Dragon At Heart

By latelydifferent

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This story belongs to Identical Gemini on fanfiction.net Id like to continue the story where the author stopp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 26

65 3 0
By latelydifferent


The last chapter got more reviews than any before. Thank you!

I got several reviews wondering about the puppet scene, asking why Zuko over-reacted so much to a silly play. I didn't underline it in the chapter, but since it wasn't as clear to everyone as I thought it was, I'll answer to that here.

It is true that the Fire Lord character is acting in self-defense when attacking the 'evil earthbender' and thus Zuko's reaction to his deed is uncalled for.

However, the reason why Zuko over-reacts isn't reallythe one he gives to the readers ('this is unfair and brainwashing'). Granted, he is unhappy to see that Fire Nation children are brought up hating the other nations (just like he himself was), but this isn't a news to him. Nor is it the real reason he is so upset.

The real reason is that the scene reminds Zuko of how badly Ozai treated him. The puppet Ozai isn't being unreasonable when attacking an enemy soldier, but the real Ozai was exactly that when burning and banishing his son.

When Zuko went to watch puppet shows as a kid, he saw the 'Fire Lord' as his grandfather and had no ill will against the character. Now that he sees the puppet as Ozai, he can't help but to feel irrational anger towards the character to the point where he is silently rooting for the 'evil earthbender' puppet, whom he himself has more in common with than he'd care to admit.

Despite what he thinks to himself, Zuko isn't really angry about what the 'Fire Lord' did on stage. He is angry for the things his father has done in real life, namely keeping up the war, raising Zuko to hate other nations and then banishing him at thirteen. He is also angry at himself for hating his own father because his hate further sets Zuko apart from his countrymen (who have no problem with the play) and proves that he is a traitor.

I hope that sort of explained what I was thinking. And now, back to action.


26. Mysterious Stranger

"Aang", Sokka whispered angrily while untying the knots binding Katara to the chair, "What the hell did you do that for?"

"I... I didn't want Katara to get hurt..." Aang mumbled.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" Sokka humphed, "It was a show. A performance. Did you really think that guy was going to let the dragon burn my sister? Come on."

Aang bit his lip. He knew Sokka was right.

I really screwed up.

It wasn't like Aang hadn't realized that they were watching a performance. On some level, he had known full well it was all just an act.

Still he hadn't been able to stop himself from reacting. Not when there was even the slightest chance that Katara might actually get hurt, and a risk of injury was always present when bending was involved.

An act or not, Aang didn't know enough about firebending or Fire Nation plays to know if there was a real risk that the stunt would fail. So he couldn't just stand idly by while Katara was potentially in some type of danger. He couldn't take that risk.

Enough people I care about have already died because Iwasn't there to stop it.

"Hey, that's the Avatar", someone standing in the crowd pointed out.

"We better get going", Sokka suggested.


Why is the Avatar here, in a Fire Nation colony, of all places? Does he secretly want to get caught?

Zuko sighed.

Or maybe our destinies are just so intertwined that it gets a bit ridiculous sometimes.

The Prince weighed his options.

The local security was sure to be swarming all over the Avatar and his gang as soon as they got their act together, so whatever he was going to do, he had to act quickly. Even though, knowing Aang and his friends, the trio wouldn't make capturing themselves too easy a task one way or the other.

The last thing I want is a big show down in the middle of the street. This is a family event. There are small children here. Even though no one here wants things to go explosive, they still might. Someone could get hurt.

Since the Prince had decided to protect Aang from being caught and the rest of the world from Aang, he couldn't do nothing when either or both options were terribly real threats. Doing nothing simply wasn't an option.

If I wish to help the Avatar to escape (again), I should put a mask on, Zuko decided.

Openly aiding an enemy of his nation on a public place wouldn't go unnoticed. Also, the Avatar would nevertrust Prince Zuko to come to his aid.

The last time I tried to give Aang some advice on what to do, the airbender ran to the opposite direction than the one I had suggested. He doesn't trust me as far as he can throw me and I can hardly blame him for that. I haven't given him much reason to trust me. Well, at least not under my own name.

Come to think of it, Zuko had saved Aang or some other member of his team surprisingly many times, even before he'd decided not to capture the monk. The Prince had just horded so many secret aliases on the way that no one could guess it had been the same guy all along.

If they knew of all the help I've given them this might go a bit easier, Zuko sighed to himself, Well, no point dwelling on that now.

Zuko moved and deviced a plan simultaneously. After making sure everyone's eyes were on what was happening on the stage, Zuko slipped to the shadow of a near-by building and pulled out the mask.

The young man quickly covered his short hair with a scarf he always kept in his pocket, pulled gloves on his hands and put the opera mask on. He also removed his robe, knowing it would only get in the way.

Most of Zuko's clothes under the robe were dark shades of red, but that couldn't be helped right now. The main point was that he was wearing relatively non-descriptive clothes that covered every inch of his skin.

The only essential part of the Blue Spirit costume still missing was the Dao.

Didn't I see some sword fight performances when we toured around earlier? I wonder if those swords were real?

In potentially dangerous performances, people sometimes used deadly looking swords that were in fact made of a rubbery kind of material and were completely harmless.

While Zuko got changed, the crowd slowly caught onto what was going on. People were realizing that Aang's little stunt wasn't part of the performance and one or two people had already recognized the airbender.

Before Zuko had time to catch the Avatar's attention, a fight erupted in the area around the stage. The security had tried to come for the kids, which quickly resulted in a tangle of airbending, explosions and smoke. Even Zuko was having hard time keeping up who was doing what and to whom in the chaos.

Suddenly, a hooded person in the crowd waved and shouted for the Avatar to follow him. A cold sweat rose on Zuko's back.

No way I'm letting the Avatar run off with some mysterious stranger, Zuko felt a burst of irrational anger rise in his chest, That guy could be a bounty hunter or working for Zhao or worse. The only mysterious stranger the Avatar is supposed run after isme.

Zuko couldn't waste another moment getting prepared, so he'd have to arm himself on the run.

Zuko whistled as loudly as he could and waved both of his arms at the monk, despite knowing how ridiculous he must've looked. Usually the Blue Spirit had more style, elegance and general intimidation factor than this, but the main point was that it worked.

Aang and his friends had already started to move towards the mystery man covering his face with a tattered scarf, but then the airbender noticed Zuko waving at them.

"Look! It's the Blue Spirit!" Aang shouted so loud that the entire clearing probably heard, "Let's go see what he wants."

"No, wait!" the scarfed man in rag-tag clothing sounded surprised and even worried, "I can take you to see a very important and awesome guy..."

To Zuko's delight, the other man's words had no effect. The Avatar was running straight for him.

"Sorry, buddy", Sokka said to the man, not sounding sorry at all, "But we'd rather take our chances with the mystery guy who helped us once already."

Okay, I've got the Avatar and his friends following me. Now all I have to do is figure out how to get us out of here without anyone getting hurt.


Iroh sipped his tea, briefly reminding himself to enjoy the little delights of life.

He didn't usually need to be reminded, but whenever he worried over Zuko, Uncle had a tendency to under-appreciate such things as comfortable cushions and the scent of fresh-brewed tea.

Indeed, when all this is over, I've more than earned the right to dedicate my life to the simple pleasures in life. Some day, Iroh mentally sighed.

It was actually a bit silly of him to worry over Zuko tonight.

Granted, his nephew could never be in a place so safe that trouble couldn't find him. Still, Zuko had recently broken free of his father, was in the process of putting his priorities straight and was now spending time in a friendly port. Most importantly, his nephew wasn't alone. What was the worst that could happen?

Iroh didn't dare to linger on that thought.

Instead he focused on the here-and-now and turned his attention back to the charming elderly lady sitting opposite to him.

All the customs and pleasantries a formal meeting of the White Lotus required had been handled. It was time to get down to business.

"I am so pleased that you found the time to see me at such a short notice", Iroh began.

Lady Shara gave a small bow: "The pleasure is all mine. It's been far too long."

Iroh smiled a warm smile as a response. It had, indeed, been a long time since they had met in person.

"Also, it is not often that our little branch of the Order gets to entertain the Grand Master himself", the Fire Nation woman added, half-serious, half-joking.

Shara was a high-ranking member of the Order, as was made apparent by the fact that she was one of the group's most trusted members and thus knew Iroh's true identity and ranking.

They were about the same age. Shara and Iroh had met years ago when they had both still been young and living in the capital. Although she came from a relatively minor house and he had at the time been the heir apparent, they had found many common interests.

Since then Iroh's military career and duties as the Crown Prince and Shara's interest in archeology had taken them to very different directions. However, after Iroh had gotten more active in White Lotus business at an older age, the two had reconnected, even if only through an occasional letter or two.

"To be quite frank", Shara continued, "I have been looking forward to this discussion. Your letter raised more questions than it answered."

Iroh nodded: "I understand how you feel. Unfortunately I won't probably be able to answer most of those questions since I'm at a bit of a loss myself."

Iroh and Lady Shara were alone in the small but cozy room located under a small shop. A decorative fireplace lit the entire room. To Iroh's delight, it also had a tea pot brewing in it.

If Iroh's intel was correct, Shara was not the only Lotus member currently residing in the vicinity. However she was the most likely to hold real answers, and she was the only one who had been invited to this meeting.

In other words, Jeong Jeong wasn't invited. Not that he would have probably show up even if he had been.

Although Jeong Jeong was a master firebender and a prestigious member of the White Lotus, he was also a rather paranoid man and, to be quite frank, a bit hard to get along with. Although the ex-admiral was an excellent military strategist and knew much of how the element of fire could be exploited in a battle, the Deserter was not well-acquainted with the historical roots of firebenging.

He probably knew less about dragons than Iroh himself did. So sending out an invitation to him hadn't seemed worth the trouble.

"After receiving your letter, I have reread several scrolls and texts on the topic", Shara began, "As you are well aware, ever since I began my attempt at writing a comprehensive history of Fire Nation, my personal scroll collection has grown to a considerable extent."

Iroh nodded politely.

He could think of very few people with more knowledge on the official and unofficial points of view on their nation's history. It was her desire to uncover hidden truths that had lead her to immigrate to the Colonies to begin with. The farther you got from concentrations of political power, the freer you were to study even the not-so-preferred accounts of the past.

Iroh smiled his most disarming smile, "I certainly wouldn't mind getting to spent some time going over your findings in great detail. I dare wager even Wan Shi Tong would envy your collection. I'm not staying long, however, so for the time being I only have time to focus on the matter at hand."

"Yes", Shara agreed, "today you are here to learn more about the Dragon Warriors."

"Yes, I am! You have heard of them?" Iroh inquired. "I was unfamiliar with the term up until my nephew used it this morning."

Shara smiled a wry smile: "That does not surprise me. The Dragon Warriors, although apparently a significant part of our nation's ancient history, are mentioned in hardly any written texts or scrolls."

"Perhaps stories of them are so old they have gotten lost in the wheels of time. Or perhaps they have been purposefully destroyed sometime in history, quite possibly during the great scroll burnings of the early years of Azulon's reign."

Shara's voice held a bitter edge as she was undoubtedly thinking of all the potentially priceless texts that Iroh's grandfather and father had ordered to be burned in order to manipulate their nation's self-image.

Clearing her throat, she continued: "I, however, have been fortunate enough to have travelled the archipelago quite a bit. During my travels I have heard many stories that have been past down from generation to generation as part of our oral history. I have personally written down and added to my library stories that I doubt vast majority of even the better-educated citizens are aquinted with."

Her voice was clear and passionate. It was obvious she was an accustomed lecturer.

"Although at first I thought these so-called Dragon Warriors were just legends, after having come across similar descriptions in multiply sources I began to suspect there was a hint of truth to them."

"Your letter was very... eye-opening. It gave me a whole new perspective on Fire Nation myths that I had earlier considered dubious at best and rubbish at worst."

Iroh nodded. It was one thing to have hear of strange things and another to learn those things were real and happening even today.

"I can tell you everything I have uncovered, but I should like to first warn you that none of it is fact and some probably outright fiction. The tradition of oral storytelling is ambiguous. The stories have a tendency to change during the course of history when people's values gradually change and different details are given emphasis. Also, as people's way of thinking used to be more spiritual, even the original versions of the stories were probably heavily laced with mythical aspects."

"I can tell you which parts I suspect are most likely to be true and which are only mentioned in one or two descriptions, but I cannot guarantee the accuracy of any of it."

"I understand", Iroh said, eager to hear more but reluctant to rush the woman. As an academic figure, Shara was used to approaching a research question from a thorough and critical perspective and to lay her case well, which Iroh did not have a problem with.

"First, however", Shara looked Uncle levelly in the eye, "I would be most curious to hear how you came across this topic. Your letter implied you had met a Dragon Warrior and that he or she has only recently acquired this ability."

"If you don't mind me asking, who is it?" the woman asked. Her tone was even but her eyes were burning with curiosity.

Uncle took a deep breath: "I'm sorry if you were offended that I didn't mention the identity of the Warrior in my letter. The information is of such delicate nature that I dared not write it down, not even in an encrypted message. But yes, I know one of these Dragon Warriors very closely. It's my nephew."

Shara's eyes widened with surprise: "Your nephew? As in Prince Zuko, the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation?"

Iroh nodded: "The only nephew I have."

The woman looked uncharacteristically taken aback. Iroh sipped some more tea, giving Shara time to process the new information.

Revealing Zuko's big secret was starting to become a bad habit but, once again, Uncle was sure that it would be safe from Zuko's enemies. The Order of White Lotus could keep a secret.


Zuko ran towards an alley leading away from the main square. He was determined to lead the Avatar away from the crowd of people before more security arrived.

Two guards tried to block his way, but they weren't benders. Zuko didn't need his swords to take them down.

The masked man grabbed a spear from the other man's hand and swept them both off their feet. He had cleared their way before the Avatar had time to catch up, which was good. Zuko had seen Aang in action and could imagine the kind of painfully large gushes of wind the boy would've used to down his enemies.

The Prince had, after all, only few weeks ago been one of those enemies who got tossed around like autumn leaves.

Peaceful Air Nomads, Zuko humphed inertly. They must have thought themselves quite the philanthropist using only attacks that were harmless when used against other airbenders who could land safely from any blow.

It must have been very different to be raised in an environment where all could bend.

Zuko waved for the trio to follow him as he ran down the alley.

I need to lead them out of the city, but if we keep drawing this much attention to our presence, we are likely to encounter a massive amount of resistance on the way. Rather than pushing through the entire town with shear force, I should stick to my ninja training. I should be sneaky about this.

Zuko run down a few more streets and alleys before he found what he was looking for.

"Where are we going?" Sokka asked when he saw that Zuko had stopped and was looking around.

Zuko climbed on top a wooden wall over the height of a full grown man and gestured for the others to follow him.

The Water Tribe kids looked dubious, but the Avatar jumped right next to him, shouting: "It's okay. He's here to help us get away. We can trust him."

Zuko waved for them to hurry. It was only a matter of time before someone came looking for them, and confusing your trackers didn't work if you were constantly within their line of sight.

Zuko offered Sokka a hand while Aang helped Katara. In no time all four were on the other side of the wall. They had arrived in a small courtyard which was thankfully completely devoid of people.

"Aang, I know you trust the Blue Spirit because he saved you from Zhao, but how can you be sure that this is the same guy?" Sokka whispered to his friends rather loudly, "He is wearing a mask."

Zuko gestured for them to keep their heads down and stay quiet.

Aang whispered back: "It's him. Trust me. I'd know the way he moves anywhere."

The Air Nomad gave him a wide smile. Zuko had a bad feeling Aang was referring to more than just the Prince's uncanny ninja skills, but he couldn't contradict the boy without opening his mouth and saying so. The kids would recognize his voice in a heart beat, and then they would certainly stop following his lead. So Zuko kept quiet.

The Prince tried to feel around himself with his firebending. Searching for sources of inner and actual fires was one of the rare skills the Order of Shadows taught, but Zuko had never been exceptionally good at it. Still, it was worth a shot to quickly scan his surroundings.

Zuko reached out with his chi, trying to feel for sources of heat in the vicinity, especially within the four two-story buildings around the fenced yard. After he was relatively sure that he couldn't sense any fires, actual or inner, in the building closest to them, Zuko took out a knife.

Again, lock picking wasn't one of his greatest assets, but thankfully the door gave way easily enough.

"We are", Sokka whispered, "Breaking into a Fire Nation home? Sweet! Why didn't I think of that?"

After everyone was inside, Zuko closed the door quietly. He could hear shouts and steps from the street, but nothing suggested their pursuers knew where they had gone.

The room was dark but Zuko couldn't use his firebending to light it without loosing at least some of the trust the kids had carelessly thrust upon him.

Wow, they really do trust in the kindness of strangers, don't they? They were completely ready to run after that other mystery man without any idea who he was or if he meant them well.

It wasn't a new revelation, but Zuko still had a hard time wrapping his head around the concept.

Trust. Given freely. Huh.

What would have happened if, on their first meeting, Zuko had kindly asked for Aang to come with him so that they could have a talk over a cup of tea?

Probably the exact same thing that happened anyway, Zuko quickly decided.

The kids trusted strangers without reservations, but Zuko doubted the trust extended to anyone wearing a Fire Navy uniform. Or people from Fire Nation in general.

"Find them!" a shout came from the street, "They can't have gotten far!"

Zuko's eyes had adjusted enough to his surroundings that he could make out a ladder leading to the second floor. He poked at the Water Tribe boy and pointed at the ladder.

"I think your creepy quiet friend wants us to go up there", Sokka whispered to the others.

Aang's mask had fallen off during his flashy attempt at rescue, and Sokka and Katara, too, had dropped their masks sometime during their escape, so Zuko was the last one in the bunch still hiding his face.

Zuko could make out Katara's expression as the girl nodded at his brother, looking determined.

Zuko went up first. After two sets of ladders and a hatch they had reached the attic. As Zuko had hoped, there was a small window at the end of the building. It gave in some light.

The people who lived in the house used this dusty, non-heated space for storage. It was somewhat cramped with miscellaneous stuff. There wasn't enough room to stand up straight without hitting your head on the ceiling.

The Water Tribe kids and the Avatar snuck to the window, careful not to hit their heads on wooden roof beams on the way. Zuko closed the hatch after them and then followed the others to see what was going on on the street below.

They couldn't stay there forever, but this was still a considerably better plan than running around aimlessly. Now that they had found a sound hiding spot, Zuko could properly plan their escape.


"The Prince of Fire Nation is a Dragon Warrior. That certainly puts things in perspective", the woman dressed in traditional Fire Nation colors finally managed, "And how sure are you of this? Have you personally witnessed one of these... transformations you described in your letter?"

"Twice", Uncle answered shortly, subtly urging her to go on. Shara immediately got the hint.

"Yes, back to the point. According to a legend I came across during my travels at the Kuijil Islands, ever since humans learned bending from their respective spiritual animals, a connection has remained between humans and said animals."

"Since my knowledge is limited to Fire Nation history, I do not know if similar believes of special connections are common among the other elements. That is something that would require more looking into."

"What I do know is that in Fire Nation culture this connection was believed to manifest in several different and often quite concrete ways. Some humans were said to have possessed dragon-like features such as unique firebending capabilities and even mindreading, which dragons supposedly used as a method of communication."

"I have a strong reason to believe, that at least the mindreading part has roots in reality", Iroh pitched in. Shara looked curious but the old man added nothing more on where he'd come across such evidence.

Although information on the Order of Shadows would've certainly intrigued his White Lotus buddies, Iroh hadn't felt right retelling too much about the monastery's business to them. Zuko had told those things to his uncle in confidence, after all, and Zuko's trust wasn't easily regained.

So Iroh just smiled and sipped more tea.

Shara eventually shrugged and moved on: "Very well. Mindreading sounds like something that shouldn't be possible, but I guess it's no more unbelievable than the rest of it."

Shara returned to her lecture: "The most noticeable way this connection would showcase was when an individual was chosen by the spirits to become a Dragon Warrior. The stories of what this precisely means vary, but they all describe it as both a physical and a spiritual journey."

"Of course, you already knew this much from first-hand experience", the woman smiled at Iroh briefly.

Uncle nodded, stroking his beard: "Indeed, though being on a journey is nothing new to Zuko. Despite his young age, my nephew has been through much. So much in fact that I don't believe he himself considers his new role as a Dragon Warrior too big a problem."

Not in comparison to the other problems and complications still shadowing Zuko's life.

"Nor should he", Shara said earnestly, "I can't claim to understand what it must be like for him but what I do know is history. In stories the consensus is that the task of a Dragon Warrior, although never easy and often plain ungrateful, is not a problem or a punishment. It's not even really described as a change in a person but rather as a fulfillment of, well, in lack of better terms, his or her destiny."

Iroh nodded. He had never doubted that his nephew had a great destiny instore for him. Still, sometimes Uncle couldn't help but to wish the spirits meddling with his nephew's life would give him more time to find his way before thrusting any more destiny-altering events on his path.

"The role of the Dragon Warriors varies between legends", Shara lectured on, "In few of them Dragon Warriors are briefly mentioned as a type of scary monsters, but more often they are considered respected and powerful creatures, even heroes."

"The usual indicators that a character is a Dragon Warrior are that the person is dragon-like in behavior, that he or she can communicate with dragons and that the warrior can take on the shape and powers of a dragon."

"Dragon Warriors were sometimes referred to as the Spirit Chosen, which tells us much of the supposed origin of their powers. According to a myth, these individuals were born to be Dragon Warriors, but this was only realized after they were touched by spirits, and only if they chose to accept the spirits' gift."

"My nephew said the same thing, although from his description I got the impression that the spirit wasn't very explicit on the terms of their agreement", Iroh said, "However, Zuko also emphasized that he wasn't tricked into something, nor was the change involuntary. He said he could've chosen differently."

Shara nodded: "Although a choice appears to be an important part of each story featuring a Dragon Warrior as a hero, I'm not sure how seeming this choice is. There are no existing stories of people who chose not to become Dragon Warriors. It doesn't mean this never happened, only that nothing happening wasn't the kind of news that lived through centuries."

"The supposed deeds of Dragon Warriors vary almost as much as descriptions of them. There doesn't appear to be a single logical pattern to them. The Spirit Chosen are emphasized as individuals who fought for many different things depending on what their individual hopes and believes were."

"I suspect the spirits didn't choose these people at random, though. You know more about spirits than I do, but even I know that they usually have a hidden agenda."

Iroh nodded: "They have their own objectives, although 'hidden' might not be the right word. Most spirits aren't making a conscious effort to confuse us mortals. Their mindset is just so different from ours that we do not recognize any logic behind their actions."

"And I understand this confusion works both ways, yes?" Shara asked.

"Yes. Most spirits care nothing for what's best for humans", Iroh confirmed, "But even if they notice something is out of place in our world and choose to do something about it, they often end up making matters worse rather than better. Spirits don't understand humans any more than we them."

"Perhaps that is why they chose humans to be their representatives?" Shara lead the conversation on.

"Are you saying that you suspect my nephew was chosen to carry out a task for a spirit?" Iroh asked seriously.

"No, I wouldn't say that" Shara answered, equally serious, "But I do have a theory on the matter."

"Like you said, spirits could use some help in dealing with people", Shara lectured on, "That is why we have the Avatar institution: someone who understands both sides and acts as a mediator between humans and spirits. However, since there is only one Avatar, all nations also have people such as our Fire Sages who help ordinary people deal with spiritual matters."

"You think Dragon Warriors are meant to act as sages?" Uncle was puzzled.

"I believe there's more to it. In many stories, the Spirit Chosen are said to have been better at dealing with spirits and dragons alike than ordinary humans were, so acting as a sage was perhaps a part of their job, but I highly doubt it was their primary one."

"Dragon Warriors had a much more active role in shaping the world than just that of a messenger or an interpreter", Shara explained, "You have to understand, in legends they always had a destiny with a capital D. Whether they chose to do good or bad, their choices always had a major impact on the world."

"It is possible that the old Dragon Spirit chose your nephew in the hopes that he would be inclined to do something she wanted done. However, humans always have a free will, no matter what. If a spirit just wanted a task completed, wouldn't she rather do it herself?" Shara looked at Iroh quizzically, obviously about to answer her own question, so Iroh said nothing.

Shara smiled: "My theory is that Dragon Warriors weren't chosen to fulfill spirits' wishes. Perhaps some spirits wanted a change but also realized that they didn't understand humans well enough to be able to make that change happen."

"So instead they picked a being of fire for the job. Fire is many things but peaceful it's not. When spirits chose a firebender to represent them, perhaps they did this because they knew that whatever their chosen would do, a radical change would be the outcome."

"The spirits do not always make their hopes or intentions directly known. Humans have to figure those out on their own or risk breaking them and angering the spirits. But perhaps doing something is all that the spirits want of Dragon warriors. They want to stir things up a bit in the mortal world an the rest is left up to the chosen individual's judgment."

Uncle though that over in his head: "You might be onto something. Spirits have always taken a special interest in my nephew, of this I'm sure. Even long before they directly influenced Zuko's life, they have constantly pushed him towards unlikely confrontations that have forced him to make decisions that effect the world."

We do keep running into the Avatar in the oddest places, even when we're not looking for him. And Zuko just happened to find the Order of Shadows, the only people in the world who could teach him how to use the Power of Dragons.

Iroh did not believe in coincidences.

"But.. you suggest that my nephew is still free to chose to do whatever he wants without a fear of angering the spirit that gave him this gift?" Iroh asked.

"Bending, too, is a gift from the spirits" Shara pointed out, "Yet bending does not come with a code of conduct."

"Let's say the Dragon Spirit wants Zuko to change the world. I don't think she cares what Zuko does with his powers. If he tries to rebuild the world, that is all well and nice. If he chooses to oppress and destroy? New growth will rise from the ashes, nonetheless. Spirits don't really care about collateral damage much."

Uncle nodded.

As disturbing as it was that the spirits had decided to use his nephew in their plans, things didn't appear to be as hopeless as he had feared. Zuko had, after all,always been in a position to either inflict great good or great evil in the world. It was a part of his heritage as the great-grandson of both, Fire Lord Sozin and Avatar Roku.

Shara was absently tracing the painted patters of her tea cup with her fingers

"In the stories, Dragon Warriors could even go against the spirits", Shara said quietly, waking Iroh from his deep thoughts.

"Go against the spirits?" Iroh was taken aback. It sounded to him like a very bad idea, but also something his nephew might be foolish enough to do: "What were the consequences for such behavior?"

"Milder than in other stories", Shara tried to comfort him, "In legends in general, going against spirits ends badly. However, it appears that Dragons Warriors were able to get away with it. The spirits do not understand humans. Thus they expected the Spirit Chosen to use their own judgment on matters. In essence, rebelling was almost encouraged."

"Fire isn't exactly known as the most... harmonious element, "Uncle mused, his hand stroking his beard, "Figures we would contradict even our own spirits."


"I'd hate to say 'I told you so' but I'm going to say it anyway", the Water Tribe boy whispered to his companions, "So that the next time you two suggest a ridiculously risky plan in the name of trying to get to know our enemy's culture a bit better, you can think back on this moment and remember that Sokka was right."

The kids started to quietly argue amongst themselves. Zuko tuned out most of the conversation in order keep his attention on planning, but still he couldn't help but to feel a little surprised by what he was hearing.

They came to the Fire Festival to... learn more about Fire Nation culture? Wow, not in a million years would have I guessed that. And here I thought they didn't even know that Fire Nation has a culture, but rather thought we were a solely militaristic society.

For once, Zuko was happy to be proven wrong.

Maybe, there is still hope for a future in which both the world and the Fire Nation live and flourish...

The Avatar's reason for coming here was so consoling that it almost made up for his idiotic behavior earlier. Almost.

"Look", Katara pointed down at the street, "They're knocking on doors and breaking them if no one answers."

Zuko had noticed that as well. People didn't just disappear into thin air and the guards knew that, so they had started to search the near-by houses.

Good thing was that by now Zuko had a plan. All he had to do was relay it to his... the others.

Zuko tapped each of the kids on shoulder to get their attention. Then he pointed each of them in turn with his finger and then he gestured towards the floor that they were all crouched on.

"You... want us to go back downstairs?" Aang asked.

Zuko rolled his eyes despite knowing that the kids wouldn't be able to see his gesture behind the mask. The Prince shook his head and then repeated the waving, gesturing for the kids to stay here. Hopefully they understood.

Then Zuko pointed at himself and then out the window. Surely the concept of sending one out to act as a decoy wasn't completely unfamiliar to these people.

"No, don't go!" Aang said a bit too loudly, "We have so much to talk about. Like, which temple you're from and what is your favorite game and..."

Zuko shook his head vigorously. That bubble needed some serious bursting as soon as possible.

"Aang, I don't think he's in a talkative mood", Sokka pointed out, "Plus, we need to focus on getting out of here."

Zuko could've hugged the Water Tribe boy for keeping his head in the game. For now, he settled for nodding.

"Aang", Katara took the monk's hand into hers, "I don't think he's an airbender."

"Of course he..." The Avatar started before he noticed Zuko pointing at Katara and nodding his head emphatically.

What she said.

"But", the look on Aang's face was so sad that Zuko almost regretted telling him the truth, "You all saw how he moves and..."

"Katara is right", Sokka wrapped his arm around the younger boy's shoulders, "He is really light on his feet but he hasn't used any airbending, whereas you use airbending all the time. You don't walk or run or even sit down without using your bending."

"I... I know that. I can see that. But I think he's just careful. He doesn't want people to know he's an airbender. He's wearing a mask..."

Zuko took advantage of the fact that everyone's attention was on consoling Aang and quietly pushed the window open. No one on the street was looking their way and Zuko didn't want to waste such an opportunity.

Also, The Prince didn't feel right intruding on the children's private moment like this. No matter who or what they thought he was, in reality he wasn't their friend.

"But he used airbending in Pohuai Stronghold. Once. Maybe. It was an airbending kata. I was so sure..."

An airbending kata? That was... possible.

Master Kurita had said that the teachings of the Order of Shadows were directly derived from the Air Nomads. Ninjutsu wasn't airbending, but they had common roots. Both were evasive and fast.

Zuko was now starting to see how it was possible that the boy had mistaken him for an airbender.

Still, you'd think an airbending master would know the difference between real and fake airbending...

Fake airbending? Is that what I was doing back in Pohuai?

I mean, I never firebend when I'm the Blue Spirit. I'm careful not to. Sometimes I use the Power of Dragons, but that's different. There are no flames involved.

...Using firebending without creating visible flames? Is that what I did?

Zuko would need to look into that. Later.

The masked teenager swiftly climbed out of the window and hurled himself to the roof before anyone on the street saw him. Silent as the night he took a few steps for speed and jumped across the street, landing on the building directly facing their hiding place.

He though he heard something like a quiet 'come back', but didn't turn to look. Instead he ran across the roof and jumped down to another street some distance from their hiding spot.

Zuko landed on the ground unnoticed, a state of affairs he was determined to change.


"An airbender or not, that kid is fast", Sokka pointed out, trying to lighten the mood in the attic.

Actually, he didn't know how old their mystery friend was, but from his size Sokka had guessed he wasn't an adult. He might be a teenager. Or maybe he was just short and wiry.

The masked man had jumped on the ground and then created a magnificent amount of noise by banging his knife on a metallic water tank. Now every Fire Nation soldier within a mile radius was busy chasing after him.

"He's in trouble", Aang said, "We have to go help..."

"Aang, I'm pretty sure this is part of the plan", Katara pointed out.

"Yeah, and if he really took on an entire stronghold by himself, this is probably nothing he couldn't handle", Sokka couldn't quite hide in his voice just howimpressed he was by this guy.

A non-bender who could take down people lightning fast with his hands alone. Aang had said he was even better with swords, but still, to take on an entire enemy stronghold by himself? This guy had a fearless attitude, Sokka had to give him that.

It must've taken years of training to get that good.

Impressed or not, Sokka still wasn't quite sure whether they should trust the guy. Granted, he hadn't given them any reason not to trust him. Yet.

"Why is he wearing a mask? And most importantly, why doesn't he say anything?" Sokka looked to Aang and Katara, "I mean, I get that he doesn't want the Fire Nation to know who he is. We saw his wanted posture and that's a lot of money they've got promised for his head. But why is he so eager to keep his identity a secret from us, too? What is he hiding?"

Unless... no. He couldn't be. But... we do keep running into him in Fire Nation outposts...

No way. The Blue Spirit is not from Fire Nation. He's just following us. Or he's here to harass the Fire Nation or something...

Still, Sokka couldn't quite shake of the feeling that something strange was going on. Things just didn't add up.

"I don't know why he isn't talking, but I think that's just something he does. He only said one word the last time we met. Still, I wouldn't have gotten out without his help", Aang was surprisingly determined on the matter, "He's a friend, and we should go after him."

"How?" Katara asked.

"Of course!" Sokka slapped himself on the face, "I almost forgot."

Sokka might not be quite the fighter the Blue Spirit was, but he was determined not to be completely useless. Now he dug into his pocket, pulled out a wooden whistle and blew on it.


"You keep mentioning that, as a rule, Dragon Warriors had a great impact on the world. Care to elaborate?" Iroh inquired. "I mean, all beings wish to leave their mark on the world, but most do not have the power to act upon that wish. Due to his rank, Zuko has always been in a position to shape the world more than most. However, I fail to see how becoming a Dragon Warrior has increased his changes of doing so."

"Since his transformation, my nephew's skill level has increased slightly, his behavior has undergone some changes (though not only due to his spiritual encounters) and there is of course the occasional transformation into a dragon. None of these changes suddenly make him a force to be reckoned with. His powers are nowhere near on the same level as those of, let's say, the Avatar's."

Lady Shara thought that over before answering: "According to my understanding, Dragon Warriors are potentially powerful benders, but just like everyone else, they have to train hard to become all they can be."

Shara herself wasn't a bender, but that didn't mean she hadn't always taken a special interest in martial arts. Consequently, she knew a considerable deal about fighting, with or without bending.

Still, her weapon of choice was undoubtedly the brush. Words could be more dangerous than knives when used skillfully.

"So", Iroh put in, "You suspect that we have yet to see all that my nephew has become."

Shara nodded: "Some changes can only be seen in time. Others will turn up only if Zuko becomes aware of them and hones them accordingly."

"What kind of changes should I be looking out for?" Iroh sounded old, but still as determinant as ever.

"Well, a special connection to spirits is a power by itself, and not one to be taken lightly. Unfortunately, without personal experience on the subject, I can hardly give specific advice on how to deal with visitors from the Spirit Realm. Still, I'd say having you as an uncle is a considerable asset", Shara gave Iroh a smile.

Everyone who was anyone in Fire Nation had heard of Iroh's journey to the Spirit World.

Iroh nodded: "There is certainly no single right way to approach a spirit. It all depends on the spirit, the occasion and numerous other variables. Thank you for the warning, nonetheless, although it comes a bit late. This side to being a Dragon Warrior has already made itself evident."

"By which you mean...?" Shara inquired.

"At least one spirit, Nakki, already sought Zuko out. I wouldn't call the trickster spirit a reliable source of information, but it strongly implied that it wasn't the only one who had taken interest in my nephew."

"That's... surprising", Shara said.

"Yes, it is", Iroh agreed, "Spirits don't normally take interest before-hand. They usually act only after someone has wronged them. Even then, they don't often specify their revenge on certain individuals."

"However, the river spirit made it clear that we had done nothing to offend it, nor were we anywhere near its natural habitat. Still, the shapeshifter not only came to see my nephew but also sabotaged his ship."

"That's odd", Shara furrowed her brows, "Why would a spirit specialized in trickery take such a direct approach? It isn't one of the Great Ones. Taking down an entire war ship is a bit out of its league. Why would it take on such an undertaking for no apparent reason?"

Iroh weighed his words before answering: "First off, I must point out that sinking our ship wasn't the waterspirit's end game. I suspect it was testing us. As to why, I can only begin to guess."

"It is possible Nakki was doing somebody else's bidding. However, since that encounter I've looked up some history on the said spirit, and it isn't known for allying itself with other spirits."

"All in all, Nakki has been rather active in our world, especially for a waterspirit. It is mentioned in surprisingly many stories even of late. Also, considering the type of spirit we are talking about here, it has undoubtedly done more than it has been caught doing."

"So... You think the spirit was just being exceptionally active. That it was just testing the ice to get a feel of a possible future threat", Shara pondered.

"That would be the best case scenario. Still, even if Nakki isn't actively plotting against my nephew, doesn't mean no spirit is", Iroh said matter-of-factually.

"So", Iroh smiled a bit, "Anything else?"

"Longevity", Shara said shortly, "That is something children of fire have always had. Fire Lord Sozin lived to be over hundred and fifty. Although that is very old for a human, but not for a dragon."

Iroh's eyes widened.

"Dragon Warriors aren't famous for living to be old", Shara explained, "But that's because most of them didn't die of old age. However, even a cautious estimate suggests that those who didn't go down fighting, lived for hundreds of years. Some stories even imply that since Dragon Warriors could take on the appearance of a dragon for an indefinite amount of time, it is possible some of them lived even long after all records of their existence cease."

"Are you saying", Iroh gulped, "my nephew could live to be as old as dragons?"

Shara shook her head: "I doubt any human could live for thousands of years. That would've have been mentioned, surely. Still, Zuko could potentially outlive all his ancestors. He might also age differently from other humans."

"Fire Lord Kenzin, for example, was said to have looked like a young man even at the age of fifty. There is no historical proof that he was a Dragon Warrior, but he would certainly fit the part, so I wouldn't rule it out."

Iroh nodded: "You said that Dragon Warriors could turn into a dragon whenever they wanted for as long as they wanted. Then they must have had control over this change. However, my nephew said turning into a dragon isn't a conscious choice for him, but just something that happens when he's exceptionally upset. Do you know how Zuko could gain more control over his transformations?"

"Uh, well, I hadn't actually thought about that." Shara looked mildly desperate to come up with an answer. "In the stories the ability to turn into a dragon at will is a given, so it stands to presume Prince Zuko can learn to fully control his transformation. The 'how' is anybody's guess. Maybe it's one of those things that you can only become better at with practice."

"Learning through experience", Iroh sighed, "That my temperamental nephew has always had to do."

"Is that a bad thing?" Shara asked.

"Not exactly", Iroh answered and then elaborated, "Zuko has made many mistakes, but the main point is that he has learned from them."

"But, as an old proverb goes: 'By three methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third, by experience, which is the most bitter'. Needless to say my nephew tends to favor the latter", Iroh smiled a wry smile.

"You shouldn't be too hard on him", Shara smiled a genuine smile back at the old General, "The way I remember it, you weren't much wiser than he is when you were his age."

"That's true", Iroh allowed, "I just wish that Zuko would make his own life easier by learning to think before he acts. Though I have to say", Iroh added in a lighter tone, "He's made considerable headway on that topic of late."

Shara nodded and asked."You said you had already noticed some changes in your nephew. Can you elaborate on those?"

"Well", Iroh said thoughtfully, "My nephew has always been a temperamental and willful young man, but after his change, he has become a bit more... controlled. Admittedly, that could be related to other changes he's been going through at the same time."

"However, although Zuko is more in control of himself, he's become no less intimidating to the people around him. I suspect humans can instinctively sense the dragon in him."

"That would fit the descriptions", Shara allowed.

Iroh went on: "I haven't really had a good change to observe how being a Dragon Warrior has affected my nephew's firebending, but I highly suspect it has increased in power. His firebending style has always been exceptionally smooth, and that characteristic appears to have strengthened as well."

"That's interesting", Shara put in, "To me, it sounds perfectly plausible, even logical, that turning into an original firebender would enhance one's firebending. Whether that's for better or for worse, I'm not sure, though."

Iroh furrowed his brows: "What do you mean?"

"Being exceptionally tuned to one's element makes one a powerful bender, but if this is done at the expense of the other elements, the said individual might become unbalanced in personality. The real question is whether only the fire part of him has increased or whether he's become stronger as a whole", Shara explained.

"I see your point, and I believe I already know the answer to your question", Uncle mused, "After his transformation, my nephew has become less driven. I found it oddly controversial considering that he is supposed to be more tuned to his element and ambition and determination are considered traits of fire."

"I suspected that this was because dragons are children of air as well as fire, and becoming a dragon has made Zuko more air. However, it makes even more sense that all his weaker elements, air, water and earth, have become more prominent to compensate for the extra amount of fire."

"I hope you are right", Shara said seriously, but added in a lighter tone, "Though you probably are. In stories, Dragon Warriors are described terrifying but not outright hostile. They are said to be fair and even spiritually aware. Sun Warriors called them 'something every firebender should aim to be like'."

"So, they aren't generally described to be maniacs. Even if some of them were unbalanced, it doesn't appear to have been direct result of them being Spirit Chosen."

"I have some... knowledge on the Sun Warriors", Iroh began, "And they do... did indeed believe that dragons were more balanced than human firebenders are. They said this wasn't due to the fact that firebending isn't fit for humans but rather because we have grown too far from the original ideals of fire and have thus forgotten the true essence of firebending. According to them, this is why so many human firebenders misuse their power."

Shara smiled: "Someone should tell that to Jeong Jeong."

"You... don't get along?" Iroh guessed.

"Well, I've only met him once. I wanted to have his personal point of view on Fire Nation's recent war history", Shara explained, "I figured he had a unique perspective on the topic. And that it certainly was."

"Still, it is difficult to have a meaningful conversation with a person who sees fire as a solely destructive force bordering on evil and stubbornly refuses to acknowledge the possibility that he could be wrong."

Iroh smiled in sympathy. He had met Jeong Jeong, too. It was before he became the Deserter, but even at the time it had been plainly evident that the man respected the other elements to the point where he had no respect for his own.

"We are all entitled to our opinions", Iroh said soothingly. It was true. The Order of White Lotus took in anyone who sought to talk and learn more of history and philosophy, regardless of which nation they were from or how actively they were participating in the war.

"My point exactly", Shara huffed, "Another thing you ought to tell Jeong Jeong or, better yet, his followers."

Shara looked down at her nearly untouched cup of tea. When she looked up there was a smile on her face again: "I believe I've led our conversation a stray. So, back on the topic: perhaps your theory of dragons being part air is true, after all. Perhaps creatures with the ability to fly are bound to be stronger in other elements than just fire."

"Air appears a rather obvious trait for a Dragon Warrior, and not just because dragons can fly. Air is the element of spirit, and although dragons aren't known for being spiritual, Dragon Warriors are known for exactly that."

Iroh was about to say something more but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Shara's voice sounded casual but her body language made it clear that she hadn't been expecting an interruption.

"No flower can bloom for a hundred years", a voice Iroh didn't know said through the door.

Shara went to the door and unbolted it.

In stepped a man in his twenties. The young man bowed to Shara and Iroh and they bowed back. No further introductions were made.

The young man spoke in an even tone: "I'm sorry to disturb you, but I thought it prudent to let you know that something is happening in the town. A fight erupted in the Fire Festival awhile ago, but it ended quickly. However, now there is a city-wide search underway to capture the culprits. It is unlikely that the guards will come looking here, but it might still be wise to continue this meeting at another time."

"I believe we were just about done", Shara looked Iroh levelly, "If it's fine by you, we could move on to a more informal location to continue catching up."

"Yes, we are probably done. Once again, thank you for your time. The things we've discussed here will surely be of use to me", Iroh replied politely.

Then the old man turned to address the new-comer: "And about this commotion... You don't happen to know who it is that they are looking for?"

A fight at the Fire Festival? Uncle had an unnerving feeling that Zuko was somehow involved.

"People are saying that it was the Avatar who started the fight. Though some say it was the masked vigilanty known as the Blue Spirit. The soldiers are looking for both."

Iroh took in a very deep breath.

Why do I bother asking?


"I'm not sure if he wants us to go back for him", Sokka commented, "Surely he would have said or wavedsomething about it if the plan was for us to go get him."

"No, Sokka", Aang said determinately and pulled at Appa's reigns, "I'm not leaving him behind this time!"

Ignoring the few firebolts that the soldiers below were throwing their way, Aang guided Appa back towards the center of the town. He didn't care how well the Blue Spirit could supposedly take care of himself. When you were working in a team, you didn't leave people behind.

Luckily, it wasn't difficult to pin-point their new friend from the bird perspective. The masked man himself was but a dark flash against the roof tiles, but the twenty or so firebenders running behind him gave his position away easily enough.

"Yep, yep", Aang urged his animal companion to go faster.

For some reason, Appa was reluctant to comply.

"C'mon, Appa. The Blue Spirit needs our help."

"Mphrrr", Appa crumpled but made no move to go any closer to the fight.

"I know you don't like going near fire but we'll be in and out before you know it", Aang assured his bison, finally getting Appa to descend.


What are they doing? Why are they still here?

Zuko dodged a firebolt by leaping to one side and then returned to running flat, jumping from a rooftop to the next.

They are not... Surely they didn't come back for me.

In what reality was that ever part of the plan? was all Zuko had time to think before Aang shouted: "Don't worry, we'll rescue you!", effectively proving Zuko's doubts right.

Zuko waved vigorously at the Avatar, attempting to communicate that he didn't want to be rescued and that they should leave without him.

Stubbornly, Aang guided Appa closer to the fight, waving at Zuko to jump on board.

Now what? If Zuko went with the Avatar, they might figure out who he was and things could get... complicated.

On the other hand, they apparently weren't leaving without him.

Sighing to himself, Zuko hauled himself atop the bison, much to the animal's dismay.

Well I guess one of you remembers that I am not your friend. Or can smell the dragon on me.

Dodging firebolts, Aang swiftly guided the animal up and towards the thick forests.

Zuko took a moment to catch his breath, before turning to face the others. As the lights of the Colony grew distant, it occurred to Zuko that he had essentially been kidnapped by the Avatar.

Great. Now what?

"Whoa, that was close", Aang commented and turned to look at the three youngsters sitting in the saddle.

The Water Tribe kids said nothing. Everyone's eyes were on Zuko, waiting for him to say something.

Zuko briefly wondered what would happen if he took off his mask and casually replied 'You can say that again'.

It all really boiled down to if they would try to talk to him before Katara waterbent him off the bison.

Well, the treetops really weren't that far below them. Zuko could probably take the fall.

They think I'm a monster, and I've given them little reason to think otherwise. Even if they would stop long enough to hear me out, what could I say to them that would convince them that this isn't all part of some elaborate plot to capture the Avatar?

I guess I could try to tell them that I'm no longer their enemy, but... that would be lying.

If it ever came down to a choice between the Avatar and his nation, which was not at all an unlikely scenario, Zuko would side with his people. In a heartbeat. No questions asked.

Zuko had let the Avatar go for now because the Prince had serious doubts about the righteousness of the war. The world needed someone to put an end to all the killing.

But... if Aang ever truly became a threat to the safety of his people, Zuko would use any means necessary to stop him. He'd do everything in his power to capture the boy.

And that wasn't something friends did to each other.

Or... was it?

"Now that we are all safe and among friends, we can relax a bit", Sokka said seemingly to everyone, but the words were obviously meant for Zuko.

Zuko felt irritated and confused. This was not what he had agreed on.

The plan had been to get the Avatar out of the Colony without any casualties. Mission accomplished. What more did these people want from him?

Zuko sighed out loud.

Hadn't he just today thought to himself that protecting the Avatar from Zhao and other idiots would go a lot easier if the monk knew Zuko wasn't trying to capture him any more?

What was the worst that could happen if he took his mask off right here and now and somehow convinced them that he was on their side?

Yeah, that was the worst possible outcome. Because then, when Zuko would eventually have to defeat Aang to protect his people, they would feel hurt and betrayed that he had turned against them.

Fulfilling his duty and stopping the Avatar would be easier if the Air Nomad and his friends thought of him as nothing more than a one more enemy. That way Zuko couldn't let them down. He wouldn't have to make promises he couldn't keep.

Zuko shook his head. What was he thinking? He couldn't actually be considering any of this. The situation was in fact very simple.

This is war, and we are not on the same side.

Facing problems head on was how Prince Zuko went about his life.

The Blue Spirit, on the other hand... he was elusive. He was air. He showed up out of nowhere and vanished into thin air when he was done.

Neither Zuko nor the Blue Spirit were known for asking for permission to leave. Especially not when they were surrounded by enemies.

From the corner of his eye Zuko saw something glisten in the moonlight. He saw that his time had come. He would make the most of it.

The teenager grabbed the side of the saddle and jumped over it. His short fall ended in a wide, muddy river they had been flying over. The water was warmer than he had expected.

Zuko surfaced and swam to the river bank as fast as he could. As he had feared, the Avatar had turned his bison around and was coming back towards the river.

Zuko climbed out of the water and ran for the forest, quickly finding a good hiding spot in the lush undergrowth.

Running from your problems didn't solve them, but Zuko was in no mood to tackle everything that was wrong with the world tonight.

Surprisingly persistent, the Air Nomad just wouldn't leave. He landed the bison near the river bank. Zuko could just barely make out what they were saying.

"...He didn't fall, he jumped", Sokka said loudly, "And I'm telling you, it's not something we did. That guy just has some serious trust issues..."

"Please come back!" Aang suddenly shouted, "We're not going to hurt you!"

The kids were coming closer. Still, Zuko was confident they would never find him in the dark forest. Not without firebenders on their side...

Suddenly Zuko could feel something new. There werefirebenders in the vicinity. And other people. A lot of them.

"Drop your weapons and come with us peacefully and you will not be harmed", a stranger's voice suddenly declared.

The Avatar's gang was still too far for Zuko to see what was going on, but from the sounds of it, they had just been ambushed.

...Now what?

Zuko wasn't even very angry, just confused.

Do they get into this much trouble every day?

"Wow, easy there", Sokka exclaimed, "We didn't come here to pick a fight. We're just looking for..."

"We know who you are and we know why you are here. One of our men followed you to the Fire Festival. We know you're looking for a firebending master."

"... Well, yes. On the long run", Katara put in, "Aang will have to learn firebending at some point. Though that was not what my brother was talking..."

"We will take you to see Jeong Jeong and he will decide what to do with you."

"The who now?" Sokka asked.

"Master Jeong Jeong. The first person ever to desert from the Fire Nation Army. He is a great and wise man. He will know what to do with you."

Jeong Jeong? The Deserter is here?

"Waaait, you guys are Fire Nation!" Sokka exclaimed, "But you think deserting from the Fire Nation Army is agood thing. Aang, Katara, maybe we should have a talk with this Jeong Jeong fellow."

"I'm not sure if we have much of a choice", Katara said.

The crowd begun moving away from Zuko's location. He could no longer make out what they were saying.

Zuko wondered if he should keep following them to make sure they were going to be okay, but decided it wasn't necessary. Jeong Jeong may have been a traitor, but he was also a pacifist. He would not hurt the Avatar or his companions.

Kinda ironic... This forest appears to full of Fire Nation traitors eager to help the Avatar.

After Zuko was sure the crowd had moved far enough, he got up and run into the night.

The Avatar might need me, but... most likely he'll be just fine. I could do right by my uncle, for once, and get back to the Colony as soon as I can. By now he has probably heard what happened. He'll be worried for me.

Zuko returned to the river shore. He was rather sure that this was the same river that passed near the Colony. All he had to do was follow it and, with a little luck, he'd be back with his crew and Uncle in no time.

Luck? Since when did I count on luck?

Zuko shrugged and began making his way downstream.



It took me surprisingly long to post this. At least it's long, my longest chapter yet.

Again, credit where it's due: The three methods of learning wisdom - quote is one of my favorite quotes by Confucius.

And to those of you who read this and thought that Zuko should've just taken his mask of and told them everything, well, I'd like to point out that this isn't the season three Zuko. My Zuko would like the war to end, but doesn't know just how diabolic his father is and considers Fire Nation winning the war an acceptable outcome.

And by the way, Zuko doesn't know that Uncle has been saying good things about him behind his back to Team Avatar. Iroh thought he'd have time to mention it later, because, seriously, who could have quessed they would run into the Avatar again so soon?

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"๐™๐™ค๐™ช๐™˜๐™ ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช๐™ง๐™จ๐™š๐™ก๐™›, ๐™œ๐™ž๐™ง๐™ก. ๐™„ ๐™ฌ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™ฃ๐™– ๐™จ๐™š๐™š ๐™ž๐™ฉ" Mr Jeon's word lingered on my skin and ignited me. The feeling that comes when yo...
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๏ผžใ€Œ๐˜ธ๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ฌ ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜›๐˜ข๐˜ช๐˜ด๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ ๐˜Œ๐˜ณ๐˜ข ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ด๐˜ด๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ ใ€ ๐’๐‹๐€๐˜๐„๐‘ ๐•๐„๐‘. Demon Slayer belongs to Koyoh...
228K 7.9K 98
Ahsoka Velaryon. Unlike her brothers Jacaerys, Lucaerys, and Joffery. Ahsoka was born with stark white hair that was incredibly thick and coarse, eye...