Don't Let Me Go (Harry Styles...

By Mississippi_1D

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Scarlett Ashley Smith is your typical teenager with her best friend, Eleanor Calder. They’re first year of UN... More

1. Beginnings
3. I'm Always Running Into You
4. I'm Glad My Misfortunes Amuse You
5. That Was Cute
6. He left
7. Distraction
8. Goodnight, Scar
9. May I Have This Dance?
10. Hot Damn
11. Because I Have You
12. Don't Care
13. Hopefully With You
14. You Party Birds
15. Our Secret Palace
16. Sorry
17. I'm Torn
18. Who Is This?

2. Sexiest Man In Rome

593 16 4
By Mississippi_1D

We’re on our way to the house when Louis calls Eleanor.

“Oh thank God.” She says before answering the phone.

“Loui-“ She gets cut off and I can hear Louis shouting but I can’t hear exactly what he’s saying. “Okay, Lou.” She listens before saying “I love you.” This time I can here Louis respond. “I love you too, be safe. I’ll find you when I can.”

“We’re going to the beach.” Eleanor smiles at me and I give her a confused look.

“There’s two bikini’s in the back where we always keep them. Louis will meet up with us later he had an important business call.”

“Which so happened to be at the same time as the restaurant wall is destroyed.”


I let it slide since she is my best friend and if something bad was happening she would tell me. Right? We don’t keep secrets from each other which is why after Dylan raped me I went straight to Eleanor’s house who called Louis over. They’re the two people I trust most in this world.

We arrive at the beach and El jumps out running to the back of the car getting our swimsuits and towels and a bag to carry our dresses. We walk arm in arm to a changing tent before running to the water. We don’t get in to far so our makeup and hair aren’t wet. We lay on the beach getting a tan and we start talking about all the place we want to see in Rome and next year. By now it is dark outside and we haven’t had dinner.

“El?” I call out to my best friend lying beside me.


“I’m hungry.” I pout like a child.

“You always are.” She chuckles.

“Come on”

We go and put our dresses on over our swimsuits and return to the car.

“What do you want?”

“I dunno, something quick!”


“You know me so well.”

McDonalds is about 15 minutes away so I relax while my stomach growls. We pull in and I rush to the counter. “What can I get for you today?” The lady at the counter asks.

“I’ll have a big mac, large fries, a large sweet tea, and a mcflurry. Oh and chicken nuggets!” I smile at her while she gives me a weird look glancing down at my body.

“What? I have a high metabolism and I’m hungry.” The lady raises her eyebrow but takes my money. El gives the lady her order which is a cheeseburger and a salad. “You’re not getting any of my fries and you know that.” El sighs and turns back to the lady “And a small fry.”

We stand back waiting for our food before picking a table. El wants to sit up front next to the window but I want to sit in the back but El of course wins because she said Louis will come. I eat my big mac and chicken nuggets and my sweet tea and I have the urge to pee. “I’m going to the toilet.”

“Hurry back.” She tells me looking out the window. Something’s going on here. I don’t know what it is but I will find out.

After I use the bathroom, I go to refill my sweet tea accidently bumping into someone. “Oh, sorry!” I tell the man who turns around to me. Let my correct myself. The extremely attractive man with wild curls tamed with a headband, the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen and extremely muscular.

“Oh, hiiii.” I awkwardly say.

He chuckles. “Would you like more sweet tea?” He asks in a British accent?

“You’re from the UK?” I ask him curiously.

He nods and refills my drink. “From Cheshire actually. You?”

“Bradford but I have dual citizenship, my parents were Americans.”

He nods. “Interesting.” And hands me back my drink lightly touching my fingers with his and he gives me a dimpled grin. Oh boys with dimples…  

“What’s your name?” He asks curiously.

“Scarlett, yours?”

“Harry.” He grins cheekily. “What are you doing in Rome?” He cocks his head to the side.

“Vacation with my best friend and her boyfriend.”

“Ahh, third wheel?”

“Oh, no. Well, yes. We’ve all known each other since diapers.”


“What brings you to the beautiful city of Rome?” I ask attempting to be flirty.


“Oh… What kind?” Being the nosy person I am.

“I’m a travel agent.”

“Oh that sounds awesome! I’ve always wanted to travel around the world but this is actually the only country I’ve visited.”

“You’re parents never took you to the States?”

I shake my head sadly.

“Maybe I can take you there one day.” He reaches up scratching the back of his neck before his phone goes off. He holds up one finger turning around talking quietly into his phone. I take the opportunity to check him out. My eyes rake up and down his body. Very muscular back, I have the temptation to run my hands across it slowly massaging it. I bite my lip making my way down to his bum. Yep. He has a nice bum. I chuckle lightly and he turns around cocking an eyebrow. I blush and sip on my sweet tea winking at him. He smirks at me before turning around ending his phone call.

"Could I maybe have your number?" He asks me shyly. How can someone this hot be shy?

"Yeah! That'd be great." I give him a warm smile. We exchange phones putting our numbers in and hand them back.

"Great. Look I gotta go but it was great meeting you Scarlett." He reaches out his hand and I shake it before he lifts it to his mouth kissing the back of it sending me a wink before turning and leaving.

I walk back over to El in a daze and she's looking at me confused.

"Who was that?"

"Oh, Harry."

"Harry who?" She looks at me sternly.

"Umm, I'm not sure." I frown grabbing a fry.

"You gave a complete stranger your number are you mental?!" She yells at me and I flinch.

"Calm down, he was nice and a charmer."

"He could be a serial killer!!"

I roll my eyes. "Yeah coco puffs every morning."

She glares at me before her gaze adverts to a tall man entering McDonalds. "Louis." She gasps before taking off running into his arms.

"Eleanor." He responds hugging her tightly. I let them have their moment and I continue eating my fries. They join me shortly.

"Scarlett had the great idea to give her number to a complete stranger."

"You. Did. What?" Louis snaps at me.

"Okay seriously? No need to act protective. I'm 20 years old and will be 21 in two weeks. Do not treat me like a child." I stand up taking my fries and my drink with me walking out the door. One thing I can't stand is people trying to control me. I walk down the street and turn left continuing my walk. I take several more turns before I realize I'm in Rome where I have no clue where I am. I refuse to call El or Lou so I call the only other person I know in Rome. I can't find his name in my contacts which doesn't make sense unless he never entered it in the first place. I huff of course he didn't. He was just being friendly not really wanting my number. I break down and call Louis telling me where I am and to bring me some ice cream.

Louis pulls up about 20 minutes later with the ice cream. Ben and Jerry's Cake Batter.

"Look, Scarlett, I'm sorry I overreacted. I just don't want you to go through another heartbreak."

I roll my eyes. "Is that it? Because the entire day you two have been acting like a war is about to drop out of the sky and kill us."

Louis and Eleanor share a worried glance before El turns around. "I know and I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Let’s just forget and start over." I smile at my best friend.

She grins. "That'd be great."

"Oh and Louis! Thanks for the closet." I beam at him.

"I knew you'd like it." He looks at me through the rearview mirror.

We arrive back at the house and there's a note on the door. Louis snatches it off walking inside locking the 6 bolt door and turning on an alarm system. "Too much security there, Lou?" I joke.

"You can never be too safe." He says sternly. I furrow my eye brows before walking up to my room changing into my pjs. Which is my spandex shorts and an under armour tank top.

El walks into my room and sits on my bed. "Movie night like old times?"

I nod "As long as there's popcorn and M&Ms!"

"You just ate!" She giggles at me.


She shakes her head. "All that food is going to catch up with you."

"El, we work out like maniacs every day."

"True. We'll still do that here. Morning run tomorrow at 7?"

"Perfect." We walk down stairs arm in arm where Louis is making popcorn. I grin at him grabbing the 40oz bag of M&Ms that I bought at the gas station. Louis divides the popcorn into three bowls and I pour the M&Ms in equally putting more into mine of course. Louis just shakes his head at me before grabbing El's hand and walking into the extremely large and beautiful living room with a 50 inch tv and three walls covered with movies and books. My mouth hits the floor.

"Told ya she'd like it." I hear El whisper to Louis.

"This is paradise."

"You still have to go outside after seeing this." Louis laughs at me but I just slowly nod walking over to one of the shelves and pull out Killers. Ashton Kutcher. Abs. Hell yes.

El and Louis sit on the couch and I rest in the large chair setting my popcorn beside me pulling the down feather blanket across my lap snuggling into it and snacking on my popcorn content.

After we watch the movie I say. "I can't imagine knowing someone and even marrying them only to find out they lied to me for three years. Like that's gotta be tough. Oh hey, I'm your husband also a secret spy and I kill people professionally." I laugh at my joke.

Louis and Eleanor cough and laugh nervously as I shoot them a look.

"Okay guys, it's been real but I'm going to sleep night." I stand up and El follows giving me a hug and kiss on the cheek. Louis stands hugging me and pecking me on the lips. This is completely normal for us except El normally pecks my lips as well. When you've known each other for most of your life it just happens. I walk up stairs to wash my face and brush my teeth before walking to my King Cali bed. You could probably fit 5 people on this bed comfortably. I snuggle under the covers and I hear my phone go off.

From: Sexiest Man In Rome

Goodnight beautiful, lovely running into you today. Hope to see you soon. x H.

I burst out laughing at the name he put into my phone.

To: Sexiest Man In Rome

It's always a pleasure meeting the sexist man in Rome ;) xx

From: Sexiest Man In Rome

Are you teasing me Miss Scarlett?

To: Sexiest Man In Rome

Possibly  ;)

From: Sexiest Man In Rome

Well Miss Scarlett, you must rest because I'm taking you out tomorrow.

To: Sexiest Man In Rome

Oh and I'll automatically say yes?

From: Sexiest Man In Rome

Erm, only if you want to

To: Sexiest Man In Rome

I'd love to. Just tell me what time and where xx

I finally pass out after hours of texting back and forth to Harry.

I woke up the next morning to the sun in my eyes. I rolled over hiding my face in the pillow before opening one eye looking at the side table clock.

4:30 pm?! I missed the morning run!

I jump up grabbing my phone to check the time hoping the clock is wrong. Nope. 4:30. I rush to take a shower picking out the perfect outfit for my date tonight. A little restaurant and then a walk down the beach. Perfect and romantic. I decide on something simple. I pick out skinny jeans with a flowly lace shirt. I lay the clothes on the bed and turn to the bathroom making the shower the perfect temperature. When it is I jump in grabbing the shampoo massaging it in my hair.

Harry will be the first guy I go on a date with since Dylan. I'm extremely nervous. What if Harry is just another player? What if he only wants sex? I can't do that. Even though it's been four years I can't have sex. In my mind I still have my virginity. I don't consider getting raped multiple times having sex.

"Scarlett?" El calls coming into the bathroom.


"I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't have freaked out on you. If you want to hang out with Harry it's your decision not mine or Louis."

"Thanks, El. Guess what?"

"What, dear?"

"He asked me out last night." I say excited but she could hear my nervousness.

"Honey that's great!" She calls out. I can picture her jump up clapping her hands. I turn the water off and she opens the curtain slightly handing me a towel. I wrap it around my body and step out getting hugged by Eleanor.

"If you need anything you call Louis or me." She says sternly.

I nod. "I will"

"Good now let’s get you fixed up!"

*Eleanor's POV -last night-*

"Okay tell me everything about this guy." Louis demands once Scarlett is in her room for the night.

"He was tall. I'm guessing at least 6'3 had brown curly hair with green eyes. Broad shoulders, toned arms, chest and abs, along with skinny yet muscular legs."

"Checking him out babe?" Louis chuckles at me.

"Just like you taught me." I smile at my man. "Plus he has nothing on you." I straddle his lap. "Perfect brown hair with the messy, yet sexy style pushed to the side of your perfect forehead." I kiss his forehead grabbing his face in-between my hands. He pulls back giving me a sweet kiss on my mouth. "You're perfect to me." He whispers against my mouth.

"Okay. Let’s find out who this guy is."

I nod and follow him the one of the shelves and he pulls out the "Clowns Attack" movie. We used this movie because Scarlett is deathly afraid of clowns and would never in a million years pull this movie out. The bookshelf opens to Louis secret room. He walks to his desk and sits in his chair while I sit next to his computer on his desk. Louis begins typing in my description of Harry.

"No results so he's not a hit man." Louis nods searching everything he could possibly think of before perking up.

"Found him!"

I hop down turning to face the computer when Louis pulls me onto his lap wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Harry Fletcher. Travel agent. Age 22. Born and raised in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire. One sister, Gemma. Parents still alive but divorced."

"Records clean." I smile at him.

"Good. Maybe she's finally found someone." Louis smiles at me. I'm so glad to have a boyfriend who cares so much about my best friend.

"I hope so." I smile at him. "I've missed you so much." I pout.

"I missed you too babe." He turns me so that I'm now straddling his waist in the chair. "So much."

"Did you get the job finished?"

"Yes and no."

"Yes and no?" I question.

"The first part is finished. Working on the second part."

"That's why we're in Rome?"

He nods looking down. "The second suspect has moved here and out to kill me." He looks up to me with regret. "And you."

I gasp. "I'm so sorry." He grabs my face.

i shake my head. "It's okay. We'll figure it out." I turn to kiss his hand.

"I promised to protect you and all I've done is put a bounty on your head."

"You have protected me. You've given me everything I could ever dream of."

"But you could die." He whimpers, lip quivering.

I grab his lip with my thumb gently caressing it. "But I've had you and that is all I need."

"What if I die?" He closes his eyes.

I pause for a moment. "I could never love anyone the way that I love you." I bend down and kiss his lips assuring my confession. Louis is my first and only love. When he first told me he'd become a spy after year 10, he promised to always protect me. He was only 15 when he was recruited. His parents died when he was 12, I was all he had. His agents don't know that he ever told me. I hate myself for keeping it from Scarlett but it was a risk telling me. I know he regrets not telling her as well. Louis has shown me nothing but love and protection even before when we were just kids jumping from the monkey bars causing me to slip but my jeans catching leaving me dangling in the air. Louis came to my rescue. I can't even imagine what I would do if I ever lost Louis. I couldn't live without him.

Louis picks me up taking me to our bedroom before gently laying me on the bed before making sweet passionate love to me.

"I love you, Eleanor." He whispers into my ear tracing patterns on my back.

"I love you too, Louis."

*Scarlett’s POV –present time-“

Eleanor does my hair, curling it to perfection before telling me to flip my hair and gently running her fingers through my hair creating a sexy look. She does my make up making my eyes pop with the dark smokey eye, light blush, and red lipstick.

“Look at you, hot momma.” She winks at me.

“El, I’m nervous.”

She hugs me tightly. “Just be yourself.”

“What if he turns out like Dylan?”

“I’m sure he won’t but if he does, Louis will beat his arse.”

I laugh at her and she walks me to the door handing me the keys to the Range Rover. “Call if you need anything.”

I nod and walk to the car about to go on a first date with Harry. This could be the first of many.

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