Loki's Daughter

By UnderworldsGoddess

3.5M 123K 75.1K

"Her name is Hela," he replied, watching the infant lose interest in the shield and move onto something else... More

Loki's Daughter
Having Fun Shooting Guns.
Everything Looks Better In Green
You Can't Lock Someone Up When They Have Magic
Already Gone, Yet Still Here
Public School?
A Deadly New Power
To Asgard!
Meeting the Family
We Meet Again
Learning The Truth
Was I Hit By A Truck?
Being Difficult
A Little Fun
Ehehe, whoops?
Gone Too Far
Understanding And Breakfast
A Little Hint
Am I Evil?
Don't Let Them Take Me...
Back at S.H.I.E.L.D.
Asgard Again
The Mischief Maker's Mind
The Dagger
Thor's Key
Frigga's Key
Odin's Key
Break Out
The Stone
The Cold Blade
The Death of A Guardian
The Trial

The Encounter

150K 5.6K 4.3K
By UnderworldsGoddess

There was a new prisoner at S.H.I.E.L.D.

Hela didn't know who it was, she'd never even seen him. She'd heard guards talking about him though. They say he's a really bad person who caused a lot of havoc on Earth. This led her to believe that he had to be from a different planet, she guessed Asgard.

Her uncle had told her not to go near the prisoner. "He's dangerous, Hela. Don't even think about what I know you are. This is serious business. He's only here for a few days while the prisons back on his planet are being rebuilt to make sure he stays in. Don't you dare go near him." The dead seriousness in his tone had been so frightening that Hela had agreed instantly.

Now though, her curiosity was eating her alive. She wanted to know who it was, or at the least what he looked like. Her uncle wouldn't have it though. Lately all of the Avengers had been keeping an eye one her. It was like they were guarding her to make sure she didn't get in that room. Even Tony had kept his eye on her as much as possible.

Hela sighed and flipped through a book. It was an older book that her uncle had given her from Asgard. She was particularly fond of it's short stories. Right now all she could think about was the prisoner.

"What could he have possibly done?" she wondered aloud.

"A lot," a voice said from behind her. She turned quickly and saw Steve standing outside her door. A small smile spread across her face as he walked in. "He did a lot, Hela," he repeated.

She sighed and the smile left her face. "What did he do?" The super soldier looked like he was in deep thought. Hela knew why. He wasn't supposed to tell her anything. After a pause, he sucked in a breath.

"He tried to take over this world," he started, choosing his words carefully. "He thought that the people of this world needed someone to rule them, and he wanted to prove himself to someone. So, he came with an army to attack and defeat us. But he lost."

Hela listened carefully and frowned. What could have possessed the man to do something like that? She didn't know.

"It's best you stay away from his. He's not a nice man, and he's not a good person for little girls to talk to." Steve smiled warmly and stood. She returned the smile, but her mind still wandered away to the prisoner. Who was he? Why would he do that? What made him do it?

Steve left her and once again, Hela was alone in her room. She sighed and closed the book with a small frown on her face. It was no doubt, she was extremely and positively bored.

 They said I couldn't go to the prisoner, but I can still wander the halls. Besides, I don't even know where the man is being held.

Hela stood and walked out of her room. Lately, she hadn't been getting into much trouble. After seeing her uncle as he was, she wanted to give him a rest. It was becoming extremely hard for her. The girl felt antsy, energetic, and anxious. She needed to do something.

She scowled. There was that silence again. It was unnerving, the deathly quiet was swallowing her. Hela felt her jaw tighten and her fists clench. The silence would be the death of her. She started to whistle, if only to destroy the quiet of the place.

The tune was nothing special, just something that she had thought of. She'd never actually heard it before until now, but the melody was soft and soothing. It calmed her nerves.

Hela found her way down a long hallway and realized she had no idea where she was. She'd never seen this part of S.H.I.E.L.D. before, and had no idea where to go or even how to get back. So, she kept walking. Soon she came across double doors that seemed to hold a great importance behind them. She shrugged and walked in.

Inside there was a man in a glass, cylinder-like cell. His back was turned to Hela, but she could see he was wearing clothes that reminded her of her uncle's. These though, were green, gold, and black. He had raven hair that matched her own and was extremely tall. Hela walked closer.

"Hello?" she called, confused at the man. Who was he? Was this the prisoner? No, it couldn't be, the man Steve made out would have been heavily guarded.

The man in the cell turned slowly and looked down at her. He made her feel small, smaller than she already was. His features were sharp and he was very pale. His eyes were the color of emeralds. "What do you want?" he snapped coldly.

Hela frowned. "That's not a very polite way to talk to someone," she said matter-of-factly. The man scowled and folded his arms over his chest. He looked to be in an extremely fowl mood, but that didn't stop the girl at all. She walked closer to the glass, arms folded as well.

"What is a little girl like you doing in a place like this?" he asked, his voice still cool and annoyed. Hela scowled.

"I am not a little girl." The man seemed taken aback by her snapping at him, but quickly regained himself and shot her a glare.

"Get out of here, foolish child," he hissed. Hela felt anger rise up at the man. What was the man's problem anyway?

"I don't have to go anywhere, I'm not the one in a cell," she shot back. The man looked infuriated and walked over to the glass, leaning against it. Hela followed suit and stomped over to where he stood, planting herself right in front of the man. She glared up at him, and he did the same in return.

"What are you doing in here, child?" he asked, his tone laced with venom. Hela had actually forgotten why she was here, and there was no way she'd tell him it was because she got lost. She quickly thought.

"That is none of your concern," she said, holding her chin up. The man growled, green eyes shining with anger and annoyance. He slowly slid down until he was at her height, something that only angered Hela more. She hated being short.

"Listen closely, little girl," he began, his voice still cold and heartless, "Chances are, you'll be in a lot of trouble if you're found here, hm?" He raised an eyebrow at her and Hela couldn't help but shift on her feet uncomfortably. Her uncle would kill her if Fury didn't beat him to it.

"That's what I thought," he said, smirking slightly. "So, perhaps you should get out." His last words were filled with such venom that Hela took a step back. She quickly regained herself though, and folded her arms.

"I told you, I don't have to go anywhere."

The man scowled and glared at her with such fire that the girl had half a mind to turn and run out of there. Fortunately for her own pride--and sometimes unfortunately--Hela was always a bold one. There was hardly a shy bone in her body.

"What'd you do to get in there?" she asked suddenly. It was better than the silence that had fallen over them, and it was a try to stop his glaring. It didn't work.

"I killed a lot of little foolish girls," he hissed, sarcasm lacing his tone. Hela rolled her eyes and turned her back to him, pacing the small area outside of the cell. The man let out a frustrated sigh and walked over to the bed on the other end of the cell. He sat down and put his head in his hands.

"What else did you do?" Hela asked. There was a grunt from the man and he tensed slightly. Without looking up, he answered.

"I caused a lot of destruction."

There was that word again. Destruction. Hela wasn't destructive, she never attempted to harm anyone. It was all for fun. No destruction involved.


"I wanted to."

"That is not a very good reason."

"It's all reason I need."

"But not all reason I need. Why did you do it?"

"Because I desired it, now drop the subject!" he shouted. Hela all but flinched away from the fuming man in the cell. He looked positively livid right now. Hela was both happy that she could even cause this level of distress and frightened of the man's anger.

"How did you get in here, there should be guards outside." Hela frowned.

"They're at a meeting. Something about a prisoner and moving him again."

The man grinned widely at that. It was disturbing. It reminded Hela of Cheshire Cat from an old movie she'd watched. What an interesting man, this one was.

"So I'm leaving soon, then?" he asked. Hela's eyes widened. This was the prisoner she had been told not  to go near.

Oh no. If they find me here...

"Ah, so you didn't know, then?" Now the man seemed genuinely intrigued and slightly joyful. He seemed to enjoy frightening the girl. She took a step back and the cat-like smile widened. "Well, little girl, here I am. The one who almost destroyed the world, who killed all of those people, who destroyed a city." His voice was sickeningly sweet and he chuckled darkly.

Hela regained herself and she scowled. "I'm not frightened of you," she stated. The man's smile faded and he studied her for the longest time.

"And why is that?"

The girl smirked and lifted her chin again, arms folded. "Because, you're in a cell, and I'm free."

The man scowled and seemed to grow angry again. "You little-"

The double doors swung open and Steve ran in. Hela turned her back to look at him. He looked panicked as he ran to her.

"Hela, there you are. Come on," he said, picking her up and turning to the door. Hela turned to the prisoner, expecting to see the same anger as before, but it was lost. Now he looked stunned, completely shocked. It seemed that at the very mention of her name, he had lost all anger. Hela even thought she saw pain in his eyes as they never left hers.

Steve quickly carried her out.

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