A Boondocks Love Story

By fanaticxoxoxo

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{COMPLETED} Huey and Jazmine DuBois have been best friends since age 10. Huey...being a domestic terrorist i... More

Ch 1 The Hill
Ch 2 Virginity
Ch 3 Opposites Attract?
Ch 4 A Promise
Ch. 5 A Transformation
Ch 6 Sick of Love
Ch 7 The Heart Wants What it Wants
Ch 8 Always
Ch 9 Enticing
Ch 10 An out of Body Experience
Ch 11 Change
Ch 12 The Pink Letter J
Ch 13 A Glimpse into Their Minds
Ch 14 Aint Love Just Swell?
Ch 15 Prom?
Ch 16 A Friendly Sleepover
Ch 17 Epiphany
Ch 18 Preparation
Ch 19 Season Finale: The Night of Their Lives
Ch 1 Season 2: A Vacancy
Ch 2 Stepping Up
Author Note
Ch 3 Since She Has Been Gone
Ch 4 Since They Have Been Gone
Ch 5 Unknowns
Ch 6 This Aint The Same Nigga
Ch 7 Riley Quit Playin
Ch 8 Get Out Of My Head
Ch 10 Will Ya Stay Wit Me?
Ch 11 Hit The Road Jack
Ch 12 Just Shitty...Just...Fucking Shitty
Ch 13 About Damn Time
Ch 14 At Least She Isnt Dead...Right?
Ch 15 Fate
Ch 16 Kill Them All
Ch 17 Painted In Blood
Ch 18 Prison Break
Ch 19 Season Finale
Ch 1 Season 3: Rock It Til Water Falls...
Ch 2 The Morning After Side Effects
Ch 3 The Cat's Out The Bag
Ch 4 Confession
Ch 5 Decisions, Decisions, and Even More Decisions
Ch 6 Stuck Like Glue
Ch 7 Can Somebody Spell D.r.a.m.a?
Ch 8 May The Ass Whoopin' Begin
Ch 9 Finally...Peace
Ch 10 Playing In The Rain
Ch 11 Sunny Times
Ch 12 Okay...What Just Happened?
Ch 13 Are We Dead?
Ch 14 Blast To The...Future?
Ch 15 Differences
Ch 16 A Day In Their World
Ch 17 Issues
Ch 18 Before the Crisis Begins...
Season 3 Book Finale
My Sequel and My Thoughts and Rambles

Ch 9 Filthy Dogs.

1.3K 40 16
By fanaticxoxoxo

I don't want to spoil anything but there is some mature sexual content within this chapter. It's pretty emotional so if you can't handle it, I suggest you just skip when you begin to see it. Just a warning loves!


Riley POV

I haven't talked to Cindy in a couple weeks. I still go to school and hang out with everyone, but she goes out of her way to make sure she isn't in the same room as me.
Agh I don't blame her.
I am different.
It's Saturday and I go downstairs to get something to drink.
I open the fridge and take out the orange juice carton.
"Aye boy!" I hear my granddad say.
I turn to the living room and see him relaxed on his old recliner as if he were sleep.
One of his eyes were open staring at me and the other was tightly closed.
"Get some water dammit! Stop drinking all my juice! Shoo...My only supply on vitamin c! I'm an old man! I need my nutrients!" He yelled still eyeing me down.
"Sorry Granddad."
I open the fridge and I put it away.
"Huh? You ain't gonna argue?" He asked opening both eyes.
I shrug.
"There's no point." I say and I go upstairs.

Nala POV

I am doing okay I guess. I mean...the police gave up on Jazmine. She has been missing for almost three months.
They say kids don't last long when they are missing, especially kidnapped.
I don't want to think that way but, I've given up hope. I lost my best friend.
Graduation is coming. I mean I got to be happy about that
. I applied to Cal state Long beach!
My dream college...Caesre applied too! Hopefully he gets in ❤️ though im pretty sure he will. He is very smart.
Well, When he wants to be.
I am home sitting on my couch when I decide to go to the mail box.
I'm chillin in my booty short pajamas and spaghetti strap shirt.
I go outside to my front yard and open the mailbox.
I roll my eyes.
I know that voice.
"What Damon?" I growl turning around.
Damon lives across the street, He has been trying to get at me, even though he knows im with Caesre. I will admit he is a very good looking guy. He has Piercing light brown eyes and mocha skin. He has studs in his ears that gave him a sense of a what's the word.....fuckboy?
Anyway even though he is one....he is sooooo fine.
"Aye ma how you been?" He asked licking his lips.
"Go away." I say grabbing the mail and turning my heel to my house.
I turn
"What now?"
"I-I need uh your help."
"You? Need my help?" I ask gesturing to myself.
"Yeah...uh I need your help with math."
"Uh..." I say looking back at the house.
"Well, I need to change first." I say making my way to the front door.
"No, it's okay. It won't be long" he said with a smile
I think it over for a second.
I look back at the house one more time.
I sigh
"Fine, but make it quick."
He smiled and walked to his house across the street.
I stuff the mail back in the box and I follow helplessly.
His house was beautiful. His parents are both judges so they are hardly home, but they bring in a lot of money to spoil their only son.
We go in and he heads up the grand staircase.
"Nice place." I muttered still inspecting the beautiful home.
"Thanks." He said lowly as we reached the top of the stairs.
Then he stopped abruptly causing me to crash into him.
I laugh
"Oh my gosh! Can you move?" I chuckle with my hands on my hips.
He didn't budge.
"Come on, where is your room?" I laugh trying to push him to keep walking.
But instead He turned to me and he had a certain look in his eye.
Like hostile...
"Damon what's wrong?" I ask scooting to the wall away from him.
"Come on guys!" He yelled and three guys popped from inside the rooms.
My chest sank.
"Damon??" I yelled as the guys approached me.
The white boys smiled at me sinisterly and grabbed my wrists.
"No please!" I yell, frantically squirming to get my hands free
"Yeah keep goin! We like it when you beg." One of the boys huffed sexually.
They backed me onto the wall and began to kiss my neck.
"N-no" I shriek letting tears muster from my eyes.
I soon realized my efforts were futile, all of those boys....they were too strong.
I shoot my eyes at Damon who began to release his pants.
"No! Damon! Please!" I cried.
The boys tore off my spaghetti strap and easily dragged down my pajama shirt and panties.
I was exposed and I felt a hand cover my mouth.
I screamed even louder against his hands covering them in saliva.
I search for something to grab but nothing was in reach.
They were animals....tearing off the clothes hungrily and licking me all over my body.
Tears flowed down my cheeks blurring my vision.
I-...I tried my hardest.
I kicked and swung but I came to a loss.
It was four guys against one girl...
Then I got carried to a room and got slammed on the bed.
I used the time I had to quickly scurry away from them, but that didn't help.
Damon just dragged me back to him.
"HELP!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs, it seemed liked no one could hear me.
I felt a punch against my cheek.
My head turned the direction his hand went, and I felt delusional.
"Shut up bitch!" One of the guys said.
I begin to breathe hysterical and they began to kiss and suck me all over.
My neck, boobs, lips and even toes.
I felt disgusting...
Then something plunged in me.
"AGH!!!" I yell but it was muffled by a hand.
"Uhhhhh" one of the voices moaned.
"No!!" I muffled
It was such a pain but it felt better as he began to move. Doesn't mean I enjoyed it all the better.
Tears swarmed my face.
I swung my hips trying to get him out but the other guys kept me grounded.
He then went in and out.
In and out.
Pounding hard with each stroke
Making me scream each time.
"PLEASE!!!" I muffle.
Then a set of lips crashed into mine, exploring inside sloppily.
I chew down on his lip
"Agh!!" He yelled pulling away.
I spit out blood.
"Okay bitch." He whispered.
He slapped me repeatedly turning my face red.
I still felt the throb in me going Faster and faster.
I scream
I cried....
But he never came...
"Yo nigga ain't here to save you."

Cindy Pov

I miss Jazzy. She the one I would talk to about this type of girly shit.
I sigh.
I walk downstairs and find my fat ass dad on the couch as usual.
"Go away somewhere. I don't care but not here." He groaned putting a beer bottle to his lips.
"Aight dad." I grab my ball and I'm out the door.
I head to the court until I see Reezy in his favorite timbs. I quickly hide behind a bush.
I see him shootin some hoops and missin like always.
"Damn." He whispered
I laugh to myself.
Maybe I should apologize to him...
As I walk over to him I hear a voice
"Reezy!" She called
"Hey girl ." He smiles giving her a hug.
I look at them wide eyed
She was pretty....long hair....brown skin.
I turn away and head home.
"I guess he moved on.......bitch ass nigga."

Jazmine Pov

I lost track of the days....but Aaliyah helped me out. I've been here for almost three months...it's almost time for Aaliyah's execution.
I examine my body, nasty...full of dirt.
"Aaliyah..." I whisper in the vent
"Yeah..." She whispered back
"It's time isn't it?"
She sighs
I lay my head back and silently cry.


"Jazmine! Stay strong!" I heard Aaliyah yell through the vent
I kick and scream
"Let me go! Let me go!" I yell as they slam the door shut.
"Shut up!" The soldiers yelled
And they carried me kicking and screaming back to the white room.
I look up and Gerald was waiting for me.
The guards strapped me into the white chair once again and they covered my lips with tape.
The soldiers saluted Gerald and left the room.
I turn to him With teary eyes and he inched his face close to mine.
"You like your stay?" He said with his rotten teeth.
I turn my face due to the smell emanating from his mouth.
He grasped my jaw and brought me closer to his face
"Ugh" I muffle
He releases his grip on me and snaps his fingers.
The soldiers came rushing in and unstrapping me.
One of them released the tape from my mouth
"I know what this place is Gerald! I will not let you kill me or Aaliyah! What did we do to deserve this??" Gerald stayed quiet.
"Answer me!" I sobbed
"Actually leave her here." He sneered and he left the room with a smile.
The soldiers strapped me back in and laughed.
"Don't leave me here! Please!" I cried.
They shut off the lights and slammed the metal door. Leaving me in a dark abyss.

End Flashback

I sniffle.
"I don't want you to die Aaliyah. Please...you are all I have left." I cried
"It's okay...ill be with my sister."
I sigh
I'm really going to die in here....
I sit back and I think about my memories in life.
Cindy...Riley.....Nala.....oh Caesre....I miss him a lot.
Definitely like a brother to me.
My love.....
I'm so sorry.
Don't forget me
I put my knees to my face and begin to cry hysterically.
Then I hear the metal door swing open on the other side of the vent.
My heart stopped.
"No..." Aaliyah sobbed

End ch 9

Riley got a new girl?
Nala got raped 😢
Poor Cindy! Shoot, poor Aaliyah!!😭
Will Jazmine be set to die after Aaliyah??
If so, Will Huey make it in time??

Until next time,

Fanaticxoxoxo 💕

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