
By ambercrombie9

545K 17K 632

Mia just buried her brother and sister-in-law, inherited their ranch and 3 month baby boy and now finds herse... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Epic Epilogue

Part 9

25.4K 893 25
By ambercrombie9

The morning came quickly.  Probably from all the sheet burning that went down the night before.  The birds were chirping as if they sensed the good mood the two lovers were in.  It was 5am and Carson was still asleep which was a new habit.  One she didn't dare get used to. 

Sam and Mia just lay there holding each other, not talking. Their bodies fit together like to halves of a whole they were so perfect for each other.  Mia's fingertips were stroking his thigh and his hand was caressing her upper arm, just basking in the glow of each other.

It was the day of the benefit party for the tornado victims so Sam had made sure everyone had the day off from repairs and such.  So basically, she got to spend most of the day with him near and she couldn't be happier.

"We should get up..." MIa suggested.

"Yeah probably..."Sam responded but didn't move a muscle to do so.

"Carson is still asleep though..." She commented.

"Yep..." He said popping the "P".

"Oh whatever shall we do to pass the time..." She asked pretending to think about it.

"Hmm...I could think of a few things..." He said slowly.

"Like what?"

"Umm...laundry?" That earned him a poke in the ribs. He grabbed her finger and rolled her over, staring down into her eyes.

"Now that wasn't very nice. I was just trying to be helpful." He said grinning down at her. Before she could respond, his mouth was on hers in a slow grinding kiss and then he showed her many many ways he could be helpful.


People were showing up by the boatloads. One of the fields designated as the parking area was already filled up and the stream of cars was as far as you could see.  People really came together in a crisis like this and it was great to see.

Mia was busy slathering sun screen on Carson who protested very loudly.  Poor Julia was running around like crazy but refused to let Mia help any.  Julia said if she wanted to help then she could go around and introduce herself to everyone and play host.  Well hmmppff.

Sam came out of nowhere and hoisted Carson off her lap, gave her a lingering kiss and took off. She could have sworn Carson gave her a triumphant look.  Two peas in a pod is what they were.  Not that she minded.  It was nice to have someone she trusted to look after the baby once in awhile.  So with nothing else to do she started greeting people and getting to know everyone.  There were kids everywhere.  The city council had rented several of those moonbounce things and they were busy jumping and sliding and screaming, having a good time.  Mia could smell the BBQ food being set up on tables and it smelled wonderful.

Soon it was time for Julia to give her speech urging everyone to pitch in where they could even if it was not a donation and everyone heartily agreed.  Then she announced it was time to "grub" which got many cheers and a mob dash towards the tables lined up with the food laid out.

Mia stood back and watched the different people around her and was in the process of looking for Sam and Carson when she heard,

"Well hi there gorgeous.  We've missed you, haven't we Carson?" Sam said, coming up to stand beside her.  "Having a good time?"  He leaned in and gave her a slow sweet kiss. 

When she got her voice to work she said, 'Oh yes.  Everyone is very nice. I just hope I can remember everyones names!"  She took Carson back and was making faces at him.  He actually smirked at her,  Gave her a proper gummy smile and Mia realized then and there that despite all the heartache the last year had brought, life right now was damned good.  She couldn't remember ever being happier. She felt Sam wrap his arms around her waist from behind and rest his chin on the top of her head.

"Sam! Are you avoiding me? I've been looking for you all over." A voice from behind them said.

They both turned around to see a cute blonde woman standing there, shooting daggers with her eyes, hands on her hips.  The woman took in the scene before her, her eyes darting from Sam's arms around Mia, and then Mia holding the baby.  Mia could have sworn she saw the woman narrow her eyes at her. Sam stiffened behind her and pulled his arms out from around her but then took Mia's hand and laced her fingers with his. Trying to make a statement?  Mia didn't mind.

"Christie." That's all Sam said. No hello, go away, how ya doin....

"Who is this? Well now I know why you haven't returned my calls. You've got yourself a ready made family there don't you?" Christie almost sneered at him.

"Christie, this is Mia, Ben's sister and  now isn't the time to make a scene..."

"Since you don't call me back, I guess its now or never!" She seethed out, turning red in the face.  She was mad that her intended man had gotten away.

"Look, if you calm down, we can talk later, you have my word ok? Lets enjoy today and not make a scene." He offered but Mia could tell he wasn't happy making that promise.  Heck, she wasn't happy that he would be alone with her ever! 

"Good! Because your going to want to hear what I have to say Sam! So nice to meet you Mimi" She purposely got her name wrong.  Mia fought the urge to roll her eyes but replied,

"Likewise, enjoy the benefit." Mia gave her a gracious smile and then moved to turn back around. Kill them with kindness her grandmother use to say.

Mia didn't know what to think about that whole thing.  Ex lover? Girlfriend? Hmm..

Sam cupped her cheek with his big hand and tilted her face up to his so she had to meet his eyes.  An apology shown in his eyes and something else...

"Your an amazing person, Mia." He said before brushing her lips with his.

"Are you going to tell me what that was all about? I mean, you don't have to, its none of my business but that was...awkward." She said meekly.

"Christie is a girl I have known for a very long time.  We went to school together and her father is also a rancher so we ran in some of the same circles.  A few months after Liz....after Liz..." Sam took a deep breath. "My friends urged me to start living again and Christie has always made her affections known to me so we went on a few dates.  My heart wasn't into it so about 2 months ago I broke things off. She wasn't happy about it and has been hounding me ever since to come back to her."

"Well then I think its my duty to help you prove to her that you have moved on.  Maybe if I stick my tongue down your throat she will get the hint?"  Mia said laughing softly as Sam growled low in his throat and pulled her closer.

"You will pay for that later lady. Looks like the line is getting shorter, lets go get some food before its all gone." Sam tugged her by the hand over to the table.  Sam proceeded to make them both plates and didn't bother to ask what she likes, he just piled food onto both in a rush.

"Sam! I won't eat even half of that!"  She said trying not to whine.

"You're too skinny. I like my woman to have meat on her bones. Plus, you know me, whatever you don't eat, I will. This way I don't look like a pig." He said with a wink.  "Emily was wanting to get her hands on Carson earlier. Lets go find her and that way we can eat." He led her over to where the group of younger women were standing. As soon as Carson was spotted they all cooed and gushed over him.  Emily proudly picked him up and showed him off.

"He's already a lady killer.' Sam said laughing.  They walked hand in hand over to a picnic table under a large tree.  The sun had set and the party crew had hung twinkling lights up that gave a magical glow around everyone.

"OK, so there is a right way and a wrong way to eat this food, Mia." Sam said seriously.

"Umm, use fork, insert to mouth? Left to right? Color coded? What?" Mia teased him, but he held her fork from her with a mock outraged look on his face.

"How dare you mock this! This is sacred you know. OK so here goes." He pulled her closer to him so their thighs touched. He speared a piece of the pork barbecue and held it up, just out of reach.

"This is from little Tony Perkins over there.  His prize show pig that won him 1st place this spring." Before she could utter a response the food was in her mouth and it was delicious.  Mia tried not to think about Tony's pet pig being sacrificed for this tasty morsel. The barbecue sauce was from another world it was so delicious. She actually let out a little moan as her taste buds danced from the explosion of utter goodness.

"The sauce is Evelyn Goodwin's, she also won with it in the County Fair." He turned and scooped up some seasoned green beans. "These are from Pete Becker's garden and his wife's herbs." Mia eager took another bite and groaned again at the rich fresh taste.

There was a story behind every single dish that was brought to the benefit. This was the world that Mia was apart of now.  It was such a big change from living in the city where you don't talk to strangers.  Here, there were no strangers.

Mia happened to look up and catch Christie staring at Sam.  Her arms were crossed over her overly large breasts and she was tapping her foot. Whats a girl to do than to try to send a clear message.

Mia got Sam's attention and when he turned to him, she devoured his mouth.  He was shocked at first but then settled against her and eagerly joined in.  One of his hands was on her rear holding her close and the other was tangled in her hair. Mia ended the kiss with a series of little pecks and then leaned her forehead against his.

"Wow.  What was that about? Not that I'm complaining but I want to know what brought that on so I can have it happen again and again." He murmured sexily.  His thumb was rubbing circles into her waist just about where her jeans were.

"Just sending a message." She smirked and took his mouth again.

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