bit as he kept his gaze to her, concerned like it usually was as he kept quiet, not sure what to say now.

"I'm sorry." she said softly, finally. Though she kept her gaze straight ahead, never looking at him. "This is all my fault."

He sighed, shaking his head, before turning human again, suddenly picking her up and setting her in his lap, never saying anything as he stared out into the big empty prarie before them.

She trembled, her eyes wide now as she was stiff, never moving.

He let out a slow sigh, gently petting her head. "You want to see the palace?" he asked suddenly, though his voice was quiet.

She only trembled, almost seeming to pull from his touch though she never once moved.

He stopped, frowning a bit more as he looked away with a noise, closing his eyes, staying silent now.

She suddenly felt something wet on his neck, it a repeating thing, as if he was getting licked.

He tensed, his head whipping around as he made a small noise.

Dessy pulled her head back, looking at him now with big, round, apologetic eyes as she'd obviously been the one licking his neck, as if to get his attention. "I'm sorry." she whispered.

He made another noise. "Don't worry about it." he murmured, just wanting to forget the incident as he pet her head lightly.

This time she didn't pull away or anything, starting to press to his hand softly. "Why are you still so nice to me?"

He shrugged, looking down now as he didn't speak, though continued to pet her head.

She looked at him curiously, suddenly starting to lick his forehead, trying to make him smile.

He made another surprised noise, before chuckling a bit, not able to help himself as he grinned, shaking his head a bit.

Dessy made an adorable sound, rolling over onto her back and looking up at him, squirming in a cute way.

His smile grew warm as he gently scratched her stomach, chuckling more.

She froze, staring at him with wide eyes before suddenly hopping up and running around in tight circles, snapping at her tail which she could never get.

He only watched silently, smiling faintly.

She lunged suddenly, landing on his face as she quickly crawled onto his head.

He let out a small cry, before laughing slightly.

She turned around and looked down at him suddenly spitting up a loogie down the front of his face.

He cringed, suddenly taking her off his head and setting her on his lap and wiping his face quickly, a rag appearing in his hand as he managed to keep control of himself without spazzing out like he did last time.

She laughed brightly, jumping down from his lap, going outside the circle for a moment as she looked at him brightly.

He suddenly frowned a bit, his eyes widening at the sight of that bird, Thyme, not too far away suddenly take off, as fast as it possibly could.

She didn't seem to notice, tilting her head in curiosity before hopping back into his lap and inside the circle. "What's wrong?"

He shook his head. "My brother's friend.... I saw her..." He grumbled, looking protective again as he gently held her, though still looking in the direction Thyme had taken off.

"We're safe here though, right?" she said, starting to chew on his finger.

He nodded, though backed up a bit, being RIGHT at the inner edge of the circle, which left them in range of some attacks, but when he moved back, they were more secure.

"Nom nom nom nom nom nom." Dessy continued to chew on his finger, this seeming to be some sort of after-effect from whatever Kiro had given her.

He looked at her, chuckling a bit as he smiled slightly, seeming calm again as a gentle breeze passed them, making his hair and feathers wave slightly as his eyes glimmered.

She looked up at him, suddenly pausing as her eyes sparkled. "Are you an angel?"

He looked to her, blinking a bit before laughing softly, just petting her head with a grin. "Just a runaway prince." he reminded with a shrug.

"Really? That's weird. Cause you look like an angel to me." she said, starting to chew on his finger again, though her teeth dull so they didn't hurt.

He made another noise, though managing not to blush as he let her do as she wished since it didn't hurt.

She suddenly laughed, nuzzling to him and curling up. "I wanna see your palace." she murmured, hardly audible.

He sighed, knowing how many consequences there were to going to the palace, the chance of him being forced to stay, possibly get killed, or even being forced back into the arranged marriage he was set for as he shuddered suddenly.

She looked at him. "You don't have to take me." she said simply before laying her head back down.

He gently pet her head, sighing a bit."It's just.... they might make me stay there again." he said quietly.

"No!" she suddenly snapped, "I wouldn't allow them to! You've been caged up for too long!"

He jumped slightly at the outburst, though smiled a bit at her determination as he scratched behind her ear. "You'd be challenging the entire egyptian army." he murmured under his breath, before shaking his head quickly.

"I don't care!" She growled playfully, starting to pretend to jump and bite at enemies. "I'll tear 'em all to shreds!" She continued until she toppled backwards out of his lap and onto the ground where she laid there for a moment before popping back up.

He couldn't help but laugh softly at her actions, before letting out a small cry as Apollo suddenly trotted by, dropping the saddlebags full of gold right by him, it hitting the ground with a clank as Apollo let out a whinny, shaking his mane a bit.

Dessy stared before suddenly hopping onto Ashinst's head again, peeking over to see him. "Hellllloooooo!"

"Hey." he said simply with a smile.

Dessy giggled before suddenly sliding off and plopping down onto his lap, staring at him with a small smile.

He hummed a bit, suddenly seeming to have changed his mind about the palace. "Hey... You really wanna go see the palace?" he asked quietly, tilting his head a bit.

She stared at him with surprise before nodding slowly. "Yeah."

He seemed to think a bit. "I guess a visit wouldn't hurt... But there are some things I need to tell you before we even think of going there."

She nodded. "Okay. I'm listening." she said, her ears perked as she just stared at him.

He let out a long, slow exhlale. "Well... First thing, my parents aren't always fond of non-royal guests. So they may be rather rude at first. Second, chances are Quirn's going to be there. But there's a strict law of no fighting in the palace. So we're pretty much safe from that...." he murmured, seeming to trail off with something unfinished.

"Okay." she said softly, looking at him as if expecting he'd say more. "Anything else?"

He paused. "Remember that arranged marriage I told you I was forced into? Well, the girl isn't very friendly at all." he murmured.

Dessy stared for a second before growling. "I won't let her touch you! She won't get anywhere near you!" she shouted, a hint of jealousy found in her voice.

He made a small noise of surprise, blinking a bit, before letting out a huff, smiling slightly as he pet her head. "I'd be careful though.... She's got some nasty claws and beak." he murmured, motioning to a scar on his shoulder.

She squirmed a bit, her eyes softening as she saw the scar. "She's a dead woman." Dessy growled.

He only sighed, still petting her. "You'd be calling on the Egyptian army." he muttered under his breath with a noise.

"I told you! I can take 'em!" she said, seeming so confident as she growled before stiffening and suddenly sneezing.

He laughed a bit at the sneeze, shaking his head slightly. "How about you relax for a bit, alright? We'll go later..." he murmured quietly.

She nodded, squirming slightly and becoming so adorable again. She stiffened again, getting up and shifting in place slightly before darting off, though staying in the circle. "I'll be right back!"

He made a noise, watching her with a nod, staying silent as he looked around before looking to wherever she was headed.

He could see her disappearing behind a bush and tree, though that about it.

Apollo suddenly whinnied, prancing around in a small circle around Ashinst, just trying to be annoying now.

Dessy didn't seem to notice, not coming out from where she hid for a moment. It wasn't too long though before she came racing back out towards Ashinst.

He looked up, tilting his head slightly.

She didn't have a smile on her face, it was actually more one of fright, a rattlesnake following after her. "Help me!" Dessy cried, leaping up and clinging to Ashinst's shirt.

Ashinst held her tight, a force suddenly snatching the snake up and flinging it away quickly.

She shivered faintly, looking around nervously before looking at Ashinst. "T-thank you."

He nodded. "You're welcome." he said quietly, petting her head again.

She smiled, slowly relaxing as she pressed to his hand.

"You alright?" he asked softly, relaxing again as well as he smiled slightly.

She nodded. "Yes. I'm fine." she said softly, turning her head and licking at his hand.

He smiled a bit more as he chuckled a bit. "That's good." he cooed, before making a small surprised noise as Apollo suddenly slammed his saddle on the ground beside them as well as the saddlebags, obviously expecting to go somewhere.

Dessy looked at Apollo for a moment before rolling her eyes, jumping a bit as Kiro dive bombed from nowhere, hitting the ground face first with a solid thud.

Ashinst and Apollo jumped, Apollo seeming to laugh a bit before nudging at Kiro curiously while Ashinst shook his head, slowly standing. "Well... If we're going anywhere.... I've got to make sure this place is secure from any other animals..." he murmured under his breath, seeing how the rattlesnake had shown up.

Kiro whined, batting at Apollo's head and sitting up, blowing out dirt with a cough.

Apollo let out a whinny, snorting back some dust that went in his nose.

Kiro laughed, plopping down onto his back. "Where are we going?"

Ashinst had already gone back to the back of the house with Dessy, having gone searching for where she'd found the rattlesnake in hopes of finding its source.

Kiro popped up, looking around before lifting off into the sky again, following them to the house.

Apollo whinnied, just plopping down by his stuff, nosing his saddle idly.

Kiro suddenly tackled the horse, grinning as he laid on top of him. "Hi there!"

The horse cried out in surprise as he jumped up, suddenly running around in tight circles and bucking slightly.

Kiro laughed, holding on tight so he wouldn't be thrown off.

Apollo continued to buck before taking off into the prairie, far past the ring in an instant as he ran as fast as he could.

Kiro spread his wings before taking off into the air, turning to go back into the ring.

Apollo continued to run for a moment, before skidding as he saw something dark in the distance, making him turn back quickly and run back as well.

Kiro stayed low to the ground, careful not to leave Apollo behind just in case something were to happen.

The horse suddenly jumped high over the line, stumbling and then face-planting in the dirt.

Kiro burst out laughing, landing beside Apollo. "You alright, bud?"

He popped up, seeming to nod before shaking the dust from his head.

Kiro chuckled, patting the horse's back lightly. "Try to stay inside the circle."

He nodded once, before suddenly going over to his saddle, bobbing his head a bit and stomping the ground beside it.

Kiro stared, having one of those dumb-moments of his. "It's a saddle, so what?"

Apollo suddenly ducked his head a bit, trying to squirm his way under it, obviously wanting it on and to be ridden.

Kiro laughed softly, going over and picking up the saddle before putting it on Apollo's back. "There, happy?"

The saddle only slid off his back, not being strapped on as he snorted once, seeming to roll his eyes.

"Dang it. Why won't it stay?" Kiro put it back on the horse's back, holding it in place before slowly letting it go.

Apollo let out another cry, motioning to a thick strap just before the saddle fell off his back again.

Kiro picked it back up a third time, huffing and placing it on Apollo's back. Again. But this time he strapped it on.

The saddle stayed this time as Apollo let out a happy snort, before going over to the saddlebags, nudging them a bit, knowing that Ashinst planned on leaving today and most likely wanted to bring his family posessions back home.

Kiro stared, going over and opening one of them, not having seen what was inside before.

The gold shined bright in the light, so many invaluables stuffed into two saddlebags.

His eyes widened at he stared. "Whoa...." He suddenly snatched up a handful of the gold, grinning and staring at it. "Haha! I could be rich!"

Apollo suddenly let out an angry whinny, stomping on the ground in protest, knocking the gold from his hand before motioning with his head in Ashinst's direction, who was looking around a bush carefully, still looking for snakes.

"Hey! What's your problem, you stupid-" He glanced at Ashinst before back at Apollo. "So? It's not like he needs it! He ran away from all that, did he not?"

Apollo snorted with a sort of death glare, baring his teeth slightly as he looked ready to trample Kiro if he tried to steal the gold.

Kiro glared back, starting to pick up the gold that'd been knocked out of his hand. "Stupid horse. Not like he's gonna notice it's gone."

He only knocked it out of his hands again, stomping angrily before knocking Kiro over.

"Ow! Hey!" Kiro hit the ground with a soft thump, growling deeply. "Fricken horse!"

Apollo only snorted, quickly stuffing the gold back in the saddlebags before taking them in his mouth and taking off to Ashinst.

Kiro huffed, sitting back up and looking around, spotting a single lone gold coin on the ground, snatching it quickly before slipping it into his pocket.

Ashinst looked up as Apollo stopped in front of him, plopping the bags down. 

"You just can't wait to get going, can you?" he asked quietly with a chuckle, still holding Dessy in his arms.

Dessy yawned a bit, having fallen asleep while he'd been looking, only what looked like a small snake's hole found.

Ashisnt made a noise as he saw the hole, a big, fat rock appearing over it, too big for anything to really push over an no gap to crawl or slither out of, so it was secure.

Dessy hummed a bit, still asleep as she nuzzled his arm softly.

He looked at her with a warm smile, chuckling softly, before Apollo seemed to laugh, puckering his lips in a kissy way, as if teasing him.

"Oh, shut up." Ashinst sneered, rolling his eyes as his face went just a bit scarlet, the horse only laughing more.

Dessy only made an adorable cooing sound, almost like a baby as she snuggled to him.

Apollo continued to make the faces, gettting right up to Ashinst as he did so before prancing around him, seeming highly amused as the boy growled a bit, shoving and swatting with his free hand. 

"Would you leave me alone??" he growled, his face getting darker before he stumbled back, hitting the ground roughly, though managing not to drop Dessy.

Dessy squeaked, jumping and awaking in surprise, looking around quickly. "What? What happened? What'd I miss?"

Ashinst forced his blush away quickly, Apollo staring blankly as he tilted his head.

"Nothing." Ashinst murmured. "Just tripped."

She looked at him with tired eyes. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." he assured with a smile.

She nodded, yawning innocently before closing her eyes again, starting to drift back to sleep.

He smiled again, wondering if they should go to the palace today or not.

As if reading his mind - and on the verge of sleep - Dessy murmured something. "When are we going to see your palace?"

He chuckled. "As soon as you're ready too." he said softly.

"But I've been ready. I was waiting on you." she said, opening her eyes and looking at him again with a smile.

He huffed with a nod. "Alright then..." he said, looking to Apollo before throwing the saddlebags on the horse's back.

Dessy made a small noise, suddenly jumping up onto Apollo's head and sitting there.

The horse looked up at her with his eyes, snorting a bit but standing completely still.

"Duuuuude, nice hat!" Kiro suddenly said, walking up behind Ashinst and looking at Apollo.

Ashinst rolled his eyes, suddenly hopping up on Apollo's back, grabbing his reigns, not having any thought in his head now, just wanting to go and get the visit over with.

Dessy looked at Ashinst curiously, sliding down to sit in front of him before turning back human, smiling.

He grinned a bit, before looking at Apollo, who was making another kissy face at them.

Dessy turned her head - being facing Ashinst - to see Apollo, tilting her head a bit before blushing.

Ashinst forced Apollo's face forward roughly, rolling his eyes as he tried to hide his own blush.

Dessy looked back at Ashinst, giving a small, nervous smile as her blush became a dark scarlet.

He gave a nervous smile of his own. "Weird horse." he muttered, getting a snort from Apollo as his head snapped back around.

"Y-yeah." she agreed, shifting around so she had her back to Ashinst, leaning to him slightly.

He made a small noise, bringing Apollo's head forward again. "Alright... Let's get going before it gets dark." he murmured under his breath. "Let's see how fast this horse can go."

"Where are we going?" Kiro asked, his wings ready to take off when they did.

Ashinst mumbled under his breath, knowing his parents wouldn't accept if Kiro started acting like an idiot. "Just follow us." he grumbled, suddenly kicking Apollo's sides, making him take off with a happy whinny.

Kiro lifted into the air and followed as told, flying directly above them and casting a shadow over them.

Ashinst huffed a bit, before letting out a small cry as Apollo ran even faster, the land blurring just a bit at the speed as the wind whipped at their faces.

Dessy squeaked, her hair blowing into Ashinst's face, though luckily not very long so it wouldn't do much.

Ashinst suddenly sneezed, turning his head quickly though to the side, before sitting a bit taller so her hair wouldn't be so much in his face, moving to actually lay his head over her's, making it easier for him and in a way helping keep Dessy secure.

She suddenly stiffened with a blush, looking up at him with just her eyes. Though she didn't object, just a bit surprised.

He didn't seem to notice, his eyes locked on a deep, rather wide river, too deep to run through, and obviously too long to go around. The way past became clear when Ashinst pushed Apollo faster, his muscles growing tense and his wings starting to ruffle.

Kiro seemed to know what was going on, swooping down to help. Dessy squeaked, her arms reaching back to grab onto Ashinst tightly.

Ashinst's arms tightening around her slightly, his wings suddenly bursting out when Apollo jumped, fluttering then breaking into a glide, but the river was so wide.

Kiro was immediately underneath Apollo, helping keep him in the air and managing not to get kicked. Dessy trembled faintly, though said nothing.

Apollo's hoves touched water, though only slightly before stamping in the mud, slipping as he skidded to a halt.

Kiro fluttered out from under the horse, watching for a moment and just hovering in the air.

Ashinst looked to Dessy, making sure she was okay as he made a small sound.

Dessy looked at him as well, tilting her head a bit before smiling. "Hello."

He chuckled a bit with a smile. "Hey." he replied, lightly kicking Apollo's sides again, bringing him into a trot as he smiled.

Dessy watched Ashinst for a moment before looking back ahead and slowly relaxing against him.

He seemed a bit tense, probably at the fact of all the things he was going to be faced with again as he didn't push Apollo any faster, obviously having done that just to jump over the river.

She couldn't resist the sudden urge as she nuzzled him sweetly, blushing faintly as she smiled.

He stiffened a bit, before smiling slightly himself, nuzzling back a little as he tried to ignore the thoughts buzzing through his mind.

She didn't do anything else, just stared out straight ahead, her smile never fading.

The ride was quiet, peaceful even, nothing really out there other then the occasional rabbit, deer, or squirrel scurrying about.

Kiro was on edge, knowing it was not safe outside of the circle as he kept guard, looking around in every direction possible.

Ashinst didn't seem all that concerned about the surroundings, his mind too far on an excuse to leave once they came to the palace, or things to do if Kiro acted like a moron in front of his parents, or what his brother could do, even if fights weren't allowed in the palace, that didn't mean he couldn't harrass them or disturb them like that.

Dessy hummed softly, closing her eyes as she snuggled against Ashinst, her blush still there.

He tensed a bit in surprise, before relaxing, not realizing he was purring slightly now as he kept his gaze forward, though enjoying the closeness as he could be felt relaxing a bit.

"Wake me when we get there..." she murmured, already starting to fall back asleep. It seemed she was always tired; most likely from what she'd went through at the arena.

"Alright." he whispered, holding her a bit closer, his body warm, though firm as his breaths were slow and even and controlled, his heart beating at a soothing pace, despite how nervous he was in his mind.

Kiro glance down at them, growling, though deciding not to interrupt this time, seeing as how Dessy was sleeping and he didn't want to wake her.

Ashinst tensed at the growl, something in him suddenly rising up as the fur on his tail stood on end as it lashed a bit, his heart suddenly picking up pace as he felt dizzy for a split second, though quickly going away as he shook his head slightly.

Kiro swooped down to fly steadily beside Ashinst, Dessy, and Apollo, glaring at Ashinst. "You be careful with my little sis. She's fragile and you do anything to hurt her and you're dead."

Ashinst looked up, nodding once. "I'm not going to hurt her.... I swear it." he said quietly, sighing a bit, not having any fight in him at the moment suddenly, his tail moving back and forth quickly, though not really lashing about.

He stared before nodding, lifting up higher again. Dessy made an innocent noise, shifting and turning a bit to wrap her arms around Ashinst's neck, resting her head on his shoulder.

He tensed a bit with a surprised noise, his eyes widening as he blushed a bit, though only sighed, knowing she was asleep as he let go of Apollo's reigns with one hand to hold her a bit more secure, the other hand still holding the reigns tight and firm.

She seemed to innocent and peaceful at the time, yet so fragile like Kiro had said.

He sighed, being careful with her as he nuzzled her a bit, his tail twitching every now and again as Apollo had slowed to a brisk walk, turning his head and making that kissy face for a moment before turning his head back around, though Ashinst only ignored the horse, rolling his eyes.

Dessy trembled faintly, starting to make a small whimpering sound.

Ashinst looked to her, tilting his head a bit before shifting a bit, nudging her a little before holding her a little more securely.

She shifted a bit as well, her lips actually brushing against his for a moment.

He stiffened with a dark blush, before quickly trying to force it away, but to no avail as he made a small sound.

She didn't wake, just breathing easy as she seemed so relaxed.

He slowly managed to calm, seeing how innocent and harmless she looked as he let out a sigh, closing his eyes for a moment, humming and purring slightly.

Dessy could be heard murmuring something, but it was hard to make out. Something like "I need you.".

He opened his eyes to look at her for a moment, tilting his head slightly before just closing his eyes again, still listening close though.

Dessy murmured something else, though not audible to the least as she nuzzled his neck unconsciously.

He let her do as she wished, seeming to relax entirely now, most of the thoughts leaving his mind for the time being.

She could suddenly be felt slowly slipping to the side, her grip around his neck slipping as well.

He stiffened, quickly holding her tighter to keep her stable, setting the reigns on the saddlehorn to hold her with both arms now, knowing Apollo was a smart horse and most likely knew where he was going, and if he didn't, Ashinst wouldn't have much trouble guiding him without the reigns.

Dessy squeaked, starting to wake as she looked at him, her eyes half open. "Are we there yet?" she murmured, rubbing her eye a bit.

He chuckled a bit. "No... not yet..." he said softly.

She make a disappointed noise, though only wrapped her arms around his middle, fully turned around now as she nuzzled her head to his chest, falling back asleep.

He hummed a bit, holding her with one arm again, the other holding the reign as Apollo kept his steady pace, obviously not wanting to go much faster at the moment.

A familiar, distant roar was heard as Dessy's eyes snapped open. She froze in place, starting to tremble faintly.

Ashinst growled under his breath, holding her tighter as he kicked Apollo's sides, making him take off again as fast as he could. "It's gonna be alright." he whispered in her ear, trying to calm her.

She only whimpered, the ground starting to shake in a beating pattern. She suddenly screamed, burying her face into Ashinst's chest as hot breath blew against them from behind.

He suddenly let out a hiss, his wings growing as he could be seen changing, suddenly jumping from Apollo and starting to fly, the horse moving faster now without the weight on its back

Dessy let out a sharp scream of pure fear and terror, clinging to Ashinst for dear life as she'd not let go of him when he'd taken off.

He flinched a bit, before holding her as close as he could without hurting her. "Shh... Shh it's all going to be okay." he cooed, trying to calm her down as he nuzzled her a bit, flying higher and higher.

She only trembled, gasping to try and catch her lost breath from the fright. There was a loud snap from right behind them before an angry roar, the dragon having missed its target.

Ashinst stopped suddenly, glaring at the dragon for a moment, that feeling rising in him again as he suddenly faltered a bit, falling slightly though quickly regaining balance, but not before something invisible slapped the dragon's snout before clamping it shut, though nothing was seen.

The dragon growled, tossing its head wildly. The dragon was awfully thin for something its size, much like Dessy was. The poor creature must have just been looking for something to eat so it wouldn't starve to death.

Ashinst sighed, knowing the dragon was only hungry, though he really couldn't do anything about it as he only flew faster, frowning slightly.

The dragon seemed to let out a mourn before plopping onto the ground with a huff.

The grip on the creature's mouth left, Ashinst suddenly having another dizzy spell as what looked to be a rather large hunk of meat fell smack on the dragon's snout.

The dragon perked instantly, shaking the meat off its snout before taking it all into its mouth and swallowing it whole. The dragon seem to murr in happiness, getting back up and following Ashinst like an obedient dog.

Ashinst made a noise, not exactly sure how he'd made the meat appear or if it was even him. Though he didn't like the idea of the dragon following him as he made a small noise, flying a bit faster now.

The dragon paused before turning and going back the way it came, as if remembering it had to do something.

Ashinst slowed a bit with a sigh, slowly flying back down to Apollo, who was standing by a tree where he felt safe, his breath a bit quick though soon evening out as Ashinst landed on the saddle quietly, his wings ruffling before folding back up against his back tightly, trying to piece together what had happened.

It just became noticeable that Dessy was as stiff as a board, her eyes wide and never blinking, her heart racing out of control as she looked absolutely terrified.

He looked at her, sighing softly as he pet her head gently, holding her to his chest as Apollo started walking slowly again. "It's okay.... It's gone now.... Just relax." he cooed, his hand brushing the side of her face lightly in a soothing way before petting her head again, his eyes soft and gentle as he tried to calm her.

She only shook violently, it coming apparent how long she'd been ignored, even for just a moment, it was like forever to her when she was so frightened.

He frowned deeply, holding her close and secure as he nuzzled her a bit, bringing her into a sort of gentle bear hug. "Shh.... it's okay.... Nothing's going to hurt you....." He whispered, his head next to hers as he laid her head to his shoulder now. "It's all okay.... It's okay..."

Dessy squeaked in surprise, though couldn't help but melt in his grasp, clinging to him again as she shut her eyes tight, trying to calm herself. "I need you...." she whispered, just like he'd heard her say in her sleep.

He made a noise. Hearing it while she was sleeping was one thing, awake was totally different, though he pushed the thought aside, sighing as he never let go. "I'm right here." he murmured.

She only held tight to him, her trembling slowly coming to a stop as she calmed, though never let go.

Apollo stopped a moment, looking at them curiously before continuing, his pace slower then before now, probably tired from running so fast. Ashinst held Dessy firm, his breathing calm and easy as his tail flickered every now and again, his wings slightly ruffled.

She opened her eyes for a moment, gripping the back of his shirt tighter before closing her eyes again, starting to smile a bit at the sense of security.

He was staring forward now, still trying to piece everything together about what was going on with him; thinking he was having some sort of problem controling his powers, seeing how he had dizzy spells just as the dragon's mouth was clamped shut or when the meat had appeared.

Dessy noticed none of this, keeping her head on his shoulder where he'd placed it, nuzzling him slightly as she just remained in the embrace, never wanting to be let go.

He snapped out of thought when he was nuzzled, looking to her with a sweet smile, chuckling softly as his arms never loosened or slipped from her, feeling like they would never let go.

She blushed slightly, though didn't care, just wanting to be held close. "I'm glad I met you...." she said softly, "Otherwise I'd still be stuck in that arena..."

He smiled, humming a bit to himself before letting out a faint, pretty much unheard purr as he could be felt relaxing again. "I'm glad I met you too." he whispered quietly.

Her lips pulled to a slightly bigger smile. She just felt she could trust him. That he'd always be there for her and she'd always be there for him. It made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside for once. "D-... Do you l-like me?" she asked hesitantly, bracing herself for whatever harsh words might come.

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