Family Above All (Alexandra...

By Dracaria

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After a big fight between vampires and witch hunters, Klaus sacrificed himself to save his own daughter, Alex... More

The truth
Moving out
Pure soul
Back to Mystic Falls
Family reunion
Welcome To Purgatory!
Army Of Souls
Saving mission
Not the right person
Deal with the devil
New soul
Unexpected Surprise
Blue demon
This Is It
Fairy tale
See You Again
Teen drama
Peronal trainer
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody
Like a lost puppy

It's nice to be home

1.2K 58 5
By Dracaria


Q: "What is happening? I love your story but I find it really hard to follow."

A: "Long story short, Klaus went to Purgatory, his daughter tried to find the way how to save him but Damon didnt want to bring him back so he tried to stop her but she found one powerful witch, Moira, who helped her.

Alexandra then went to the purgatory, she found Klaus but she also found Nybbas, the blue demon. He is the most powerful demon and she had to make a deal with him.

Her soul was in Purgatory, but her body couldnt hande it anymore and only true love could save her. Damon.

There are back home now but she had to bring Nybbas back from Purgatory...

Is it clear now? :(

And I'm sorry, I didn't update earlier but I have some family issues but here is next chapter :)


There was no time for more. A white light exploded at the back of my mind.

The very next moment, I was suspended in a dark universe with pricks of colorful light. I knew I had to move toward any of the millions of light pricks, each one a saved memory, but they seemed miles away.

But escaping into my memory wasn't going to get me out of here. It would merely transport my mind into my past. I pictured myself like an ostrich with its head in the sand.

Maybe I was going to die in the next few moments but I couldn't block out the flashing images of all the horrible things that happened.

I fought my way through the darkness, determined to see myself in my memories one last time before it was all over.

Pain. It's all I could feel. The pain was unbearable. It shot through every inch of my body.

I groaned, or at least I tried to, because the sound didn't escape my lips.

Tears stained my vision.

Just like a dream, everything ended almost before it began. There was a moment of disorientation and then the room came into focus.

Damon's silhouetted against the candlelight, the flame gave me just enough light to bring a svere glint to his eyes.

A dark angel.

I turned my face up to his. I could hardly look at him the same way. I was crying.

„Ali, if you're not, I'll stake myself. Because I cant stand the idea of you being hurt.“ he murmured, clasping my face between his hands.

My throat choked with emotion. I couldn't find words.

I wanted to look around but my head was too heavy that I went back to laying my head down. I closed my eyes ignoring the pain. I felt like at least twenty years had gone by.

„Where... is...“ I tried to say but in some reason everything was hard for me to do.

„Klaus is fine. Alive.“

A deep breath. At least I saved him.

I felt like there was a disconnect between my mind and my body but after a while my hearing became sharper.

„Look, what happened there...“

„Damon, please. Not right now.“ I stopped him before he could say something else.

I didn't want to talk about it, I was weak.

„I'll do whatever it is you need me to do. No one is going to hurt you. Especially not Nybbas.

His words hit me. Nybbas, I totally forgot! But intuition is stronger now.

I jumped out of my bed, a little too quickly and overcome by a faint dizziness.

„Easy.“ he said roughly. „You've been sleeping too long.“

„How long.“ I asked worriedly.

„Couple of days.“

„I need to see Klaus. Where is he?“

Damon wanted to say something, but Dorian cut him off. He stood at the door of my room.

„Dorian.“ I said with a little hesitation.

„You okay?“

„I'm fine.“ I said too quickly.

He gave me a small smile. „You're lying.“

I shook my head. „No, I am fine. Really.“

„Can I talk to you?“

„No.“ Damon said.

„Damon, it's OK, I want to talk to him.“

He didn't bother to hide that don't want to leave me, but I didn't give him a chance.


„You were exhausted. And you looked peaceful sleeping in your bed.“ he came closer to me, placing his hands on my shoulder.

„That's because my bed has some kind of spell on it. I could sleep here forever.“

„I did a little spell.“

„You put a spell on me?!“

„Between asking permission and begging forgiveness, I lean toward the latter.“

„You shouldn't do that.“ I said.

Even thought I was still angry at him for making me sleep for so long, he must have had his reasons.

„Swear you wont ever put a spell on me again.“

„Done.“ he said easily but there was something behind his voice.

„Dorian? What's wrong with you?“


„Oh, come on. Tell me.“

He watched me in silence for a moment, then spoke. „You really don't know?“



„Ok, I may be a witch but I cant read your mind, so...“

„You and Damon had a moment.“

I felt that my heart started to beat faster.

„Dorian, I wasn't like that. We are just... friends.“

„You shouldnt be friends with him! Have you forgotten what he has done?“

„But he apologized for everything and he saved me. I doesn't matter anyway.“

„It does matter! I missed you. Not one day went by that I didn't feel you missing from my life. You haunted me to the point that I began to believe that you are gone forever. I saw your ghost in everything. I couldn't escape and I didn't want to. It tortured me, but it was better than losing you.“

He hooked his elbow around my neck and pressed his lips fiercely to my forehead.

„Thank you.“

„For what?“ He asked with confusion.

„For not hating me after everything I've put you through.

He laughed. „I cant hate you.“

„So what now?“

„I think it's time for me to leave.“

„What? No!“

„Ali, it's not going to be the end of the world, Just end of you & me.“

„You know I love you, right?“

„I know.“ he breathed, his arm tightening automatically around my waist. „And you know how much I wish it was enough.“

And before I could stop him, he walked out of my room. I followed him down but Klaus stood in front of me.

He held his face perfectly expressionless, but I thought I saw something swell in his eyes.

We stared at each other for a moment and then I said. „I'm sorry.“

„Don't be.“

„It's OK. Everything is OK.“ he said.

I wanted to argue with him but I have no strange to. I buried my face in my hands and he hugged me. We stayed like that for a while and I still couldn't believe what had happened.

I felt like someone was behind me, watching me and when I turned back, I saw. them.

Without a word I hugged Rebecca.

„I missed you.“ I said with heart in my throat.

„Oh, I missed you too.“

„Don't ever leave us again.“ Elijah said with smile on his face. „We cant lose you.“ He pulled me into a hug.

„I think we need a welcome party.“ Kol laughed.

I sighed. It was nice to be home.

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