Give us a chance

By TaylorNicoleSrock

1.7K 50 3

Most of her friends have already found there mates, but she's not sure if she wants one, she's never actually... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 6

68 2 0
By TaylorNicoleSrock

Picture Luke and Taylor however you want to because I don't really like using celebrities as a cast.

I got up out of my very warm bed and walked to the bathroom. I still have to pack up all my stuff. Gosh... After I did my business and brushed my teeth, I threw my fluffly hair into a messy bun. I looked at my phone to see the time.
12:35 am

Wow I really slept in.. I only have like 4 hours until I have to leave..I slowly walked downstairs into the kitchen to find no one. I grabbed a glass of water then headed into the living room. Everyone was in the couch watching TV, Leah was on Cameron's lap, while mom and Tyler were sitting on the only two recliners.

"Hey.." I said still standing in the door way but leaning on the frame. They looked up at me and smiled slightly I could see sadness in their eyes though.

"Hey honey. Have you started packing yet?" I shook my head, "Leah and I can come up and help you. Maybe you can call Juliana and have her come over and help too."

"Thanks that would help a lot. I haven't even started." I told them slightly laughing and turned around to head back upstairs.

'Hey Jai can you come over and help me pack? I have to leave today..' I texted. Not even a minute later she sent me a text saying that she'd be over in 5 mins.

I looked around my room and all of the stuff in it. This is going to take a while..

"Mom will you please start packing up my books, Leah will you get my pictures, then after could you guys start on the bathroom? And whenever Juliana gets here please send her to my closet to help me pack up my clothes." I asked them grabbing a few boxes that were under my bed. A year ago mom thought it would be a good idea to buy boxes in case I ever met my mate and would have to move even then I didn't think I would move so far away.. Guess she was right. I plugged my phone into the speaker, pressed shuffle and began to pack my clothes.


I didn't know saying goodbye from my home and family was going to be this hard. And as I watched my mom break down into tears as the car pulled away broke my heart. My dad still wasn't home so I still haven't told him goodbye yet..

I still haven't cried. And I know that's probably not normal but it doesn't feel real yet. It feels like I'm staying at a friends house for the weekend or something. Not leaving everything I know forever.

I know that this is normal to move in with your mate after you meet them. I also realize that I can't run away from my problems anymore because no matter how much I don't wanna go with Luke, I am going to be with him in the end. Whenever we are both old, wrinkly and fat, we will still be there for each other. It's fate. And it'll catch up to you whether you want it to or not.

"Taylor" his husky voice called pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I asked. We have already been on this plane for a little while now and this is the first time we have actually talked.

"We never finished our conversation that we had on our walk." He told me, oh yeah oops.. I looked at him when he said that. I mean really looked at him, from the small scar he has on his forehead to the slight stubble that is growing on his face to his long eye lashes covering his dark eyes. How did I get stuck with a mate like him? Like seriously he looks like a Greek God and I look like a potato. I have yoga pants on, a gray football hoodie I have from when Cameron played, and moccasins with white polka dotted fuzzy socks. While Mr.GreekGod over here is wearing jeans, a white tee and a leather jacket. I know it's not much but man he is looking fine. Gosh I need to stop checking him out...

No you don't he's our mate. My wolf told me.


"Well I'm 18 years old. My birthday is October 11. Um.. I play volleyball and softball. My favorite color is blue but not dark blue more of a sky blue. I read a lot. And right now I'm currently watching Grey's Anatomy on Netflix. Also I'm kind of shy and quiet but don't worry I'll open up more as the time goes on." I said as I looked out of the window of the plane.

"Favorite animal?" He asked me randomly. I laughed and answered.

"Probably a tiger. What about you?"

"I know this is ironic because we are werewolves but a wolf, because they're pack is always there for them." I nodded agreeing with his reasoning.
It suddenly got cold from the air conditioning above the chairs and reached under my feet and into my bag for a blanket. I covered myself up and moved around trying to get comfortable.

"Here." Luke mumbled lifting the arm rest and pulling me to his side. I laid my head on his shoulder and draped my arm across his stomach while he had his arms around me holding me close to his side.
I mumbled a thanks while slowly falling asleep as his delicious smell surrounded me.


So sorry it's so short! I knew I needed to upload something for you guys to read. Please forgive me! Love you💕😂

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