Sincerly The Cannibals

By GimmieSomeCoffee

3.5K 88 25

when Cj the youngest of four boys started dating Caresin crest only girl of her family he finds out a dark ev... More

Crest Kids
Date Night
Spill it(Not Edited)
Let's get to know eachother
I hope you never know
And It feels like woah
I'll find out
Insanely Us{Not edited}•
Stuck in the middle[not edited]
Sleep overs are Fun!.{not edited}•.
Meet Medalist's Lover[Not Edited]
We'll try to have alone time
I Love You
Not as easly as it looks{Some what Edited!}
Love Is Not
Family Night
Our Relationship's Little rough spot
Who's On Are Side?
See It From MY Side
How We Get Married

More Hell

102 3 0
By GimmieSomeCoffee

Sincerly The Cannibal's. More Hell.

" What Happen?". I ask Medalist. Rage is Buring in his Grayish Eyes.


He screams.

I feel My stomach sink. Fear is Crawling On My Skin. I feel frozen.

" W-What?".

I stutter out.

Flash-Back-Medalist's Po!V-

After we Droped off that Chick to My House I thought me and Reeney Go To The Park For 'Special Time'.

We Pulled To the park It's pitch Dark out. There's stars out that give it a Dim glowing Light

Reeney Grins. We get off and She blows Me a Kiss.

God I Love this Girl!. The way the Stary night Makes her Eyes Glow. Her red Dark hair looks so Sexy.

I love her,

Everything about her! Is Perfect.

I ran after her.

Soon I realize she's Gone.

" Reeney?,Мое сердце?".

I shout Out.

I Hear someone groan.

Then Reeney Running and Shouting.

Ohsh!t. I feel a Big Blow to My Face with a ice cold Metal Bat.

Oh he's so F*cking Dead.

I pull out the Dagger I always have with me.

I see Reeney brutaly and messly stabing one of Them.

A older man rushes to Me I stab his Arm and he screams. Another Guy punches Me!.

I snap and throw my self at him and Stab in the head. Blood is pouring out quickly.

I get up and See THEM HITTING

Мое сердце.

I ran over there as anger takes Over My body. I can only feel rage rushing threw my veins.

I stab him over and over. I'm in the blind, I'm hit by a Bat again!.

Reeney lashes the guys stomach open. Is blood is pouring all over the place.

I laugh.

There's only One left!.

I grap the bat and start beating him.

" WHERES RISEN?". I shout in Russian. He's quiet. I hit him where I Know it's hurt..

I ask again. He screams in pain. So I tell Reeney to Stab him in the hand.

" WHERE IS THE MOTHER F*CKER?". I ask again.

" In Town!,I don't know were but he's here".

I feel a sick gut twisting Feeling..

" Kill Him". I say. Reeney Starts stabbing Him.

I brag the Bodies together.

Then grab a lighter from Reeney.

She giggles."Oh this fun".

I kiss her Warm cheek. My poor Love is Beaten!.

I feel rage in me as I set fire to the Cult members.

-Back to Cj's Po!V-

I Never was Scared Ever. Maybe as A Child a Few Times.

But Never have I had fear like this.

Medalist Looks at Me."Don't Tell CareSin".

He says.

I nod. My throat feels dry. I start to Feel numb from to many emtions.

Worry,Fear,Shock all mixed in one body isn't a good thing.

I don't know what Qeustions to ask so I go back to My Room.

He's In Town?.

So Its only A Matter of Time and chane Till CareSin's Brother Catch Him,Right?.

Or is it only a of Matter time and chance till he gets Caresin.

I wipe that thought Out Of my head.

" Where'd you Go?". Caresin ask.

She's Up?.

I struggle to get words out of my mouth.

" Umm To get some Water".

I say.

Caresin smiles."Ok Now come back in Bed. I can't sleep without You".

I smile lighly.

I get back in Bed and Caresin Snuggles up back in My arms.

I hold her Tighly.

I feel Sick. How can Anyone wanna Hurt her?.

I try to calm My self down.

How doesn't Risen even Know where I Live?. Or if Caresin Is even dating Me!.

He wouldn't Know any of that.

So I'm Sure CareSin is Safe.

And I Think CareSin's Brother Will Find Him[Risen] before anything Bad Happens.

I don't.. You Know This is the Time Where I Pray!.


I Feel Someone on Top Of Me..

A Buring touch Comes Across My Chest.

Then a Pair Of Sweet and Hot Lips angaist Mine. My heart is Beating Hard and Fast in My chest Sparks are flying.

I Kiss Back.

I feel My body Buring up. And I'm starting To get Dizzy. Butterflies Grew in My stomach.

I open my eyes only To see Blurs!.

Then She puts on my Glasses.

" HeHe. Good Moring

Lyubovʹ moya!".

I Smile."Good moring to you and how bout you make me up like this everymoring?".

Caresin Blushes.

She Looks so Sexy. Her hair is all wazy. She's wearing Bootie shorts and My Shirt. Her eyes Look breathing Taking.

She's Naturaly Beatiful.

I smirks." imma go shower, wanna Come?". Caresin Mouth Hangs open.

I burst out Laughting.Why is so scared of Doing anything.

" Ok Ok Calm down I'll shower by My self". I say.

Caresin just looks at Me.

I get up and Shower and Freshing. I put a White Sweater dark jeans and white Kicks.

I go back to Room and Walk In cause it's My Room.

But Caresin doesn't Like that.

She starts throwing pillows at me.


I groan."And?, I changed in front of you before".

Caresin eyes didn't Leave My body that Time. I smirk thinking about it.

I shut and lock My door.

Caresin is Holding a sweater angaist her Body.

I Look at Her sexy legs,Her beatiful body that's Just So Freaking Hot!.

She's wearing Black Lacey Underwear.


I glare she didn't just say that?.

" Ok So I won't ever look at you again Caresin would That Make you happy?".

She frowns."No not really".

I laugh.

I suddenly Remember Last Night.

Risen is in town.. I really hope they[Her Brothers] have A plan on Catching Him.

He's Pretty Set on Killing Her Family and Taking Caresin.

Mother F*cker!.

I really Hope he burns In hell.

" Cj what's wrong?". Caresin ask.

I freeze...

" Uhh.. I just really Love you and that sexy Body of yours".

Caresin blushes.

I look at her body. Every part of it is Sunkissed!. Tan and Shimmering. Caresin really Loves glittery Lotion.

" Want Me to Help you Get Dressed?". I ask.

Caresin grins"Sure".

I smile the biggest Smile Ever!.

That's Not Like CareSin to say yes but Man I'm happy she Did.

Drops the sweater and Shows off A Black lacey Bra.. Damn.

She has A Nice Chest.

" What Should I wear?". She ask. not looking at Me.

" Nothing.. Stay Like this In My Room".

She rolls her eyes.

I walk closer to her.. She walks on the other side of Room.

Is she Scared I'll Rape her or Something?.

But neverless I Care even if she's so Scared Of Me Touching.

So I won't Make her Feel all Akward.

" I Really Love Those Sexy Dark Purple Skinny Jeans. They Make your Ass Look Amazing".

CareSin Giggles at What I said.

She puts Them On.

I smile.

She puts on A Black Sweater with Studs At the sleeves. She puts Flat Blackboots on too.

Caresin turns aroud and Looks at Me."How Do I Look?".

" Beatifull Like always".

I try my hardest to just stay calm but this whole Risen Thing is getting To Me.

Maybe ill call Briace. Just to ask if they Have A plan or anything.

Me and Briace Have Grew really Close,He's Like My bestfriend Now, Plus he's the only to Tell Me the Truth.

" Sunshine imma go eat breakfast down stairs".

Caresin Nods." I gotta call My mom then I'll be down".

I kiss her cheek then go downstairs.

To my Suprise Reeney is Cooking Breakfast and only her and Medalist are here.

" Wheres My fam?". I ask.

Medalist looks at me..

Ok that's Creepy.

" Little summer slut and Court left earlier and the Twin had Plans or something".

Reeney says.

She really Hates Summer.

I sit down by Medalist at the table. Maybe I Should just ask Him.

" So do you Guys have A plan?".

I ask.

" Its not your worry,Your worry is keeping CareSin's mind off this and Keeping her in the House!".

I glare.

So does Medalist.

Reeney place A plate Bacon and Eggs in front Me.

Wow that was Nice,So Not like Reeney At all. She's usally A B!tch.

" Thanks". I say. She shrugs her shoulders.

She eats her breakfast.

Reeney Is wearing a Tight Tight Black half sweater with Lacey gloves and Very tight Gray Jeans and Boots covered in Spikes.

" Soo.." I say. It's very very quiete.

" What?". Reeney ask. Medalist is Just sits still.

I just randowlu ask Reeney stuff.

" Wheres your parents?".

" Dead".

Oo.. I gave her a Sorry Look.

Medalist laughs.

That's Not cool.

" She Killed Them Cj".

He laughs.

Reeney Nods.

I feel my heart sink SICK LITTLE B!TCH!.

" Why!?". I scream.

She Gaves Me A cold stare.

" Cause they wouldn't let Me date Medalist. They said I couldn't see him".

My mouth Hangs open..

" Wouldn't you be mad If your parents didn't let you date CareSin?".

She ask."Yes But I wouldn't Kill them!".

She rolls her eyes.

I shouldn't ask but"Where Did you Learn to Kill.. Like Caresin Said your very dangerous".

Reeney Looks Down.

" My Brother.. Was A Killer For Cults. He killed Members that turned away or did Something Bad.. He taught Me".

I'm guessing her Brother is Dead.

" Is he dead?".

She Nods." Killed Him Too,He became crazy and Was Beating me cause I didn't join a cult so I sliced open his Stomach and cut Him to Pieces".

Reeney is Sick..

Her way of Making Prombels go away is killing Them.

She Has No heart.

Then again she Loves Medalist.

Medalist sighs as his phone beeeps.

" umm Family Meeting tonight".

He says Quietely.

Medalist looks at Me."Your Coming To".

I shake. I hate the Crest house. It has A eerie air to It.

It's probaly haunted to.

Caresin Skips in to the Kitchen.

" Mom Said-"

" I Know!". Medalist shouts.

I gave Him A Really look?. Why is he so Mad.

" What is up?". I ask.

He glares.

" I'm going to have A really Hard time Making my Family Like And letting Reeney Join us".


" Why?". I ask.

" I'm Not even aloud to Date Let A lone have this kinda Serious Relationship. And The Big prombel Reeney Hates Our Cult and Wont Live That Way. She already Told me that,If my parents know they Will Not To be Happy".

Uh??."Medalist but I'm dating CareSin and I Dont Believe in the Cult".

Medalist looksaway from Me.

" Its Not the Same. Boys have to

marry believing Girls".

I felt like he wasn't telling The truth but I shrug it off.

So Tonight's Family Meeting should Be Fun.

------- A/N------

Sorry short chapter. So sorry 4anymistakes.


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