Hetalia self-harm and depress...

By Tyler_KB

77K 2.5K 2.8K

He was always forgotten. He didn't have any friends. Just a stuffed polar bear. Although, when a certain albi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chpater 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Epilogue *a few years later*

Chapter 2

6K 159 407
By Tyler_KB

Alfred decided to walk to school with me, which doesn't happen very much.

'Maybe things will change for the better today.'

I thought, but I didn't want to get my hopes up, for I did the first time, and he didn't keep that promise.

"So Mattie do you sit with anyone at lunch?"

Alfred asked me, and I looked down in sadness.

"N-No I usually just si-sit alone in a back table, far from everyone else..."

I told him, and he smiled.

"Well today and now on you will have people to sit with!"

He proudly said, looking back in front of us.

'I don't think so.'

This has happened before. My entire family remembering me, but after a day or two they forget me, but it's even worse the few days following. Papa doesn't make me breakfast, lunch, or dinner (he makes our lunches because he doesn't trust school food), so I have to wait until late at night to get food, because if anyone is awake they think a ghost is stealing food.

Alfred doesn't say anything to me in our classes (he says hi to me almost every day), and no one sees me when I'm home. When I don't get a paper from the teacher Alfred would mostly tell them they forgot about me, but he doesn't do that the few days after, so I usually get behind because I don't get the worksheets.

Those are the days I'm most depressed. The first day I'm somewhat ok, but after that I don't feel motivated to do anything, so I just stay home, and lay in bed all day. During those days I don't eat much, shower, or sleep more then 3 hours a night, and the hallucinations are worse, so is the craving to cut or self harm in someway. Sometimes it's scratching, sometimes it's punching walls or hair pulling, once I even burned myself during that time.

Those last only about 5-7 days, and after a few days papa comes into my room, and makes sure I'm ok. After he does I start to feel better (but it takes a day or two), so I return to school, and Alfred gives me the worksheets I missed, if he remembers that is. His friends that sit with him, he always invites me to sit with him during those days, forget I exist too (so I'm guessing Feliciano's boyfriend and his brother won't remember me after today/tomorrow).

Alfred sits with a lot of people at lunch.

First is Kiku, a Japanese kid that hates being touched with a fiery passion, and is really quiet. Despite that I've heard he's a very skilled fighter.

Next is Feliciano and Lovino, the Italian twins. Both are easily scared, and can be kind of useless, but they try very hard to be useful. Lovino can be pretty rude (and has a thing with calling people bastard), but I've heard once you get to know him (the only people that really see this though is Feli and Lovino's boyfriend Antonio) he's very nice and caring. While Feliciano is always nice and cheerful, and is apparently dating this German guy Lovino calls 'potato bastard,' who I'm guessing is moving here today.

Next is Antonio, Lovino's boyfriend. He is basically the opposite of Lovino, all always seeing the brighter side of things, and is one of the most caring people you will ever meet. Although I've been told that he has this ax, and will not hesitate to use if if someone he cares about is hurt. A few years ago he dated Roderich, but after a few months they broke it off, and both moved on.

Roderich and Elizaveta are the most known couple around school. Roderich kind of always seems he has a stick up his ass, and Elizaveta is very motherly, so how they mange to stay together is a mystery to a lot of people. Elizaveta used to wear boy clothes, and believed she was a boy for her first few years after birth (until she was in 5th grade and puberty hit her). Roderich is very talented when it comes to the piano, I've never met anyone better than him.

Next, and last, is Ivan and Yao. They are somehow a couple, but they are so different. Ivan is a creepy Russian, who always asks people to 'become one,' and Yao always gets mad with him after he asks. While Yao is super motherly, and has a love for cute things. Apparently they've known each other for years, and started dating in 6th grade, and we are all in 10th now.

"Hey Mattie you there?"

Alfred asked, waving a hand in front of my face. I shook my head, and stared at Alfred.

"Hm? Yeah I was just thinking."

I explained, and he nodded.

"Ok well see ya at lunch!"

He yelled as he ran off to wherever that dumbass goes in the morning.

I walked to my locker, a few people almost knocking me to the ground, and got there a little over a minute later. I opened the locker, after putting in the combination of course, and placed my bag and lunch in it. I grabbed the books I needed for my first two classes, physics and French. I took French because it's a easy A, papa taught me when I was little, and well he tried to teach Alfred but we learned that his ability to learn languages was awful unless it was Spanish.


A unfamiliar voice said behind me. I turn, and see the the strangest looking guy. He has almost white hair, and these deep red eyes that seem to stare into my soul...in a good way?


I answered, and he looked confused.

"Didn't I just see you? When Feli introduced me and my brother to you and a few other people?"

He asked, and I shook my head.

"That was my brother Alfred, we're twins."

I told him, and he laughed.

"That makes since Birdie."

It was my turn to be confused.


I questioned, and he smiled.

"Yeah it's a nickname! I just came up with it cause I'm that awesome!"

He said a little louder then normal, a few people turning to look at us.

"My name is Matthew."

I told him, and he laughed again.

"Mine is Gilbert, but you can refer to me as the most awesome person on the planet!"

He yelled, looking very proud of himself.

'Oh god, this is Ludwig's brother! God they weren't kidding when they said he had a big ego..."

I thought, frowning a bit, and he looked at me, frowning as well.

"Hey I think you look better smiling, frowning doesn't suit you Birdie."

He told me, and I tilted my head to the side.


I stuttered out, and he smiled.

"Yeah you look better smiling, it's cute."

I blushed red.

'No one has called me cute but papa, and that was many years ago.'

Gilbert's POV: (when he first sees Matthew)
'How in the world did Alfred move so fast?'

I asked myself as I stared at the boy standing in front of the locker.


I said to him, and he lightly jumped before looking behind him at me.


He stuttered, I tilted my head in confusion.

"Didn't I just see you? When Feli introduced me and my brother to you and a few other people?"

He shook his head.

"That was my brother Alfred, we're twins."

Now that he mentioned it he does look different then Alfred.

Instead of short bright blonde hair, his hair is almost down to his chin, it's a bit wavy, and it's a darker blonde. Not only that but his eyes are purple, while Alfred's are blue.

He kind of reminds me of a bird.

He's pretty cute now that I think of it.

Matthew's POV: (where we last left off in his POV)
He stayed quiet for a second before continuing.

"So what class do you have next?"

He asked, pulling out a slip of paper.

"U-Um physics."

I answered, and he nodded, reading the paper.

"Ah we have that class together! Miss. Grove?"

He asked, and I nodded.

"What next? go ahead and list your schedule."

He told me, and I nodded, looking up in thought.

"Well first I have physics with Miss. Grove, then French with Mrs. Stanley, Calculus with Mr. Watson, Creative writing with Mr. Janson, European history with Mis. Crawford, art with Mr. Vargas and..."

I trailed off, not wanting to say the last one.

"What's last? So far we have 4 periods together, and we could have last together as well."

He said, and I looked down.

'What are you nervous about? His brother is gay, or not straight at least, so he's obviously not homophobic."

I told myself, and decided to go ahead and tell him.

"I have the LGBT group last."

I told him, and he stayed looking at the paper, but he smirked.

"Looks like we have 5 classes together."

My mouth dropped.


I yelled to myself, and he looked up.

"Y-Your ga-gay?"

I asked him, and he shook his head.

"Technically bisexual, although I favor boys."

He told me, still smirking at me. I looked away, blushing even more now.

"What about you?"

He questioned, stepping a bit closer to me.

"We-Well I'm u-um...pan-pansexual."

I nervously told him, as he stepped even closer.
Suddenly I was pulled away.

"Mattie's not interested."

The dumbass said behind me.


I questioned, looking behind me at my brother, who was currently glaring at the boy in front of me.

"Bruder what have I told you about coming onto people you just met?"

A tall muscular blonde boy said, rubbing his forehead in irritation.

"Aww West don't be mean, I was only messin with 'em."

Gilbert told his brother, smiling brightly at him. I noticed Feli was clinging onto the blondes arm...and I also noticed Lovino struggling to get away from Antonio's hug to...get to Ludwig? Probably to attack him or something.

'So this is Ludwig...'

I thought as Alfred hugged me to his chest.

"You no touch Mattie."

He told the smiling boy.

"You mean Birdie?"

He asked, and Alfred got even more mad.

"What did ya just call my brother!?"

He screamed, and I cringed as he yelled in my ears.

'He's never this protective of me...I can't decided if I like that I'm getting this much attention from him or not.'

"I called him birdie, and about your no touching rule.."

He stepped close to me, only a few inches from me and Alfred. Suddenly I felt a hand on my thigh, and my eyes widened.

Alfred got even more angry, pulling me away from the smirking albino.

"Does that count?"

He asked, and Alfred lost it.

"Of course it counts! Don't touch my brother Gilbert!"

He yelled, and Gilbert just laughed.

Ludwig just looked even more irritated.

"Gilbert what have I told you abou-"

He was cut off as a angry Italian ran into him, knocking him to the ground.

I looked at Antonio, Lovino gone from his arms.

Ludwig was currently being sat on by Lovino, who was trying to hit him, but failing as Ludwig held on to his wrists.

"Oh it looks like Lovi broke free from Antonio's hug."

Feli pointed out as Antonio pulled the screaming Italian off the German.


He said to the Spaniard who nodded, once again holding back Lovino.

Alfred and me just stared at the scene that played in front of us.

"Well it seems like class is going to start soon sooooo."

Gilbert trailed off, quickly grabbing my wrist from my brothers grip, and pulled me to where our class was. Alfred yelling at us from down the hallway.

I winced at his grip, and sadly he noticed.

"Oh did I grab too hard?"

He asked, and I nodded, but he really wasn't gripping too hard.

"Sorry 'bout that."

He said, instead grabbing my hand, and pulling me along.

"I'm guessing we have first together?"

I said, and he nodded.

"Yep first, second, third, fifth, and of course seventh."

After he said that he winked at me, and I looked down as we neared the class.

'Oh I hope everyone remembering me never ends, I'm beginning to really like it.'

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